Packet Tracer Troubleshooting EIGRP for IPv4

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity troubleshooting TIG RP for ipv4 here is the scenario for this a packet tracer activity in this activity we will let troubleshoot a IG RP neighbor issues use show commands to identify errors in the network configurations then we will document the errors we will discover and to implement an appropriate solution finally we will verify full into n connectivity is restored here we can see a troubleshooting process first when I use the testing commands to discover connectivity problems in the network and to document the problem in the documentation table yes where is our documentation table then a user verification commands to discover the source of the problem and device an appropriate solution to implement document the proposed solution in the documentation table then I implement each solution one at a time and verify if the problem is resolved indicate the resolution status in the documentation table right if the problem is not resolved it may be necessary to first remove the implemented solution before running to a step two once all identified problems are resolved test for a full in the 2n connectivity right so these are the process of troubleshooting this packet restore our activity coming to our topology first we will ping from pc1 to pc2 we will get the IP address of pc to write you will copy this address coming to pc one command prom to here we are going to pink here we can see we are not getting the reply destination host unreachable we will try the trace out command also - this PC - here we can see we got the default gateway 172 dot 31.10.2012 face gigabit ethernet 0/0 on r1 yes after that we can see that message is not going to the adora device no we will verify the router using show commands are coming to r1 CLI right first of all we will go with the show running config here we can see the details interface a truss here we can see the Protocol router AI GRP 11 and T passive interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 here we can see that - this interface they set as passive interface so here the autonomous system number is 11 and they given all then it works here we can see all three networks 1 7 2.30 1.2 10.0 yes it's present next year 170 2.30 1.40 row 2 to 4 yes here we can see that and do viola got bits also correct and the next one is 1 7 2.30 1.40 da - two three - yes it's correct so here we have to verify this autonomous a number on all the routers so we will come to our to CLI here we will give show IP protocols and we can check the protocol yes your we can see the routing protocol is e IG RP with the autonomous number is 1 yes so we have seen in this r1 the number they given 11 right coming to r3 we will check that enable show IP protocols yes you're also its one so here we must change this autonomous number to one again we will come back to the router r1 and to now we will verify the routing table of this r1 enable so IP route and here we can see only the connected route and we cannot see any eigrp route listed in this routing table now we will let document our problem in our documentation table so here we can see be identified the problem on the device r1 so we will mark that here our one right and identify the problem so it not established any adjacencies so we'll mark that right so here are the proposed solution yes here we must remove that CIA are p11 and we must configure AIG rp1 so once we remove the eigrp we have to advertise that directly connected networks also we have to set the passive interface that is a Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 also we must disable automatic summarization after configuring this Eid rp1 well now we will mention here our proposed solution so first we must remove a IG RP 11 then we must configure a IG RP 1 yes so configure the IG RP 1 yes then after configure on this EIGRP we have to a set directly connected networks yes that means advertise the directly connected networks right not only that and we have to set the passive interface you can mention set passive interface also we have to disable automatic summarization so that is a disable automatic summarization yes now we will ping from PC to to this outside host with IP after 64 dot 100 or to 1.10 so coming to PC to command prompt here we are going to give pink the actress yes here we are getting the replay there is no issue now we will ping from PC to to this PC 3 so we will get the IP address of PC 3 so we have to get the IP address here is the actress will copy this address coming to PC 2 and we will ping to PC 3 pin to PC 3 the IP address well we are waiting for the replay request timed out again request timed out no we are not getting the reply from PC 3 now we will give a try set command from PC to to this PC 3 tracer to the IP address of PC 3 4 we can see only two addresses from the trace it command here we can see it comes to the router r2 then it goes to the Internet it no it's not coming to PC truly that means there is no route from PC to to this PC tree no we will verify our - using short commands enable so we will check the running config here we can see the interface address right here we can see router aig rp1 and passive interface right yes your we can see only two networks specified