7 Luxury Watch Myths You Still Believe

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hi everyone my name is Jenny and in today's video I want to clear up seven of the biggest luxury watch related myths so you no longer have to be clueless when it comes to those seven a very popular misconceptions so let's get started the more Jewels inside a watch the better the movement though this one sounds a bit dated it's still something you stumble across quite often especially when watch manufacturers praise their movements on their website so of course you start to think that they're not more Jewels which has the better or you know more precious it is I mean you can read all about how they are using you know 37 jewels and it used to be something that was printed on most watched outs back in the day too the purpose of these Jewels is to act as bearings to various components in the watch specifically the parts that make contact and would normally you know just wear it down easily such as you know the Escape lever and the impulse Jewels so jewels in watch movements are you know still a necessity so yes admittedly this used to be an indicator of how precious or you know well-made watch movements were back in the day but nowadays those rubies are made synthetically most of the time synthetic Ruby is often you know made by simply melting aluminum oxide that contains a trace of chromium the resulting Crystal has the same you know internal atomic structure As Natural Ruby as well as the same you know Optical properties they look nice uh hardness and chemical composition so yeah though there are still very beautiful to look at they are no longer an indication of the preciousness or you know quality of a watch more important is the entire you know interplay of the movement Parts surrounding it including the rest of the watch of course 100 meter water resistance means you can dive 100 meter deep with your watch oh this is one of my favorite myths because I sometimes don't still argue with people about that but once you hear you know the explanation it makes a lot of sense all of your watches come with a water resistance for some you know very intense dive watches it can go up to 3 900 meter you know like the Rolex deepsea for example but there's also your you know fancy a dress watch with a water resistance of 380m or 30 meter like the classic Lang irons from alango and Zune for example but here's the thing it doesn't necessarily mean that you can take it down up to you know 30 meters underwater or less and your watch would still be okay I would heavily advise against that because those 30 meter or 380m or three bar however you want to call it are in relation to the auto pressure experienced in that depth so here's a quick example let's say you're you know sitting in a pool you've got water up to your shoulders so your hand with your wrist is fully submerged in water and now let's imagine you're wearing a you know so far you're obviously not 30 to the down in the water but when you start you know moving your hand around underwater the pressure builds up for a brief moment so you always have to keep that in mind it is also visible in the formula for hydrostatic pressure if we look at it cell P which is pressure equals fluid density multiplied with acceleration due to gravity see acceleration and fluid depth which tells you everything you need to consider when it comes to pressure underwater really it's why it's not recommended to take your 380m 30 meter or three bar water resistant watch swimming because those have been tested in you know very heavily regulated conditions and not tested with you flailing your arms around underwater and before we continue with some more myth busting I want to take a second to thank the sponsor of today's video Chronixx chronix is not only one of the biggest pre-owned Watch dealers with hundreds of different watches and offers online but they also gave me a promo code for my viewers so when buying a watch at chronixx.com you should use my code Jenny with an eye don't forget that to get a silly discount on your next watch purchase I myself bought my yachtmaster37 you know the white walkers I like to call it from chronix and I'm super happy with it I just love it so much they have in-house watchmakers who check every watch that is coming in and going out so you do not have to worry about authenticity at all they ship out watches to almost every corner of the world but you can also you know very conveniently use their worldwide pickup lounges if you want to so make sure to use code Jenny on your next purchase from chronext to save money on your next watch and now that we've got that covered let's go back to those pesky myths in-house movements are better I know this one can lead to some very heated debates too but it's actually rather simple and understandable if you stand back you know and think about the bigger picture for a second here of course in-house movements say a lot about a watchmaker's ability to create and innovate but therefore stating that in-house movements are better is just way too black and white mass-produced movements from ETA or Salita for example are used in numerous very prestigious watches from very popular watchmakers like all this or idling for example mainly for the fact that they have been tried and tested for such a long time for decades making them one of the most reliable and more importantly easy to service movements out there since they are used so often and have been in production for so long manufacturers like ITA or acelita are able to eradicate most issues that are expected to occur with you know relatively new movements I mean same goes for most Industries when a new technology is being introduced like you know in cars for example in which first series models tend to you know experience a lot more issues than the following lines so all in all no in-house movements aren't always better as it is always influenced by so many other factors too sapphire crystals are unbreakable I did hear this a lot in the beginning and though I wish it was true it's unfortunately not yes sapphire crystals used in lots of luxury watches are more durable then let's see other crystals like acrylic or hard legs ones but they are not unbreakable I think what a lot of people do mix up here is that though they are not unbreakable they are unscratchable so yes to a certain point they will also shatter from a severe scratch but that's it they shatter before they scratch this can be a good or bad thing