73 Honda CB750 Custom Build Part 39- Miscellaneous stuff

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you time to tackle some of the miscellaneous leftover stuff on the cb750 so welcome to hack a week so there's a few more things here that I consider miscellaneous items that we're going to tackle today let's get started a little something to take note of on these caps that go on the bottom of the forks hold the axle in place there is one side of these that's a little bit taller than the other let's measure them here this one measures about seventeen point one five millimeters this one measures fifteen point six so the smaller side should go toward the rear of the bike so you put it on and you tighten up that front one first then you tighten up this back one there should be a small gap at the back somebody pointed this out to me on the comments section and in one of the single overhead cam forum postings someone mentioned that this is the case and I indeed had them backwards so it's taking up this one don't have the torque wrench right now but I would go about 15 foot-pounds and then we'll tighten this one see the gap that's still there let me see if I can zoom you in a bit you'll see what I'm talking about there's still a little gap right there and that's the way it's designed that way it pinches and they want it pointing toward the back for whatever reason so make sure you tighten this side first this side second okay there we go that's done got my Horry grips here ready to put on there's two sizes the one for the clutch side is a smaller diameter than the throttle side because of that plastic throttle I've got this technique I picked up when I was working as a bike mechanic cheap hairspray really cheap air spray I'll just put a little bit right on the handlebar we're going to squirt a little bit into the grip and then you can just slide that sucker right on there real quick and it will after a while evaporate get sticky and be stuck and we'll get the clutch side and of course be sure to position your grips so that the cool Ori logo is showing straight up love these grips here's another item that needs to go together this is the kick starter and I didn't put it together because I was missing this little ball right here it's just kind of like just a quarter inch ball I probably could have gone to a bike shop a bicycle shop and pick this up but I got it from Honda and it is what keeps this in place when you kick it over to the side or you store it up alongside the bike there's a spring in here see if I can knock that out see there's a spring goes in there and then there's a little groove built onto this part whether the ball catches there and then follows over to here catches there so that all goes together this spring keeps tension on this that goes in here a pin goes through and an eclipse on there so the first order of business would be a little bit of grease on this part where the ball goes see if I can just pack a little bit down in there my red grease wipe away some of that excess I don't need all of that in there and let's put the ball on there and we'll put just a tiny bit of grease on top of the ball to make sure that that has a proper amount of Lube again wipe off some of that excess all it's going to do is attract dirt so the balls in there then this goes I guess like if I just lay this flat and I can just squeeze it into place we got to get the spring in there I give that a push it's got to compress a little bit to get in there screwdriver here to help me out okay and we'll get the pin started probably wouldn't be a bad idea to put a little bit of grease on the pin smear a little on there let's see if we can get that started through the spring first then we'll push this down push it the rest of the way off all that grease and on the bottom we've got the e clip that goes on that should go under like that let's see you need a pair of pliers just squeeze that into place with some pliers and there it is all set now I need the bolt that goes in there well let's see if I can find it in my parts breakdowns here from Fender it's got to be here there we go and it was close to the top all right Kickstarter there's the bolt I'm looking for number 17 it's a 8 millimeter by 28 millimeters long here's my 8 by 28 that I basically cut down and made I've got some extra 8 millimeter bolts that I bought just for this reason because I knew I would need a few here and there along the way so this is ready to go on the bike so this pretty much just lines up with the contour on the clutch cover as you can see there's a contour there that looks like a pretty good alignment to me and we can go ahead and get this bolt in and tighten it up it's good and they show no washer on there so well I left it just like that with no washer I think that'll be just fine let's give it a quick test works now I've got the rear fender to deal with here I've got four rubber grommets that go on here one there one there I'm hearing here and then a couple more here for the taillight mount so I need to take everything apart here and replace all that rubber got all brand new stuff here and even the seal for the back so I've got a brand new one of those fenders all cleaned up new rubber grommets install everything's been hit with some steel wool decided to go ahead and replace that gasket after all the one was in there was a little cracked up we'll put that in there I've got an LED bulb in there that came with the bike in my box of parts so we'll try that out get the lens back on here got the screws all cleaned up and they had that little dot on them meaning that they are JIS screws so we're going to use the JIS screwdriver to put it on there we go a little bit of a scuff right there but I can polish that out later with a headlight polishing kit time to mount the fender onto the bike get a couple of washers that go in the plastic liner first and then we've got the fender it comes up from the bottom so okay okay those two are started whoo see if we can get the side ones to be able to see them now that takes care of those and that's it the rear fenders on your taillight okay let's get some wires routed here okay tail light wires let's see we got a yellow green stripe there just wear tie around that not real tight just enough to keep everything from flying all over the place okay let's test out that tail light looks more like a complete bike all the time fenders are in place tail lights in place and working cup Kickstarter on now what I want to do is put on a oil pressure gauge I pick this one up eBay nice little liquid filled gauge and where I want to put it down here in the oil gallery a lot of people take this plug and they'll tap it out to an eighth inch npt and just screw on 90 degree fitting in there and then you have the things sitting out here but what I don't like about that is at that point the thing is out there vulnerable if the bike tips over you know I mean two bike tips over on this side worst case you know you just scratch this up and ding it a little bit but if that gage is sitting out there and you break it off you got oil leak and you're kind of freaking screwed you know you are stuck with an oil leak so I'm