that is 170 2.30 1.40 dot 2 to 4 that is this networks then we can see 1 7 2.31 dot 20.0 yes it's a this network and here we can see did not specify this network of 172 dot that even dot 40.2 28 so that this r2 is a knot forming and adjacent see with this artery coming to our documentation table that identified the problem on our - right nowyou so our - and identify the problem is not forming an adjacency with our true right not forming an adjacency with the r3 yes and proposed solution obviously we must advertise the 1:7 2.31 dot 40.2 to 8/30 networks here we can see that these networks right we will document that here 170 2.30 1.40 whoops 40.2 to 8/30 network now we will come to our three and we will verify enable show running config here we will check that all the addresses right here we can see networks 170 2.30 1.40 dot 2 to 8 yes 170 2.30 1.40 dot 2 3 2 yes this networks and 1 7 2.30 1.30 dot 0 yes these networks auto summary oh here we have to set no Auto summary right so that can be verified again using show IP protocols and here we can see automatic summarization enabled so we must disable automatic summarization using the no Auto summary I GRP command we will document the problem and solution right the device is on are three and the identified problem is a performing automatic summarization proposed solution is a we must disable this so disable automatic summarization using the command no auto summary that is an EIGRP a sub command right now we will implement each solution one by one we can see the first problem not established any addition seats so we must remove ei GRP 11 and we have to configure AIG RP 1 after that we have to advertise the directly connected networks we must set passive interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 and we must disable automatic summarization so we will do this first on our one coming to our 1 enable just to be will check this show IP route so that we will get the connected networks now we will go to configure terminal and we will remove AIG RP 11 so we have to give the command no router AIG RP 11 and we are going to configure AIG RP 1 router AIG RP the autonomous system number we have to give one right now we are going to do ties the directly connected networks one by one so we are going to give Network here we can see we are going to give this a 1 7 2 31.10.2012 we have to give the wild-card bits that 0 dot 0 dot 0 dot 255 we will give the next network that so 1 7 2.30 1.40 dot 2 2 4 yes Yuri how I'm going to copy that right and here we can see it's a prefix like this last 30 we have to give you the Wilding out to be 0 dot 0 dot 0 dot 3 okay and the next network 1 7 2.30 1.40 dot a 2 3 2 so we will copy that from your right and to the wild card it's 0 dot 0 dot 0 dot 3 yes so now we are going to set the passive interface passive interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 also we are going to disable automatic summarization no automatics or how summary now we will verify the solution here but we have done show will go to IP protocols and we will verify all these here we can see now the protocol is EIGRP 1 here we can see Auto summarization is disabled here we can see the routing for networks passive interface we can see Gigabit Ethernet 0 star 0 yes so coming to our spreadsheet or resolve yes right now we will come to our next identified problem is a not roaming and I just sent see with our 3 on the device are 2 so we must advertise the 1 7 2.30 1 dot 40.2 to 8/30 networks on our two right we will do this now coming to our to CLI enable configure terminal we will go to router aig rp1 and we will give the network 1 7 2.30 1.40 door 2 2 8 and the wild card with 0 dot 0 dot 0 dot 3 we will verify the solution we have done so I P protocol son we can check that yes your it is coming to the documentation table our problem is resolved yes all next to identify the problem is performing automatic summarization on our tree so we must disable this automatic summarization using the command you know Auto summary as the sub commander of EIGRP coming to our tree enable configure terminal to go to router aig rp1 and here we are going to give no auto summary now we will test for full end-to-end connectivity so coming to pc 1 we will ping from pc1 to pc2 so he'll sell we have our IP address of pc - yes yes we are getting the replay also we will lapping to PC through e you will get the IP address of pc3 coming to PC 1 pin to pc 3 yes we are getting the replaying now we will ping from PC to to PC 3 right yes we are getting the replay also we will lapping from PC to to PC 1 we will get the IP address of PC 1 and we will pink 2 PC 1 from PC to yes we are getting the replay well here we can see our completion status hundred out of hundred so that's all in this packet trace our activity that is troubleshooting EIGRP for ipv4 furnace if you have any doubt please comment below also if you like my video give a thumb and don't forget to subscribe the channel so that you will get lettuce to uploading video info into our Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
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Keywords: Troubleshooting EIGRP for IPv4
Id: lwZxrzq0Av0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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