because with most acrylic crystals you can you know buff or polish mine scratches out but you do have to swap out a sapphire crystal once it is damaged over winding will break your watch instantly okay okay listen there are always layers to this statement but no over winding a watch does not mean you will immediately break it but I still wouldn't recommend doing it so here's why first of all we have to separate manual wind and automatic watches manual wine watches have no grocer to power up the mainspring so you have to do that yourself by winding the watch up you can also goes wide and automatic watch but it will not you know just run out of power when we're in like a manual wind one thanks to its rotor when it comes to automatic watches pretty much all modern ones can't be over wind watchmakers put fixtures in place that will simply decouple from the winding mechanism once the watch is fully round so you could technically wind the watch up for as long as you feel like it without adding any more energy to the mainspring why well imagine the rotor which constantly you know keeps on moving while your watch is being worn would keep on adding to the mainspring no matter what I mean you would break that watch in no time which is why this sort of overwinding stop has been put into place with manually wind watches there is a different story since you are its only source of energy you're also the one responsible for powering it up so when you wind a manual watch you will definitely feel when it's you know fully wired by experiencing a very clear hindrance when trying to twist the ground further than it is supposed to go I know that some of you might be scared especially at the beginning asking questions like but what if I don't feel it but believe me as long as you're being somewhat careful you will always know exactly when it is time to stop unwinding oh and also let me add that you should still be careful no matter if it is an automatic or manual wine watch all the models or less well-made watches automatic watches can be prone to damage to when you know being wound up too much so yeah use your common sense here and with most things in life don't force anything you can spot a fake watch from a mile away oh sweet summer child long gone are the days in which fake so you know replicas were easy to spot I know that some people who are just getting started are still and the impression that fakes are still rather easy to recognize but unfortunately that is far from the truth I have already inspected some high-end replicas here on my channel and if you want to learn more about them I recommend you know checking out the videos I will link them for you down below in my description box but what I can say is that it's really insane how far those replicas have come some even attempt to perfect the tiniest of details of a watch movement to make sure that they are super hard to identify and most differences are only visible under an ultra macro lens or if you have a microscope at hand my best advice here is to make sure that you can trust the seller should you buy a pre-owned watch or you know go to old school way and buy it directly from an authorized dealer to make sure that you're not you know spending thousands of monies on a fake watch last but definitely not least one of the juiciest myths that could actually you know really be an entire video by itself Swiss made is a statement that gets thrown around a lot especially micro Brands love to use it to make sure that you know people understand how high quality their watches are because the world Associates Swiss made of course especially in regards to watches with one of the best of qualities but listen it really does not take a lot to call your watch Swiss made and here's why officially you know and In Sum the legal standard for the use of Swiss made on a watch are a very minimum standard and the swissness of a watch is largely dependent on the brand and its reputation so according to Swiss law it should be the following a watch is considered Swiss according to the Swiss law if number one it's technical development is carried out in Switzerland and its movement is Swiss and its movement is cased up in Switzerland just case up the manufacturer carries out the final inspection in Switzerland and just 60 which is just a bit over half of the manufacturing cost are incurred in Switzerland now talked about the movement a watch movement is considered Swiss if it's technical development is carried out in Switzerland and it has been assembled in Switzerland and it has been inspected by the manufacturer in Switzerland and the constituents Parts made in Switzerland excluding the cost of assembling them represents at least 50 percent of the value for the constituent parts and sixty percent of the manufacturing costs are incurred in Switzerland I know that was a lot but still it's important that we you know list everything you see that it is not really a black and white issue and there's a lot of leeway for manufacturers on how to interpret certain aspects of the requirements needed to call their stuff Swiss made I've also found a very interesting side note that stated that more or less recently I mean the last time in 27 efforts were made to strengthen the definition of you know Swiss made but about 30 companies 30 that wanted to remain anonymous lobbied heavily against it we still don't know who these 30 companies are apparently very influential companies but yeah I'll leave you to speculate about that in the comments I'm very curious to see who you think could be involved in this I would say that I can confidently exclude mosa from this since they are super vocal about their efforts to strengthen the swiss-made label plus they also come up with some really funny spots to promote their campaign so yeah I would exclude mosa but I would be curious to know what do you think who else is behind all of this so here you have it seven of the most popular myths about luxury watches and the actual truth behind it if you have more myths you wanted to solve then share them in the comments down below and if you have enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this one I recommend subscribing to my channel so I will see you in my next one bye
Channel: Jenni Elle
Views: 361,250
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Id: l0Po2dFoQho
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Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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