7 Slamball Hoopers vs 1 Secret MAFIA

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today we have eight slam ball hoopers but two of them are mole Stan are you the mole I'm 100 not the most air Jeezy are you the mole I am not the mole I've always wanted to be the mo but I'd never get the chance to be no I ain't the most I may raise no snitch nah nah it ain't me this time I don't even know what the mole is no I'm not the mole the Moe's job is to sabotage the other players during the challenges if the challenge is completed the money will be added to the civilian spot but if the challenges fail the money will be added to the moles box each round the contestants will get a chance to vote off the mole who's Everest plot is bigger by the end of the video will win a 300 the Aaron Fox autograph basketball challenge number one is hide and seek three two one go hide so the contestants have three minutes to hide and when I start seeking everybody I have two minutes to find at least four people if I find four of the contestants The Challenge is fail as long as you don't see me baby 30 seconds left all right I gotta go I gotta go be so uncomfortable five four three two one two minutes starts now oh there's definitely someone in this pit but I'm gonna waste time if I go on this pit right here where are these guys I think you found me guys on first found one person one person has been found profoundly first is crazy that'll be smart to go down there I'm just saying where are these guys this place is gigantic how many people have I found gosh damn it I got 15 more seconds I'm gonna say the game's over the game's over come out they're not good all right I actually saw the timer is up now game is absolutely over if you are not found yet you have won Stan is up there oh my goodness what is this what is this where are you guys hiding I was in that closet right there with the with the curtain how's it feel to be the only person yeah since the Hide and Seek challenge was passed 500 will go to the civilian spot they're up 500 and the moles have zero dollars all right guys somebody is gonna get voted off and the last round of hide and seek I only found one person I found Evan so does anybody have any suspicion on who they believe is the mole I don't know if it's enough information Patrick you said there's not enough information I don't think so Daniel do you think anybody could be the mole not yet they did well hiding sounds I don't I don't know who the mole could be they stuck to it stuck to the script and somebody do the right team Croc oh I'm just saying there's easy okay well here's I got one question how long did it take you to find it that's the real question if it took you like a minute it was a really good hiding spot but I don't know why he knew where I was at less than 30 seconds oh no yes yes it was immediately broke and that's tough brother that's tough brother I don't know Justin you know I I don't want to play enough until they have enough evidence if you had to point a finger who would it be just I think that's pretty important information no I can't I can't say it nope okay all right we are going into the voting process I'm gonna grab each person individually all right Patrick I'm gonna need you to come over here magic who are you voting for I'm running for that okay um he told me his hiding spot didn't think it was that amazing and also when you talked about someone being the mole I looked at his face popped up a little bit okay Daniel who are you voting for I'm gonna go with wise man James Wiseman he's holding out information I think we need that that's what I like that's my boys thank you sir confession I hope it's not me y'all I just want to be successful in this game yes I'm gonna have to go ahead and pick out a wise man why is it yeah just because he's withholding information I don't know why come on talk to me crocodilian who are you voting for he's suspicious brother what does he do I ain't gonna lie I just want him out thank you sir my guy who do you want man I'm lost right now I'm not gonna lie to you but I think I'm going with my man at Laker jersey because he been on my head a lot who are you voting officer yeah because he was like talking about the bathroom and then like that canceled out the sponsors trying to make it harder for her that's the information that you're you're saying you're processing that yeah are you running off that's tough man it's hard for first challenge but go with it okay thank you sir who are you voting now I think we gotta go with Justin because I mean if he's saying that he has info on me it's kind of like yeah yeah thank you Sam one of the votes today was for Evan one of the next votes was for Croc one of the next votes was for air DZ number 24. and another vote was for Justin and then we had another two votes for Justin so Justin you have three votes wow wait wait and the final two votes tying it up with Justin is for airdeezy so you got what so air Jeezy and Justin both got three votes we're gonna do a best two out of three rock paper scissors whoever loses is eliminated Rock Paper Scissors Shoot one point to air DZ if air Jeezy wins this next one Justin is going to get eliminated Rob Paper Scissors