7 Symptoms of Curses

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body let them know where you  are tuning in from as well   and if you're watching us on youtube  click that like button of that video   and subscribe to the channel we've been with this  week we had two million people that are watching   us it's been incredible and so um something  about microphone being uh everything's good   okay if you guys can hear me good comment  below say hey i can hear you loud and clear   those of you on tik tok if you can hear me loud  and clear drop that as well if you can hear me   loud and clear on instagram i see people from new  zealand from maryland we see people okay there you   go echo is gone praise god indiana is in the house  connecticut is in the house edmonds washington   dakota always good to see you new jersey is in  the house okay good to see you all wonderful uh   precious people of god daryl i see daryl olive  is here in the house so praise god so go ahead   and click share like comment always comment  don't just watch uh and observe engage with us   we are at church right now on both instagram on  tick tock on youtube and on facebook this week   we'll reach 2 million views on youtube from since  the youtube we started uploading that's incredible   been reaching more people for christ through  that thanks to god for that if you're noticing   i'm wearing a foundations t-shirt we've released  a foundations new e-course super stoked about it   so each single every about four months we release  new e-courses and today we launched a new e-course   free of charge about foundations of your of your  foundations in christ things like water baptism   speaking in tongues things like judgment salvation  pretty much like the things that a lot of times   we don't care about in the church because we hear  so much about the things that deal with faith and   getting us through problems so i want to encourage  you to check out the e-course if you have not   in fact let me know have you actually subscribed  to my school have you signed up for the school   if you have go ahead and drop that  in the comments say hey i have   signed up for the school if you have signed up for  this course let me know as well go ahead and drop   it in the comment below and then uh this week or  next last week we actually have launched a website   with a merchandise some of you been reaching out  and asking say hey where do you get those shirts   and so we dropped the website also it's go it's  called a softchookstore.com and so we couldn't   come up with any clever names on the go sub  truckstore.com um and you can get this one   and any other ones and if you are a partner of the  ministry just want to give a shout out to all of   our partners want to say thank you for being a  partner of the ministry because you get a 10 20   discount and all the merchandise and then uh this  week we had our second pastor a pastor's partner's   zoom meeting on tuesday and so thankful for all  the partners and thank you guys because because   of you we're able to uh provide courses create all  of the stuff and do all that we do and get better   at it for the glory of god as you know all of my  content is available free of charge on my website   passivelab.org if you have not checked it out go  ahead and check it out i have a copyright policy   you can uh it's a right for you to copy so you can  download stuff for free share it with your friends   share it with your neighbors and um and so just  kind of giving a little bit of a props for that   it's completely free of charge but you can  check it out also uh the ones that you can buy   on amazon next weekend is a race to deliver  conference we are so excited for that it's   going to happen in federal way whole race to liver  conference deals with the topics of deliverance   we're excited to go to federal way and we're  excited for what god is going to do there   and so like comment share for those of you who  are watching special on facebook and youtube   stay engaged with us we would love to stay  engaged with you and our moderators will help to   answer any questions that you might have and last  thing is the donation link and give link is there   go ahead and you know begin to sew where  you want to grow become a partner of the   ministry you can give any time to vinmo  the cash app we have paypal we have crypto   and you can become a partner through the website  it will be much appreciated we will really   appreciate you guys for that if you have any  questions you can go ahead and drop the questions   below as you are watching today we're going to  try to answer some questions and if i can have uh   maybe uh list seth if you can just kind of track  the questions on facebook and youtube as well   maybe drop them below the um the the donations  that you are putting on my screen as well so that   we can try to answer some questions toward the  end of the stream we're gonna pray for the sick   people today we're gonna also pray for people  who are oppressed for people who are possessed   and for people who are living in curses or who are  struggling right now with stuff like that so now   last few weeks we start talking about curses   and today we're going to continue with and  there's few more weeks that we're going to do   of that and then we're going to transition more  into breaking bondages and breaking strongholds   and how to fight back and overcome certain  challenges that people are facing in their life   what we must understand is that as christians  especially parents but not just parents   everyone who's watching me right now whatever  is not transformed by god in your life will   be transferred to the next generation go ahead  and drop that in the comment below if you just   understood what i said whatever is not transformed  by god will be transferred to the next generation   a lot of times what begins to happen is this is  that whatever god does not transform in our life   those habits those characteristics  they get dropped to the next generation   they get transferred to the next generation for  example look at abraham abraham had this problem   first of all abraham came from an idolater's house  where they worshiped idols and the bible says that   you know he came out of that he left all of that  life but abraham struggled with some things in   his life one of them was with fear and with lying  abraham had this thing where he wouldn't say the   truth fully abraham you know concerning his wife  concerning a few other things and he continued   lying white lies you know kind of half truth lived  in fear that somebody's going to you know kill him   on account of his wife and then this gets passed  on to his son his son isaac has a similar problem   he's lying and then we see his grandson jacob  takes it to a whole nother level where he begins   to honestly not just lie he steals a blessing  from his brother and then it goes further where   the children of jacob begin to also lie concerning  their brother being dead and they manufactured the   evidence and then they lied concerning their  brothers so we see this lying going from one   generation to another we see a similar thing  with baroness abraham's wife is barren we see   isaac's wife is buried we see jacob's wife is  barren and so this thing kind of continued going   on in their family tree and so i want to ask  you today what is going on in your family tree   you know what is going on what is being passed  on from one generation to another what is   being transferred currently in your family tree  that needs to stop see whatever one generation   does not experience transformation  in in that area happens at transfer   where they transfer that thing to a next  generation they transfer that thing to the   next generation if it's the area of addiction if  it's the area of sickness maybe it's the area of   constant financial problems perhaps it's  the area with alcoholism perhaps it's the   area with divorce and so when there is  no transformation that happens by god   in that area a lot of times there's a transfer  that takes place to a next generation the other   thing i want to mention is that whatever  we don't repent of many times gets repeated   in the next generation whatever we don't  repent off gets repeated in the next generation   now we're going to deal in just a moment on how to  break those things and come against them but we're   just going to want to lay a little foundation  in jesus mighty name that today these things   that ran in our family they ran into us and they  stopped with us in jesus name come on somebody   if you believe in that that these things are  stopping with you they're not getting through you   drop that in the comment below and tag somebody  maybe click like on that video but just drop it in   the comments saying you know what this stops with  me in jesus name a lot of things that we don't   repent of but we continue they get repeated in  the next generations for example if you study the   the history of the kings of israel the bible  keeps talking about these kings that would come   and these kings would repeat the sins of jeroboam  all the kings that followed jeroboam they repeated   his sins in fact israel had 19 kings in all and  almost all of them continued to repeat the sins   of jeroboam who led israel into idolatry and most  of their biographies these kings started like this   and he did evil in the sight of the  lord and walked in the way of jeroboam   even though some of them were not related to  jeroboam yet these sins they continued to live   as their spiritual father biological father  jeroboam but if you take israel's if you take   the kings of judah you will see the opposite  of what happened to the kings of israel   there was these eight powerful kings out of 20  who did just like their father david just like   their father david for example asa it says in  first kings 15 it says he did ask his father   david had done jehoshaphat it says that he  followed closely the course of his father asa   johas it says in second kings chapter 12 verse  3 is that he did as priest instructed him   a messiah he did not like his ancestor david  but he did just like his father joash did   uzziah and jotham and hezekiah and josiah and all  of these kings they follow the pattern of david   the kings of israel they follow the sins of  jeroboam and so let me ask you a question   today whose spiritual life are you living out  today whose moral stance are you repeating today   is it your earthly father who maybe did not  serve god and who currently is not serving god   is it your earthly mother who maybe is not serving  god and did not serve god or is it somebody who is   serving god somebody who is after the lord and  maybe it's your mentor maybe it's your pastor   or the lord jesus christ people in the bible that  you are today imitating and you're following after   in fact a statistic says that if a mother does  not go to church but the father does minimum of   two-thirds of their children will end up attending  church in contrast if a father does not go to   church but the mother does an average of the  thirds of their children will not attend church   we need our men to go back to church we need god  to raise up mighty men once again who will lead   the families to church that's why the bible  talks about the iniquity of the fathers not   just iniquity of the mothers but iniquity of the  fathers because there's something that a father   has an influence upon his sons upon his daughters  and upon his wife and upon his whole household   another survey found that if a child is the first  person in the household to