- [Host] We are sorted, a group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. We spent the last months making our recipe book, CBA 2. A load of rebellious shortcuts and hacks to get food into your mouth quicker and/or easier. And we thought we'd collate some those tips and share them with you here because sometimes you just
can't be arsed to cook. (dinging) - To celebrate the release
of our new cookbook, CBA 2, I've come up with a food challenge that is related to the
first chapter, CBA to Wait. And you know who can't be asked to wait in the kitchen, it's Barry. - Yeah! - [James] He doesn't have
a huge attention span. Do you, mate? - Well that's harsh. - You're going to be making
a quick udon puttanesca. (electronic music plays) (camera shutters) - Puttanesca? - Yeah. - Doesn't sound quick or simple. - But it will be. I cooked this in 8 1/2 minutes earlier. I'd like you to cook it a
little bit faster than that. I am going to guide you around the kitchen and I'm going to give you
a few tips, tricks, hacks that I used to get it that quick. - So just for clarity,
we haven't got anything preboiling or preheating. - Nothing is on right now. There is nothing on. - One thing I will point
out just for normal people, ingredients are weighed out. - [James] Things are
measured out yes, fair. - That's always a cheat but-. - [James] True. - Come on. So I've got to be so efficient, so swift. (dinging) - 'Kay you ready? - Yep. - [James] Three, two, one, go. (buzzer buzzes) Turn the kettle on. - Pro tip number one is boil a kettle as soon as you start but
always get something preheating before we actually
start doing any chopping so that when you come
to use it, it's ready. - Okay do that all the time, next. - [James] Grab one mixing bowl. - [Barry] Yep. - [James] Okay so what
you're going to put in is the anchovies, the olive
oil, tomato purée, and the sugar and you're going to grate
in all of the garlic cloves. The garlic cloves, the garlic cloves. So you're just going to grate
them straight into the bowl. - [Barry] They've got skin
on, they've got skin on. - [James] Trust me, grate
them straight into the bowl. - [Barry] You're wrong. - [James] Don't argue with me. Pro tip number two is stock up and that means kind of
enhancing your stock up a little bit from the basics
to a few extra ingredients. So anchovies is one of those. Anchovies are great for
getting depth into your food. So think of anchovies as more
umami than fishy flavour. Prot tip three is get
yourself a fine grater, you can do everything with it. You can grate garlic without peeling it, you can grate citrus,
you can grate Parmesan, it's a good all arounder. - It really does. - [James] You're taking a
little bit of time here mate. - [Barry] Sorry. - [James] I'll be honest with you. - [Barry] You were chatting my bad. - [James] Give it a quick mix, use that spoon that you've got already. Straight in the microwave
for five minutes. - [Barry] Microwave! Oh. - [James] You've got three minutes so far. - [Barry] 'Kay go. - [James] Right another bowl. Udon noodles into that bowl, boiling water over your udon noodles. Whoa that literally just
boiled as you picked it up. - [Barry] I know. - [James] Our next pro tip
is use speedy substitutes. You can substitute pasta for noodles 'cause they're essentially the same thing. And also you can get
straight to wok noodles which are perfect if you are
really, really in a rush. They're not cooking from dried you can just pour boiling water over them and they're ready in four minutes. - That's amazing I could use that for carbonaras, bologneses, stir fries. It's essentially just water and flour. - Not bad right. - [Barry] That's genius. - [James] I know. Right the microwave is timing that. - (gasps) That is smart. - [James] Put those to the side. - [Barry] Okay, keep on going. Look at me I'm learning and
panicking at the same time. (vibrant saxophone) - [James] You're gonna get
your parsley and your olives. They're going in the mini chopper. - [Barry] Oh I love this thing! ♪ Check, check, check,
check, chem 'em out. ♪ - [James] Another pro
tip if you've already stocked your kitchen up
with chopping board, knives, sauce pans, the next purchase is a mini chopper. Because it's really good for making all your sauces. You can make mayo with it,
you can make pesto with it, you can chop stuff with it. It's really useful and super cheap. - Yeah great tip I use mine for making pastes, sauces, and
purées, it's brilliant. - [James] So it's not
essential but it's really nice to have a mini chopper. It let's you get loads of flavour in. Yep, get that out. Hot they're going to be hot. - It's a bit burned. Really hot. It's not burnt it's flavour. (Barry yells) - [James] Yep really hot. - No way. - [James] Tongs, noodles, in. - [Barry] Do I have to drain it first? - [James] Nope nope nope nope. - [Barry] Should have
pulled the bowl closer. - [James] You should've yeah. But we're doing okay. That's looking pretty good. He's wasted a few seconds there. The next pro tip is to
save your pasta water because it is amazing
