70+ MPH Hurricane Force Winds Test Our NEW HOUSE!

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oh my gosh the power's out well the power went out oh my gosh guys I'm afraid to open this door our house is literally being tested right now holy cow oh my god there's so it's oh my god it's literally a hurricane right now you guys can't see this because it's nighttime it's like 11 o'clock at night but there's wind wow that's dusty at like 60 to 70 miles an hour I'm only rolling a camera in case for some reason our house does not survive this this house is engineered for a hundred miles an hour a sustained wind I'll tell you what when you guys put the screws in the SIP panels this is exactly why you do it there has been nonstop lightning to the west and to the south of us for the last hour and a half oh here comes the rain [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the winds have already died back down like they're not not nearly as dead calm as it was just a few minutes ago but they're much calmer now and we're getting lots of rain apparently there was actually a weather warning for this which we didn't see severe thunderstorm warning and penny sized hail I've never seen that but I think if we get some it might damage the car and the truck so hopefully we don't get any of that oh my gosh but give it come on come on come on [Music] for those of you that live in tornado or hurricane territory this probably is all too familiar for you but this is not normal here for now things are calm down I really don't see much lightning men I feel bad for whoever's in the path of that storm because it's still going according to the weather service it's moving at 60 miles an hour I think it's safe to go to bed now it's almost midnight long past our bedtime hope everybody made it through that storm okay and there's safe for those who have damaged I hope it's easy to fix wow you made it through truck you made it through it's like nothing ever happened like a normal day just a beautiful day you'd never know that all hell broke loose well in fairness those chairs tip over if you just look at him so that's not considered damage I don't think oh maybe it was no I think it was sitting right there and the house is all still there oh that Tyvek didn't survive but that typique was ripping so hard yeah let's just staple down there and that's pretty good although they are those cap staples so the people who live in hurricane country and probably tornadoes - but hurricanes especially if you break glass the wind is able to pressurize the inside of the house so if the house is a closed box and the wind blows against it it's a box but if you poke a hole in that box it pressurizes the structure and while the the wind outside might not lift the roof off the pressure inside can actually detach the roof that's what I was worried about was like if the wind outside does it caused a problem but we lose a window get in the garage I think that's a good idea this point there's less glass there's some glass but it's a lot less and you know if the roof comes off we still have kind of a roof well the garage I did I did feel safer in the garage it felt like bunker huh it was pretty soft yeah but but the garage doors were going rattle rattle rattle rattle which I don't know like weirdest thing about in the garage and aside from that it was like oh that's kind of what happened to us the first year we were here we were in a brick building and a hundred mile an hour wind storm came through you're like huh and we're like oh did something happen so I got to see how that happened to us that time because I mean if you're in the garage you might have said that's kind of windy outside but when you're up in the house yeah oh it's windy all right I don't think we lost any trees we were worried about this tree tree be let me get in on that yeah this trees been victim to the woodpeckers I think the Beatles got it and then the woodpeckers got it compactors ate the Beatles and then the fungus is eaten that's funny cuz because like two days prior to this I was telling Jessie do we need to add cutting down that tree hard to do us they said no we won't worry about it I mean if a big storm is gonna come and a big winstram might want to cut it down yeah but that's the thing as the stuff just really blindsides you and you don't have time to do anything about it luckily she stands but gosh can you imagine if that's all in the house holy cow you know part of me thinks they're just like think like bounce off like a toothpick well a huge tree say that to a person that's had a tree fall on I'm like it wasn't that big the good news is that the prevailing weather always comes from the southwest and we have no trees on the southwest side of the house for the wind to blow over so if we got a win from the north well we're shielded from the north because of the the hillsides so I doubt we would have damage but anyway the winds blown that way so the good goodness if the wind blows that tree over I highly highly highly doubt it's gonna fall backwards into the house I do some damage though this tree doesn't look like it did before the top blew off of that guy so that right there something's missing yeah four years ago the top of this tree was bifurcated like this and a half of it blew off in that windstorm we lost another tree another part of the property but we end up salvaging that piece to make a piece of the deck but I was always worried the other half would blow up just because where the trees bifurcate they're often very weak Wow holy cow I'm surprised we didn't hear that it was actually diseased clear down through you can see where the bifurcation was right yeah totally that's a perfect are we gonna get it off the line yeah well very good probably a chain and some heavy equipment of some kind or another the good news of this is it's down which means it can't come down then right I think that puts me at concern for this tree though because statistically the tree won't grow anymore because they grow through the top right so this tree is basically dead now oh that's a good-looking tree let's see what else is broken around here this tree right here that's not from this windstorm that was here when we got here we call it the Bengal cat freeway cuz when a fuck of his brother was alive they would both walk up and down this is quite cute well so far the assessment is all very positive yeah you can