become a christian   there is a 3.5 probability everyone else in us  in the household will follow if the mother is   the first one to become a christian there's a 17  probability everything else in the household will   follow isaiah hello good to see you here i hope  you're doing good so uh let us know thanks isaiah   for uh your feedback and for your uh support with  us and so the statistic says that if the mother   is the first to become a christian there is 17  probability everyone else in the household will   follow however when the father is first there's a  93 percent probability everyone in the family will   follow god 93 come on drop that in the comment  right now 93 so we need men to rise up again   real men because see there something happens when  a man begins to lead his family when a man begins   to follow god when a man begins to pray when  a man begins to break curses over his family   and set generational blessings over his family  it's almost like creates this influence this wave   over the whole family if your dad was a christian  if your dad is a christian right now or a believer   right now come on and drop that in a comment below  mention his name maybe and say hey i'm so glad   my father is a christian or maybe your father is  not a christian but you're believing for your dad   right now i believe with you that by the time this  year is over god is going to bring your father to   faith and that he will lay a foundation for your  whole family to your brothers and your sisters to   begin to serve god and break generational curses  in jesus mighty name come on somebody in proverbs   chapter 3 it says the following proverbs 3 23 it  says that the curse of the lord is on the house of   the wicked but he blesses home of the just i want  you to notice this so it's proverbs 3 23 very easy   to remember all threes proverbs 3 23 the curse of  the lord is on the house of the wicked it doesn't   say it's just on the wicked the bible doesn't  just say the blessing of the lord is just on   the just or the righteous on the home of the just  that means the blessing rests on the whole house   and the curse rests on the whole house so when  the father is the man who is wicked a lot of times   there's a curse that hangs on that house and you  are living you could be living under that curse   if your father your mother serves god and they're  walking in righteousness that blessing rests upon   your house and you could be experiencing blessings  that you never worked for because they served   the lord and so you eventually when you get your  own house when you have your own family you have   responsibility to transfer blessings to pass on  blessings not just money not just college tuition   pass on generational blessings pass on faith the  same way mama of timothy passed on to timothy and   his grandma passed on to him like the same way  that moses's mom released faith on moses god   wants you to release things to the next generation  that will make easier for the next generation to   serve him you know i find it interesting today as  i was looking about noah when god led noah to be   saved from the flood he didn't send noah into the  ark by himself he sent his whole family into the   ark when lot was taken out of sodom he brought the  whole family out of sodom god did god brought the   whole family out of sodom when israel was being  delivered in egypt god said to slay the lamb   for the house the lamb for the house one lamb  for the house when rahab came out from jericho   the scripture says she had her mom dad brothers  and sisters with her in the house she was like i   am giving my family to the devil i'm not giving my  family to destruction they're all coming with me   out of jericho somebody in this chad right now  you need to take your family you need to begin to   claim your family that me and my family will serve  god the same way joshua said me and my family will   serve god the way joshua said in joshua 23 5 just  dropped it in the comments right now if you're   believing for your family to be serving god this  year for god who provided the lamb for your house   who is going to get your family out of sodom  like he did lot's family who is going to get your   family out of the flood of judgment the way he did  with noah's family begin to drop it in a comment   and say me and my family will serve god i will be  creating generational blessings for my children   i am breaking generational curses over my family  i am breaking generational curses of poverty i   am breaking generational curses of sickness i  am breaking generational curses of divorce i am   breaking generational curses of accident prone i  am breaking generational curses of barriness and   all kinds of miscarriage i am breaking  generational curses of fear and all kinds   of phobias in jesus mighty name and me and  my family will serve god in the new testament   centurion he comes to jesus and his servant  gets healed and the bible says he and his   household believed he and his household  believed cornelius believed with his household   and they all got baptized in the holy ghost lydia  believed and got baptized with the whole household   so for those of you who maybe feel like man i'm  just a woman lad you just read very depressing   statistics my husband is not serving god maybe  you're like lydia god is calling you to bring your   household to god god wants to bring a blessing  on your household because you are the just person   you are the holy person because you are the  person that is forgiven and washed by the blood   in your family god maybe is using you like rahab  to bring your brothers and your sisters and your   mom and your dad to god maybe he's using you  like noah so he he can break the curses over your   family and you can take your family into the ark  of god's blessings maybe he's using you like lord   so you can pull your daughters and your wife out  of the wickedness of curses and demonic oppression   witchcraft new age and all of those religions  that are not right and bring him into relationship   with god the bible says when paul was he led  jailor to christ he says you and your family   will be saved now it does not mean that if one  person gets saved automatically everyone in the   family goes to heaven we know that each person has  to make their choice but when the father when the   main guy in the house makes the decision it makes  the decisions for other people so much easier   and even if the children derail and they walk  away they slide back into that blessing because   it's the principle of generational blessing  it pulls you into that in jesus mighty name   the ruler of the synagogue and book of acts also  believed together with his household paul also   baptized the house of stephanus he says that in  first corinthians and chapter 1 verse 16. and so   i grew up in a household that is not necessarily  because of my good deeds or anything of that i did   because my mom and my dad they served god i met  god at a very young age and even if i did not   know god i knew about god and it protected me from  a lot of struggles anybody else right now who's   watching who's saying you know what i have been  blessed to have grown up in a godly not perfect   but a godly family and i've seen god's blessing  drop that in the comment below if you are thankful   if you just want to give god the praise right now  lord i praise you for my father and my mother who   paved the way and who transferred blessings into  my life and for those of you who did not have that   privilege i believe that you are going to be  the one who will set that up for your children   i believe you're going to be the one who will lay  that foundation for the children to come in jesus   name in my break free book i shared the story  of two families and some of you have seen this   the families of max juke and jonathan edwards  there's a book that is written by ian winship   and he pretty much studied two families he  studied first family and that was max jukes   out of 1 200 descendants that he tracked he  saw that 310 of them were really really poor   300 of them one out of four died in  intimate infancy from lack of good care   and lack of good conditions he started to track  deeper out of 1200 of descendants of this guy   who was not a godly man he was a hedon he lived  very immoral life very drunk did not serve god and   he noticed that 50 women from this man's lineage  they lived as prostitutes and they lived very very   loosed lives 400 men and women were physically  wrecked early by their wickedness seven of his   descendants were murderers 60 had habitu were  habitual thieves who spent an average 12 years in   jails 130 were criminals who were convicted  of more than one crime so he looks at 1200   descendants of this max jukes and literally  finds out a lot of them are very poor   a lot of them are criminals a lot of the women  are prostitutes a lot of the descendants are   thieves and at the same time that this guy lived  in his generation or in his not very far from   him lived another guy named jonathan edwards  who had 11 children and for those of you who   know jonathan edwards he was a godly man he was  a pastor he was a theologian he was a writer he   was a preacher of the gospel he had 11 children  out of this men's tree came one vice president   three u.s senators three governors three mayors  13 college presidents 30 judges 65 professors   80 public office holders 100 lawyers and  100 missionaries pastors and theologians   come on somebody drop that in the comments below  say that that's that's going to be my family   that's that's going to be the family that that's  the legacy i'm going to leave in the kingdom of   god i want that for my family so one guy literally  leaves a trail of people who are alcoholics   thieves and prostitutes broke and leaving very  bad legacy and the other guy literally leaves   people who are president vice presidents senators  missionaries and who hold public offices who are   judges and so one is a godly man the other one is  not and so proverbs 3 33 really confirms that guys   is that the curse of the lord is on the house of  the wicked but the blessing of the lord is on the   house of the just it's not just on the just it's  not just on the wicked your decisions don't just   affect you they affect the next generation  in fact they did a study and the research   researchers at amory university trained mice  to fear a fruity odor by pairing it with a mild   electric shock to their foot ten days later the  mice were allowed to mate interestingly their pups   feared the order even without having encountered  that smell before what's more fascinating is that   that offspring of those pups the grandchildren  were born with the same specific memory   so doing that on mice they found out that certain  things get transferred through birth even in mice   through epigenetics and so the bible talks about  generational curses iniquities of the fathers   where people are born with those proclivities  or they're born with those bands or they're born   with those certain things and we're going to talk  in just a moment about the signs of these curses   that happen that the bible describes about but  before we do that i just got to mention a few more   things when they did a study on the women who went  through the 9 11 attack among thousands of people   who were directly exposed to the attacks were one  thousand seven hundred pregnant women and some of   these women developed symptoms of post-traumatic  stress disorder as we call it psd ptsd   their children reacted with high levels of fear  and stress around noises unfamiliar