7 Most Common Things Golden Retrievers are Scared of and How to Deal with them!

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no matter how well socialized your golden retriever is there are always a few things they are paranoid about so in this video we will look into 10 of the most common things golden retrievers are scared of number one thunder this is one of the most common fears among all dogs a sudden and loud noise of thunder can be scary for them they might start barking or pacing around or try to go under tables out of fear during this time it's important to not try to soothe your pet it will just encourage their fear what you can do is put on a background noise for your dogs such as a tv or radio this will somewhat help drown down the noise of thunder number two scared of being left alone does your golden retriever start barking when you leave them alone in the room and doesn't stop until you return well your dog has separation anxiety your golden feels anxious and fearful when they are alone my neighbor's dog has this problem he starts barking and scratching the door when he's left alone in fact my bruno had this problem too and we had to work really hard to overcome it i can make an entire video on separation anxiety and golden retrievers and how to fix it let me know in the comments if your dog has this problem moving on to number three fear of going to the vet the whole experience of visiting the vet can be traumatic for our golden retrievers think about it from their perspective the vet clinic smells weird and there are other animals and new faces apart from that getting physically checked by a stranger is not something they want to overcome this fear you can take your gold into the clinic simply for social visits ask your vet to give your dog some treats request the receptionist to play with them this will create a positive association with the clinic in your dog and they will be more comfortable there number four fireworks similar to thunder loud noises of fireworks can be scary for them too fireworks make various types of noises and your dog may feel threatened by them they may try to hide behind things and pee inside the house out of fear during new year's and festivals keep the windows closed and play some music or turn on the tv to drown the outside noise out before we go to the next point if you're finding this video helpful please drop a like to support our channel number five fear of riding in the car some dogs just hate riding in cars if that's the case with your golden retriever then chances are that unknowingly you have associated something terrible with it for instance if you take your gold into the vet by car this will plant a seed of fear and they will start hating it to overcome this fear try to associate good things with the car like going to the dog park number 6. fear of the vacuum cleaner vacuum cleaners are big and make a lot of noise this can be scary for your dog they may feel threatened by this strange loud machine it's because you're golden is not used to this thing they may start barking at it or run away in another room whenever you start it to overcome this fear you need to desensitize your dog to the vacuum to do that start with putting the vacuum out in the same room then slowly move it around without turning it on to let your dog feel comfortable in its presence then try turning it on from another room gradually moving it to the same room repeat each step at your dog's pace until they no longer react to it number seven the hair dryer again just like the vacuum the sudden loud noise of a hair dryer can be scary for some dogs especially when they're puppies to remove this sphere you need to desensitize the sound of a hairdryer to your golden to do so put the turned off hair dryer in front of them let them inspect it once he gets used to it start the hair dryer at the lowest setting for a few seconds if your dog remains calm give him a treat gradually increase the time until he is comfortable with the noise let me know what things your golden retriever is afraid of in the comments down below and don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more retriever care videos see ya
Channel: Retriever Care
Views: 283,679
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Keywords: things golden retrievers love are scared of, golden retriever fearful, scared golden retriever, golden retriever scared of cat, golden retriever scared of escalators, golden retriever scared of vacuum, golden retriever scared of baby
Id: X2bMxguc3SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 11 2022
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