700,000 Sprinkles on a Cake (yes really)

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Doggies! Awww, you need a fur cut. all better your cute. aww, unchuboo boo boo boo Poppy, stop it This is what Arizona grass looks like everyone. CAN YOU NOT?! I remember when I was first starting out, and I only had around 8,000 subscribers, which is a good accomplishment, by the way. If you only have 8,000 subscribers, then I mean hey, good job, but I remember seeing one comment that was like: "James, when you are rich and famous, don't forget me-" Ah! We need some more glue... Now I forgot who said that, but I didn't forget the comment. So I just want to thank you all for half a million So I just want to thank you all for half a million subscriber- Wait, what? So I want to thank you all for 600,000 subscriber- Wait, AGAIN?! 700,000 SUBSCRIBERS!! That's... quite a bit of people. Oh, the cake is already fallen apart... So 700,000, that's quite a bit of people! Which means... Which means... BOOM! Now you might be asking yourself: "James! This measly seven pound tub of sprinkles couldn't possibly be 700,000-" BOOM! BOOM! BAWM! BOOM! BAWM! PEW! BOOM! BAWM! PEW! CHAPEW! BOOM! BAWM! PEW! CHAPEW! CHAPLAH! BOOM! BAWM! PEW! CHAPEW! CHAPLAH! HUAPHLEH! So in case you didn't watch my 100,000 sprinkle subscriber special what i did is i put a hundred thousand sprinkles on the cake did around a hundred thousand sprinkles on a cake to represent each of my subscribers but now I have 700,000 so using math from the first video each of these big tubs or seven pounds so 21 pounds of sprinkles is 540 1935 sprinkles that means we are ninety eight ounces short who did you hear that you hear that whistle with the short jeez (slow motion) (whistle) short for each of these is 10, 10 and a half ounces that's 21 ounces these are nine ounces of sprinkles plus we have the sprinkles on the cake and just to make sure we cover all of our bases i'm going to use this technique that I learned from a Vsauce video basically if we take one sprinkle and cut it in half we get two sprinkles then if you cut those in half we get even more sprinkles and if we keep doing that forever and ever will get infinity this is what infinity looks like (Blender noises) what smells pretty gross actually uhh thats like play-doh eew it's like play-doh... its a snake wow look how many subscribers is like is in this one snake Gross Taaa Daaaa So lets do this! oh *stabbing noises* so I just want to thank each and every single one of you now some of you might think that you're just some grain of sand in this huge pile of sprinkles I- I don't see my subscribers that way though where is the cake *laughs* there's Is- ah I found cake it's down there oh I found some some frosting sorry I want to eat some of you guys prematurely mmm know some people brag saying James I've been following you since you only had a hundred thousand subscribers and I think that they think that their- that makes them better now and I don't care if you've been following for two months or two minutes I appreciate every single one of you and we got was like a lot of white ones in this one like what the heck what I'm trying to say is true fans would have been following me since 2012 like what the heck I've been doing this for four years you guys can you believe that there's a cake in this I was going to try and eat some of of the cake but now, oh what is- ew gross this was in in- if you're subscribed the one of- ew gross frosting seriously though thank you all for subscribing you're not just some grain of sand in this ocean of subscribers I appreciate each and every one of you. you made this possible fire in the hole! and then just to be safe there's the there's the Infinity sprinkle right there ok let's uh lets dig in okay we're just gonna see if we can- ... we're just going to see if we can get cake oh I forgot to do something and this is the youtubers that I like this is you let's see if we can hit cake, its coming up dry I don't know how, ok ok come on my hand okay where's the cake you know what you know what there we go you made this possible ahhhh *Gulping noises* oh man like surprising way it tasted really good with all those sprinkles on it don't try that again I wonder what this would taste like the word with the Infinity sprinkle oh it's like dirt why did it taste like dirt oh man and look not a single sprinkle went on the floor thanks for this cardboard thing I made like look ha, oh someone's on my hand ohh this one is on my hand one lone subscriber it's off look at that look how well that held all the sprinkles no the cake was it huh I found the cake we should bury back up bury that cake! Whoo yhea what it looks like to sink and sprinkles... huh doggies uhh try looking for the cake oh no I don't need to sweep up the floor my subscribers are all up here so i have this cardboard thing i'm doing my subscribers I'm just going to like smash the cake ready stop it you guys are like like vultures okay i know right it tastes good with all these sprinkles on it right or maybe just the sprinkles this is the ground of sprinkle I call them the Infinity sprinkles you don't eat those they taste like dirt those occasions during and he looks a lot less pretty nice yeah I don't know why it's brown way to save this from million can see make sure you don't have a very real possibility everything on the trampoline it's my Zen garden thank you really
Channel: undefined
Views: 17,295,168
Rating: 4.9257407 out of 5
Keywords: sprinkles, cake, funny, 700000, 700k, subscriber special, theoddisout, the odd ones out, thanks
Id: l7jJ-N4nWWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2016
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