people or new   foods it seems that infants inherited this is what  the study said inherited the nightmare that their   mothers experienced on that day interestingly  some of these children when they would go to the   therapist and they would go to their counselors  and they would get interviewed and they would   find out that these kids did not hear the stories  of their mothers like sometimes people like oh no   they just heard so many stories that's why that  fear came that that post-traumatic disorder came   but some of them never heard any stories at all  but they were born with that disorder already   because their parents carried that when they were  pregnant and they were exposed to the 9 11 attack   and so that's why the whole thing is that whatever  is not transformed is transferred whatever is not   repented of renounced and rebuked gets repeated  in the next generation but it has to stop today   in our life today it was running until it ran into  me it was running until it was running into me now   what do you do i believe one of the biggest  things that we can do to break the curses   to break generational curses and to  overcome generational demons i believe   the one of the biggest things that you  can do and as i was preparing today   i really felt the lord also place this  upon my heart if your house is cursed   hunted and there is a curse hanging on  your house you have to switch houses   switch houses come on drop that in the comment  below switch houses what do you mean switch   houses do you mean like i have to go and switch  my parents get new parents no no that's not what   i mean switch houses what i mean is that at  galatians 6 10 it says that we belong to the   household of faith household of faith so we used  to we were born in a household maybe of curse   we were born in a household of idolatry  we were born in the household of new age   or maybe mormonism mason uh perhaps witchcraft  maybe we were born in those households   but it says we belong to the household of faith  maybe you were born in a household of fear but   you belong now to the household of faith maybe you  were born in a household of poverty but god says i   want you right now to belong to a household of my  provision maybe you were born in a household where   there was miscarriage and barriness i want you to  belong to the household right now where there is   fruitfulness and when there is blessing maybe you  were born in this household you can switch today   by being and belonging to the household of faith  that's why the bible says in psalm 92 verse 13   righteous will flourish who are planted in  the house of the lord i believe one of the   secrets of breaking generational curses is  not only praying prayers it's being planted in   a house of god i'm not talking about attending  church i'm talking about planted come on somebody   say plant it somebody dropped it in a common  planted not attending plant it planted meaning you   are grounded planted means this new family this  new house is now affecting your life so physically   you may still carry the last name but spiritually  you're already connected to this new family   and then you begin to be as a righteous person  flourishing not just because you're righteous but   because you're planted in the house of the lord  you were uprooted from the generational curse   and that's good today we're going to pray to  break generational curses we're going to uproot   generational curses but my friend generational  blessings don't come until you belong to a new   house you were born in a house that is bad perhaps  you have to belong to a house that's different   i'm not talking about just attending church i'm  not talking about i'm talking about belonging   there the same way you were belonging in your  physical house planted in the house of the lord   not visiting church not just oh well i pay my  tithes nope are you serving are you connected   are you engaged in the life of a local church  maybe you say i don't have a local church   well join hungary jan go and become a member  of hungry gen you can do that online join a   church that is living church that's breathing  fire of the holy ghost why because generational   curses get broken when you come against them but  generational blessings they come in the house   the house of the just gets a blessing of the lord  who is the just it's jesus christ so his house you   have to be in his house you can't just simply say  well i don't like church but i i love god that's   cool you might make it to heaven but if you really  want to be blessed if you really want to see the   supernatural blessing upon your life you got to  do more than just attend church you have to be   planted in the house of god you can be physically  in the line for a blessing but spiritually   position for the curse for example your your  parents might be christians and you are physically   in position for the blessing but spiritually you  can disconnect yourself from that and receive a   curse what solomon did solomon was physically in  line for the blessing but spiritually he made a   decision to disconnect from the blessing of his  father david and he started worshiping idols   or you can be physically in line for the curse  everyone in the family drinks everybody in the   family is you know immoral everyone is divorced  everybody's under antidepressant pills everybody   has unexplainable accidents happening to them  and that's physical line that you are a part of   but spiritually you got yourself connected to a  new family like rahab you know she came from a   family and came from a city a bunch of curses  and they were supposed to be wiped out by god   but she spiritually connected herself to a  new family brought her whole family under that   and then she not only switched families she  switched kingdoms she switched countries   and rahab is mentioned in the book of matthew  chapter one as one of the women that jesus david   and the kings came through so let me ask you  a question today are you planted in the house   have you removed the curses through praying   have you removed the curses through renouncing  have you removed the curses through with standing   against those things that were done that you are  currently suffering the consequences from and   have you planted yourself in the house one of  the reasons the devil will fight you hard so   you don't stay in the church is because the devil  knows that he can stop god's blessing in your life   if you constantly switch churches there are some  of you you switch churches like i switch clothes   you constantly get offended at every church  and what you don't realize is you're playing   the devil's game and yes you're going to heaven  but you're living in hell because you are not   able to stay in one place long enough so you can  flourish and you're righteous you're you of course   you're righteous you're just not flourishing  god wants you to flourish as a righteous person   and for that to happen you have to be planted  in the house of the lord you have to be planted   i'm not talking about planted and replanted every  month because god keeps moving you from one church   to another no i'm talking about being planted  and planted long enough until your fruits show   god wants to pull the roots of curses today  and he wants to release the fruit of blessings   in your life in jesus mighty name somebody say  i want to flourish in the house of the lord   go ahead and drop that in the comment below  i want to flourish in the house of the lord i   want to flourish i don't want to just have curses  broken i don't want to just have disconnected from   the curses of my father and my mother no i want  to flourish in the household of god i want to be   planted in the household of god in jesus mighty  name so when it comes to all of this stuff pretty   much let's summarize it and i've talked about  last few weeks it's not about blaming generational   curses it's not about blaming your father and  your mother it's about battling the patterns   and powers of the enemy that are working  behind the scenes this is about removing   the restrictions the rags of restrictions like  we talked about last week and this is about us   moving from one house of curses to a house  of blessings in jesus name some of you may   say well vlad you know i believe that jesus  already took care of all of that on the cross   and and we don't need to deal with that  well if the same thing is happening to   you that's happening to your father jesus  dealt with it on the cross but perhaps   he defeated the curse but you  still need to dispossess it   come on he defeated the curse on the cross but  you need to dispossess that curse you know god   defeated the enemies in the promised land but  israel still had to go and dispossess them   meaning uproot them and pull them out and that's  what the lord wants you to do he wants you to   uproot and dispossess the curses that are maybe  currently still operating even though jesus christ   has defeated them and redeemed you on the cross in  jesus mighty name and you need to switch quickly   from attending church to being planted in a local  church and to belong to a new household because   then these blessings begin to come upon your  life when you begin to belong to a new household   i cannot tell you how many people i know in our  church who came from a broken family the moment   they came to church and they got saved they stayed  long enough to see the mindsets and patterns shift   to see their minds renewed to see things broken  over their life when they got married they did it   differently they didn't sleep around before they  got married why because they did it according to   the new rules of the new house the new culture  of the new house which was the purity culture   which is the culture of holiness and then when  they got married you know the guys under what   is the thing when the guys do before the wedding  at the um the party uh bachelor party yeah and   the guys in the bachelor party you know would go  to evangelism instead of bringing a stripper you   know and i remember one time the father was like  uh what son you're not gonna have a stripper on   your bachelor party he's like dad no he's like  i go to church we don't do that kind of stuff   and the father was kind of surprised and  now the man the young man is now operating   on a different house even though he still honors  his dad and mom he's not blaming his dad and mom   but he is battling the patterns that were passed  on from that generation and now he's living under   the blessing of the new house he's living under  the principles of the new house and the old   house that he came out of doesn't understand him  completely but he's like hey i don't want that   that i respect you but i don't want to be like  you and mom were you were divorced and you married   already three or four times i want to grow old  with the person that i get married to and guess   what i learned that well i learned it from my  other brothers and sisters in the church they they   stay married to one person 30 and 40 years and so  i now belong to this new house and the lifestyle   the culture the mindsets the attitudes of this  new house is affecting my life and i'm gonna   live like the house i am planted in i remember one  young man who was married and guess what happened   um he gets married you know everyone in his family  is divorced like everyone he can think of is   divorced and so he gets saved he's so pumped and  you know and uh he gets married to this girl and   um and about six months later i warned him i  said bro just because you're married and just   