7 Most Common Reasons For Hip Pain After Having A Hip Replacement

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all right we are back now my software looks like it's working um i am so sorry for those of you that were joining us live i created a new live stream um so i'll put the links up and everything in case you count you caught the old one um but uh i i am not 100 sure my software was working so i am back on so sorry bear with me for technical difficulties we're having here in the office um so let me start over again because i'm probably going to delete the last video so that in case you're catching this from the beginning welcome to today's live stream okay miss sharon i have a comment now that's what i was looking for i'm going to have feedback from my audio system here as well welcome to today's live stream we're going to be talking about the seven most common reasons for hip pain after having a hip replacement surgery um and so the the reason that i brought this topic up is because the um i got a comment from a guy named uh he goes by the username get more for your car bob so i'm gonna call him bob bob said i've had a hip replacement last june and i've had so much pain since the pain is worse now then the pain is worse now than before i had the procedure sometimes when sitting it can feel like the pain works its way around and up to my lower back on the side that i had the hip replacement any ideas on how to help with this pain i am in the uk all my consultant has suggested is that he will refer me to the pain team at the hospital it's like they're not interested at all now that is really terrible i'm so sorry that that uh you're going through that bob um so uh to answer this question i'm gonna start to cover the the seven most common reasons for hip pain um after having hip replacement the first one is directly for bob um what it sounds like you're dealing with bob is if you just understand the anatomy here i'm going to tip the camera down just a bit there we go um here's the ball and socket joint of the hip so there's the ball there's a socket the ball goes into the socket just like that this whole bone up here it's called the iliac bone and it forms the socket right here and so when you have a shift in this bone because that can happen you can change the position of the ball and socket joint as well as change the tension in all the muscles in this area and you can begin to get pain in the back of the hip right here so this would be like almost like the butt area at the top of the glute area and into the lower back because the where these two bones meet that's called the sacral iliac joint right in the crevice in there and the crack in there you can see it better on the front there's a crack a little line right in there um that will that joint is painful when it gets stuck in this whole bone shifts and it can cause that lower back pain and pain that radiates around the area and it usually isn't anything wrong with the hip joint that's probably why they're kind of dismissive with you or they don't want to do anything else with you and the fact of the matter is that this is what i just described to you that pelvis bone shifting it's not a typical diagnosis or typical information that people know about in the health care industry i see medical people in my office all the time for treatment and when i describe this thing that i just described it to you as their diagnosis their reason for their back pain or their hip pain whatever they're going through they're like those bones can shift and i'm out of alignment a lot of people are it's new information to them so um that's probably what you have going on bob um and what you have to do is go find a specialist that knows how to fix that your specialists are going to be a manual therapist like what i am if you don't have one in your area because they are kind of rare a chiropractor might be able to help you out so you might go check out a chiropractor and tell them about this pelvic alignment issue that i'm describing they often will will look at that and they might be able to correct it for you um of course you know let them know that you have a hip replacement so they're not doing anything crazy to your hip joint um because there's certain motions that you need to avoid or be careful with if you've got a hip joint so i hope that answers your question bob um for those of you that are here with us live right now i'm going to go into six more common reasons for hip pain after you've had hip surgery a hip replacement surgery but let me know that you can hear me thanks ms sharon you said you can hear me loud and clear uh dicken worsley said better and i'm sorry i can't pronounce this name starts with the b um v-o-r-e-d i'm not sure what you said there but let me know where you're from just type in there what country you're from uh or what part of the world if you're in the united states what city you're from or any part of the world you're in let me know what city state country you're from i'd love to hear about it and if you have any questions of course regarding hip pain hip replacement surgery or anything else even if it's not related to hip pain um i'll be happy to answer it as well i've got about another 15 minutes or so so we can cover this information and i'll stop and answer questions along the way so let's get into the next one so the next most common reason for hip pain after hip surgery is a pinched nerve so you can see on the back of the skeleton here all these yellow things that come off the spine and the tailbone there's a bunch that come off the spine right in here some of these nerves run around the hip joint they run on the front of the hip joints you have a bunch from your low back that can that can cause that and so a nerve can get pinched in several places the most common or infamous one that we know about is a disc problem if you have a herniated disc and one of these these are the things that are between the bones of the spine the disc herniation can compress the nerve and pinch it and that can cause pain not only in this area sometimes it doesn't even cause pain in the lower back but it radiates or it goes somewhere else it travels in the body and that can cause hip pain and um the the common presentation for this is uh they'll do an mri they'll find that you have a disc herniation um typically if you've had a hip replacement your doctor is going to do an x-ray on your hip first to make sure that that everything's normal inside the hip joints and then that's what when they'll