going to be a little daring and tap right into the oil gallery right there I've checked it out and there's room to mount that sucker right there I can glance down at it while I'm driving and it's thick enough certainly think I'm enough right here drill right in to the engine case tap it out I can just put something up in there to keep any kind of you know yuck from getting up in there there is a little tiny hole down in there it's like a drain back hole so I got to make sure I plug that up well before I go drilling in there and making shavings I don't want that to get down into the bottom of the engine so it will mount up right about here real nice I can see it when you know I'm driving I can just look down at it the Kickstarter might be a little bit in my way but I can still see that I got pressure and I'm going to make sure that I drill it in far enough so that what I screw this in it's not going to bump into the threads so let me get my caliper out here and set everything to zero and I'll get a depth reading here how far those threads are they're about 13 millimeters deep so now that I have that measurement we go right here and I'll just put a little line on here in pencil now I know I've got to drill my hole past that point right there and let's see I need to figure out how wide it is so let's take a measurement of roughly the width of that hole it's about let's just call it 10 millimeters so that being the case if I move it in just a little bit that would put the centerline of the hole right about there so let's just take this line and we'll extend it like that and that's where the hole needs to be is on that line and now I need to figure out where it needs to go and then by the time it screws in I want to make sure it doesn't bump into the fins it needs to screw in deep enough far enough so that it actually makes a good seal so I can look at this from the side over here hold it like this bottom doubt and get an idea about where to drill the hole let's see I'm going to just hold my pencil here so right about there and we'll just translate that line over to there and there's my spot that's where I need to put the hole right there let's swing that Kickstarter out of the way I'm going to take my automatic Center punch I'm going to punch off a little spot right there where I can start drilling a hole Center punch it and hit a few times now I need to plug this hole up so when I drill I don't get any filings down in there I got this idea with a piece of just some paper towel I'm going to put a twist tie around it then I'm going to take that paper towel and poke it in there now I'm going to push it in there with a screwdriver a little ways right up into the oil gallery and flatten it down a little bit so that I got room to drill in there now when I'm all done I can just pull this out and all the filings and stuff will come out with it I can blast it with a little bit of air ahead of time make sure I get most of it out and then pull this out the rest of the filings will come out with it and won't end up with any of my oil now let's drill a pilot hole first stay as perpendicular both ways as I can here this is some crazy stuff huh drilling a hole in my engine drill is really easy it's pretty soft aluminum most of the filings right now we're going to stay outside the engine that's good so nice and slow just punch through for an 8 inch NPT fitting I've got a 2360 Forte's drill bit no idea what that is in metric I haven't measured left anyway 2360 forts have tested this a couple times on a piece of aluminum I had here and that's the right size for a 8 inch NPT tap so this is this is it I get one shot at this before you go any further I'm going to take the tap and fit it to that just to make sure should drop right in and just barely be touching the threads and it is so now I can finish drilling that hole stays true as I can with it that's that okay now I can tap the hole just so happens that this thing fits into a 10 millimeter socket nicely this tap I'm going to put some marble mystery oil on there for a little extra help with the cutting we get started as true and perpendicular as I can eyeball it nice and slow keep looking from this direction down this direction make sure it's going in at the angle I want it to real important to start it straight because if you get crooked you're kind of stuck you can't really go back this is the point where the threads start to really cut I'm going to take it all the way to where the threads stop on the tap take a look in here and see what's going on I'm going right into that paper towel okay we're going to stop right there Jack it out should spin out by hand now I'll blast all this stuff out with some compressed air before I go any further get all those filings out of there blow it in through this hole and hopefully blow most of it out through this hole pull this little bit of grease on the end of a screwdriver works quite well for that and there they are believe I got them all picked up fish around a little more make sure there's nothing left in there all right okay we can put the gauge in now some people put a little bit of teflon tape around here I think this is going to interfere enough that I won't have to do that it'll actually the threads will be biting into the aluminum enough I don't think I'll have any problems with oil leaks I'll know after I run it for a bit be real careful with this too if it starts to get a little too tight I don't want to go cranking it in too much in chance cracking the case we definitely don't want to do that that would just suck bad so it still turning pretty easy now those threads are tapered and that's what helps them seal as you put it in it's actually stressing the metal a little bit so if I can get around to where this is at the top I'm going to call it good it's getting pretty tight now mmm hang in there baby there we go now we can put the gallery plug back in tighten that up that's it okay riders eye view is right about here kick stands a little bit in the way but if I'm up on the seat and I lean forward a little and I look down that's pretty much what I see I can see the gauge and if I see that needle pointing up anything other than down then that's good I think that's going to work out just fine and I like it it's in far enough from the edge here so I have no danger breaking it off if the bike should tip over or something cool so let's wrap on the first part of the miscellaneous stuff I get a little bit more to go I've got some parts coming in next week we're going to be finishing things up all except for the logos in the paint job but you know that'll happen later thanks for watching thanks for all the donations and for sharing the videos and until next time got my Horry grips here ready to put on there's two of them two sizes too of course there's two of them Jesus come on
Channel: HackaweekTV
Views: 674,200
Rating: 4.6265454 out of 5
Keywords: electronics, diy, hardware hacking, hackaweek, motorcycles, circuit, automobile, mechanical, oil pressure gauge, rear fender, grips, tail light, cb750k, honda
Id: oKb8U1tIGCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2016
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