because you're going to church it does not mean  you're still not going to have to confront these   generational cycles patterns and powers that are  working behind the scenes and i told him this i   said usually what begins to happen is about six  months or 12 months into it the enemy will take   away your feelings for your spouse and make you  feel like you made a mistake and thus repeating   the generational curses of your dad and your  mom and then you divorce you know you're like   oh i made a mistake you're divorced and then next  thing you realize you did exactly what your dad   did what your mom did what your grandpa did what  your auntie did and what your uncle did and i   said you're gonna have to when that time comes in  you're gonna have to confront those feelings and   face the forces that are behind those feelings and  drive them command them to go to hell and to stick   with your decision that you will stay with this  person and overcome that hurdle and so exactly   what i spoke to him happened you know six months  into it his wife calls me and she's like hey um he   wants to leave me i was like what do you mean  he wants to leave you guys just got married   he's like yeah he he doesn't feel like he loves  me anymore and he found some chica on facebook   and uh he reconnected with her and he really  feels like his life would be better with her   and i was like that devil is a liar and so  i remember i met with him and i was like bro   this is generational curse wants to lay  its final hold on your life i said it's   that curse they visited your dad it's visited  your grandpa and i was like together with me   we're gonna pray against it right now but you're  gonna have to stand against it understand this is   not just you losing your feelings for your  wife you've been with her for six months   you love her you wanted to marry her and stuff  this is the devil and so we prayed against it he   said man but i still don't feel anything for her i  was like just hang in there everything will change   and within month one month and a half you know  all of that stuff was gone all of that garbage was   gone and guess what happened he stayed with her  a few years later they started to have children   and now i think they've been married for over  12 years they're still faithful in the church   and they're completely changed the trajectory  of their family why because they belong to a   new family they are planted in a new family god is  about to break curses over your life in jesus name   but for god to bring blessings you have to be  planted in a new house in jesus mighty name we're   not discriminating against separated people or  divorced people please understand when i'm talking   about breaking curses i'm not talking about  blaming people i'm talking about where you said   hey this is not god's will this is not going to  run in my life and i'm coming against it in jesus   mighty name i'm renewing my mind and i'm plugging  myself in the local church i'm plugging myself   in a small group why so that i don't repeat the  failure of the previous generation but i continue   to bring a blessing to the upcoming generation in  jesus mighty name now with all of that that i said   uh we were uh this whole stream is about the  seven signs of curses there's actually 30 of them   in book of deuteronomy i'm going to go quickly  through them and i'm going to summarize and   make them all into seven and so we're gonna  go quickly through that right now and so um   for those of you who are receiving something  already go ahead and drop that in the comment   below that you are not blaming your parents but  you are battling spiritual forces behind that   and that you are gonna dispossess come on just  agree with me right now uh before we even talk   about the signs of these curses just comment  that below let's make that a prayer right now   i dispossess everything god has defeated come  on that could be a good t-shirt right there   i dispossess everything god has defeated on the  cross i dispossess the curses god has defeated on   the cross i dispossess the curses god has canceled  on the cross if you agree with that drop number   one right now come on comment number one comment  number one right now on youtube on facebook on   instagram more people are tuning in on instagram  right now go ahead and just comment number one   if you agree with me right now that it's time  to dispossess what god has defeated this possess   everything god has defeated drop the number one  right now i see some of you dropping and not   not every one of you but go ahead rachel i see  you i see others christie from from tick tock   kelly go ahead go ahead let's spend the  comments spam the comments right now   spam the comments so go ahead and drop that one  if you are ready to dispossess what jesus christ   has defeated in jesus mighty name  come on somebody thank you lord   thank you lord some of you are dropping so  many ones right now that it's beginning to um   fill too many i won't be able to read them but i'm  going to go ahead and read the curses and we're   going to begin to dispossess them together with  you right now in the name of jesus so according to   deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 20 all the way till  57 there is 30 signs of curses sign number one   is when there is a destruction to everything  that you do sign number two if there are plagues   like covet plague or virus is going around plagues  that's that's sign of the curse disease death even   fever sign number four if there's unanswered  prayers sign number five if there is a drought   in the land sign number six is military defeat  sign number seven is death sign number eight is   incurable diseases sign number nine is mental  illnesses sign number 10 is poverty sign number   11 is adultery failure and loss sign number 12  is loss of possessions sign number 13 is slavery   sign number 14 is defeat in war and economics sign  number 15 is insanity sign number 16 is boils sign   number 17 is national displacement sign number 18  is humiliation sign number 19 is insect attacks   sign number 20 is crop failure sign number 21 is  death uh is death in uh agricultural life sign   number 22 is loss of family sign number 23 is  locust investigation sign number 24 is defeat   by foreigners sign number 25 is financial  servitude sign number 26 is hunger thirst   and nakedness sign number 27 is being conquered  by other nations and sign number 28 is marriage   difficulties and sign number 30 is cannibalism  so if you bring all of them into seven main   signs of curses and we're about to begin  to pray to dispossess them in jesus name   chronic sicknesses that go from generation to  generation that's the first main sign is when   sicknesses go from one generation to another  specifically chronic diseases we all get sick   but when sicknesses go from one generation to  another chronic ones arthritis diabetes high blood   pressure heart problems cancer tumors all kinds  of fibroids are all kinds of terminal illnesses   especially the illnesses the doctors find no cure  and no reason for they're like i don't know why   you're sick like you're healthy everything's  supposed to be fine and like physically you're   taking care of yourself i don't know why this is  happening a lot of times that's a sign there's a   spiritual force behind it number two sign so if  we take all of those 30 signs let's reduce them   right now to seven main categories number two sign  is phobias and fears in fact you know before we go   to number two can we just take a moment right now  and begin to break that let's begin to dispossess   right now every curse of chronic disease in jesus  name if you are ready to do that right now i want   you to begin to comment one comment one we're  going to begin to dispossess chronic generational   diseases in jesus mighty name  let's pray with me right now   say this out loud or type it out type  it out loud whatever whatever helps you   begin to say lord jesus christ through your blood  i renounce every generational chronic disease   that came through the bloodline in jesus  name i break the curse over my family   over my body in the name of jesus that  disease you have to go right now in jesus name   go ahead and drop that one right now quickly spam  that comment right now let's i'm going to pray   over you and you agree with me right now whether  you can comment your prayer or you pray out loud   whatever that is holy spirit knows and holy spirit  is right now moving in your life we break every   generational curse in the name of jesus that  has been passed on from generation to generation   i take authority right now over every chronic  disease that has been passed on in the blood   i come against right now that cancer  in jesus name i come against that   arthritis in jesus name i come against that  heart problem in the mighty name of jesus that   is passed on from generation to generation  in jesus mighty name be healed right now   be delivered right now you spirit of affliction  you spirit of infirmity i command you to go   in jesus mighty name i command you to  go in jesus mighty name that chronic   incurable disease i break your grip the one  that's been passed from one generation to another   i break your grip right now the one that comes  through the blood i come against you by the blood   of jesus christ and the fire of the holy spirit  in jesus mighty name be delivered right now i   uproot every generational curse of sickness i pull  out every generational curse of chronic disease   by the blood of jesus and the fire of the holy  spirit i come against you you spirit of infirmity   that seeks to destroy this person's life right  now in jesus mighty name in the name of jesus   in jesus mighty name every disorder  every problem of disease sickness   that is going on from generation to generation  i approach you right now in the name of jesus   some of you you're not battling physical  problem you're battling a spiritual problem   that reveals itself physically and until you break  that curse spiritually you won't be able to break   that thing physically and so right now i want you  to begin to as you agree with me in jesus name god   is breaking that over your family god is breaking  that over you that sickness that was repeated the   fear of death from that sickness is leaving right  now god is removing the fear of death in the name   of jesus christ god is removing the fear of death  right now in the name of jesus christ because some   of you that's how that sickness gains a hold of  your life is that you're afraid of getting it   and you're taking all of these things all of  these vitamins and all of these procedures   just so you don't get it but that fear becomes an  open door and god is removing that fear right now   because you're planted in the house of god  you will flourish in your health in jesus name   you will flourish in your health in jesus name go  ahead i agree with me right now drop that in the   comment below say i will flourish in my health  in the house of god my body is the temple of   the holy ghost i will flourish in my health in  the house of god i will flourish in my health   in the house of god i will flourish in my health  in the house of god go ahead drop that right now   i will flourish make that confession with me i  will flourish in my health as apostle john says   he says be in good health and prosper as your soul  prospers i will flourish in my health in the house   of god in the name of jesus the second category  of curses is phobias and fears amen amen amen is phobias and fears fear of the dark  fear of getting sick