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riddles and mine tests can be a question with a witty answer or they can just be a sentence that makes you question your own brain whatever your definition one thing is clear these tests will continue to confuse and amaze us welcome to curiosity and join us as we count seven nine tests 99% of people can't pass before we start be sure to subscribe turn on notifications and drop a like on the video once you've done this comment down below and I'll be sure to heart your comment and we'll be subscribing to your guys's channels well now let's begin with our first test I'm about to ask you some simple mathematic questions be sure to answer these out loud or is 1+1 what is two plus two what is four plus four and what is eight plus eight now quickly say the first vegetable that comes to your mind you say carrots right no okay if you didn't say carrots you are already in the top 20% of minds as normally 80% of people answer carrots when asked this question now read the sentence in the Triangle it says Paris in the spring right wrong read it again it actually says Paris in the the spring this is because your brain automatically assembles the sentence before you can finish reading the words the next one is easy simply tell me how many FS are in this sentence I will give you 20 seconds to count [Music] did you count three or four that's wrong there are actually six F in the sentence don't believe me count again I will now read your mind pick a number on this wheel and then follow the line to the number on the other side now subtract the smaller number from the bigger number and you should now have a new number your new number is now the number six did I guess right drop a like if I did study this image hard and after 20 seconds I'll ask you a question about it be sure to look at all the details of this one as 90% of people fail this test your time startsnow [Music] the question is do you remember seeing a helicopter go back and check most people are so fixated on looking at the tiny details that they completely miss the helicopter and for our final test I ask you to answer this simple question for me mary's mother has four children April May June and what is the name of the fourth child if you said July you were wrong you miss the fact that it was Mary's mother therefore the fourth child was Mary thanks for watching if any of these tests fooled you drop a like on the video and let me know which test you failed on in the comments below thanks for watching and as always we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Curiosity
Views: 2,286
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Keywords: mind test, riddle, puzzle, odd one out, game, intelligence, iq test, mind trick, mind tricks, genius, signs you are a genius, are you a genius, trick question, Brain, amazing, can you solve, eye test, optical illusions, trick your eyes, trick your brain, riddles, best riddles, crazy, blow your mind, MIND TESTS 99% OF PEOPLE CAN'T PASS
Id: Migf_L1gLIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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