7 TRUCKS vs Monstermax

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right hey guys just joking i'm not going to put you through a bunch of bull crap misery today but what we are going to do is entertain you so we've done a lot of crazy stuff we've done tug of wars what's the craziest thing probably 20 foot tall wheels tug of war with the tank was pretty crazy yeah true we didn't bury a truck underground yep tuck her in she's going to bed this kind of looks weird dude it looks wrong like we're wearing a body yeah it looks very wrong now this is a monster truck okay it weighs 20 000 pounds and it's got teeth now it's been a while on this so you can get bit by the truck she doesn't have a rabies shot yet so i was like what if we did monster max i told clayton this monster max tug of war versus like 500 little kids on their bicycles but the problem is getting 500 little i'm talking like you know four years old or something like training wheel size but kids would get injured and probably ran over it just wouldn't the parents wouldn't be happy but unless they were like donated or something donated you donated let me donate my child i need to adopt 500 children today may be your last day congrats kids you're all hired so um that didn't work out today we're at davidson tractor this is daniel davidson he's got tractors you can find the parts on is pretty much from nine all the way even some f series stuff mainly 39 to 60 stuff check him out he's sponsoring this event today this on his farm i pull this truck backwards using only people today we should hook up 3 000 crickets go wait like you could have a pig 5 000 dogs versus monster max like it could legit win like there's no reason it couldn't imagine you just like whipping around a whole bunch of dogs behind me that's terrible i have no idea how many people are gonna show up probably like five we only got like 120 maybe right now i underesti i overestimated the amount we need more people we should make everyone make a post right now we did know everyone here right now it doesn't work yes it does so how many horsepower is one person 1.2 horsepower you googled this yes you just knew it off hand i knew it off a hand it's 1.2 you idiot that's impossible no it's not it's how is a person more powerful than a horse it's not that it's logic it's look at what it says it can sustain about 0.1 horsepower yeah so everyone's about a single horsepower so no 0.1 it takes 10 people for one horsepower is that what it is horse has 15 horsepower what is what kind of logic is this no you're stupid i'm thinking we start with one person so we're gonna pick one person who thinks they're really strong i'm pulling first why do i have to pull so we're going to bump it right up to 50 people he's using artificial intelligence he's going to pull me backwards with freaking iron man we got one we got one guy on this side here so he's going to be pulling on that side oh they're pulling you back already and you're in park all right put her in neutral okay holy crap all right all right pull her backwards oh oh they're gonna pull you right back all right oh they got you they got you all day okay [Music] come on hold her in on [Music] this dude's chained him tight all right holy cow i think they put up a little bit of a fight pretty good with 50 people and if we get 300 it'd be close they're moving you back yeah yes they are yes they are yes i can't pull him anywhere it's perez i pulled her back no you did not let's get on flat ground oh yep he's scared now is that soft yeah it's stopped well only two trucks if they were downhill come on come on come on two trucks we got four trucks versus that's 16 wheels driving on the third honk i'm gonna go [Music] [Music] [Music] everyone just like kept going we broke another one i think you should write fti you saw it happen you saw it happen this time hey jason can you hear me the drop box [Music] yeah we broke everything all right all the wrenches and sockets and pry bars and hammers we don't have any gear we need gear oil never mind we can use the old gear oil i would not there's teeth all in there i would not use never mind we can't use the old oil i'd take a big mac dude [Music] off the rev limiter [Music] that's your tramps not the dropbox we're gonna be switching this in the dark oh that's right can i go up there this is literally brand new oil and it's black all right i'll throw that gear in that box oh my god look at that that's how i knew it was this because it was like dropbox number seven or eight or nine i'm not counting i'm not counting anymore somebody want this shaft yes we need this shaft and then we can use this gear is it that one or is it the top one also i don't even know why we run gear i don't know if i'm doing it on any oil at all oh you're not running a whole lot it's all coming out the front oh we're [Applause] full we're all loaded up whoever's making these cheap forged and billet parts and they're not hard enough thanks to everyone here who uh participated in our very short little tug of war that ended in failure so uh yeah we need more drop boxes thanks for watching have a great night just got done editing this video and i was just going to ditch the outro because nobody cares um but i did want to say a couple things while i have everyone's attention since i never even do on one on one of the camera in like a week we're going to florida and everything here on the farm is getting loaded up on mr wtf logistics trailer like everything i own all hundred thousand pounds of stuff and he's hauling it all to cletus mcfarland's place so i'm tempted to use cletus mcfartland but i don't have fake beef with him right now so anyways um it's all going there and they got this race with crown vixx and it's going to be like two and a half hours so you can buy views to it you can buy a ticket to watch that and you can watch us race crown vix anyways just let you know what's coming up but uh also i have merch this is far from stock merch never mind i don't have i have merch somewhere it's probably right here click on this link i don't have much yet but there's hoodies and hats so if you want something click there um monster max is currently buried completely like six feet underground right now and i'm not a joke the bottom half is it's just stuck back there so monster max is stuck and then um everything else is gone and destroyed thanks for watching
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 10,113,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rWr5xUFZaYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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