fear of small places   fear of loneliness fear of getting married fear of  getting divorced fear of driving fear of elevators   fear pretty much any kind of fear  that is controlling your life   phobias and spirit fear is a spirit and  this fear a lot of times it's a generational   thing um it's a thing that pretty much goes in  the family and i believe right now we're going   to begin to pray in the name of jesus the curse  of fear for those of you who have a curse of fear   that's operating in your life and it's a  generational thing let's come against it right now   in the name of jesus come on i want you to drop  that one right now if you believe that the fear   is going to go today somebody is going to be  delivered of that fear right now in the name of   jesus i lord god in the name of jesus i dispossess  that fear right now if you're able to repeat that   after me say this with me say in jesus name i  dispossess that fear right now in my life i break   that spirit of fear in the name of jesus christ  i loose myself from that spirit of fear right now   the fear of the lord is my portion not the fear  of man not the fear of the dark not the fear of   isolation not the fear of rejection not the fear  of getting sick not the fear of small places not   the fear of divorce not the fear of driving not  the fear of any other but the fear of the lord   is my portion in jesus mighty name i break that  fear right now in the name of jesus if you were   afraid of the dark if you are afraid of you just  have different phobias maybe public speaking or   you start stuttering maybe you have a problem  with stuttering that came as a result of fear   and maybe it's something that is a generational i  just come against that right now i agree with you   for your deliverance right now in the name of  jesus i pull out that spirit of fear like a   plant from your backyard i pull out that spirit  of fear right now that curse of fear like a like   a plant out of your yard be delivered in jesus  name may you flourish in the courts of our god   may you belong to a household of faith may you be  a positive person may you be a person of faith may   you be a person of great destiny in jesus mighty  name i struggled with fear myself i struggled   with the fear of man i struggled with the fear  of speaking i was so chronically shy i had this   phobia intimidation i was so timid it scared me  it wasn't a generational thing necessarily but   god broke that off of me and i believe that he's  breaking that off of people right now god's gonna   give you boldness god's gonna even change your  personality where you're gonna be an outgoing   bold not shy and person of faith not fear in  jesus name if you receive that dropped it in   the comment i receive i agree in jesus mighty  name in jesus mighty name so the first sign   of curses is chronic diseases the second one is  phobias and fears three is repeated destiny of   parents it's when whatever is happening  with your parents is happening with you   so repeated destiny of your parents it's like the  cycle just continues and god is dispossessing that   today as you recognize it and you begin to come  against it in jesus name the fourth one is the   premature death in the family it's when people  don't live to their full age and everyone dies   at the very young age sometimes i've met people  who actually die that are like at the age of 50   just everyone at the age of 50. within about one  or two years and cancer takes them out and so and   that's a curse generational curse of premature  death and we're gonna break that in jesus name   if you have that in the family where people  died at the premature age and they always   die at premature age right now let's begin to  come against that in jesus name let's begin to   come against that you will live long and that you  will live live for the glory of god in jesus name   continue to spend the comments continue  to stay engaged with me continue to um   love says i am this is suspicious you're  suspicious um begin to stay engaged with me right   now let's begin to come against it in jesus name  that premature death will be broken over our life   now it's totally different if you're like jesus or  john the baptist and you get martyred and you give   your life to christ like that but it's different  when cancer takes your life it's different when   accidents take your life it's different when  heart problems take your life god wants you to   live through your full years like abraham till old  age so that your eyes are not dim so you're full   of vigor and lord we just break that premature  death right now over the family in jesus name   i speak right now that we will live long and  that we will live for your glory in jesus mighty   name i dispossess every curse of premature death  every curse of premature death if your mama your   grandma your grandpa your father everyone in the  family died at a young age from this particular   accident or a disease right now i stand in faith  with you we dispossess that right now from your   promised land we dispossess that and we send those  enemies running right now in jesus mighty name   be free in the name of jesus christ be free from  fear of dying young and be free from dying young   in the name of jesus spirit of god is moving  right now and he is breaking that over your life   he is bringing freedom in your life in jesus name  that you will it will be well with you and that   you will live a long life for the glory of god in  jesus mighty name if you believe in that drop that   amen right now say amen amen just drop the in man  in jesus name i will not die young i will live and   declare the glory of god the curse of premature  death is being broken right now in jesus mighty   name the fourth sign of curse the fifth sign of  curse is poverty or sometimes what the world calls   bad luck bedlock or poverty it's one constant  limitation constant shortage in your finances   and there's never enough you're always short  in financial you're always battling financially   and i believe it's also a curse a lot of times  that curse specifically comes through stealing   a lot of times that curse specifically comes when  people are not generous and they're not giving a   lot of times that curse specifically comes when  people are duping other people for finances but   i believe that if you've repented if you have  forgiven if you have um live a generous life as   a believer and you're working hard i'm not talking  about people who are lazy or who don't want to   work but you're working hard and you're noticing  that there's still something holding you back you   constantly have these shortages constantly not  have not having enough finances to pay for your   bills and you feel like man there's like this it's  it's like i'm working on the field of thorns like   that curse and book of genesis that's me god wants  to break that today and release his prosperity   i remember a young man was honestly as long  as i could remember he never had enough money   to pay for bills he worked very hard actually he  worked full-time he had a good job he just never   had enough money the moment he would have money  and something would happen and take all of his   uh paycheck and then he would end up borrowing  constantly borrowing and um we were meeting with   him and his wife and he tells me that god puts  on his heart to give a sacrifice to particular   ministry it was not even in our country and i  was like i looked at him and i was like oh man   that's not good bro he's like i feel like god  wants to take the whole paycheck that i make   and give it to that ministry and i was like bro  you don't have enough to pay your own bills are   you sure this is god you know i'm trying to talk  him out of it and as i'm talking him out of it   i feel the holy spirit tell me something he said  this was very i've not hear something i did not   hear something like that before i feel the holy  spirit said he says he says vlad i'm leading him   right now to break the curse of financial poverty  don't stop it and i was like lord but how's this   has to do with with with that he said he's never  given sacrificially he's always wasted his money   on other stuff and so i just prayed for him i  said bro i pray for you he gave that finances   it wasn't to me or to my ministry he gave it  to another ministry we prayed i agreed for him   for curse of financial poverty will be broken a  month later or a month and a half later he says   he says i have two checks right now from my work  that i don't need to cash because bills are being   paid for already and all of my bills are taken  care of he says i've never had this in my life   where i could have a check that could lay  on the desk in my house without a need to   be cashed immediately because the bills are being  paid for he says this is a miracle today he has   his own business today you know god is blessing  him financially he's in a total different level   and that curse is broken god wants to break the  curse of poverty in our finances in jesus name   right now we dispossess every curse of poverty  in the name of jesus every curse of lack   every curse of constant shortage constant  accidents constant bills showing up   the curse of borrowing regularly not having  enough to meet our needs and to meet the needs   of our family we dispossess them right now in  the name of jesus we dispossess those philistines   we dispossess those curses right now we break  them over our life in the name of jesus christ   we break them over our family i break that  right now over people's jobs i break that   over people's finances i break that over people's  work ethics i break that right now over people's   minds in the name of jesus christ be broken in  jesus name may god cause you to flourish in the   house of the lord may god cause you to flourish  in your job may god cause you to have more than   enough in your job in jesus mighty name amen go  ahead and drop that amen say i agree i receive   drop that amen right now let's let's  agree release your faith with me right now   release your faith right now that god is breaking  the curse of poverty in the name of jesus   number six and that's repeated accidents  car accidents repeated accidents   where someone's always drowning repeated accidents  you constantly cut your finger repeated accidents   something always drops on your foot like there's  this accident you hit um something with the car   you run over something um you break something it's  it's like this like all the time i know sometimes   families where there are every kid has an accident  like every two years somebody always has to have   an accident even though they don't die but it's  like every person always has car accidents maybe   it's the drowning accidents that are happening  repeated accidents is a sign of a curse   repeated accidents is a sign of the curse and  we're breaking them right now in the name of jesus   father i thank you that the holy spirit is on us  right now and i thank you lord god that we are   breaking the curses right now in the name of jesus  christ we're breaking the curses in jesus mighty   name the curse of accidents there's somebody  that you're watching right now and you have that   where you have constant car accidents or injuries  at your work constant accidents in the gym   something drops you mess up your back and it's  like it follows you instead of goodness and mercy   following you that you have accidents following  you right now let's commend those accidents to go   in jesus name come on father we dispossess those  accidents right now we commend those acts repeated   accidents to go