75,000 players Declared the BEST SHERIFF Skin in VALORANT

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there are a lot of skins in valorant and a lot of sheriffs 38 to be exact maybe not as much as a knife or a phantom but it's still a healthy amount in which are the best wavy Discord server with 75 000 members so I set up a poll and these are the top results starting at the bottom we have the convex and I'm gonna show you something embarrassing I own it after that comes the varnish I think this one's I don't know I like the convex more but hey yo I can't say much the thing about sheriffs is there's a lot of Asian skins and the bottom of those agent Skins are the one for Silva I actually don't think it looks that bad it's in the name it's it's a monstrosity it's okay that was cheesy but no it's for real I find I find the sheriff pretty ugly after that we have the surge Sheriff also pretty ugly I mean I'm gonna rush through these bottom ones man even though it's in the newest battle pass it's all the way at the bottom and rightfully so it's just yo such a mid battle pass man this season while it does have multiple colors like a few of the other sheriffs I actually feel like this Sheriff didn't age that well I feel it's not the worst battle pass at least it's got some animations you know what at least for a battle pass it's got some animations but even then Sky Sheriff takes over the other one and I can kind of see why it's a pretty clean design and it's free right you can get it for free so you know I don't blame the voters then we got signature I actually think this skin is horrendous I'm not gonna lie I just maybe I just feel like graffiti and neon then okay I can see it then we got the schema Sheriff honestly the red look with like the carbon fiber handle I can't complain because it's a battle pass and hey when you move it at least it kind of has an effect I don't know how this thing keeps ranking up probably one of the worst looking green screen skins bro I've said it more more than once not to repeat a joke but it literally looks like Shrek's house and that I will never get over that we got uh you know elderflame from wish.com then we got a Bissell Ben I feel like they thought they were making a banger and then we this thing looks bro I was gonna make a an inappropriate joke but if you get it you get it just by looking at this then we got Peacekeeper pretty funny that like an agent contract skin is ranking so high there's just not that many good sheriffs you're probably noticing this by now then we got immortalized honestly this one's a solid share of skin like it is very pretty I don't see it enough but it's actually a gorgeous Clean Skin imma give this one a good a good spot I think it deserves its spot on the list it does get beaten out by Paulie the poly scheme but I I don't I don't think Polly fox looks better but it's also a Clean Skin I think it's interesting that there is a need and want from the players for clean skins but valon tends to not exactly nail it when it comes to clean Aesthetics I clearly spoke too soon because you guys voted for this above the others bro yeah I mean this ain't it in my opinion the fact the prism 2 Skin ranks this High even though it's literally just a shiny paint on one part of the sheriff is impressive to me I feel like it's people who bought it before they put prism in the battle pass and then have such buyer's remorse that they still vote for it till today you know what I'm kind of proud that the Aristocrat made it this far or this high on the list because I think this is one of the few examples where a Clean Skin hits hard they added like a small sound effect mwah it would have been it would have been a banger from dripped out bowling in a repurposed sheriff and design to poly frog y'all got your votes way out of whack as a euromane I actually don't like this skin it's better than others though but it just kind of kind of even I even like purple I don't know why I don't like the skin something about it man bro The Toy Story Sheriff oh my goodness oh my goodness I I don't like this skin man you know it's bad when more people voted for this than a premium Premium skin then we got nebula pretty low on the list and you want to see something else embarrassing similar to the convex I also own the nebula man people are going to unsubscribe jet Sheriff makes it quite high on the list but still not too many votes to its name it is a clean Sheriff I like it can't complain ketak comes through in a strong positioning and I think it deserves it it's definitely one of the best battle pass clean looking skins it looks good it looks good bro this is the skin rust players buy when they move to valorent that's that's the that's the nicest way or borderline players the Sakura Sheriff comes in next I think it also still looks clean I think it's an aesthetic and I I understand why people like it it's not my thing but the white Sheriff does look clean I honestly think this should be at the bottom of the list I think I think y'all on crack for voting for it I mean it's literally untextured but hey you know what you do you now it's time to be real with you guys all the Skins up until that point still only represented 1.5 of the votes that's how that's how bad the sheriffs in this game are this is the first skin that alone takes six percent of the votes meaning more people voted for this next skin the magepunk sheriff then they voted for all the other sheriffs below combined times six which is insane there are not that many good sheriffs and this is where the list starts to heat up while I obviously really like magepunk the chronovoid actually ended up beating it and I can see why I think this is actually quite a goaded skin and at the time I never bought the entire bundle and I kind of regret it I think it's one of the better bundles in the game or