74 Songs in 7/4 time

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this video was made possible by HD piano learn the best songs on piano at hdpiano.com if a song is in 74 time it means it has seven beats in each bar of the music seven quarter notee beats a great example of 74 time is soulsbury hill by Peter Gabriel desert island disc by radio head is also largely in 74 time w w it up from sh down from a thousand years radio head had previously used 74 time on their track 2 + 2 = 5 which begins in 74 time but later moves to 44 time I search a dream to put the world to rise 74 is an example of an odd time signature and an artist who has used various odd time signatures before is Sting stings track straight to my heart is in 74 [Music] time scient as is love is Stranger Than Justice this is a story of Seven Brothers we had the same father but different mothers we keep together like a family should roing the country for and later on that same album we get another 74 track St Augustine in hell there somebody out there likes me there somebody out there cares Deliver Me From Evil save me sting of course first round Fame as the front man of the police and the police actually also have a song in 74 time but it wasn't written by Sting it was written by the band's guitarist Andy [Music] Summers I would say that the majority of songs in 74 time group The beats of the bar into one group of four and one group of three so it's like we're getting a bar of 44 followed by a bar of 3 four we can hear this for example in Paul Simon's song have a good time yester birthday I H one we can also hear the same familiar grouping of 74 in the song Winslow Gardens by Ben FS 10 minutes in Wind never the wall and in Do You Want It All by Two Door Cinema CL do do [Music] do this grouping of 74 time makes it feel kind of like we're in 44 but every other bar is getting cut short but you don't have to group The Seven beats of seven four time like this with four and then three we could do it the other way round three and then four this sort of makes it sound like we're getting two bars of 34 followed by one extra added beat we can hear this less common use of 74 time in the track $20 by boy Genius it's a bad idea and I'm All About It Look At Me Now by Caroline Pol uses 74 in yet another way grouping the bar like this into 12/8 notes and then 28 notes myself a letter just a single [Music] question so perhaps a better name for this use of the time signature isn't 74 but 148 because the eth note is our sort of subdivision here Death and All His Friends by Coldplay finds yet another way to use 7 four time grouping the seven beats of the bar into a group of five and then a group of two I don't want get into it I don't want to C recycle R I don't want to call love cplay used 74 time again on their track glass of water this song begins in 44 time but the chorus is in seven4 times as I discussed in a recent video Willow Smith recently used 74 time in in her song symptom of life in this song the verse is in 74 time but the chorus is actually in 44 pushing feeling out of my disguise looking at you now I'm wondering who I'm and Willow used 74 once again even more recently for her follow-up single big feelings I have such big feelings can't shut them down without a before the labotomy by Green Day begins in 44 time but later it switches to 74 time because we've been in 44 time for so long it now feels like the last beat is getting cut off of this guitar riff like something has been cut out of it like in a labotomy [Music] using 74 amongst 44 time creates this skipped beat feel where we get used to being in 44 but then the bar of 74 means we effectively Skip One beat that we were anticipating this same effect can be found in Soul Love by David B which is largely in four4 time but in the verse we get many bars of seven4 [Music] time love she kneels before the grave of r sun who gave his life to save us that hovers between The Headstone and her eyes the Beats All You Need Is Love is a similar example being largely in 44 but the verse opening with two bars of 74 nothing you can sing that can't be Su nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game Heart of Glass by Blondie is almost exclusively in 44 time a from in the instrumental bridge where we get 74 instead this is because we're effectively skipping the last speat of the phrase so we very much get that skipped beep fill here a similar example is I love rock and roll originally by the arrows but perhaps made more famous by Jan jet and the black hearts once again we're largely in 44 here but the introduction of the occasional bar of 74 gives this skipped beat effect pelling us into the next bar one beat earlier than we were [Music] anticipating me Jive talking by the bgs is largely in 44 time but the instrumental Bridge gives us some 74 time [Music] nothing on my back by some 41 opens with this 74 [Music] guitar another song to open with a 74 guitar riff is Times Like These by the Foo Fighters but the odd sound of this rift's timing isn't just limited to the 74 time signature because we're actually also fting a three bar Loop here rather than the more typical four bar Loop so there's like two different layers of odd meter here very fitting for a song called Times Like [Music] [Music] These Them Bones by Allison Chains is in 74 time another grunge track to 74 time is Posen Kingdom by the toies here we get alternating versions of the same riff in 74 and [Applause] 44 and another grunge band who often used odd time signatures was sound garden we can hear seven four times on their track Spoon [Music] Man and also on their track [Music] outshine performing and writing music in odd time signatures like 74 or 78 can be quite difficult if you're not used to it but that's the thing it's all about getting used to it and one of the best ways to get used to playing in an odd meter like 74 is to learn a song in 74 like Salsbury hill by Peter Gabriel soulsbury Hill along with loads of other classic songs are available to learn right now using HD piano you don't need to know anything about reading sheet music or site reading all of the songs are laid out in this really easy to understand format where the notes fall from the top and you can see exactly what's going on try out HD piano right now using the link down below thanks very much [Music] a classic example of 74 time is Money by Pink [Music] Floyd however if you ask David Gilmore what time signature this track is in he might say 78 rather than 74 very unusual 78 time so what's the difference between 74 and 78 well