even tell that the wind was all coming from the other side because this tae Baek looks untouched and there's no real substantial even limbs or anything on the ground back here I did some research on this storm just purely out of curiosity because I've never really experienced something like that before I was actually sitting on the deck enjoying the lightning show we get lightning here all the time but we don't get lightning like that this was all very like it was non-stop and those types of storms probably are more common elsewhere and we get him once in a while but anyway I was enjoying the light show and it was that that dead calm that eerie kind of humid hot calm at 10:30 at night that's not common here that's more common maybe in the Midwest or the south or the east anyway enjoying the show this is sleeping and I heard what sounded like a jet go over the top of us like and I kind of scratched my head and thought I was weird kind of looked up dark thirty seconds later the wind ripped through our property faster than I could go from the deck to the house it was slamming against the house it's like oh boy this is gonna get exciting I think it would have been fun if it would have been a short storm but in the end we sustained winds for a little over an hour at 70 plus miles an hour hard to say exactly how much but a lot of the people around us had a lot of damage there were people here with no power for I think five days was the longest that somebody was without power I think the reason that the damage at this point is less is because we already had a 100 mile an hour storm which was a record breaker a century storm once in a hundred years four years ago so a lot of the shallow rooted trees or diseased or weak trees a lot of that stuff already blew over that one was horrible no power for two weeks of course we were off grid so we had no clue and we weren't really affected by it too much but because that storm had already come a lot of that damage was kind of avoided for this storm something kind of weird we've talked to a few neighbors to see kind of where they're at with their damage a lot of people with gardens commercial gardens and things we're concerned about the hail we get hail like everybody else but we don't get big hail very very very rarely and they were forecasting I think nickel sized hail and that will just destroy a crop as you guys know well we don't deal with that around here so a lot of the folks that we know who are in the gardening world were trying really hard to cover their crops but there was no hail for us only damaging winds so of course everything they put on their crop to protect it from the hail ended up getting blown away and doing more damage than if they would have just left it uncovered in the first place looks like the gardens actually doing just fine I don't think we had any damage in the garden at all all the plants look like they're doing pretty good everything's growing up nicely no well no onions are fine tomatoes are looking good TEI toes aren't gonna win any awards right now those are looking a little lethargic maybe they just need some water another strange thing about these storms or this type of storm was that the wind was actually very high we didn't get a lot of wind on the ground which probably explains why that chair just tipped over and didn't get blown into the next County that wind was really maybe about 40 to 50 feet up so it was hitting the house most of it in Eddy form instead of direct form but it's really high up but for some people who around here hardly ever get wind they had told us that they had wind on the ground just ripping so I guess it's kind of hard to predict but it is not uncommon to get the wind up in the treetops and then not that much wind down here on the ground and that's exactly how this storm acted well that didn't know very far for that much wind that's for the sawmill [Music] there's another one we lost the top on [Music] [Music] all these trees are looking pretty good [Music] let's take you back your life oh my gosh three years ago in the spring we were running our chainsaw mill here milling a pine tree that we fell for decking for a deck yeah we had no tools and no equipment and we hand rolled them down the sill [Applause] yeah we rolled them down here and then like winch them this direction I think with the four-wheeler so we had one tool got him to here lifting him up onto these bucks anyway we left our contraption here you know in case we ever needed to do it again so with this tree story this isn't this isn't from the storm no it was definitely rotten in the butt for sure man ever feel like we're losing all of our trees yeah we don't have that many to start with that's why we bought trees partly because they're so cheap but yeah this one I don't know it blew out blew down at some point we never heard it though that's a pretty good sized pine tree although it's hard to say how much wood and there's actually usable because this butt is so rotten you know it's very possible that it's just not really any good wood but I definitely want to try to get something out of it so how many trees are we yet so far counting of two trees and one blow down well we've got beetle in the area and that's what's killing a lot of these trees they're all pine trees you got a actually have to cut them down eventually because you don't want them to get into the other trees so it just means more stuff for the sama [Music] our empty cisterns are still up here as wondering if those were gonna fly I don't think the wind really got down in here I mean no but our friends were actually camping and we're like oh god I hope they're okay and they said I never even got their tents to just kind of stayed up in the treetops so move their tents at all I don't see a lot of like branches and stuff lying around you don't I mean right which is a good sign yeah like it's kind of weird you'd expect to see whole branches and whatnot and there just aren't that many laying around so but I think we passed I think we made it through I texted our engineer and I just said just sell you know your engineering worked you don't really care about your engineer till your house is gonna pounded with win [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so all the posts on this deck or from the other half of the top of that tree that blew down feels really good I don't know I like it that's why I think