7 Superfoods Diabetics Should Eat Everyday

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these foods are tasty healthy they make me feel good they improve my insulin sensitivity and most importantly they don't Spike my blood sugar today we're gonna talk about seven superfoods that I think every diabetic should eat every day or if not every day then at least multiple times a week and after that I will talk a little bit more about eggs should they be on the diabetes superfood list or not I'm gonna share my thoughts because I know some of you feel very strongly about eggs and let's start with superfood number seven and if you watch my channel before then this one might come as a surprise to you because number seven is a kind of a seafood my superfood number seven is shrimp now obviously shrimp will not spike your blood sugar because it doesn't have any carbs and its glycemic index is zero it's low in calories relatively low in fat and high in protein but aside from that the main thing why I like shrimp is that it's very nutrient dense food that means you don't need to eat a big portion but you still get a high amount of protein and essential vitamins and minerals to your body Omega-3s vitamin D vitamin B12 and others I usually get raw shrimp that's already been cleaned up couple minutes to grill them or saute them in a pan now there are many other Seafoods that have similar qualities as shrimp but the reason I picked shrimp is that it's easy to make it's tasty and you can get it almost everywhere my other Seafood picks that I absolutely love would be octopus and crap this not really tasty too but they are a bit more difficult to come by and that's why they didn't make the list but if you ever try grilled octopus or the sweet crab meat I guarantee you you will never want to go back moving on to diabetic superfood number six and this one probably won't come as a surprise to you because I have glorified it on my channel before by the way when I was planning this video I wanted to make sure that I fully understand what the term superfood means quite honestly it can mean different things to different people the widely acceptable definition is that superfoods are foods that offer maximum nutritional benefits for minimum calories They are packed with vitamins minerals and antioxidants and my superfood number six is a great example of this another nutrient dense food it's a great source of fiber protein many important vitamins like folate and vitamin B1 and many important minerals like iron magnesium and a lot more and you guessed it right my superfood number six is black beans now to be honest some people in the diabetes Community will tell you that beans are rich in carbs they will spike your blood sugar and that's why you should not eat them well let's talk about it 100 grams of black beans which is a bit more than half a cup has 45 carbs sounds like a lot but we need to deduct 15 grams of fiber now we are at 30 net carbs this still might sound like a lot to some people but when we look at the glycemic index of black beans we will see that it's only 30 which is very good when I eat black beans they almost never Spike my blood sugar a lot and if they pack it at all it's a very slow steady Spike nothing to be concerned with what I laughed the most about beans is that when I eat high glycemic index foods like balls potatoes for example which would normally Skyrocket my blood sugar when I combine those burnt potatoes with black beans then my blood sugar will Spike much slower and much less I cannot quite scientifically explain this but it's true it really happens that way for me a lot of time I cook my beans on my own but when I don't have a lot of time I get beans in a can that's okay too when I do that I always try to go for those with no added sugar fat and salt or at least rinse them to get rid of any added salt now there are other types of beans and other legumes that have similar qualities to beans and they could as well make it a list things like lentils chickpea or soybeans are also great the only thing that I would warn you about when it comes to beans and legumes are those processed kinds of beans and other legumes that have more carbs and less fiber your blood sugar might go up quite fast after eating them and those are definitely not a superfood moving on to my superfood number five and this one has to be some fruit because we can't go all day without eating fruit and some vitamins it probably won't come as a surprise either because I mentioned it in one of my previous videos as the diabetes approved fruit this fruit has high levels of antioxidants fiber and vitamin C it has a very sweet taste but it only contains five net carbs per 100 gram superfood number five is raspberries and we could replace them with blackberries as well if we wanted raspberries have 12 carbs and 7 grams of fiber per 100 grams and blackberries only 10 carbs and 5 grams of fiber per 100 grams the glycemic index is very low for both 32 for raspberries and 25 for blackberries and these are all excellent numbers it basically means that raspberries and blackberries will not spike your blood sugar too much even if you are insulin resistant and they will get a lot of good stuff in your body I personally try to eat some kind of berries every day usually as part of my breakfast bowl sometimes I will alternate raspberries with strawberries or blueberries which spike my blood sugar a bit more because they have a bit higher glycemic index but other than that full of vitamins fiber and antioxidants moving on to superfood number four and on our list we already have seafood beans and berries so we really need to add something green and my superfood number four is one of the most nutritious vegetables in the world it's loaded with vitamin K1 vitamin A and vitamin C it's a great source of Manganese magnesium potassium iron and calcium and if you guessed that my superfood number four is spinach you are absolutely correct pinesh is a great nutrient dense food it only has 23 calories per 100 gram serving a little bit more than three carbs but 2 grams of fiber and 2 grams of protein and for these little calories is loaded with all those vitamins and minerals I found that the glycemic index of spinach is 15 but to be honest in real life I can eat as much spinach as I want and my blood sugar will not go anywhere now I might be a bit biased because I really love spinach my mom used to make it for me multiple times a week when I was a kid and I really loved it but I can imagine not all of you want to eat spinach every day and that's okay great substitute for spinach is kale but I guess that doesn't help because kale is not very tasty I know so I would accept if you replace spinach or kale with some other green leafy vegetables and put it daily on your plate moving on to my SuperFood number three and this one might be a bit controversial because there are no reliable studies on this one yet this one is also quite new but I absolutely love it and I think it definitely belongs on the diabetes superfood list at least on mine I'm not a doctor I'm not a nutritionist I don't provide medical advice so I guess I can put on my superfoods list whatever I want right this superfood comes from Peru it's a great source of vitamin C vitamin B6 iron potassium and other important nutrients