in jesus mighty name we speak  freedom we speak liberty right now we speak the   goodness and favor the favor goodness and mercy  will follow these people in jesus mighty name   i break the curse of accidents right now i break  the curse of repeated misfortunes unfortunate   things taking place in jesus mighty name holy  spirit move right now holy spirit come right now   disconnect anything that's not of the lord  in people's lives in jesus mighty name   in jesus mighty name amen amen if you receive  that prayer just drop that in the comment below   say amen i receive amen i receive those of  you on facebook right now let's break 200   on facebook so go ahead and  click share spam the comments   drop this video right now to other groups that  you belong to let them know that you are tuning in   this is what you're watching that you are  receiving blessing right now that you're   receiving prayer right now that there's revival  breaking out on facebook drop that share that   go ahead i see more more of you are tuning in  on facebook and share it to your other pages   and share it to your own page again and again you  can delete it afterwards and stuff so but it will   help us to write the algorithm and the last sign  of the curse and that is loneliness divorce and   barriness and unability to get married barrenness  loneliness divorce and inability to get married   so there are people who have that over their life  when they are not able to get married or they're   not able to have children or perhaps not that  they're alone but they're lonely and that is a   curse and we want to come against them right now  and we're going to break that in the name of jesus   christ and some of you you're going to get married  very soon and not like married to some kind of a   loser or some kind of a joke today you're going to  need to get rid of them afterwards so but married   to somebody that you're going to be thankful god's  blessing for your life in jesus mighty name and so   if you don't have the ability you literally feel  like something is holding you back from marriage   i just want to pray with you right now and i just  want to come against that especially if this is   not um you literally you attempted you tried and  it's like a generational thing you're kind of   noticing that people had a problem in the area of  relationships in your family tree let's just come   against it let's come against that in the name  of jesus christ if you're believing for your   daughter if you're believing right now for your  son if you're believing for somebody right now   in your family let's agree with that right now in  the name of jesus i mean i'm going to do something   just symbolic lord even as i lift this ring in  the name of jesus i pray for every young lady   that is battling with the curse right now that  is stopping the marriage from happening in the   name of jesus i break that in the mighty name  of jesus christ spirit of god i ask you right   now that you will disconnect any curse that is  causing the inability to get married any curse   that is bringing loneliness i rebuke the spirit  of loneliness i'll rebuke that curse of barrenness   i'll rebuke that curse right now of divorce i'll  rebuke that curse right now that is pushing away   suitable young men or young women from  getting married in the name of jesus christ   lord i bring freedom right now to your people i  bring your word right now to your people in the   name of jesus even those of them who seems like  they're past their age lord god bring them that   blessing right now in the name of jesus in jesus  mighty name lord god send them the right person   let them let it be from you let it bring great  joy into their life lord god i speak that blessing   that fatherly blessing over the life that pastoral  blessing over their life in the name of jesus god   that they will rejoice that those young men  will rejoice with the wife of their youth that   those young women god they will rejoice with  a wonderful godly husband in jesus mighty name   in jesus mighty name i rebuke every spirit  of loneliness for those who are married   but lonely for those who are married but they  feel like they are not married they're never   connected to their spouse and it's not because  they're not loved it's because something in them   is just causing that in the name of jesus i rebuke  every spiritual husband right now that comes i come against that demon in the name of jesus  that comes in your sleep and sleeps with you   and drives away every young man from your life  in the name of jesus that spiritual husband you   gotta go right now in jesus name i break that  curse i know distance is not a barrier for god   and so receive that deliverance right now receive  that breakthrough right now those sexual dreams   will rebuke that in jesus mighty name we come  against that in jesus mighty name come on agree   with me right now agree with me right now those  of you on youtube agree with me right now in jesus   name even if it's not your problem agree with  me for somebody else because there's somebody   who's watching right now and you have a problem  with getting married but you also have a guy that   shows up to you in your sleep sleeps with you  all the time torments you feel these torments   and god is about to deliver you right now  god is about to end that cycle of torment   right now in jesus mighty name he is liberating  you he is setting you free in jesus mighty name   he is releasing his anointing right now he is  uprooting that spiritual husband out of your life   out of your sleep in jesus mighty name be free  in jesus name be free in the name of jesus christ   that curse of sexual dreams be canceled right  now in the mighty name of jesus holy spirit   let your presence come right now and let those  nightmares not repeat again let your presence   come right now and let that spiritual husband who  is the devil and demon himself not show up again   that familiar spirit that strange spirit that  unclean spirit you have to go in jesus mighty name   be free in the mighty name of jesus thank you lord  thank you lord thank you lord thank you father in   the name of jesus christ just comment below right  now and simply say hey i'll receive i agree with   you i received that breakthrough i received that  prayer in jesus mighty name that demon be broken   that spiritual spouse be uprooted in the name of  jesus christ and even for the young man who simply   um is going right now and you're struggling you  almost you have these sexual dreams and then they   cause you to go into pornography god is removing  that right now god is breaking that right now   the holy spirit's fire is falling right now and  he's loosing you from a spiritual wife in the name   of jesus that is causing you not to have affection  for your spouse in jesus mighty name be free in   jesus mighty name thank you lord thank you lord  i receive i receive i see a lot of you commenting   go ahead continue to comment continue to comment  continue to agree right now this is your way of   staying in agreement this is your way of staying  in in unity right now with us and with hundreds   and other believers that are watching right now  i receive i agree i come against that in jesus   mighty name thank you holy spirit thank you lord  that you are moving thank you lord that you are   touching people right now in jesus mighty  name thank you holy spirit thank you lord   um i wanna right now pray for the in the  conclusion pray for those who are sick   specifically for those who are sick um you have  something maybe that you're battling with could   you just go ahead and drop that in a comment  right now if you're saying hey i need prayer   or i need healing for this right now i need  healing for this specifically for healing   and i know we have about um 370 almost 400 people  on on youtube and then 180 people on facebook and   i think over 117 on instagram so go ahead and drop  that in the comment below say hey i would like to   receive prayer for healing for the following  and just mention that if you're okay with that   and then i'm gonna pray our moderators are gonna  right now get engaged and we're gonna pray with   you and so um in the name of jesus i'm seeing some  things come out through the instagram right now   i need healing from diabetes i need  healing from knees and back muscles   arthritis dementia for my husband back pain fungus  infections chronic influenza i see anxiety eczema restlessness stomach infection i see a lot of people on instagram who are  commenting right now and um okay so just just   a few more seconds go ahead and just drop that if  you're believing what you're believing the lord to   do um in the comment below and we're going to pray  right now together with you i'm going to begin to   mention those things in jesus mighty name thank  you lord thank you holy spirit that you're moving   right now thank you lord in the name of jesus  christ so um i see more of you are coming in   right now for you uh for um acne okay i see on  tic tac for acne really praying for that come on   let's begin to agree right now in jesus mighty  name leg cramps acne fungus anxiety gallstone   lord in the name of jesus christ come on if  you were able to like stretch your hand maybe   toward the screen or just place your hand  up on your heart whatever your faith leads   you to do i i don't heal prayer doesn't heal  jesus heals and so he can actually touch you   right now even skin problems i see a lot of you  commenting who have skin problems so you have   eating or eating disorder i see you um christian  garcia um spiritual renewal mental illness and so   whatever that is let's begin to agree right now  in the name of jesus christ lord i speak healing   right now in the area where there's glaucoma  piles numbness in the body every chest pain   swollen body burning sensation in the body  or every body pain be healed in jesus name   come on drop amen right now in the comment below  every dry cough influenza in the name of jesus be   healed in the mighty name of jesus christ loss  of smell and lust of taste due to covet be healed   in jesus mighty name in the mighty name of the  lord be restored right now in jesus mighty name   i come against every flu every gastritis every  acid reflex in jesus mighty name every insomnia   sleep paralysis sleep apnea in jesus mighty name  be healed right now lord touch their sleep right   now in the mighty name of the lord let this be  the first night that they will sleep normally in   jesus mighty name every stomach infection every  stomach ulcer in the mighty name of jesus i'll   rebuke that right now in the mighty name of  the lord come on if i mention that thing that   you're struggling with saying begin to just type  i receive even if it's for somebody in your family   let's agree together let's pray together  there's other believers this is not just me   there's other people that are praying praying the  holy ghost right now let's believe that god is   going to release miracles right now for people who  maybe are not able to get it any other way except   by a miracle lord i rebuke right now together with  your believers every chronic headache every devil   of chronic headache every spirit of infirmity  behind chronic headache be gone in jesus mighty   name difficulty in walking difficulty in standing  difficulty in sitting difficulty in urinating   be healed in jesus mighty name every shoulder pain  every neck pain every spasm every nerve tension   be restored to your original position right now in  the mighty name of the lord i come against every   incurable disease of aids hiv sexual