we should try to integrate some portion of that tree in some fashion in the house because well that's the first time our house that we built got hit with some serious wind so every time we see that wood it'll just be a reminder the first time we survived a good windstorm and I think that's true of this deck too when we come up here I don't know it'll always be a very sentimental place even if it's not gonna win any design awards or anything like that it's we made it from stuff we have here in case you haven't been following us for a while I guess we I kind of always assumed that people watching your videos have been with us since the very beginning and I guess everybody had to find our channel at some point so maybe that day's for you today so we've been building this house for two years and we did have it engineered but we've been doing all the construction on it and so now that you're up to speed the people who have been following us for a while probably thinking why would you be worried about the house you built it and I think there's a few really key things about the house the design and kind of where we're at in the building process that I don't know it just gives you a moment for pause when everything's being tested these panels that make up our walls are called sips or structural insulated panels and the specification from the manufacturer right here where these two panels meet is to use a staple there's actually a piece of OSB behind here that's about four inches so it spans two inches on either side you can see the screws are staggered that actually is specified as a staple you believe that a staple and in talking with our engineer who has worked with this material on a fairly regular basis they said well we won't say that staples are not a good idea but we would say screws are better and because of that we decided to use screws for the house and we went through a ridiculous amount of screws when we were constructing the sit panels we would regularly see comments on social media and YouTube stuff like my got enough screws in your house oh boy another screw or how do you survive with all the screws anyway lots of criticism for the amount of screws and my thought whenever people were saying those things always was when it's calm outside and it's warm you're not wondering whether you put enough screws in your house but when the wind is whipping and bashing and assaulting your house I don't think you really want to be that guy sitting on the sofa wondering if the staples are doing their job or not and we're just not those kind of people if there's something we could do that's maybe just a little bit more cost and a little bit more effort that would make the structure a little bit more sound we're totally going to do it and yes we put in an insane amount of screws these shiny washers that you see right here are actually really long lag screws and what they do is they go all the way through the structural panel there the structural panel is actually eight inches deep they go all the way through that and then they actually penetrate in this row here the rim or the rim board which is fastened to the sill plate which is bolted to the foundation those screws are what effectively connect this envelope or these structural panels they connect that to the foundation and we have a timber frame inside and that is what connects the timber frame to the structural panels to the foundation there's two reasons that's super important when you have a storm one we haven't put all of those screws in there yet some folks might not know that we decided after having put quite a number of them in that we would leave some of them out strategically so that we could slide sheetrock behind the timber frame otherwise the screws will block that that space that was a very bold move given what I know now because not all of these screws are in place which means we're under fastened if you will the other reason that's super important is that clear up here on the roof those are the same way that those panels attach to the rafters on the inside why that's important is when the panel's arrived the screws that were provided to us by the SIPP company which is where we perked them were 13 inch screws we had 12 and a quarter inch thick sip panels and sips sorry guys and we put a half inch of sheetrock on there which left us a quarter of an inch of penetration that's not going to make it right a quarter of an inch we ended up using those screws to attach some of the panels temporarily and then we had the sip company overnight longer screws the the correct screws for this application and we went back and removed all of the shorter screws and put the longer screws in of course we probably could have got away with some of those screws because it wasn't all of them it wasn't every single screw was 13-inch there was some 14s and some 13 etc we probably could have mixed and matched or done something but I think in the end we were super happy that we took the time and labor to remove the short screws and put the correct really long screws so that they bite hard into the rafters and our roof stays on another factor during the wind that had me a little bit concerned is these four foot overhangs the four foot overhang there's a lot of reasons behind it but one of the main reasons is uplift not so much because of snow load if you've been watching our channel you know that we're probably never going to get any snow load to amount to anything because our roof is so steep and it's metal but the four-foot overhanging will start to bite you in the butt when it comes to wind because it does acts like a kite and I was under the impression that these timber brackets which looked somewhat ornamental in fact are there to resist uplift not so much to bear the load but to prevent the roof from flying away by transferring that load to the wall these timber brackets are not actually fastened to the roof yet we haven't actually anchored them yet because we have cladding that needs to go underneath here and until that cladding is on we can't really anchor them therefore at this point they are basically ornamental and they're not helping to resist that uplift so because of that I was a little bit concerned that this four-foot eave might be an issue if you look closely you'll see all those silver washers this is the prevailing weather side and we decided that there's no chance we can leave