at the very least I kind of wish I bought the sheriff I like the sheriff the sheriff looks clean I know I'm gonna get a lot of people mad I actually think this is the worst Sheriff out of the premium bunch I think Mage Punk and chronovoid look better but a it is a unique aesthetic if you like the transformer Vibe if you know it hits a certain Niche and I think that Niche is strong for some people but to me something about it just looks so cheesy toyish that's just my opinion another great goaded skin I mean it's hard to complain much about this skin because it's so pretty it's very unique uh I don't think we're gonna get something like it again like this this front end is just so good you know it's a little bit boring like from from here but it's so strong at the front end and the animations are so good that it's hard to complain look at those animation man beautiful man Reaver always makes it so high on the list I understand it's kind of goaded and there's a certain aesthetic to it that's uh traditional right that's I think that's even what the designers call it they call it traditional uh I think though without the reload animation which is very very pretty I think overall it's kind of I can't say mid I would call it a little overrated but it didn't take number one spot like the Phantom and Vandal where they where they dominate a little higher I think chronovoid and the other skins are a little bit better but I think this has such a traditional look to it like you know it's like a mix of clean but still premium so I can understand it for sure I wouldn't call it completely overrated uh it's not the best it's probably really well positioned on the list to be honest then we got the ion even though ion is not my type of bundle like I didn't buy any of the ions I get it I get it same idea similar to share similar to the Reaver I think it just hits a certain aesthetic and it is on the cleaner side but still a Premium skin so you know what I give a TIA I think it's in a good spot as you can see I own it and I own a couple of the colors because I do actually enjoy it I think this is the best Singularity skin it's definitely the sheriff I bought the bundle I thought you know the knife didn't age very well the Phantom's kind of a whiff machine but the sheriff still hits hard and it's evident that people agree because it is number three on the list it is the top three and you guys are probably now getting what the top two are I don't know if I fully agree but it's a clean same idea you know what that's the one thing Riot does well with sheriffs they have a nice mixture of clean which no one would really call this clean but I still think it looks kind of clean but still has a lot of effects very premium and in my opinion the best sound number two spot is Arcane as you can tell I also own Arcane I love Arcane I think in my opinion this is number one it did clearly get beat out by a little little bit I have my another skin that's in the shop right now but talking a little bit about Arcane its specialty does come from the fact it's exclusive however its inspect was a letdown relative to the newest Sheriff which I think is what's holding it back however I think the aesthetic is the most unique making it my favorite I like the long barrel I like the crystal at the front um I mean it might be this is the number one shift but that's just again my opinion and it's a hard debate with the newest Sheriff being Neo Frontier now I think the biggest reason that Neo Frontier is better than Arcane is just because of the multiple variants and the inspect that's the main thing that puts it ahead by quite a little bit for example in its normal form right here the the classic cowboy you got a whole other Sheriff to hold in right you got a beautiful little spin you got a nice little inspect they still give you the sound effects and you get to be rocking like a cowboy and that's a nice aesthetic it is a nice aesthetic it's very fitting to balance and this is the Pinnacle I think when people say we want Clean Skin begins with a little bit more Flair this is a Clean Skin it's just a gun but you add the effects you add the spin and people love it I would love to see the lower end skins be upgraded with something like this imagine a battle pass line without all the other things that just look like this bam sold like hotcakes I would love to see Raya up the ante now of course when you bring it to its top end you get a ton of variants you get quite a clean look however with that being said people it's okay I'm in the minority clearly because it was voted as number one so I I acknowledge I'm in the minority I don't think it's the best Sheriff but that's just my personal opinion the animations are top tier the sound effect is decent it's not my personal favorite but I just don't actually like the body design right I don't like the square off body design some people are gonna love it that's in my opinion what I don't like about it animations and stuff I'm not gonna complain they're great and it's still one of the best skins in the game just not my personal favorite let me know what you guys think do you agree or disagree with the list of course it's based off of the community however it does change over time time so let me know what you think down below
Channel: Dittozkul
Views: 49,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valorant Curios, Valorant Moments, Valorant Versus, Dittozkul, Dittoz, Valorant Crazy Customs, Valorant Stream, Dittozkul Streams, Dittozkul Twitch, Live Stream Highlights, Valorant highlights, Valorant streams, Valorant Radiants, Valorant Immortals, Valorant Diamonds, Valorant Platinums, Valorant Golds, Valorant Silvers, Valorant Bronze, Valorant Ascendant, Valorant Iron
Id: dZ0j9rpOxng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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