7 Of The Largest Deer Species In The World

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deer are among the most famous mammals on this planet and they play a very important role in multiple ecosystems around the world some are perfectly suited to Wetlands whereas others prefer cold frigid environments there are around 43 species of deer alive today and these deer can come in many different shapes and sizes some of the smallest deer species are the Pudo but in today's video I will be focusing on the largest deer to start off this list we can head to North and South America as we will be taking a look at the white tailed deer the white tailed deer is one of the most common and well-known species of deer in the world and it can be found over large parts of North and South America as well as this it has been introduced outside of its native range and it can now be found in parts of Europe New Zealand and the Caribbean Texas is home to the most white-tailed deer of any state as it has an estimated population of around 5.3 million as they are found over such a large area they have quite a few subspecies and these subspecies can differ in shape size and coloration only male white-tailed deer grow antlers and the males start growing them when they are only a few months old white tailed deer are very important prey for many predators with cats bears and Kines targeting them if you are a predator and you manag to take down a large white tailed deer you're really in for quite a meal as they max out at around 1.2 M at the shoulder and they can weigh in at 200 32 kg this is quite an impressive size but it's nowhere near the largest deer in the Americas for our next species we will be heading to the Indian subcontinent as we will be taking a look at the swamp deer swamp deer were once common across many areas of the Indian subcontinent but today they are listed as vulnerable there were only thought to be around a few thousand left in the wild and they've suffered greatly from habitat loss and habitat fragmentation as their name suggests they prefer flood Plains and marshes and a lot of this habitat has been converted into Farmland as well as this they are still poached across their range and today the swamp deer is a very rare deer the swamp deer is slightly larger than the white tailed deer with a height at the shoulder of around 1.3 M and a max weight of around 280 kg at this size the only predators that can really take them down are tigers leopards and crocodiles and they fit for number six on this list for our next species we can head to both North America and Eurasia as we have the reindeer currently reindeer and Caribou are classed as the same species but their classification is quite complicated they are usually called reindeer in Europe and Caribou in North America some experts believe that they should be split into two different groups as the reindeer in Europe and Asia seem to be slightly different than the reindeer in North America reindeer are perfectly adapted for cold climates and they have a few abilities and adaptations that are a bit strange they are thought to be one of only a few mammals that can see ultraviolet light and their eyes change color throughout the seasons this is a result of their eyes adapting to the changes in lights throughout the year and it helps them to see better in harsh environments once again this species is targeted by quite a few large Predators across its range and as it is so widespread it has quite a few subspecies some of the larger populations are true Giants as they can stand at around 1.5 M at the shoulder and they max out at around 318 kg so it really doesn't matter if you call them reindeer or caribou and they are fit for number five on this list for our next species we can head to Eurasia and North Africa as we have the Red Deer the Red Deer can be found across most of Europe and is the largest land animal in the UK it's been introduced into many countries and regions outside of its native range such as Australia New Zealand and North and South America the Red Deer is very closely related to the American elk but we will get to that species later on in the video this species has played a very important role in art and folklore and they've been depicted in Cav art that's over 40,000 years old during the breeding season they're known to get very loud and aggressive and their Roars can be heard from miles around during the rut you don't want to get on the wrong side of a large male as they can measure up to 1.4 M at the shoulder and they can weigh in at 500 kg this size means that they're one of the largest deer in the world but they don't quite fit in the top three for our next species we can head to South and Southeast Asia as we have the sambar deer unfortunately just like many other deer in South and Southeast Asia the sambar deer's population has declined massively over the past few few decades they have been affected by habitat loss and severe hunting and they're currently listed as vulnerable the appearance and size of this deer vary greatly across its range and each population has adapted to a slightly different way of life this species has quite a few Predators across its range from Tigers leopards and lions to crocodiles and dolls even some of these larger Predators struggle to take them down as they have a maximum height of around 1.6 M at the older and they can weigh in at 550 kg this size is fit for number three on this list and now we can move on to the top two for our next species we can head to both North America and Asia as we will be taking a look at the elk the elk is one of the largest terrestrial mammals across its range and it tends to prefer forested habitats elk are often confused with moose and this isn't only because of their appearance but the word elk originally referred to the European variety of moose they are the loudest members of the deer family and nothing really compares to the sound that the males make just like the reindeer elk prefer colder Environ ments and they always seem to be more active when it's cooler they play a very important role in their ecosystems by shaping plant communities and this is why they've been introduced into many national parks in their range even though they live a very similar life to the reindeer they are much larger as they can measure up to 1.6 M at the shoulder and they can weigh in at 600 kg an elk of this size is a sight to behold but it's still only fit for number two on this list once again again for our final species we can head to North America and Eurasia as we have the Moose now the Moose is sometimes called an elk in Europe and this once again makes things very confusing the Moose is the tallest and second largest land animal in North America as only the American buffalo beats it in terms of mass these giant animals are usually solitary and they are surprisingly good swimmers males lose and regrow their antlers every year and they can be very aggressive when encountered they will often attack when they feel threatened by people dogs or vehicles and mothers are very protective of their offspring if you do manage to startle one of these creatures it's best to slowly walk away as they can measure up to 2.3 M at the shoulder and they can weigh in at 820 kg this easily makes them the largest deer in the world and they're fit for number one on this list if you want me to feature another group of animals in a video such as this then let me know down in the comments below but thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed if you liked it please leave a like And subscribe if you want to see more videos like these but until next time goodbye
Channel: Tsuki
Views: 134,583
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Keywords: deer, animal, animals, species, wild animals, wildlife, tsuki, education, educational, documentary, deer species, biggest deer in the world, largest animals in the world, largest deer, biggest animals in the world, whitetail deer, largest whitetail, the giant deer, world record, worlds biggest whitetail deer, big deer, largest deer in the world, largest deer species in the world, largest deer species, moose, elk, swamp deer, reindeer, deer facts, giant deer, giant moose, red deer, rut
Id: mS6GJYzbczk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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