transmitted  diseases be healed in jesus name be healed in the   mighty name of jesus christ come against every  cancer cancer in the bone cancer in the brain   cancer in the breast cancer and cervical cancer  lung cancer ovarian cancer prostate cancer   skin cancer stomach cancer leukemia and  blood cancer in jesus mighty name lymphoma be   healed in jesus mighty name if you know somebody  who has cancer and you're standing in faith with   them right now drop number one in the comment in  jesus name we stand in faith with you right now   for total healing of that cancer for that cancer  cell to dry up for that cyst for that growth to go   right now in jesus mighty name every  disease in the lungs be healed in jesus name   swollen lymph node nodes be healed every bacterial  infection be healed in jesus name i'll rebuke   every diabetes i rebuke high blood pressure i  rebuke high cholesterol in jesus mighty name   lupus i rebuke that in jesus mighty name multiple  sclerosis ms we come against that in jesus mighty   name every thyroid cancer every thyroid gland  problems right now or hormonal imbalance be healed   in jesus mighty name every chronic arthritis pain  in the joints we speak your healing right now   we speak lord your healing into those areas  right now i rebuked arthritis in jesus name   kidney disease we speak healing to those  kidneys right now i commend those kidney   stones to dissolve and disappear right now in the  name of jesus every heart disease every heart burn   blood clots irregular heartbeats every heart  amputation and enlarged heart let it be   healed right now holy spirit touch them lord touch  your people right now i agree with their faith   i agree with their faith let your  fire consume every disease let your   fire consume that heart problem right  now restore their heart in jesus name   i speak healing for every asthma right now  liver tumor in jesus mighty name bronchitis   ear infection be healed in jesus name every  eczema every skin infection ring warm rashes   be restored right now in jesus name allergy  seasonal allergies be healed in jesus name   blindness poor vision collar blindness  be healed in the mighty name of jesus hemorrhoids be healed in jesus mighty name from  hemorrhoids right now be restored right now   in that area of your life let fire of god come  right now let healing manifest right now every   eating disorder anorexia bulimia now in the mighty  name of jesus i'll rebuke that in the name of   jesus every paralysis residue of the paralysis be  restored in jesus name every barrenness low count   sperm infutility be healed in jesus mighty name  in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name   of the lord i come against every depression  i come against every anxiety disorder right   now i come against every multiple personality  disorder bipolar schizophrenia take disorder in   jesus mighty name down syndrome i speak healing  right now to that panic disorder panic attacks   attacks in the name of jesus post-traumatic stress  disorder i speak your healing virtue right now   lord bring your healing right now to those people  in jesus mighty name in the name of the lord   in the name of the lord let your healing flow  right now come on if you receive that prayer drop   that in the comment below say i receive come on  i'll receive we have like 50 50 something people   on tick tock that are joining say i receive i  receive or drop number one say amen i receive   amen thank you lord thank you  lord thank you lord thank you lord   thank you lord and we just broke 400 on youtube  praise god praise god and more and more people   are tuning in praise the lord praise the lord  amen lord i thank you that you are bringing   healing right now you're bringing healing  right now you're bringing healing right now spirit of god i thank you that you're moving  spirit of god i thank you that you are healing   and i thank you that you are restoring in  jesus name so right now i'm going to ask you   to do something that requires faith some of you  didn't didn't require any faith to receive prayer   but it's going to require faith right  now to receive an answer to your prayer   i want you to begin to do something  with your body that you could not do   without pain and i want you to look for that pain  right now for those of you who had a problem with   your shoulder your back pain you had a problem  maybe with your knees or you had a problem with   a particular area of your life if you're able to  test it right now could you do me a favor could   you begin to test that and if you're noticing that  the pain is gone i see mo on facebook come on mo   god bless you if you're noticing that the pain  is gone if you're noticing that that pain is gone   can you drop that in the comment let us know  right now they say hey you know that pain that   i was praying for is gone let us know we just  want to celebrate jesus with you and i know   every single time we see testimonies people  writing to us and then people also commenting   my shoulder blade pain is gone i see somebody  in tick tock said that praise god thank you for   sharing that i still have pain in my finger  in my skin i'm standing in faith with you um   kilo shoulder pain so alice is saying and pralima  on facebook is saying my shoulder pain is gone   alice is saying my shoulder pain is gone as well   um and then on facebook not on facebook but  on youtube um migraine is gone praise the lord   um severe tight calf muscle is gone headache  pain is gone less pain in my side waiting   for the sis to come out completely julianna i  stand in faith with you my cyst went down in   size this is incredible come on dakota you're  getting healed every single week man i'm so   mad i'm praying with you all the time um i fell  over twice i fell over twice when you prayed um   for fear rachel i believe god's delivering you  honestly receive that deliverance right now in   the name of jesus uh felicia is saying my pain  is gone ankle pain is gone dirt sprain lots of   damage no pain come on jane is saying my  neck and shoulders feel better come on jesus thank you lord thank you lord a stomach  pain left when hereditary disease was lifted off   the marriages come on amen amen total healing  from eye bacteria infection well i agree with   that my ankle pain is gone um let's see any  my leg soreness somebody in tiktok is saying   is gone amen i feel heat after pain and shoulder  is gone thank you jesus uh that you are delivering   praise god um i'm just looking uh  somebody in tic toc is saying that my my   lower back feels better i still have my pain in  the back i'm believing for total restoration lord   somebody else is saying my shoulder is gone um  amen amen there's a lot of people i had crams   pain but it's gone now somebody's saying that leg  pain chest pain is gone amen that's a lot of um shoulder my neck and shoulder is  better pain in the foot is gone   come on somebody praise the lord we  thank you lord we thank you lord um this is so awesome this is so incredible  honestly i think that's like most testimonies   thank god i don't feel scared anymore in  my show my stomach doesn't hurt at all i   got delivered from spirit husband i didn't know  about it until you were praying about it come on   that's right that's right thank you lord thank  you jesus somebody's saying i believe i'm going to   uh get married i believe i really felt this  after this prayer somebody is going to be   that it was after this prayer that god  broke the curse as a spiritual husband there they're doing a won't on my abdominal  tomorrow okay teresa i believe for total   restoration in the name of jesus flu has gone amen  amen so many testimonies so many testimonies guys   um before i answer some questions so i  got some questions right now that came in   that so i'm going to right now just answer some  of those questions but before before i do that   i see um ibrahim also says my pain and worries  are gone i believe i'm being delivered from   fear spirit husband is gone chest pain is gone  there's a lot of testimonies that are going off   right now that's incredible praise be to god um  praise be to the lord we thank you lord and so   before i answer some questions and  more testimonies are showing up on   instagram praise god i want to ask you right  now and invite you to sow into this ministry   i want you to give to the vladimir subject  ministry what the lord leads you we are   able to create a school give a lot of content for  free a lot of books are actually in a pipeline   right now and hiring different people bringing  different people honestly all of that all of that   is so that we can reach more people mainly through  digital things our youtube just reached 2 million   views this week and we grew by 300 percent in just  three weeks when we hired one person on the staff   and so we just built the studio and as you're  seeing a lot of the testimonies that come in   a lot of the things that god is setting people  free and so this is really what you get a chance   to be a partner of so i want to invite you not  just to give but i want to invite you to partner   with me um you know maybe it's time instead of  partnering with netflix just partner with the   ministry some people say man i want to grow in god  but they you know they constantly partner with all   of this crappy stuff junk stuff but they don't  partner with the things of god they don't partner   with the things that help to bring the message  of jesus and so i want to invite you to do that   or maybe the lord will lead you to just give one  time today you can do that go ahead and all the   links are below if you're watching us on instagram  they're there the vinmo the cash app the zilli the   paypal and the partnership is pastorvlad.org give  and same links is on instagram same link is is on facebook and the same thing is on youtube we  would really love for you to become a partner   of this ministry we will always continue to give  this stuff for free and not charge it as those of   you know the lord put on my heart to give all  of my books for free and the lord also put on   my heart to offer the classes the courses for free  and all of the stuff we do is for free and it will   continue to be for free but it's people like you  who respond back and say hey i want to take part   of that and i want to sow where i want to grow  spiritually i want to grow spiritually so i want   to sew with that into that and so go ahead and you  can do that right now pull out your phone and so   don't just be a person who uh don't dine and  dash and stuff so if you received something today   especially if the lord really kind of blessed  you today you receive prayer go ahead and um   glad jesus changes save me but i don't  get what about this and i live in turmeric   um so go ahead and participate with that some of  you as i see even on instagram who are partners   of our ministry thank you so much and um for  those of you pam thank you for those who are   saying hey i'm a partner and um for those of you  who are partners um you know we will send you a   20 discount but i know that's not why you become  a partner so you can get a percent of a discount   and then we'll have zoom meetings on the first  tuesday of the month really excited to meet   you and to connect with you um and stuff so but  really do it because the lord puts on your heart   to do that if he does that respond um i'm a  fervent believer in sowing what i want to grow   and growing what i wanna so i'm gonna tripping  over my words i used to mess up with the dine   and dash part but um so where you wanna grow so  that's kind of my thing so become a person