start to investigate other areas miss sharon is from montreal canada awesome thanks for joining us ms sharon um okay so the next one let me get my notes up here oh yeah to keep going with the pinched nerve so this is related to bob's answer that i gave when you have this bone that's shifted right here right here my finger sticking out right where this bone curves that curvature is called the greater sciatic notch of the iliac bone the sciatic notch means that that's where the sciatic nerve pops out and what isn't shown here in the skeleton because it's just bones and some nerves there's a big massive ligament that covers up the other side of this notch making a hole in this area so this bone shifts in some way it'll it'll pinch the nerve right there too so in case you go to the doctor and they say well your hip looks fine there's nothing wrong with your hip your replacement joint looks great and then they do an mri and looking at your discs in your spine they say well that looks fine too you don't have any disc herniations or nothing that we're concerned about you could be getting a pinched sciatic nerve and it hurts typically right back here in the butt area or it can radiate down into the the hip joint and into the thigh as well the front of the thigh the back of the thigh typically the back and the outside of the thigh is the most common presentation for this now um the next one would be an actual problem with your hardware so the third uh most common reason for hip pain after surgery is having a problem with your hardware they'll do an x-ray and they'll let you know that it's shifted or that the alignment's off of there it's it's really rare i wouldn't say that's the you know one of the more common ones these these aren't in order but uh just just to let you know um i just kind of slapped them up there but i'll tell you which ones are more common and which ones are not like this this hardware loosening problem or hardware um any hardware problem with a hip replacement surgery is quite rare you have to really be rough with your hip in order to to affect the hardware that or if you have a like an osteoporosis problem a bone density problem or if you've been in some sort of accident of some sort then you can you're more likely to have some hardware loosening problem like some people are that are in car accidents or have some really bad falls that can definitely set up a hardware issue andrew's got a question so if the so if that bone where the greater trochanter is rotated is that a problem so the greater choke cancer is this big chunk of the bone out here yeah it'll be rotated this way or that way it's hard to diagnose that you know diagnose the uh the hip getting pinched or feeling this end of the bone it moves so much i wouldn't use that as a landmark for diagnosing any sort of problem but you can have pain out here in this region which i'm going to talk about here in just a moment get ahead of me andrew all right the next most common problem number four is a muscle imbalance in the hip you have tons of muscles you have a bunch of glute muscles in the back right here glute maximus medius minimus you have the tfl muscle kind of more on the outside and then you've got a bunch of deep rotator muscles like the piriformis there's two gemelli muscle and two obturator muscles and quadratus femoris those are all the muscles just on the back and outside and you've got a bunch of of groin muscles your your inner thigh muscles that run through the knee and inner thigh right here and they attach to the the inside of the pelvis bone right here and then on the front you've got some hip flexors and all of these control motion of the hit but if you um have an imbalance between these muscles meaning they're stronger on one side than on the other side then you can change the the position the alignment of the ball and socket joints now if you've had a hip replacement then the alignment should be pretty stable the joint itself should be pretty stable you shouldn't have a lot of alignment problems plus feeling pain in the actual joint is theoretically not possible as far as the cartilage because it's not there anymore and the ends of the bone that's not there either but there's other tissues in the area ligaments and and muscles in the area that can uh be painful and that's that muscle imbalance pain and uh more specifically what um you might be dealing with so the the the let me see where i'm for we're number five now hip bursitis this is what andrew was talking about pain on the outside of the hip right here right where the this is the greater trochanter right over the greater trochanter is something called the hip burst of the trochanteric bursa and when that bursa gets inflamed it's commonly referred to as hip bursitis if you have that muscle imbalance it can set off a bunch of problems one of those is hip bursitis um the so a lot of these glute muscles they attach right in this area and right under the attachments the tendons that run into this area is that bursa um and so if you still have that remaining muscle imbalance in your hip after you've had a hip surgery a replacement surgery that bursa can become very irritated it's usually a point tender meaning if you find the tender spot on the outside of your hip and it's really easy to find this greater trochanter i'll just show you on the skeleton it's the outermost part of the the hip not quite up as high in the hip bones of mooring your thigh so if you rotate your leg in and out you can usually feel this big bump of the bone moving so like mine is right there i can feel it right there so if you find that greater trochanter and you just poke around it if you have some tenderness in the area um especially if it's really really tender and you probably have some uh hip bursitis wally had to log back in miss last 15 minutes oh i'm so sorry you this is you can replay this by the way wally excuse me for everyone who who um didn't get to come back in i'm so sorry amanda morris miller late to the party hello from louisiana hey amanda um i had some technical difficulties with the audio so i'm restarting this i'll go back and fill in the description and everything for for the video i just had to quickly start another live uh live stream for for this to work properly but i'm getting feedback that it's working right now um so if you have any questions about anything please um ask on the chat here we've got just about another seven minutes or so before i gotta head out um and treat the next patient all right two more things