73 Questions with Daniel Radcliffe | Vogue

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A wolf with a crossbow. Awesome spirit animal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FriendlyKibblez πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was a really well done interview - and Radcliffe seems like a very genuine guy!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Swissai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blue_strat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2014 πŸ—«︎ replies
dan hey I'm sorry I'm late hey no worries my yeah I'm just gonna ask you seventy-three questions in an unreasonably short amount of time sure cool what book are you reading the Aran Islands by JM Singh what's a book that positively shaped you the monster margarita if you're ordering an autobiography what would the title be bring on the empty broomsticks how long have you been living in New York City I don't really live it but I've been coming back and forth for about six years what's a favorite place to hang out in New York City Central Park what's the coolest thing about New York City that you can order pancakes and breakfast anytime day or night what's the best thing about performing on Broadway the adrenaline rush what's the best Broadway musical ever the best one I've seen is the book of woman do prefer the stage or the screen screen what's the strangest thing you've done to prepare for a role that's my ass hi I'm Sophie I'll be your server for the evening can you describe to me a situation where he's up in his nervous yes at the Tony Awards one year I was dancing there and just before I started I saw Al Pacino staring at me from the audience and I nearly lost my mic cool hey your ping-pong table is ready - on phone thank you Dan how do you feel that ping pong uh I feel like I'm gonna beat you so you can be the best in the world at any sport what would it be default same fly way to prefer American football or non American football American football what's the best sports movie of all time undefeated it's a documentary what's your favorite movie of all time 12 Angry Men favorite movie in the past five years the impulse to move you laugh the hardest during airplane movie that made you cry little miss sunshine if you could start any movie in history what would it be Guys and Dolls what's your favorite TV show currently on the cold aderhold favorite TV show of all time the think of it what's he be show would you love to make a cameo in southpaw Dan five questions for now a co-star of you are is going to make a cameo are you cool with that oh yeah Barry what's the last song you listen to on your phone um the Black Keys the only one so you could be a virtuoso at any instrument what would it be piano what's your favorite band of all time thanks bristles what's your favorite non living musician Matt Bouldin favorite little musician Clara you can get Tom Lehrer to do a cover of a modern song what would it be Oh it'll be a parody of we didn't start the fire hey hey Zoe hey very good how are you that didn't count as a question what's the best thing to do with the girl on a first date um play Pinochle best present you've ever gotten a girl some of my terrible poetry the heads the president girls ever gotten you um not telling me my poetry was terrible major turn-on somebody makes me loss major turnoff someone who says stupid things sure I mean you just hang on one second yeah will you show me something oh gosh those Dreamcast questions either you should put me in times that I'll try no it was your touch okay Dan who's the last person you texted um my friend Jeff what's your favorite app the NFL fantasy football app favorite website Deadspin kittens are puppies puppies who chooses kings what was your first pet's name vinca VI nka what's your spirit animal uh wolf with a cross how do you really feel about horses I really am NOT wild on them all right Radcliffe let's switch sides so you can answer questions in an American accent okay Oh God I'll try all right why is Britain better than America we look after our history why is America better than Britain you're always moving forward what's your favorite thing about America Americans what's it for everything about Americans their positivity what's the most American thing ever the Krays a whole nother can you say something that probably a lot of people will enjoy you saying in an American accent I would like a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot are you in can you give a quick victory speech let's just do handshakes oh cool Cheers what's your favorite food Oh poutine least favourite food vegetable curry most refreshing beverage die coke who's a person dead or alive you'd love to have dinner with Aileen time seems like you would have been fun if you could switch lies with the person for one day who would it be somebody no famous Dan that bartender behind you needs some serious advice home Hey then yes sir my girlfriend thinks it would be extremely sexy if I grew a massive beer yeah what Daniel Radcliffe WWD are they a very commonly asked question well uh I'll grow the beard but then losing the stars just do kind of an Amish thing I think you look great thanks man favourite fashion trend of all time Punk how often you wear suit twice a month foxes of reefs focus blow dry or air dry a dryer do you wear anything given from your family yes they have better taste in me who was the most stylish guy in the world Sam Spector hey Dan let's say you and I adopted a kid yeah what would you name it um what's your surname third Sabha president then we would have the world's first president Farber favourite country to visit afraid iam last country visited Scotland country wish to visit India what would you bring on a one-way trip to Mars my sense of humor and my iPod what's your favorite board game Scrabble superhero you identify with most spider-man what topic would you own and tribute poetry biggest learning experience of your life doing improv a musical what are you most excited about in life right now I'm having an awesome job which I get to continue today dan last question come here for a second here what is something you know about Harry Potter that no one else knows he didn't really need glasses that was a fashion statement dan thanks so much thanks see you out okay well I think the next time we'll do some bowling yeah we'll just you know read books in a in a in a table tennis ball like we are now oh great sound good hey Dan hey Zoey should we subscribe to the Vogue channel well are we really cool people I think our moms think so then yes let's go do it
Channel: Vogue
Views: 8,347,611
Rating: 4.9665923 out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, daniel radcliffe, 73 questions, vogue magazine, vogue, daniel radcliffe interview, daniel radcliff, dan radcliffe, daniel radcliffe 2014, daniel radcliffe movies, daniel radcliffe questions, daniel radcliffe dancing, daniel radcliffe harry potter, daniel radcliffe vogue, daniel radcliffe 73 questions, daniel radcliffe funny, daniel radcliffe 73, 73 questions with, 73, 73 questions with daniel radcliffe, daniel radcliffe ping pong, radcliffe
Id: juJdwItGr2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 13 2014
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