who um   thank you somebody who just gave dakota thank you  i know dakota you're already a partner and i see   you on every stream praying for young man and you  gave today again uh lucian raquel became a partner   harlow gave one time thank you peter michael  alexandra and leonel fedor fyodor thank you for   your generous donation i really appreciate you  guys i would like lilia lilieva from australia   i see on our streams all the time i would like  to be a partner hey welcome to duda let's do it   and then for those of you who are like hey  but i don't have any finances you know what   god is going to provide the first name of  jehovah jairo is a provider of what he gives   he gives the sacrifice and so um joyce lynn wow  you just gave a very generous donation thank   you so much um as well as crystal um mireta  that also gave how can i be on the classes   uh jess you the classes are for free classes are  for free so um thank you for that um so i'm gonna   go ahead and answer just some questions you can  continue to give the donations will show up and   i'll read them a little bit more just to honor and  just appreciate you guys that's really all that   that is for how can i get notified  for the partner zoom meetings   um when you become a partner in your email you get  that or you can just email partner pastorvlad.org   and then we will let you know the next meeting  that we will get a child careful raise to deliver   we will not have child care for raise to deliver  can children go yes they can come but please keep   in mind that this is not necessarily um your  normal church service so make sure that your   children are kind of aware of what's going to be  happening and that you are aware of them because   we will go straight into you know ministry and a  lot of parents bring their kids um and so that's   up to you it's it's your decision what is the  bible opinion on transgender and homosexual people   well bible doesn't have opinions bible has  statements and so um transgender is god made   male and female and so birth gender is not  something that you decide it's something   you discover and then god is very clear about  homosexuality and so if you're battling with the   homosexuality spirit god wants to deliver you he  loves you but he created men to be with women and   women to be with men and so the bible is very  clear about that is confidence going to be on   zoom most likely not conference will be  streamed but not on zoom because we don't   have the opportunities there to set up the screens  and so we'll make it a little bit difficult for us   so we have our zoom services on wednesdays  and on sundays but not on our conference how come i can watch church online but keep going  how i can watch church online and keep going   um to a real church so you can do  two things one is you can watch   online um be a part of something like you're  you're in right now or there's other people   that are doing these things we have our wednesday  wednesday virtual service and then you can also   be a part of a local church and so but try to  belong to one church don't be a member of like   three churches because that's gonna that's that's  very difficult so be part of one local church   but you can benefit from other ministries to be  enriched in your spiritual life if you don't have   a local church honestly um join hungary jan every  sunday join us on zoom go to hungrygen.com zoom   and then you will be able to um you'll be able  to do it i see somebody said uh i gave one dollar   but i hope to give more soon thank you god sees  your heart and god will reward you in jesus name   how come i can watch church online uh um how to  stop that transfer of generational occurs from   my child even after i pray for breakthrough  of generational curses begin to train your   children in the ways of the lord and begin to  bring the word of god into your family so that   their minds are renewed and begin to pray for your  children and always take your children to church   do you do deliverance zoom calls we do  deliverances on zoom on our wednesday service   and wednesday virtual service hungrygen.com zoom how do i contact vlad to get deliverance  please it's very simple so last sunday of   every month we have our deliverance services  and you are welcome to come to those services   and our team including myself we pray for people  but you have to come very early before the service   so hungry hungrygen.com prayerline is where you  sign up and then um you can uh do that through   i see a person says i can't pay uh i can't give  on paypal i missed other options there's a cash   app there is vinmon there's other options and  our team will just drop some of them below is cancer occurs cancer is a disease but a lot of  times it is a curse especially if it's something   that's repeated from one generation to another  but many times behind the cancer is a spirit of   death or spirit of affliction and it's something  that you and i can break through the power of   christ what is the difference between renouncing  and repenting repentance deals with you and god   renouncing is dealing with you and the enemy  you're disconnecting that from the enemy in   jesus mighty name amen um thank you again irina  you became a partner we appreciate that monica   who also became a partner and then many others  who i see right now are giving through as well   through other things please fix the links in the  bio i don't think we can do that right now it's   michael not monica i don't think we can do that  because it's going to mess with the stream and so   um so our team is just going to drop whatever  links that you need your cache app is not working   really uh vlad subject it's not working i think  it is is it not working i think it's it should   be working how to know god's will for my life  watch my message called gps it really will help   you honestly because otherwise i'm going to go  for 30 minutes without talking about how to know   god's will but watch my message on gps and you  will really help it will really help you do your   deliverance over the phone we pray for people  we have our uh monthly prayer lines and that's   what we pray for and so we would like to come we  would like you to come to those prayer services   to receive deliverance or to our conference and  we would love to minister and to pray for you um   fyi race to deliver conference is next week guys  it's gonna be fire time holy spirit i'm really   really excited for that um make sure you sign  up as far as i know matt good to see you out   here on instagram um are you in california yet  and uh so conference is going to be awesome from   what i hear is that i think we have over 16 or  1700 people that have registered and we can only   host a thousand people there because  of social distancing and everything so   i really would encourage you not to come late  and to come on time and then there's still time   to sign up and come in i live in the uk how can  i do deliverance um join us on wednesday bro uh   join us on wednesday and on virtual service and  you can receive we still pray on our wednesday   virtual services as well hungrygen.com i think  that's that's the link um that's the link amen amen amen um thank you again amber jacqueline  amber thank you for becoming a partner and then um   brian and clifton thank you also and rena thank  you for your donation god bless you um in jesus   mighty name amen amen amen amen just happened to  me also judy the hungry gen parus amen so that um we are going to uh let you guys go what time is  that wednesday it's right now at 10 a.m on uh   pacific time and so um eunicia thank you for your  gift as well as blanca and chip no chip followed   your page bianca thank you also for your gift in  jesus name so let's go ahead and watch the race to   deliver trailer and guys can i mention to you or  we're going to drop this again we have a new store   for merchandise if you are interested in that  and get the foundations um merchandise go to   subjectstore.com you can get that there or the new  e-course is available on vlad school it got rolled   out today make sure you sign up and make sure you  take it it's free of charge you can download it   take it with your small group take it you know  don't just go bench watching tv shows unless   it's chosen season two then those ones yeah go  bench watch and god bless you but other stuff   do do things that are do things that are building  your spiritual life that's why i encourage people   you know unsubscribe from your other uh ungodly  hollywood junk that literally feeds you with   toilet water and uh but has a lot of bacteria and  you think it doesn't affect your spiritual life   but it does it kills your spiritual appetite and  instead become a partner of something that's good   you know whether it's with our ministry whether  it's another ministry i don't care but so where   you want to grow and then sow your time sow your  time do not waste your time on ungodly things sow   your time download the books you know if you can't  afford them download them for free i don't care   buy them you know if you can afford it and just  be a person that lives for the lord today your   spiritual fervency is really a result it's really  a result of where you're sowing it's a harvest   of your seeds the consecration today will  result in your revival tomorrow revival today   is a result of where you sowed your time your  finances your attention your friendships your   evenings your mornings yesterday in jesus  name hollywood movies are garbs that's right   my young good to see you brother on instagram  today sometimes i see you like and everything   and then mo god bless you 830 stars mo you  gave me more stars than god gave to abraham i love you mo hope to see you at prayer tomorrow   okay guys i'm gonna let you go thank you dolores  you became a partner really appreciate you nicole   uh lyanna amy guyana amber uh alicia  god bless you became a partner as well   and so we just appreciate each and every one of  you we're going to be back here next week i know   it's going to be very close to race to deliver  but i'm going to do my best to be here next week   as well so at seven times 7 p.m as well and then  um we're going to go to both instagram and to um   facebook and to youtube and all  of these precious uh precious   people and so um next we're gonna be uh here  as well uh we're gonna deal with the topic   called cancer curses so we're gonna still do  tomorrow not next week we're going to still do   one teaching more practical on how to fight  them back um and then we have one more teaching   on curses which will deal with 10 ways  to break curses and then we're going to   be transitioning to breaking mental strongholds  i'm really excited for that i think god's going   to be really teaching us each week peeling  different layers my goal is not to just do
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 99,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curses, generational curses, breaking generational curses, symptoms of curses and hexes, symptoms of a curse, generational curse, symptoms of demonic curses upon a person, signs of generational curses, causes of curses, break curses, break generational curses, family curses, how to break a curse, source of curses, curse, curses of deuteronomy 28, how to remove a curse, signs of a curse, sings of financial curses, prayer to break any kind of curses, 10 signs of a curse
Id: ae9N88a0eo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 56sec (5876 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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