i'm going to cover two more reasons for hip pain after having hip surgery related to the bursitis hip tendinitis and by the way i've got playlists of videos for a lot of these problems in in the description i'll all update it because it's the retake um so if it's if it's not there right now will be very soon i'll i'll do it before the end of the day going back to hip tendinitis right here where that bursa is right above the bursas or superficial closer to the skin is going to be a bunch of tendons and just like i showed you to find that that greater choke cancer by rotating your leg like this if you if you have points specific tenderness that's bursitis usually right above that is where the tendons are and those tendons they'll they'll become point tender as well but it's a little more diffuse a little more wide spread the the pain from the the tendonitis and then it typically comes on more with more activity and if you move your legs a certain way like if you if you move your leg outwards discs it'll tension that tendon and set off the pain so that's how you can know that that you you've got more of a tendonitis problem um and you can still get that if you've had your hip replaced there's a few comments going on here hit that thumbs up people yes thank you miss sharon please give us a thumbs up it helps us get more visible here on youtube and um and share this by the way too later on even after this recording is done um if you can share this with somebody that you know that helps us to get more visible on youtube as well ms sharon said i was told the first four days are the worst after surgery yeah it definitely is pretty tough initially after surgery and they make you stand up you have to start walking around and putting some weight through the the surgery the surgery the the replacement so that you can activate the muscles and start to wake up all the tissues and you know always close everything up after having hip replacement surgery but they get you moving asap you have to otherwise you can develop all kinds of problems so if you're signed up for hip surgery best of luck to you hopefully it's the best thing that you need right now some people need it some people can get away without it depending on their the severity of their hip arthritis and what's going on but if you're gonna have it good for you be prepared for lots of pain discomfort and take your pain medication i know i say don't take pain medications on this channel a lot but there's reasons there's times when you should take pain medications if you've just had a hip replacement surgery you bet that's a temporary situation that you're going to recover from eventually should heal and so taking some pain medication in the short term is a good idea so that you can get through the initial days a couple of weeks a few weeks after the the surgery and and you're not in agonizing pain because if you're in a lot of pain you're not going to sleep well and if you don't sleep well you're not going to heal well so moving around and getting enough sleep is you have to find a balance between everything and the pain medication helps you to keep that balance of rest and movement as well so um i hope that that gives you a little more insight into um what a hip surgery is like miss sharon let me answer a few more of these questions lakshmi you thai massage okay to receive after hip replacement i've had a thai massage before and it's a very active massage and they move you around quite a bit um i would not do a thai massage after having hip replacements um unless you know that the massage therapist or maybe you've seen the massage therapist before um and for those of you that don't know what a thai massage is like go go look up the videos for that on youtube and you'll find exactly what i'm talking about they're putting their feet on you they're digging in if they're gentle then you might get away with it but there's certain motions you should be avoiding if you have a hip replacement surgery like like rotating your thigh inwards like like this so it's where your foot goes out and your knee goes inwards um and you know your doctor will tell you if you have a hip replacement what motions you should avoid especially right after the surgery um but but yeah it's it's definitely um an active massage and so i i would proceed very cautiously maybe even not do it there's other types of massage out there that would be much more appropriate if you're looking for a massage and massage is a good idea especially if you have very stiff tight muscles after you've recovered enough from a hip replacement surgery and usually that takes months okay man amanda morris miller so please and grateful for all this info thank you so much you're very welcome and i'm happy to do this wally this is my first live stream i emailed 17 february some questions to amber oh yeah that's my office manager which she was going forward to can you follow up please thanks oh so sorry we have wally i'm so sorry we are backed up on email it's i mean between running a full-time practice here in in you're in my clinic right now um it's it's pretty tough to to to get all the questions answered and so that's why it's part of the reason why we did we do these live streams so if you want to ask your questions on here we can't treat you over the internet uh you know legally we have restrictions for for where we can treat so your people can be coming to the clinic and get treated here if you live in texas which is where we are then you can get treatment online through here um through our clinic but you have to have an identification with your texas address just so that we know that it's all legal and and uh works um so i'm sorry wally we'll we'll get to it eventually we we i i have to go in order with with all the messages that i get and so um those of you that are on here that may have gotten a response from me i do get back to just about everyone eventually um but it is slow going as as i'm doing a lot of it and i've got a content media manager that helps me out as well um here and there with with comments that are appropriate uh for them to answer but i you know answer the more technical ones like like these so uh send me the questions i'm happy to answer or bring bring them up here on a live stream and i'm happy to answer them here as well miss sharon i was told by the surgeon you can go home the same day depends on the person's yep it really depends on the person but i've seen i've rarely ever seen that i think i've just seen that once my whole career and it