but that's actually not the main reason why I added on this list it's also claimed to Boost energy and performance levels improve memory improve fertility in a man and even be beneficial for women in menopause these are some big claims so let's see what my superfood number three is and if it really can do all these things my superfood number three is Peruvian maca root and I'm gonna get very personal now I previously struggled with weak memory and decreased sexual appetite and to be honest I blame diabetes for these things I for doing the damage over the past 35 years I decided to try my car what I did is I started adding one teaspoon of this 100 natural maca powder to my breakfast bowl and after a month of doing this my memory and my energy levels didn't really go anywhere they stayed the same but my sexual appetite improved a lot now I don't want to get too deep into this topic because this channel really is about diabetes it should not be about my bedroom Adventures but I'm telling you this stuff really worked for me and that's why I had to add it on my superfoods list and I hope it will help some of you too moving on to my superfood number two we already have seafood beans berries spinach maca root so I feel we need to add something that has great taste and something that will bring some healthy fats on our plate another nutrient dense food that has such a wide variety of beneficial nutrients look at the vitamins K1 folate vitamin C and many others and the minerals potassium copper magnesium and again many others I think most of you already know know what it is my superfood number two is avocado now avocado is not exactly low in calories it's very rich in fat and although these are all healthy fats avocado is a little bit more calorie rich food when we compare it to others on this list but I still think it's a great choice for diabetics because it only has 17 carbs of said by 14 grams of fiber so only three net carbs per 100 grams and the glycemic index of avocado is also very low around 15. and I can confirm that my blood sugar doesn't Spike at all after eating avocado and I like to add a homemade avocado salad or guacamole to many of my plates I'll give you one tip I prefer this big light green avocados I think they are called quintels they taste more fresh and juicy than the small dark avocados and I think they have less calories too moving on to the next superfood for diabetics and this one my friend is the number one superfood on my list before I get to it I want to remind you how you can get in touch with me if you wanted to you can sign up for my patreon site and you can message with me one-on-one what you can also do is book a coaching session with me I really enjoyed those coaching sessions that we already had with some of you I talked with many of you about different topics diet blood sugar management diabetes technology and I would love to talk to more of you feel free to reach out on patreon or on my website links are down below now I'm sure my number one super food will not come as a surprise to those of you who have been watching my channel regularly because I brought it up already a few times this food has five main benefits it's packed with fiber it helps make you feel full and reduces appetite it helps support weight loss it's a great source of omega-3 fatty acids just like avocado and it helps reuse post-mill blood sugar spikes and I'm sure you already know what it is of course chia seeds wait ax didn't make the list no they didn't and I'm gonna tell you why right after I tell you a bit more about chia seeds the main reason why I love chia seeds is that they are are loaded with fiber and when I add them to any meal they will basically slow my blood sugar Spike from that meal it works for me every time so I tend to add them to almost anything it's crazy I know but it really works look at that one ounce or 28 gram portion of chia seeds has 12 carbs and 10 grams of fiber when I did a bit of research I realized that when I soak or ground the chia seeds the body can absorb more of the nutrient so I try to do that another great alternative to chia seeds are flax seeds but flax seeds always need to be ground otherwise the body will not be able to process them now enough about chia seeds and flax seeds let's talk about eggs because I know eggs are a sensitive topic for many of you so X didn't make my top 7 superfood list but keep in mind this list is very subjective I'm not a doctor I'm not a nutritionist and I selected and ranked my superfoods based on my personal preference but I have to admit that I have been wrong about X before in one of my video videos I said that eggs are one of the 10 harmful foods that diabetics keep eating and many of you disagreed with me and let me know quite loudly in the comment section that eggs are not harmful that video I said exactly this about 60 of calories in eggs come from fat eggs are also loaded with cholesterol about 200 milligrams for an average sized egg that's more than double the amount of cholesterol in a Big Mac and you guessed it saturated fat and cholesterol contribute to potential for heart disease which is one of the potential complications when you have diabetes and one of the things you might want to be careful about now after doing some more research about eggs I realized that I've been clearly wrong too radical about saturated fats and cholesterol in eggs the data requester in eggs is apparently not a problem because our body needs cholesterol our brain need cholesterol it's never been proven that the dietary cholesterol in eggs automatically converts into the bad cholesterol and blood which would be a problem so I want to apologize for that mistake and I want to let you know that I no longer think that eggs are bad for diabetics actually after doing that research on eggs I can easily imagine they could make someone else's list of top diabetes superfoods eggs are a great source of many important nutrients vitamins and minerals they increase satiety levels clearly they don't Spike blood sugar because they have zero carbs and a glycemic index of zero which is great for diabetics and the main point I was trying to make in that previous video which clearly didn't come out the way I planned was that frying eggs or scrambling eggs in all every morning and eating them with bacon sausage or some other processed ingredients is not healthy eggs just like any other superfood I talked about in this video are healthy on their own but if you fry them in oil which is highly processed fat or if you covered them with refined sugar then the superfood no longer is a superfood because you will be consuming all the calories from that processed oil and processed Sugar by the way why don't you check that video of 10 most harmful foods that diabetics keep eating click it here and watch it next I think it will help you too ciao
Channel: Type One Talks
Views: 1,537,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diabetes, superfoods, superfoods for diabetics, foods for diabetics, foods for weight loss, healthy food, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, blood sugar control, blood sugar spikes after eating, diabetes diet, meals for diabetics
Id: L_GfmwwVWko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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