#78 Last Stone in the Wall

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OK This part of the wall's done. I mean, I didn't film much because you hardly see it Um, quite hard because there's beam is in the way, but it's all filled up. I'm going to continue on here. That's the last part you guys like pasta? the first brown egg this morning, I think it was from the black one because she looks the most mature now and it was on the floor of the coup, there was a lot of noise early morning I think she hasn't found the nesting boxes yet but this is nice. OK! walls are finished. Quite happy with the result. This I still have to clean up and it's still dark, because it has to dry. But here you can see how it's going to look, and it pretty much blends in with the rest and after that pointing. So I have to clean up all of the walls, all the old mortar has to come out, to a degree. So there's just space to put new mortar in. I'll do that with a pressure washer. I have one which is 160 bar, which is not incredibly high, but I think it's going to be good enough. I have to do some trials because I if I take out too much, I would maybe damage the wall a bit like small stones are going to get loose. I mean, they're already loose. So I have to be careful how much I'm going to take out. Something's wrong with the gray one. Usually she's the first and the fastest with everything. But she's very timid right now the white one and the black one are on top of their game More independent, More talkative the tomatoes are a failed project According to my dad, who was a landscaper, it's a mold disease. Called Phytophthora infestans which is the Latin name for a mold The potatoes have it too, I believe. And you can have that when the weather's too cold or too humid. Uh, both have been the case, probably there was one week, which was kind of warm, but the rest was kind of mild. I mean, it's high altitude. It's better... Last year I had them in Johannes’ greenhouse and then they worked well Up here, I think I need to have a greenhouse for tomatoes So, I’m going to take them out. Perhaps plant some salad for this the rest of this year. yeah it’s not been a great gardening year, but... Grass coming through nicely. I think I planted it three weeks ago? The plan is to do the same all around the cabin here. Everywhere there is soil... because the outside work is more or less done there’s a few things that I need to fix up on the wall, I’m not sure yet what is going to be paced and what is going to be grass I'm to make it all grass now, except from the walking area in between the cabins. So then before winter everything is going to look green, which is a nice end of the project. of the outside works basically, you know, digging septic, digging drainage. It was a lot of work, but that's coming to an end now. So I can really focus inside. Things are not working out this week. The cake burnt, tomatoes burned. And now this one. I couldn't find my temperature meter And the fire was quite hot this time. And in the sunlight it’s hard to judge, and you really need to know how hot the pan is otherwise... this happens. Alright. cows are high up today up on that peak there 1700 meters
Channel: Martijn Doolaard
Views: 293,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z24aZ4C6b2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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