7-time lotto winner says stop THIS if you want to win

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[Music] this guy has won a lot of money okay so I spoke with him his name is Richard lustic spoke to him via Skype and one of the secrets that he shared with me and everyone today is don't buy the Quick Picks you know every time I say that people are like looking at the screen saying what do you mean don't buy quick piics I always buy quick PS well have you won yet no that Quick Picks is is the worst thing you can do guys every time you buy a quick pick you're getting a different set of numbers so your odds are always going to be at their worst all right now Richard also says if you have a good set of numbers never change your numbers and never miss a drawing in that particular game
Channel: USA TODAY
Views: 16,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4048826514001, money, youtubeusat, vpc, National News, lottery jackpot, lottery secrets, lottery, personal finance, how to win the lottery
Id: 6SpQttr_rxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 46sec (46 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 12 2015
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