was a very fit individual who had hip arthritis most people are staying a few nights in the hospital after having a hip replacement surgery highway 138 says i'm having hip surgery tomorrow wow we wish you the best of luck everyone on the call please wish her luck right now out loud just say good luck highway 138 i wish you the best of luck in your recovery and i i hope that everything goes very smoothly and that tomorrow you feel better and and that it's the best easiest thing that ever happened uh to you we got people timing on the chat here good luck highway 138. all right let's get to the final um uh issue here that we need to talk about the final reason for hip pain after having hip replacement and his it band syndrome it is um a more common than um than you think diagnosis out there it ban syndrome it's kind of in line with bursitis and tendinitis but more to the front outside part of the hip right here so like where your front pocket is in your pants so right here where my hand slides into my front pocket that's generally where the it band starts it starts on a muscle here called the tfl tensor fasciae latae and then that it bend runs down the outside of your leg and it attaches right down here at the knee so if you've got this problem up here in in the front pocket area pain tenderness stiffness and it's more superficial rather than deep um you may also have some pain associated with that on the outside of your knee or anywhere on the outside of your thigh this happens quite a bit it's often confused with sciatica symptoms as well like pinched nerve problems but it-band syndrome is usually very fixable so if you have any of these problems they're very fixable um with the exception of the hardware loosening problem you know that's that's more of a invasive fix of course you have to go talk to your surgeon but all the other issues uh the the bursitis tendinitis it-band syndrome the muscle imbalance the pinched nerve the shifted pelvis all of those problems are usually fixable and you don't have to lose hope if you still have hip pain after having had a hip replacement surgery um so you know for you highway 138 hwy138 um you know you're gonna you're on the you're gonna be on the path to recovery here starting tomorrow and the day after um and it's gonna take you several months to to walk normally again and and it will probably take you like a few weeks to walk normally again but confidently with speed and get all your strength back that's going to take a few months um then the pain should largely subside and then you you're going to have still after effects all these little things that i talked about could affect you and you've just got to know come back to this video um if you don't remember you've got to know that there's other things that could be happening to you all those things i mentioned tendonitis bursitis it band syndrome all the shifted pelvis pinched nerves all those things could still affect you even after you had a hip replacement surgery so go find a specialist or check out our videos here and on our channel go down to the the playlists that i've linked in the description below and uh and you'll find more information for how to treat it yourself or where to go find help so that you can get this problem fixed so all right guys i am over time here i'm just going to read the last comment here uh highway 138 says thanks i am scared oh that's that's a healthy fear um but you know i will say this about um hip replacement surgery is it they've progressed it quite a bit it's one of the best surgeries major surgeries you can get them it is a major surgery you're getting a joint replaced it's close to your organs and all that but i consistently see people get good results with it if you have to have it done of course um yeah sure there's risks and there's harms in in doing it like any other surgery but it's um it's a pretty good surgery if you have to have one the shoulder replacement surgery is is the not the favorite of people a lot of people say that it's very very painful compared to hip replacement surgery or even knee replacement surgery so if you're gonna have to have a replacement surgery highway 138 i think this is a good one to get ms sharon says highway 138 good luck please let us know how it works out yes comment back or reach out to us somehow wishing you a great outcome and not too much playing pain please give an update as to how it all went down good luck you will be okay laxmiu says highway 138 you'll be pain free after and wonder why you waited so long to have it done hopefully that's the case amanda morris miller says are the shots beneficial um shots can reduce the pain temporarily um if your hip arthritis is just so far gone that your hips locking you're getting lots of grinding and noises in there um and it hasn't improved despite you trying exercises and stretches going through physical therapy fixing the root of the problem like getting the glutes stronger then a hip replacement surgery is likely going to be a more positive outcome for you but if you have benefited from exercises and stretches and you have times when your hip feels better then you might need to double down on doing the right exercises and giving it its adequate time and in the meantime getting shots could be beneficial like a cortisone injection uh there's a bunch of other shots you can get uh cortisone injections gonna be the most common one it's a pain reliever and an anti-inflammatory one um so i hope that answers your question amanda all right friends i've got to get going here um if you go check down the description below you'll find more helpful videos and all these uh seven common reasons for hip pain after hip surgery hip replacement surgery i hope this was beneficial for you give it give it a thumbs up if you thought it was and we will see you in the next video friends bye
Channel: El Paso Manual Physical Therapy
Views: 149,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. David Middaugh, 7 Most Common Reasons For Hip Pain After Having A Hip Replacement, el paso manual physical therapy, Most Common Reasons For Hip Pain After Having A Hip Replacement, common reasons for hip pain after having a hip replacement, reasons for hip pain after hip replacement, what are the most common reasons for hip pain after having a hip replacement surgery, what are the most common reasons for hip pain after having hip joint replaced
Id: s1m5Iz1QGks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 08 2022
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