7 Not-So-Incredible Bible "Facts"

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so a couple quick things before we get started first if you actually want to see me twice this week you can head over to Paulo Gia's channel where I joined him in critiquing William Lane Craig 'z attempts at justifying the problems of suffering and evil if you somehow haven't heard Paulo GA yet which you should have by the time you're here make sure to browse his channel and subscribe he's seriously one of the best atheist channels out there so you're missing out if you haven't seen him yet second I've had a sore throat and some congestion for a while so I'm sorry if I don't sound quite like myself but I've missed enough videos due to the summer season that I wanted to make sure to power through and get went out for you so join me as I have a look at a video called seven incredible Bible facts that will blow your mind enjoy the Bible has been burned it's been banned it's been belittled and attacked but it's still here I bet that one wasn't burnt band belittled or attacked you silly goose can you trust it how can you know these ancient ancient words are true you can't you can't but I bet that won't stop you from patronizing your audience of people who already believe it's true by reiterating kand age-old assurances in brand-new ways all the while gazing straight into our souls with those amazing piercing blue eyes [Applause] huh that wasn't bad music kind of gets you all amped up for something high-energy like The Avengers but then you have to go and dork it up with something like a flying prophecy lion now don't get me wrong flying prophecy Lions aren't terrible I guess yes you know you think that kind of thing isn't stupid because you're a Christian but there are a lot of non terrible things that are perfectly fine by themselves but simply shouldn't be accompanied by rousing music [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so yeah a little hint if you're just a guy talking about the Bible don't blast us with a turgid soundtrack that suggests a team of superheroes is about to burst onto the screen the contrast isn't doing you any favors hi this is Dustin with hope through prophecy today we will consider seven undeniable facts about the Bible I bet you I'll be able to deny a few of them also yeah looks like he's going to keep up the music thing so fact 1 the Bible is the best-selling book in human history it is translated into 670 languages with the New Testament of the Bible being translated into over 1500 languages the Bible is the highest-selling most read book on the planet and no other book comes close statistic accom reveals that the Bible simply dominates the all-time bestseller charts the Guinness Book of World Records estimates that this number has grown to over 5 billion according to the Bible God is the true author of this best-selling book all Scripture is given by inspiration of God so if you watch closely you'll notice this guy did something really weird during this segment he spent pretty much all of point number 1 talking about how many copies of the Bible have been sold which I guess makes sense because that's what this part was about but then listen to what he does at the end according to the Bible God is the true author of this best-selling book all Scripture is given by inspiration of God basically after demonstrating that the Bible has sold more copies than any other book which cool I guess he just kind of tosses in a mention of how part of the Bible says that God wrote the Bible but why this statement is not at all related to the numbers of copies the Bible is sold and doesn't prove anything to me this comes off as an embarrassingly obvious sign that he's just pandering to pre-existing Christians who already stand in slack-jawed ah not only of his beautiful eyes but of the Bible and what are the Bible sales supposed to mean anyway are we a theist supposed to hear these stats and be like well me sideways are you serious the holy book of the world's dominant religion sold more copies than anything else this fact is mundane to the point of being boring even at a glance and that's before we even scratch the surface of the larger historical context behind this stat for most of Christian history the church was the main if not only producer and preserver of written documents and books other than the Bible when ton copied if not suppressed or destroyed and even going back one to two hundred years most people weren't for Asia's readers and books not to mention the leisure time and light to read by were kind of a luxury so if you were going to have one book it would probably be a reusable cultural necessity and sign a virtue like the Bible so unless your point is that a Christian society that was illiterate and theocratic for most of its history produced more Bibles and other books which no duh of course it did I'm not sure what this was all about fact - the Bible has survived the attacks of men throughout the dark ages of history the truth of the Bible was covered in darkness and whose fault was that if not Christians the Bible has been banned the decree of the Council of town house made by the apostate Church of that day reads we prohibit also that the laity should be permitted to have the books of the old or New Testaments but we most strictly forbid their having any translation of these books the Bible has been burned according to the ruling of the Council of Tara Jonah of AD 1234 no one may possess the books of the Old and New Testaments in the Romance language and if anyone possesses them he must turn them over to the local bishop within eight days after the promulgation of this decree so that they may be burned these were weird examples for him to bring up I mean he's trying to create this dramatic narrative of how the Bible's been under siege across history by people who want to destroy it right but these decrees were not about trying to eliminate the Bible they very roughly speaking were attempts by the Catholic Church to squelch rival religious movements and keep new versions of the Bible out of the hands