for adding to your dish. To kind of loosen the sauce a little bit but the starchiness of it
makes it silky, silky smooth. And it's seasoned already. And then another pro tip is to use tongs to transfer your pasta to the dish rather than draining the
water through a colander 'cause some of that water
is going to come over with the pasta, it's
loosening your sauce already. Okay get the other stuff in there, get the olives and parsley in there. - [Barry] Okay yeah. - [James] Ooh come on come on. Mix it all around. Come on mate come on, we're gonna do this. Grab a plate. - [Barry] That's not it. - [James] Put it on there. Come on. - Do a twirl. - [James] Nice twirl. Half of it half of it, just a portion. Nice sauce. You're taking a lot of time. - Sorry. - [James] Parmesan,
Parmesan then you're done. Parmesan then you're
done, come on, come on. - [Barry] And stop the clock, done. (buzzer sounds) I didn't really think twice
about what I was making but look at that shot. That's a proper dish. - [James] Did it feel quite quick? - That's actually blown
my mind a little bit. 'Cause I make a lot of
pasta dishes at home. In fact it's probably the
one thing I make the most. And every pasta dish
takes a minimum, minimum 20 minutes with the boiling of the pasta and then getting the
kind of topping ready. - [James] I think you're
going to make this again. - Going to be using udon noodles a lot. - So shall we see if we've
sacrificed any flavour. I think you'll be making this again, I do. - What was my time? - Well let's give it a little taste first and then we'll see if you've made it. (upbeat techno music) (bell dinging) - You did it in exactly 8:28. How did I do? - You did it, in 8:21. - Go team! - We both win because I guided you. - I'll take that it's so impressive. - That was good right. - That dish looks as good if not better than any pasta dish I've made. And it took less than half the time. By the way my time is very impressive and it means nothing if
it doesn't taste decent. - [James] True. Cheers. - Cheers. Mmm oh, okay, okay. Straight away smacks
you with proper flavour. You won't cut any corners there at all. It's sweet, it's tangy, and the anchovies give that umami taste that
makes it a proper pasta dish. - I wouldn't even question this if I got given it. I'd have thought you spent hours on it. - That is incredible. I can't get my head
around how quick that was. - You're cheating it because
you've got the anchovies, you've kind of got the Parmesan which is giving extra saltiness
and flavour alongside that, and then you've also got the tomato purée which is already like really concentrated. - [Barry] It's almost ragu like. That little trick by bunging
those simple ingredients, into a bowl, into the microwave. And that is your sauce. It's genius. Don't get me wrong, I love these udons it's just an unfamiliar texture because I'm expecting a pasta bite. This has a bounce to it. - We've compared it to pasta
but it's not quite pasta. It's a great substitute for pasta. - [Barry] I didn't use a hob,
I didn't use knife at all. - Yep and there's no
oven, there's like no heat apart from the microwave. And that's something that I
really like about this dish. Because you're throwing a load
of really good ingredients into a bowl and the microwave
is just doing it's work. And the anchovies dissolve into the sauce. - Wait they've gone. - Yeah they've gone. The tomato purée kind of like
start concentrating even more. The olive oil gets into
it and it all just kind of amalgamates together. - The microwave has a bad reputation and it's completely unfair 'cause what it's done there is genius. - You can use a microwave really cleverly. - The microwave did all the hard work. - So what was your favourite tip? - The tip I'm going to steal and apply to nearly every dish I make, 'cause I make a lot of Italian food the grating of garlic. - Yes. - Why've we not done that before? That's just a wicked hack. - Over to you, let us know
your hacks, tips, and tricks for when you just can't be arsed to wait. And if you like this video give it a like. - And if you liked this recipe, you will love our latest club book, it's full of recipes and kitchen hacks for when you just CBA to cook. If you'd like to buy a copy of CBA 2 then head to sorted.club/bookshop where you can pre-order it
to insure you don't miss out. Book subscription members is already being packaged up to send directly to you. (electronic music ends) - I've sent Jamie a little challenge, now one of the chapters in the book is called CBA 2 chop and in that is a selection of recipes
that don't use a knife. So in this challenge he's
not allowed to use a knife. - (speaking indistinctly) - [James] Yeah I think so. - I can smell it. - If you could hurry up a little bit that would be good. - You know I love big flavours so any shortcuts to get big flavours in little time I'm a massive fan of. - [Host] And now for a blooper. - And if you did like this recipe, you'll love our latest club book full of kitchen hacks and recipes for when you just can't be in the mood but you love your food. (laughing) Cheesy enough? I said it.