Shoot it is tied up oh come on now whoever wins this one is gonna stay in other person is gonna get eliminated Rock Paper Scissors Shoot and air DG has one Justice oh I'm sorry you have been eliminated hey that was tough you got the wrong person bro there are now seven players and in the end there will be only one player left if the final player is a civilian 1 500 will go to the civilians pot but if the final player is a mole 1 500 will go to the moles talk all right there are now only seven of you guys so now you'll never know what information he might have had the last round Challenge number two is Simon Says starting right now if I could get more than two people out in five minutes the challenge is fail he can you step to the side you are eliminated Patrick Simon did not say I already got one person now if I get two more people out the challenge is failed Simon Says touch your shoulders thumb says touch your knees touch your elbows touch your shoulders thumbs up touch your knees Simon Says touch your elbows someone says touch your shoulders someone says touch your head someone says touch your elbows oh Croc and air dizzy are eliminated because they both touch the shoulders and the challenge is fail since the challenge was failed and three people got out and Simon Says 500 will go to the mold spot it is now tied up 500 to 500. Moe's you guys have done an amazing job by tying it up if the moles are still in Patrick you got out off rip I didn't realize that we were starting I thought we were getting a little more space so we could dribble because I knew dribbling was going to be involved and that's what happened so I apologize for losing money for the team Croc you did look like you're showering in there like you know cleaning off your shoulders you got eliminated what happened you did this you said elbows that's why got me brother all right all right I'm gonna go off and piggyback what he said because we was on the shoulder joint and then I heard elbows I felt like I was making my way to the elbows but I guess I didn't get there quick enough all right they got the same story all right Patrick We're going to voting Patrick who are you voting now I'm gonna go back to here DC I mean it's not because he lost I think that was an honest mistake loss so when they put the money in the mop I did look at his face and obviously nobody like is like that mad but he was yeah I'm gonna tell you he said he not the monkey red face that's what he said but I don't know so I know when you asked us to liberate if I had somebody in mind I really did have some money in mind and it was the uh is the name Pat in the uh SAC Jersey I'm definitely voting him okay he voted for it easy listen I have no idea who it is but this time is personal I'm going for Croc again I feel like he been on my head too much okay say uh lost it fast okay why I don't know okay I got Patrick there's seven of you guys there's only gonna be six and these next four votes were divided to two people so there's another tie with three votes each Patrick got three votes and air dizzy again got three so we're going back to rock paper scissors best two out of three on shoot Rock Paper Scissors Shoot and air gz is one zero two out of three Rock Paper Scissors Shoot let's go we gonna stay in the game one way or the other baby let's get it in the next challenge there are six basketballs hidden around this whole slam ball Arena they're splitting into two teams of three each team has to find three basketballs in two minutes three two one go this way this way this way this way this way oh it's only in the trampoline park got it yep yep right here and team number one has found all three basketballs they have completed their half the other team has to find the other three look right there there you're good look right there right there right there let's go oh we gotta go back we gotta go back then oh nine hey seven six five four three the challenge is completed since the challenge was completed 500 will go to the civilians plot civilians now have 1 000 moles have five hundred dollars everybody found a basketball any suspicions starting off with Daniel within your team I don't think there's no suspicions I think we was there to win it easy any suspicion yeah I will say on my team I was the one that spotted the ball first you guys agree yeah time to vote one person is getting eliminated damn Daniel don't think about Stan I'm Gonna Stand oh he just looks to us he messed up the first one he said that's a ball over there but it wasn't a ball over there wait who do you think I thought it was Nelly I wanted to gauge how his response was I mean throwing air dizzy under the bus I'm gonna go uh Penny Hardaway thank you sir [Music] votes are in there's six of you guys after this there will only be five two people got two votes and are tied on The Chopping Block that's gonna be Stan and it's gonna be Evan oh we are in the gulag that's two out of three on shoot Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Stan has chickens one point Rob Paper Scissors Shoot and Evan has been eliminated Santa staying in this next challenge is a tip drill I'm gonna shoot 10 shots they have to catch the ball and pass it to each of