of commoners in short we're dealing with Christians weaponizing the Bible as part of a power struggle against other Christians which isn't really a story of the Bible being attacked as much as an illustration of how Christians behave when you give them a theocracy and let them run wild of course he fixes this by just blowing off some of the Christians as apostates which in his audience as mine lumps them in with us as part of the world I guess when you're used to hunkering down in a mental fortress and pretending to be persecuted everybody outside would ever circle you'd you around yourself as the bad guy men and women have shed their blood for the Bible that sits on your desk no my great-grandparents just went to the store and bought the Bible that sits on my desk or a rather dresser and just kind of peacefully kept it in their house and passed it down through the generations in hella got to me who uses it to set a microphone on when I record videos no disrespect I actually treasure this Bible as a family keepsake and love the people who pass it down to me it's just the right size and absorb sound better than a cardboard box but anyway I guess he wasn't specifically talking about my Bible but hopefully my story can help talk Christians down from the hysteria by reminding them that they can go by and carry our own Bibles all they want John Wycliffe nicknamed the Morningstar of the Reformation was the first to translate the Bible into the English language as a reward for this great act Wycliffe bones were Exuma and publicly burned and the ashes were thrown into the Swift River again this is a story of Christian and fighting over what to do with a Bible so again this isn't about anybody trying to destroy God's Word also if we're going to be super literal here John Wyclef's bones aren't the Bible so while I can get that this is kind of connected to suppressing some forms of the Bible it feels like this guy's just clumsily tossing in names and factoids that he knows will get a rise out of Protestant Christians William Tyndale John Huss and many other Bible believing Christians met the same fate Oland yep there are more of them it's the same gallery of great Christian heroes my Christian school used to run us through every time they talked about how bad Catholicism is dating back to about fourth or fifth grade seriously this guy's material is super old and he comes off as super lazy repeating it the Bible has been belittled the French atheist Voltaire before his death said 100 years from today the Bible will be a forgotten booked ironically a hundred years after his death Voltaire's own home was used to distribute Bibles for the French Bible Society okay now this is interesting sure Voltaire was wrong and Christians can all laugh because haha the Bible didn't go away like he said it would and copies were even distributed in his hometown but did you all notice that even in the examples captain stunning blue eyes gave Christians were the ones passing oppressive laws killing each other and burning each other's copies of Scripture while all the atheist did was make a moderately not nice prediction about the Bible I mean doesn't that just sum everything up in a neat little package just something to keep in mind Christians when considering whether you want a secular or theocratic government John 10:35 clearly states the scripture cannot be broken alright fact 3 the Bible has been preserved over time the Bible's New Testament has over fifty eight hundred manuscripts in the original Greek in over 24,000 total manuscripts far more than any other ancient ancient book in the world the evidence is clear that the Bible has been preserved through the centuries so your point is that the Bible is still here yeah we knew that the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of Earth purified seven times thou shalt keep them O Lord thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever all right the Almighty God has protected the Bible so that you and I can have its guidance today or it's still around because one of the most powerful political machines in Europe devoted vast resources to preserving and copying it why is it a miracle that you guys had all the power and use it to make lots of Bibles I mean we already knew that so what's the point and in the bigger picture did you notice the giant switcheroo this guy tries to pull when talking about how the Bible is attacked he presents the Catholic Church with its isolated attempts to eliminate certain translations as some monolithic force out to destroy God's Word but when talking about the number of manuscripts that exists he ignores the fact that this same Catholic Church produced all these manuscripts thus serving is a monumental instrument in preserving not destroying the Bible and pretends that all its efforts were just a miracle of God fact for science and archaeology support the Bible ah all right let's get this part over with some say that science is at odds with the Bible but true science is always in harmony with the Bible for example the Bible clearly reveals the shape of the earth in isaiah 40:22 it is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth long before scientists knew the bible revealed that the earth was circular oh god damn it not the one about how the Bible predicted the earth was a globe just because varying bits of scientifically imprecise imagery that Christians reinterpreted after the fact look what I'm going to do here is just play the clip of Tony Reed's God arguing with apologies Ken Ham about this and my video of the floodgates of heaven I don't like reusing my old clips but you know what I like even less explaining this again so here enjoy I think it's the quickest most effective way for me to blow through this part way load I don't believe in the round earth because of fallible human science I believe in it because you would clearly states that the earth is round oh really this okay go ahead let's do this boys a of 40:42 says you sit above the soil of the earth which clearly indicates the toward and knowledge of the round earth I said circle