7 purchases that improved my financial life

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hi everyone welcome back to this channel in this  video I'm going over seven purchases that have   massively improved my life let's get into it  number one on the list is my Amazon Kindle so   I bought this for around $80 and it has been the  purchase that has had the biggest difference to   my life as soon as I see a book that I like  or that I've been recommended I buy it on my   Kindle straight away and then I start reading  it immediately and because of this I read so   many more books than I would have otherwise if  I want to get through a book really quickly in   a day or two then I'd buy it on my Kindle and I  would also at the same time listen to the audio   version of it I know this sounds a bit strange but  I get through BS probably three times faster this   way it's also really handy if you're traveling  it can fit anywhere it's really light and easy   to carry around this one is the standard basic  Kindle but if you want to spend more money on   one and get some additional features then there's  also the paper white and the Kindle Oasis number   on my way to work it didn't take me very long to  make my money back on this I broke even in about 2   months when compared to the cost of buying coffee  out I also bought this milk frother as well which   is really good I make iced coffee using it it's  nice it's compact the whole thing is super quick   to make highly recommend if you're a coffee person  number three leverage not a specific purchase but   something I now regularly spend my money on and  I wish I understood and spent money on this thing   earlier leverage in this sense is about finding  ways to get more from what you have so finding   ways you can 10 times your output from two times  the effort so using this YouTube channel as an   example up until a few months ago I was doing  absolutely everything on my own the editing the   accounting the bookkeeping the website and the  landing page P figuring out how to use an email   campaign The Branding everything I was doing on my  own and I didn't even know how to do 99% of this   so I was also teaching myself learning through  YouTube videos reading books and it was really   slowing me down and so I made my first hire and  that was the biggest leverage decision I could   have made at the time it completely changed the  game for me now I can focus on what I can do what   I'm good at which is the script the filming  the recording and then everything else that   someone else can do probably and in half the time  I Outsource it and that includes having an editor   having someone edit my videos has now saved me  another 5 to 7 hours a week so these are some   of the more expensive financial decisions but have  had the biggest impact when it comes to Output per   effort leverage can be applied in different ways  when it comes to multiplying your output it can   be a system that automates your task or it can be  a software or an app that speeds up your workflow   which is where the sponsor of today's video really  nicely Falls in and that is clean my Mac I have   been using clean my Mac for for years and I've  also now got both of my sisters on it and they   love it it will completely polish up a sow Mac  in 2 minutes it'll make it work as quickly and   as efficiently as a brand new one the smart scan  does clean up malware removal and speed up Allin   one combo at a click of a button and there is  also the menu app which is a little dashboard with   informative monitors about every aspect of your  max performance so things like what's your battery   temperature how much storage space do you have  left what's the speed of the internet connection   again you can see all of this information in one  view I came across clean my Mac 3 years ago when   my last MacBook was dying on me and I was Panic  Google searching for a solution that didn't cost   a arm and a leg and it extended the life of that  Mac for another year I highly recommend it but   try it yourself you can try it completely for free  using a 7-Day free trial so clean up your Mac use   all the features see if you like it and if you do  like it as much as I do you could also get 20% off   of your full subscription using the link in my bio  number four investing in my icky guy this isn't a   physical item but spending money to find my iy  guy has had a huge impact on my day-to-day and   the more I speak to people about side hustles and  finding a passion project outside of their day job   the more I realize that everyone is in search  of their iy guy if you don't know iy guy is a   Japanese term that is defined as something that  gives a person a sense of purpose or a reason for   living this diagram is one representation of  iy guy and it shows how the four key elements   intersect it's what you love what you're good at  what you can be paid for and what the world needs   and in the middle is your sense of purpose almost  like your money making superpower I truly truly   believe that putting in the time and investment  to find your iy guy and nurturing and developing   these four elements is one of the best investments  you can make for instance say you found a passion   for a specific activity or skill but you can get  better at it so you're missing one of the elements   is the bit that you're good at you can spend then  money on workshops on classes on self-education to   better those skills or if it's something else that  you are already good at and you love doing but you   don't know how to make money for it you don't know  how to get paid for it then you can invest your   money and time in the sales and marketing part  so learning how to sell your offering in a way   that it reaches the Right audience who values what  you provide and is willing to pay for it everyone   has something that they love doing and that they  can turn into a money-making stream number five   is anything that separates you from the floor  essentially if it holds your way it's worth   spending money on so this includes a mattress  a sofa an office chair they say that if you   live until you're 99 years old then you would have  spent 33 years of that sleeping so you may as well   spend your money on something that is going to a  help your posture in the long run and B help you   get a great night's sleep the same with an office  chair the amount of hours you spend sitting at   your desk it will be silly not to spend money on  a high quality chair that again holds your posture   you may not feel the direct impact in the short  term but over the long term you'll be thankful   for it number six investing in Solo travel one  of the most rewarding Financial purchases I made   was a solo flight ticket to Barley last year it  was the first time I traveled alone I've always   wanted to do it but I've always made up an excuse  or found a reason not to and instead to go with my   partner my friends my family I had 2 months off  between jobs last year and no one could get the   time off work to join me in that period so it  was a perfect time to take the leap and I'm so   glad that I did I mean traveling with people is  cool you create shared memories you Embrace new   cultures together you have someone to hang around  and talk to but traveling alone really pushes you   out of your comfort zone it develops you as a  person and gives you a whole new perspective on   life there are also so many psychological benefits  from spending time alone you don't even have to   jump on a flight to experience this even taking  a road trip or spending a weekend in solitude   can have the same impact it really teaches you  the comfort of being alone and self-acceptance   number seven investing in my health I've never  ever regretted spending money on my mental or my   physical health and if you don't invest in these  two things you can forget pretty much everything   else on the list because it really is the baseline  or the foundation for everything else in your life   if you're not staying healthy and working out  it's going to have an impact on your ability to   work on your ability to perform on your ability to  enjoy life it have a KnockOn effect on everything   else and the same goes with your mental health we  tend to be so comfortable with spending money on   tangible items and on things that we can see but  when it comes to spending money on things that   we can't we find it very difficult to part with  our money when really our enjoyment on most other   things in life depends on that non-tangible item  I've spent money on therapy before and it really   helped me understand what was impacting me and  why I was feeling a certain way with my life at   a certain period of my time and it all came down  to not knowing what my icky guy was referring back   to an earlier Point therapy can really help you  understand or dissect what it is that you're going   through it's not the cheapest purchase on the  list but there are ways you can get it for Less   maybe through your workplace health insurance  which is what I did and is definitely worth   exploring so those are some of my best purchases  and how I spend money on the things I love I also   have a video on how I save on the things that  I don't and I'll leave that over here thank   you for watching don't forget to subscribe if you  haven't already and I'll see you in my next video
Channel: Nischa
Views: 593,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: accountant explains, best purchases, best buys, amazon, nischa, finance, personal finance, money tips
Id: jyw8MfQh3DA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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