on paper the only difference is that 74 four has 74 notes per bar and 78 has 7 e notes per bar but in practice the difference typically is that whereas in 74 time we feel seven distinct beats of the bar in 78 time because we still ultimately feel the quarter note as the pulse of the music we only feel 3 and 1/2 beats in a bar because you can only fit 3 and a half quarter notes into a bar of 78 so using this definition of 78 time David Gilmore isn't really correct about money's time signature money is very much in 74 time actually it's in a swung 74 time it's not in 78 time but that's the thing when it comes to odd time signatures there can be disagreement about exactly how they should be labeled and used so sometimes the simplest thing to do is just say this song is in seven rather than specifying 74 or 78 or if you want to be more technical you could say it's using a SE Tuple meter both 74 and 78 are examples of sep Tuple meter let's look at some other songs in 78 time this sort of 3.5 time dreaming in metaphors by Seal is in 78 [Music] time Ethiopia by Red Hot Chili Peppers is in 78 [Music] time and Ruby Love by Cat Stevens is in 78 time ru my love you be my love you be myy a time when it can be important to use 78 rather than 74 is when that time signature is going to be used alongside another time signature like 44 for example Paranoid Android by radio head is largely in 44 time but occasionally we get these bars of 78 time thrown in and here it's important that these bars are 78 not 74 because compared to the 44 bars they need to be 1/8 not shorter not 34 notes [Music] [Applause] longer when a song switches between 44 and 78 it can be easier to think of the 44 time as 88 time instead that way it's clearer to see the relationship between the two meters that 78 is effectively just going to be 1/8 note shorter than the 88 March of the pigs by 9in Nails is a similar example mixing 44 and 78 time together we can find 74 or 78 time in a few different film scores the theme from Antman is in [Music] seven Wendy Carlos's theme for Tron is another example in a movie [Music] score and we can hear it in Wonder Woman I am the doctor from Doctor Who written by Mari gold is also an example of 74 [Music] time we can also find 74 time in a few video game soundtracks for example hackrom from Minecraft is in 74 time [Music] as is the mother brain boss battle theme from metroids when songs are in odd time signatures it can be quite common for the band or artist to name the song After the time signat for example seven by the Dave Matthews Band is in 74 [Applause] [Music] time 74 Shoreline by Broken Social Scene is also in 74 [Music] time and 74 Miles Away by Canon b ad is also in 74 time [Music] OD time signatures are about as rare in jazz as they are in pop music One iconic jazz artist though who really pioneered the use of odd meter in jazz is Dave Breck Dave bruck's unsquare dance is a great example of 74 time and of course the name unsquare is a reference here to S4's uneven nature [Music] [Music] another jazz artist who really pushed the use of odd meter in jazz is Don Ellis Don Ellis's Whiplash is in 74 time and you may know this track as the title track of the film [Music] Whiplash autometers like 74 time are also really quite rare In classical music as well but we can find some examples the finale of Stravinsky's Firebird is in 74 [Music] time brahms's third Piano Trio also features 74 time here here rather than actually using a 74 time signature on the page the music is notated with this mixed meter time signature which is indicating that the music will follow one bar of three4 followed by two bars of [Music] two4 the final movement of poff's 7eventh piano s is in 78 time perhaps it's not coincidence that his seventh Sonata would be the one to feature 78 and Lenard Bernstein's Chichester Psalms features some 74 time as well [Music] we can find SE up with time in some musical theater as well courtesy of Andrew Lloyd Weber the money kept rolling in from a v is in 78 time speeded out and wide now may that and the temple from Jesus Christ Superstar Jerusalem come on in Jerusalem Sunday here we go again [Music] sufan Stevens has often used odd meters in his music for example too much is in 74 [Music] time as is Dear Mr [Music] supercomputer oh my God I and you give death a bad name shut to the SK strike to the bra let another artist well known for their use of odd time signature is King gizard and The liit Wizard their track invisible face is in 74 time as is murder of the universe the stream becomes the waterfall is finally cascading from my input the creepings and [Music] horology perhaps the genre of music where you can most commonly find odd meters is prog rock for example here are four Rush songs Tom Sawyer [Music] Limelight Lilla Strang [Music] GTO and [Music] Xanadu to have us74 on at least two of their songs [Music] invincible and also on ticks and [Music] leeches the sound of musac by Porcupine Tree is in 74 [Music] time hear the sound of music drifting in the AIS and Porcupine Tree actually used 74 on another track Dark [Music] Matter British prog rock band UK used 74 time on their track in the dead of night the drummer we just heard there on the UK track was the progue legend Bill bruford Bill bruford first round success as the grounding drummer of yes and we can hear him playing another 74 Groove On yes's Track the fish another later yes track to feature a 74 Groove is lightning strikes although the drummer here is not bill bruford but his replacement Alan white [Music] come after Bill bruford left yes he joined another legendary British prg band King Crimson and sure enough we can hear Bill bruford once again drumming in 74 on the King Crimson track frame by frame frame by [Music] frame so that takes us to 69 songs in 74 time so we need just five more to finish so let's look at estimated profit by Grateful Dead [Music] spiders by slipnot is in 78 [Music] time Demons by the national is in 74 time don't eat the yellow snow by Frank zapper and my mama cried my and I'll leave you with this song Clap which I wrote in 74 time let me know if you can think of any other examples of 74 or even 78 time that you think I missed thanks very much [Music]
Channel: David Bennett Piano
Views: 125,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7/4, 7/8, odd time, meter, time signature, examples, list, music theory, video games, film scores, classical, jazz, pop, rock, david bennett
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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