7 Last Minute Tips for AMC 10/12

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seven last minute tips for the AMC 1012 the first tip relax and don't stress too much try to stay cheerful before the test you can take deep breaths to try and calm down because remember this is just a contest it's not the end of the world if you don't do good number two don't get stuck on the order of the problems problems are not always going to be exactly in order and everyone has different strengths something that you find hard someone else might find easy something that someone else finds hard you might find easy so just do the best that you can by looking at which problems are right for you to solve if a problem looks too bashy or it's maybe a very easy prob low number problem that's a little bit tricky don't be afraid to skip it and come back to it later you should not have the mindset that oh it's the number five I should be able to solve it but I'm not able to solve it it's okay MAA often misplaces problems so just move on and you can always take a look whenever you want to number three budget your time wisely try to go over the first 15 problems in maybe 30 minutes or 35 or however much time you is depending on how much your problems you're trying to solve at the end but try to save some time for the remaining problems at the end you don't want to spend a whole hour on the first 10 problems thinking that I need to make sure I'm 100 correct and I cannot get a single one of these wrong and then it turns out we have 10 minutes left on your timer ticking and five more problems left that you still need to solve to get 15 solved and then you're extremely stressed thinking about how you should have gone faster so budget your time wisely number four problems 21 to 25 are not always very hard for example on the 2021 AMC 10A I like many other people did not even look at number 25 because it's the number 25 so it should be the hardest problem on the test but it actually turned out to be not a very difficult problem so that's why it's always a good idea to take a quick glance at those problems maybe you're good at algebra so you see a polynomials problem maybe you give it a go for one or two minutes maybe you don't maybe you're not very good at algebra but you see a geometry problem and you're good at geometry so you take a look at that one look at the problems definitely don't just avoid them thinking that there's something above you or anything like that and yeah tip number five always stay one to two minutes at the end to double check that you have bubbled your answers correctly and you've marked every problem you solved the last thing you want is you having solved 20 problems and you forgot to bubble in the last one because you're so caught up in solving the next one so be careful also make sure you bubbled in the correct problem one time I actually forgot this I skipped the problem and then what happened is for all the remaining problems all the ads would shifted up by one so then all of those problems are wrong because all the answers are shifted so when you're checking don't just say a b c b a d always try to associate the question number so one a two B three a or whatever it is okay next step number six don't worry too much about how much you need to reach a cutoff score or for example make Amy a lot of people they get hung up with I need to solve 16 problems to make Amy so I have saw 16 and then when they only saw 14 and there's two minutes left then you start getting very stressed and disappointed don't worry about that you shouldn't let the supposed cut off in your mind determine how you do just focus on doing your best focus on the problems you think you can solve and don't worry about the problems you can't solve last but not least number seven remember that each unanswered problem gives you 1.5 points so you don't want to just be guessing randomly and holding for the best that maybe I'll get one of them right randomly because the expected value is going to be less if you just guess randomly but if you do manage to eliminate it to two or three choices then you can guess because then you have a much higher chance I don't recommend guessing for just four choices because then the well first of all for four choices you don't even know for sure whether the choice you eliminated was actually the wrong answer so I recommend just two to three choices and then maybe you can guess and also you can try meta solving techniques as well because those will be helpful but maybe you don't solve the problem but you kind of hack a solution if you're looking for any last minute resources you can check out the mastering AMC 1012 book and video series I've covered most of the important Concepts there lastly good luck for the AMC 1012.
Channel: Sohil Rathi
Views: 6,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Math, AMC, AMC 8, AMC 10, AMC 12, AIME, Math class, math tricks, mental math, math made easy, math teach, math competition, math preparation, math channel, math learn, omega learn
Id: 6P11NnYeA50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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