#761 Quick, Easy, Small, Cheap Raised Garden Bed

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hi everyone Tim here doing the isolation thing in Malden South Carolina and like you looking forward to watching yet another episode of outdoors with the Morgans take it away Mike so welcome back everyone Mike here today we're gonna make some raised garden beds or wait maybe they're planer boxes I'm not sure this is all Melissa here all I know is we need some two by tens I'm not sure how many and maybe some two by fours but she's gonna be coming down a little bit with a cut list so I think what I'll do first is saw some two by tens off this nice red pine can't hear behind me I got this can't squared up earlier today that is ten inches wide and I think I will get six no maybe seven two by tens out of that there'll be an inch and a half thick and a true ten inches wide [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I got seven two by tens there and then now when Melissa comes down with a cut list we'll figure out what we're doing with these I've got four pieces right there they're inch and a half thick we can get a few more two by tens out of that and I know she needs some two by fours as well all right so I just got home from work and it is a beautiful evening I mean it is finally warming up a little bit it's about what 50 52 degrees something like that which is in the fun yeah but Melissa and I are gonna throw together a quick and easy raised garden bed here and I'm using this red pine that you saw at the beginning of this video I saw it last night on the wood-mizer sawmill now obviously this is not treated lumber I you know I don't think you'd want to use treated lumber for anything with food I'm not even gonna seal this or stain it or anything I know there are food safe stains out there but the way I see it it's probably gonna last three years maybe four years the way it is and I think that's fine I mean I used one log to get all this lumber out of it if we can get a couple years out of it yeah I think it's fantastic these are two by tens or one and a half inches thick that'll be six feet by three feet right Melissa yes six foot by three foot planter boxes two raised garden beds I guess they are yeah but I'm gonna do some cutting here Melissa why you tell me the big news yes so my youtube channel has a name yeah we have been going back and forth for weeks I appreciate everybody that took the time to give me suggestions and comments and messages about what a good name would be because I wrote them all down I seriously have four pages full of father's oh yeah I did maybe a little too much but I changed the name to Morgan's off the leash I love it off the leash Morgan's off the leash so she kind of arrived at that by saying it's gonna be you know similar a few things that we do here but more stuff that she does which is the dog the kids yeah the grandson sizing hiking yeah cooking all kind of stuff and the off leash thing I think is a neat twist because of the dogs yeah and we mentioned the other day that we are getting a new puppy here couple more weeks what three three more weeks four more weeks now it'll be I think yeah after we go hopefully we can go Saturday to visit the puppy and then it should be three weeks and it is another Golden Retriever some people were asking about that uh yeah it's going there trailer and we wanted a mail so we're super excited everybody is except for Piper Piper yes she's not happy yeah she's pouty she doesn't even know the worst of it is yet to come I know she's jealous of our grandson ties oh and she tries I I put in my video anyone that's at my channel watching my videos I put in I just a small clip of when time is at the house she tries to get between me and him and then she starts panting she get so nervous she is like in a hyperventilate yeah and Ty just laughs it's so funny well let's make some cuts again one of these things together all right [Music] [Music] [Music] you think it something's going down [Music] [Music] looking good so uh what's your next video gonna be about Melissa I heard some some bad stuff from the girls today yeah the next one's a good one people have been making requests they really like the Mike impersonation so is that what it's about the one on your channel well I'm not going to say that I don't want to spoil any surprises but let me just say um the girls we're in the video and did some work that you've asked them to do hmm and then in the video you were nice enough to announce a gift that I've been wanting gonna have to watch the video I don't know what you're talking about so we'll see all right we're gonna put like I mentioned a couple two-by-fours on the top I was gonna miter the corners but instead I think I'll just kind of overlap it and that will work as a kind of a little seat or if you're setting something on or whatever and it'll just help strengthen it up but you know what this thing's gonna be heavy that Greenwoods pretty heavy you know what that's probably about the same weight as the pressure-treated stuff you know how heavy some of that is well I've always planted gardens in the ground so raised beds for me this is this is new I've done a few of them but not these are all we're using this year's my point my question is have you mine I've read where you can line this with classic then use your dirt your compost yeah well put dirt compost peat moss in there I've seen them do it both ways just literally we'd eat the ground me know just put it all on top of it yeah and I've seen other people put liners on there maybe the liners were for people that use it the treated wood would I have to have to go back at their mini cabin as soon as we're done with this [Music] [Applause] then it's still good Melissa yes looks perfect as a kid we had a garden we had two big Gardens yeah we could not go anywhere or do anything until we weeded in the garden yeah your mum did a lot of canning too hon your grandma a couple more cuts oh we're done towards me just a hair [Applause] [Music] three tight see this chatter on here like I need to change blade on the mill that's what causes that all right couple teeth are off yeah like for this looks nice flush [Music] all right so there you have it we could call that the 20 minute raised garden bed I guess you could say that doesn't include sawing a lumber but all that is there are two two by ten six footers to three footers two by 10 and then four two by fours on the top just to kind of strengthen it up tie it all together plus it makes it easy to sit on like Melissa's right there we're probably gonna build what two more of these maybe yeah yeah cuz one or two's going down to leave on Cates and but it's been a late year to plan anything I mean it's been below freezing right I think for several last week or two like six times or something yeah my grandparents I said get everything by Mother's Day no later than Memorial Day depending on the Farmers Almanac so yeah but you know what I also think you could call this the um scaled down model of what a swimming pool in our yard would look like yeah what we could put some plastic liner in there and there's your pole there you have it but once again look what that sawmill saved decima listen we didn't have to buy any of that wood all we had to pay for were the screws and nails for this that's pretty impressive that was a good purchase right there so impressed well I think that's about it for today's video don't forget to check out Melissa's Channel and as she said she put on our videos up above yeah put the video up here what's the name again Morgan's off the leash I love it I do that was a good choice yeah also check out our Facebook or Instagram outdoors with the Morgans we make one picture post a day you could follow along you can share those you can also use the hash hash tag out dorgon's and the hash tag outdoors with the Morgan's that tags what you're posting and then one another can follow that half's hash tag and in this community of outdoors with the Morgan so we can see what everyone is doing it's pretty cool thanks so much for being here and sending it into enters and outdoors they're going along great comment down below give it a thumbs up for a like subscribe and share them with your friends thanks so much we'll see you on the next one thanks for watching this episode of outdoor with the Morgan's we're the Crawfords from North Carolina and we have a challenge for Eva can you plant squash like this [Music] you
Channel: Outdoors With The Morgans
Views: 76,599
Rating: 4.9283495 out of 5
Keywords: firewood, jeep, stihl, chainsaw, logsplitter, polaris, kubota, rktractors, johndeere, wranglerstar, compact tractor, subcompact tractor, kubota bx, 1025r, rural living, mahindra, forest, wicked grapple, granite grapple, Stihl MS 500, best chainsaw, commercial mower, ferris, exmark, walker mower, scag, badboy, spartan mower, country living, wolfe ridge professional splitter
Id: daVRZIqQM10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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