777 Double Jackpot $5.00 a pull! Quick Hit Platinum Plus $25 a pull! Wynn Season 3

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alright here we go with the double jackpot seven here on open game one bar goal is to either double our $200 or we do that or we hit that big it'll be hard either way make that now hopefully it'll actually give you some money [Music] [Music] hey man how's it going what [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah yeah that's that's cuz I'm we're actually recording right now [Music] I have a patron yeah [Music] okay well alright we're back big time stop by here did that double [Music] $99 to go and we will get to hell man this first time I seen double time there we go [Music] [Music] [Music] I thought I was being paid on the [Music] but were given our passion [Music] [Music] and I forgot to put my card in the machine hold on a second again tonight [Music] go without them I guess I wouldn't be here yesterday to err is human [Music] here's someone's happy [Music] [Music] did Lana still live for all the month you [Music] come on a lot of dollars like oh my gosh [Music] what just happened [Music] all ready guys better than not having it [Music] forty dollar bill I'll take that back up Oh mayor I thought we were gonna be that would be nice [Music] [Music] Oh almost again [Music] 21000 [Music] [Music] [Music] there [Music] check that much [Music] those need my 40 [Music] there it is [Music] No all right a hit feel like button subscribing a comment sorry about all the mistakes but we didn't get that $21,000 we tried all right I'll tell you and rusty lightnin plus again we're and trust that 533 dollars we hit that we get the really we're not gonna be here that long we only put $300 in the tank [Music] that should have been supper I'm just saying sometimes I pick the wrong last chance oh no all right we'll Oster it's like what subscribe me comment maybe I'll post this one [Music]
Channel: Open Gambling
Views: 159,998
Rating: 3.9875312 out of 5
Keywords: Slot, casion, Wynn, gambling, open gambling, slots, handpay, High limit, jackpot, double Jackpot, Quick Hit, Platinum plus
Id: 19ndCwwbcSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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