7 U.S. Presidents Who Were Really Weird People

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If the 2016 race for the White House is any indication, anyone who actually wants to become President has to be at least a little bit off their rocker. "You said you learned a lot of things. What do you think you took away from today?" "Oh, my luggage. Hold on." Throughout our country's history, many of the men who ultimately served as President of the United States have had some pretty unusual facts attached to their biographies. Here are seven U.S. Presidents who were really weird people. John Quincy Adams, skinny dipper Here's something that could have only happened in the age before the Internet and smartphones. According to many reports, our sixth President, John Quincy Adams, had a thing for skinny-dipping, and he’d often go for a quiet dip in D.C.'s Potomac River at around 5 a.m. to help him deal with the stress of being President. Adams' love for nude swimming was actually well-known among the press, so journalist and convicted “public nuisance” Anne Royall was able to secure her history-making interview with Adams by taking his clothes until he agreed to answer her questions. Strangely enough, Adams was not the only President who loved to take his clothes off and go for a dip. Among the others, according to The New Republic: Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, and perhaps less surprisingly, John F. Kennedy. "Happy birthday, Mr. President." Grover Cleveland, former hangman According to a New York Times article published all the way back in July 1912, Grover Cleveland actually had to execute multiple murderers by hanging while he served as the Sheriff of Erie County. At one point during his term, a young Irishman named "Jack" Morrissey was convicted of killing his mother, and Cleveland "surprised the community" by announcing that he would actually go through with performing the execution. Much of Cleveland's motivation due to the fact that he was sick of people passing off the difficult task of executing murderers to the office's Deputy Sheriff, Jacob Emerick, whom the public had nicknamed "Hangman Emerick”... much to Emerick’s dismay. After performing Morrissey's execution, Cleveland was reported to have been sick for several days, but he did not shirk further execution... which paid him $20,000 dollars a year, or about $350,000 dollars in today’s cash. Jimmy Carter, UFO-observer In 1969, Governor of Georgia Jimmy Carter, along with two dozen other witnesses, claimed he saw an unidentified flying object during a visit to the Lions Club in Leary, Georgia, calling it, “the darndest thing I've ever seen." "It changed color, and then it stayed there for a while. And then it disappeared into the distance, and none of us could ever imagine what it was. And I still don't know what it was." Carter filed a report on the incident four years later, and made UFO research a component of his successful Presidential campaign in 1976. Carter later backed off on the platform of releasing UFO information to the public, saying that it would be a threat to national security. However, decades later, Carter still stands by his original statements. Carter now also claims it was "impossible" that the unidentified object was actually aliens, leading conspiracy theorists to claim that the whole thing is a cover-up. "I give you our 39th President, Jimmy Carter!" "Aww, come on!" "He's history's greatest monster!" Calvin Coolidge, Vaseline head Plenty of people resort to alternative medicine to stay healthy, but Calvin Coolidge may ultimately take the cake. According to the sleazy-sounding book, White House: Confidential, our 30th President "enjoyed having petroleum jelly slathered on his head" every morning while he ate breakfast in bed. (Horrible jingle about Vaseline playing) The reason? Coolidge apparently believed that slabbing on a bunch of jelly would be great for his health. To be fair, this was also around the same time that cocaine and morphine were considered perfectly okay as over-the-counter medicines too. John F. Kennedy, lots and lots of drugs Our 35th president may have been one of the most charming and good-looking presidents in U.S. history... "He was a hyper-charismatic, telepathical knight—JFK!" ...but behind closed doors, John F. Kennedy was battling multiple illnesses, and used just as many drugs to treat them. Kennedy's secrets were uncovered by professor Robert Dallek’s book, An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy. Reportedly, Kennedy suffered from colitis, prostatitis, Addison's disease, and osteoporosis of the lower back, among other things. "By the time he was 17 years old, his health was so questionable, they sent him off to the male clinic in Rochester, Minnesota to figure out what his problems were." According to Dallek, Kennedy frequently took drugs ranging from codeine, to Ritalin and a thyroid hormone, often taking as many as 12 medications at once, and more during times of stress. Shockingly enough, despite Kennedy's overflowing medicine cabinet, he was mostly able to keep his ailments private from the public, which seems almost absurd nowadays. Lyndon B. Johnson, supremely gross It's hard to choose one detail to focus on when discussing the strange predilections of JFK's successor, Lyndon B. Johnson. Do we talk about his car, which was also a boat? Do we talk about the fact that he was, reportedly, obsessed with his manhood, and allegedly nicknamed it "Jumbo"? Maybe we'll just discuss his habit of holding meetings while he was on the toilet, as described in numerous articles and books. In Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, presidential historian Robert Dallek explained that, "His abuse of aides, shouting at them in public and calling them into the bathroom while he 'sat on the throne,' was well known to reporters." Considering how much time he seems to have spent hovering over water, it's starting to make sense why Johnson loved to drive an amphibious car… "Daddy! Daddy!" (People screaming at floater) Harry S. Truman, the ‘S’ is silent If you thought those other Presidents were weird, wait until you hear this crazy secret. You'd think that the "S" in "Harry S. Truman" stands for something, like "Stanley," or "Steven," or "Stephanie," or "Something." But you'd be wrong! In fact, it's just "S." "Put it down as best as you can, okay?" "What's the shape of the snake-letter look like?" "You don't know what a 'S' looks like?" "S! Ohhhh..." Thanks for watching! Subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch more videos like the one you just saw. And leave us a comment to let us know which Presidential facts are your favorites...
Channel: Grunge
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Keywords: presidents, united states presidents, famous presidents, weird presidents, u.s. presidents, presidents history, strange presidents, bizarre presidents, president drugs, john quincy adams, grover cleveland, jimmy carter, calvin coolidge, jfk, john f kennedy, jfk drugs, lbj, lyndon b johnson, harry truman, harry s truman, president facts, presidential facts, weird presidential facts, presidential trivia, president controversy, presidents who were weird people
Id: TNdbmJmloGY
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Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2016
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