those washers or those screws out on the prevailing weather side I think that was a good decision one other comment I wanted to make when we were researching the roofing that we wanted to use a standing seam metal roof we came upon two details one is an exposed fastener detail and one is a hidden fastener detail and in our area the exposed fastener detail is the standard or default detail so much so that the company we purchased our metal from said that they would not honor their warranty for the metal because they were concerned that the metal would fatigue and would become subject to uplift of course the metals only been on there for not even a year yet so at this point it's highly unlikely that the metal has fatigued but because we chose to use kind of a hybrid between exposed and hidden fastener we actually had to give up the warranty on the roof it was something that we were willing to do because we simply did not want exposed fasteners on the eve of the roof so the eve of the roof is actually a hemmed detail and the metal is physically bent over of course we trust the design because it's used all over the country in other areas and even in hurricane area so it's not like this is something that we're test pilots on but I'm happy to report that this this has been trustworthy we got hit with some really good wind and we had no damage in fact there's no no signs of fatigue at all from the metal I wasn't really worried about it I guess not really but I think it's worth mentioning if you're gonna build a house and you're gonna run into things like this give us some thought the company may not be confident even though that same company offers the warranty on hidden fastener details on the East Coast in this area they won't honor that warranty so how does it feel knowing that we built this house and that we put a ridiculous amount of screws in it you get the time those obtain the but yeah like do we really need screws every three inches and what a storm like this happens you're not sad at all we're not building this house to be to withstand the day to day it's to withstand like wonder gear I don't know like as long as they could stand yeah and all the things that are gonna happen to it during that time and that's all you can do I mean you you you build like engineering is the is the happy medium between spending way too much time and money and it falling down and so somewhere in there like being strong enough but being cost-efficient and buildable is good and I think I think we've achieved that I think it feels good guys to be living in this house and to get nailed by a pretty good storm I mean we can't really call up an order like a category three hurricane just to give this thing a run for its money so you kind of have to wait like we said a few years ago we had what four feet of snow or three feet of snow in a week or three days and a bunch of are you waiting for this engineered buildings fell down and a bunch of not engineered buildings did just fine but they were using the like if it if it fell down strong building again stronger engineering method and and it worked to surviving many more storms in our home I remember years ago talking about just one day we're gonna be sitting in our Dryden house just watching the rain fall yep watching the lightning and we're good and it took you know I guess three years four years will be almost talkative route to happen but it took a long time mark our words guys there will come a point in time where right here where my feet are there won't be a sofa oh yeah and we will sit on the sofa and watch the storms for now we're still working on the house [Music] you
Channel: Pure Living for Life
Views: 156,668
Rating: 4.6346498 out of 5
Keywords: storm, hurricane, natural disaster, winds, windy, windstorm, construciton, housebuild, housebuildling, house build, house buildling, home build, home buildling, homebuild, homebuildling, diy, do it yourself, home improvement
Id: C1kG_gdMn7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
Reddit Comments

He has no f'n idea what a hurricane is. sustained winds of 75 for cat 1 hurricane. 70 mph at ground level there would be throwing all that crap that he has laying around all over the place. My house in FL survived 165mph cat 5 last Oct. Thousands didn't.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/DevilDoc1-1 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

I call bullshit on Jesse. A quick google search shows no such storm reported for BF this summer.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/IdBuilder 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

The first thing I got out of this video is Pine beetles are on the property and Jessie is not doing anything about them.

The second thing is that the bed along with a crib, are back on the soon to be living area, now that building season has started, at least that's what we are told about a building season.

Other than those two things, Jessie gives us a walking tour of his forested property and shows us the ratchet strap that he left on a tree from three years ago.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/notabot57 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Philosophical question. If they never actually finish the house, how many years can they claim that it is new?

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/IdBuilder 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

0/10, in the time they spent yacking they could have cut down that dead tree. At least that would be progress.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/deafstudent 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Lord GOD he's getting fat

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Patrick_Spens 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

The bed is suddenly back. You can see it in the final scene.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Patrick_Spens 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Is it just me or does he just kick the chair after he opens the door?

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/dblist 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

27 minutes of talking.


Just another excuse to recycle old footage.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Patrick_Spens 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
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