the earth not sphere and everything else in that verse including me being above it and putting curtains over it indicates a flat thing with a top-down orientation but the ending joke 2010 again circle not sphere and I talked about drawing it on the waters so I'm not even sure where you think you're going with that wood job 26:7 says you a new phone nothing but that doesn't say it's round or going through outer space never mind that the language is extremely vague and if you want to take it that literally indicates it's being held up by a rope or some other fastening device what's more that verse says I stretch out the north over the empty place can you even begin telling me what the that means ci and what about the place in job 26 where I say the earth has pillars or in job 38 where I say the earth has foundations which if taken literally at all clearly contradicts the meaning you read into job 26:7 well that's clearly metaphorical yeah of course it is but Isaiah 40 42 is literal and so literal that it provides scientific proof that the earth is a sphere even though it never says the earth is a sphere yeah and job 2010 is equally literal for the same reason yeah and job 26 is a totally literal representation of the earth flying through outer space yeah okay then so each of these super short vague references are not only totally literal but established that the Bible had advanced knowledge that the earth is round yeah but in Genesis 1 when I spend an entire chapter spelling out a detailed step-by-step account of how I used a firmament to separate primordial waters and hung the Sun Moon and stars within that firmament that was all metaphorical yeah except for the Lord or 6 days and the stuff that says there was a naval ocean oh geez you guys are idiots did you know that the Bible was the first to teach that air has weights job 28 25 states to make the wait for the winds it took scientists until the early 1600s to make this breakthrough discovery centuries after the Bible declared it pretend you're a person in the ancient world reading job 28:25 without your modern knowledge about the atmosphere with this passage to lead you to that knowledge no which is why the world wasn't full of ancient Jews and Christians running around demonstrating they knew it this passage doesn't talk about air in general only wind since you know wind exerts a force that could feel like something comparable to weight and people only connect to this highly metaphorical sounding and easily misunderstood wording to our modern understanding of the atmosphere after science gave us our modern understanding of the atmosphere weird how that works huh the Tel Dan steel the Mesha stele the nabonidus cylinder the Dead Sea Scrolls all helped prove the accuracy of the Bible okay so they show how parts of the Bible were preserved pretty accurately cool I guess FAQ 5 the Bible has internal consistency whoa okay then the Bible was written over a period of 1500 years by 40 different authors despite many of them never meeting each other they wrote with perfect internal consistency okay so let's say these stats about the authors are true which probably not and so far as any of these authors didn't know each other they usually did have access to each other's writings and we're operating within the same religious tradition also what was that last point oh yeah that the Bible is hugely inconsistent so you know there's also that all of their writings being in seamless harmony could it be that a divine hand was guiding them according to the Bible this is exactly what happened well yeah of course that's what the Bible says but unless you're just pandering to your own internal audience who cares what's with this guy bouncing back and forth between lazy semi arguments and just telling us what the Bible says and also what's with his eyes and that powerfully intense gaze he gives us when 2nd Peter 1:21 States holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost this sixth point truly separates the Bible from all world religions wait was he going to do anything more than just assert the Bible is consistent no well ok then now don't miss this it's one word prophecy prophecy has been defined as history written in advance the ability to hear from God and even predict the future with perfect accuracy this ability is undisputable proof of divine origin in the encyclopedia of Biblical prophecy je Barton Paine states that there are eighteen hundred and seventeen prophecies in the Bible making up about 27% of the Bible's total writings no other world religion even comes close well maybe if you let other religions liberally tally their own prophecies they come up with a lot too but who cares even if judeo-christianity wins this contest that just means their religion was having two fortune-telling good for you and it makes sense if someone attempts to predict the future and is wrong they're instantly discredited unless they're careful to make cryptic predictions with open-ended dates you know like almost all prophecies everywhere including in the Bible but the Bible stands alone in its ability to accurately tell the future for a powerful example of an ancient ancient Bible prophecy they came to pass exactly as the Bible predicted check out the video in the description below entitled Daniel 2 urgent Bible prophecy for today oh my rhetorical are non-existent god is this that stupid thing in daniel or some guy talked about a dumb statue made of different materials and then another guy spoke in vague riddles about which part of the statue represented which Kingdom and now Christians like to go back and retroactively lis connect each description with a nation that came along afterward depending on when the Book of Daniel was actually written usually based on things as stupid as specific instances of those kingdoms using metals that almost everybody used a more fitting description cannot be given for the next Kingdom the powerful Empire of Rome known for their dominant army and brutal power Rome has been given the fitting nickname the iron monarchy this Empire described in the New