the team members before scoring with the layup they had to make 9 out of 10 tips for this challenge to be passed you guys ready oh and they've missed one tip they cannot miss any more or the challenge has failed okay here you go back to you yeah yeah the Hunts are good oh no oh he touched it it goes [Music] that's good hey we got two now hey two that's two all right he went for it fly oh and the challenge is fail since the challenge was failed 500 is going to the most part it is now tied up one thousand to one thousand that was crazy you guys uh lost that challenge Daniel what happened there I think we were solid we're just commuting too much and we over dunk it easy I'm gonna piggyback off I think we just I was overthinking and we got nervous at the end my knees are just too old I suck at this all right we are gonna vote one more person off and starting with Daniel stand why it still says to me okay it's coming down to five I know it's really tough right now all right thank you sir honestly I don't know like I would say that we're all civilians I don't even know if we're okay I don't know votes are in and this is the first time we're not gonna go to the gulag tonight one of the votes was for air dizzy we got another vote for Stan we got another vote for crop and we got another vote for Nelly and the person getting voted off is Eric DZ you gotta survived this long but now you have been voted off by the group this next challenge is jousting they're competing against me and they had to win three out of five to complete this challenge first up who's up get on Croc let's tap for a good camaraderie all right good luck sir oh my God I am so intimidated right now oh yeah he's going first he went first this guy jumped at the end that was good let's go these guys are good if you guys win one more you guys complete this Challenge three two one go hey man there's a lot of pressure man my personality since the challenge was completed 500 will be going to the civilians pot and it's now 1500 to 1 000. so there are four people left challenge was completed probably can't tell much because you know I'm not the best jouster out there that didn't help no but he was more on like okay hey guys I know a lot of quiet I don't like that okay um thank you sir I don't know I don't know one of the votes was for Croc somehow Croc still gotta up in the field and the three rest of the votes what's for Stan the Man Stan you have been voted off the next challenge is dodgeball gonna be a 3v1 but I get two lives I was an All-State dodgeball Champion if I get all of them now the challenge failed three two one go hey yay that's one life I had three lives Jesus Christ damn God damn you play dodgeball professionally [Music] I didn't mention this but I got five lives I have five Jesus Christ [Music] the challenge was completed 500 going to civilian pot they have 2 000 most have one thousand all right we're going to vote then I'm gonna say Kroger okay now it's tough to say bro so we had one vote for Nelly and then we have two votes for the person getting voted off which is crocodilian you have been voted off we're down to two people so the final challenge is a 1v1 to 5 Points whoever loses is gonna get eliminated and the player that moves on as the final player if they are the civilians 1 500 will be added to the civilian spot but if they are the mole 1 500 will be added to the moles pot let's just hope both of them are still civilians in the game shout out to Cerrito Sky Zone for letting us use their slam ball cord follow Sky Zone Cerritos on Instagram and if you and your homies want to have fun on the Sky Zone slambox core as well their phone number is 562-203-133 and shout out to Cerrito Sky Zone for having us zero zero starting off the game starting over the one point shot and he makes it oh Nelly went for the dunk and Daniel said not today oh shoot the three step back it is uh two to zero oh oh my God a missed and a dunk is worth two points it is four to zero now okay smart man he just needs two to catch up oh and Nelly makes a two-pointer from half court it is now two to four oh two to five because what would lamilla do oh for the win and Kevin Durant has one Daniel has one so he's the final player and Nelly is getting eliminated Daniel you have one so if you're the civilians 1 500 will go to the civilian spot if you're the mole 1 500 will go to the mole spot I'm gonna tell you guys right now civilians have two thousand dollars moles have one thousand so whoever this goes to basically wins the money and whoever gets this last one thousand five hundred dollars will win this signed autograph Aaron Fox basketball so everybody close your eyes with the most please step forward everybody keep your eyes closed everybody open your eyes Daniel was a civilian [Music] the guys are gonna go shot for shot and this is who actually won the basketball amongst the civilians last video popping up here make sure you check everybody out link down description I love you guys until next time peace
Channel: Jeffrey Bui
Views: 744,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6t3FpvjET9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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