7 Reasons Your Generator Is NOT Producing Power!

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hey what's up youtube today i'm fixing up a generator indoors while no one's home so i don't have to freeze out in the 19 degree weather and i thought i'd make a quick video on like six or seven different reasons why your generator might not be producing power let's get into it okay this might seem like a very obvious one but the first thing to check is to make sure that your circuit breaker is on or not tripped um i actually get quite a few emails about this people just wondering hey i don't have any power to my generator can you help me out and then i'll get an email about an hour later saying never mind so i'm pretty sure that this is it i've done it once with an inverter generator it had two on off switches for something and i had one off and one on and i got them mixed up so it's just a simple thing make sure to uh check that and uh let's get on to the next one all right the next reason i've never had it happen to me or any of the generators that i've worked on over the years but your generator might lose its residual magnetism within uh the motor itself in here um i will put a link in the description to steve small engine saloon and repair on how to basically flash the field with a corded drill i don't own a corded drill i have a cordless drill but you can basically plug have the generator running plug the cord of the generator into the outlet here and remove the bit from the chuck and then i believe you have it in forward um the drill on forward and then you with your hand you like hold the trigger down and then because it won't run because you don't have power and then you flick the chuck counterclockwise with your other hand you only have to do that a couple times and it should flash the field with some electromagnetic pulses through there and get everything up and running again so check out that video down below if that's something you think you might have going on with yours while we're at it if you can think of any reasons that i'm missing this video as to why your generator might not be uh putting out any power go ahead and leave that in the description below let's help each other out thanks all right the third thing that you might have going on is that your brushes are worn down or defective and the brushes are going to be down in here and i'll put a picture overlay showing you uh what to look at if you smell smoke if you see if you remove the cover here and you see sparks that is a good indicator that your brushes might have a problem you're gonna have to remove those and replace those all right the next one is back to the circuit breaker you would just want to make sure that this is not defective so um it might be on but it might be broken so a way you can check is if you're able to access into this mine's a little more complicated to get into but basically if you can put a multi-meter uh set it to continuity so the little horseshoe looking thing on the dial and to where you touch the two leads and it beeps go ahead and put the two prongs on the uh circuit breaker on the two prongs on the circuit breaker as well put the two leads on the two prongs on the circuit breaker and um when it is in the off position it should not be conducting electricity so it should not beep it'll just say ol when you turn it to on it should beep and give you a number so if yours does not do that and you have it in the on position and it won't beep then you probably have a defective circuit breaker go ahead and get that replaced all right the next thing you might be looking at is that your avr or your automatic voltage regulator is bad or defective in some way that is beyond our ability to repair it on a lot of generators it will be a crescent moon shaped thing usually in the bottom left is where i've seen it a lot of times this generator is really small so it's not here it's actually up in here and i'll put a picture overlay of what the avr looks like all right the avr on this generator is that black box right there in the center of the screen right here and uh it's not a hat it's not a crescent moon shape but it's more of a box and um this is for definitely an older model generator maybe some new ones have ones like this i'm not sure but uh i usually buy all of my generators used fix them up and flip them so i don't deal with a lot of the newer ones now signs that your automatic voltage regulator could be bad include no voltage low voltage voltage that does not respond to a load that you put on it assuming that you're not maxing out the capacity of your generator already okay another reason i don't have a generator in my garage i've got quite a few generators out there i don't have any that are brushless if you have a brushless generator you have a capacitor underneath when you take the cover off and your capacitor might be bad so go check and see if that's bulged out if it's melted anything like that if it looks that way go ahead and get that replaced all right the last reason i'm going to cover today is that you might have a bad outlet on your generator as you can see i just replaced this this one should be black like this one this is the original one i believe as you can see it is completely shattered this one wasn't shattered up here but it didn't matter which one i plugged a cord into the cord would just pretty much fall out with any bit of a pull on it whatsoever it had no tension no friction fit in these in this outlet so it was just a hazard basically got rid of that and um put a new one in so make sure that your outlet is good um i did i've done maintenance for quite a few years and outlets just go bad for no rhyme or reason it seems like so it's a quick and easy fix should just cost you a few bucks get that taken care of all right guys if this helped you out um feel free to give me a like and subscribe i appreciate your view i appreciate your support take it easy
Channel: Home Battery Bank
Views: 59,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why is my generator not producing power, why is my generator not making power, producing power, making power, generator, honda, duromax, generac, predator, wen, champion, not making electricity, no voltage, low voltage, weak power
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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