Testament of the Bible rule during the time of Christ Roman soldiers whipped Jesus with an iron cat of nine tails draw the iron nails into his innocent hands and pierced his side with an iron sphere so far God has revealed the rise and fall of four powerful world empires yep embarrassing so embarrassing let us consider the life of Jesus there are over a hundred and twenty-five prophecies in the Bible's Old Testament of the coming Messiah the one who would die for the sins of the human race Jesus perfectly fulfilled each and every one of these Old Testament prophecies dr. Peter stoner a mathematician and former chairman at Pasadena college calculated that the odds of one man fulfilling just eight of these a hundred and twenty five-plus prophecy is more than ten to the 33rd power there are all kinds of questions a person could ask about how these amazingly long odds were calculated or how clearly Jesus actually fulfilled these prophecies but before we even bother going that far this claim has stopped dead in his tracks by single stupidly obvious fact the people who wrote the New Testament had access to the Old Testament so hear me out maybe just maybe they had grown up in a culture that was deeply familiar with these prophecies and they decided to make up stories about Jesus fulfilling them or maybe it was all supernatural but I know which explanation your perfectly functional adult brain would gravitate to if we were talking about any other religion so you know you're just given Christianity a pass if he jump straight to the supernatural explanation in this case God knows the end from the beginning this separates the God of the Bible from all other gods isaiah 46:9 through 10 declares i am god and there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient ancient times the things that are not yet done all right but perhaps the most powerful evidence for the authority of the Bible is this seventh undeniable fact the Bible changes lives the Bible states therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new I actually have a pretty big ripe with this new creation thing it leads people to think they've been instantly changed when they haven't and thus keeps them from really reflecting on and dealing with their problems this gets to be a serious thing with some people I have seen countless times where the Bible has transformed lives it makes the drunkard sober yeah maybe for a while one time my great uncle quit drinking and I remember him pointing to a Bible and saying that he did it because of this book then he started drinking again and you know took a woman hostage at gunpoint and ended up going to prison now does he prove the Bible doesn't change lives no but it's a mixed bag at best generally Christians I know who struggle with problems either deal with them over time in a natural methodical way like everybody else or just bounce back and forth between forgiveness and regret in a way that doesn't really fix anything this is muddied even further by the fact that people who turn to religion might already be looking to turn over a new leaf so who knows whether the Bible led to or was just one symptom of the change in their lives basically there isn't an argument here at all all Christians do is make excuses like free will or personal responsibility for all people the Bible doesn't change while cherry-picking all the examples of people who do change and pretending this proves anything about that power of God's Word and makes the hateful kind [Applause] yeah I'm not saying Christians are especially hateful or though the Bible makes people hateful but people are people and I've seen no indication that the Bible fixes that it shows how we can have victory over our bad habits and how we can receive eternal life for me the teachings of the Bible have given me purpose and direction for my life and hope for the future I know that it can do the same for you it will help you to answer life's three most important questions where did I come from nope we're not doing that here from this point he just evangelizes and promotes his channel and he can do that on his own time but okay look this guy does seem fairly sincere but it's hard to tell if that's just the mesmerizing effect of those bright eyes and chiseled features and pasted down hair that somehow works for him and while some of what he does after this is just channel promotion script I get the sense that he really cares but regardless however sincere he is to whatever extent he believes the try piece pushing it is still tripe and even if he pushes it out of simple-minded sincerity he's still a vehicle for pushing it he's allowed himself to dig into old arguments he should have grown out of and given into positive feedback from other people who enjoy hearing him repeat them and to whatever extent his personal journey to this point is understandable the arguments he promotes are still destructive they're just lazy time-worn nonsense that doesn't convince anybody outside the faith but instead prompts those inside the faith that dig in feel the world's against them and not only accept a list of simple-minded answers but assume it means they have all the answers hopefully my humble response whether it digs it some doubt inside a believer or add something to the vocabulary of those of you and my regular audience can do something to help break this cycle hopefully it along with all the other channels out there and prompt one more young person today to ask a few questions think a little differently and even if remaining a Christian not start the next hope through prophecy Channel tomorrow [Music] this program was made possible by a grant from SR Foxley Bob generic and Q and by the generous support of viewers like you if you wish to join them in pledging to this channel please find a link to the prophet Isaiah patreon below
Channel: undefined
Views: 109,243
Rating: 4.8698516 out of 5
Keywords: christianity, bible, prophecy, new testament, old testament, manuscripts
Id: GeEV2d1NtUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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