7 Great Cartridges if You Never Hunt Past 300 Yards Anyway

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what's up you guys today we're going to talk about the seven cartridges that i think really we deserve a special look when we're hunting under 300 yards this comes from many comments that i've received on the channel over the last few weeks that i kind of focus a lot on the kind of new cartridges with the best ballistics and stuff i just i really get into that stuff i think it's cool but sometimes i don't pay homage enough to these really great cartridges that maybe aren't the flattest shooting maybe don't buck the wind as much but are still really cool cartridges we're sorted from the most recoil to the least recoil so those in gray are the ones we're going to look at let's talk about these right here one at a time so first is the 350 legend a lot of you may not be familiar with the 350 legend this cartridge was invented just in 2019 by winchester and really the whole purpose of this cartridge is for shooting in certain states where they have restrictions on using bottlenecked cartridges you know this is the bottleneck where we have the shoulder here that allows a larger capacity of powder and then it's necked down to the bullet this obviously has a straight wall here and the reason there are some laws like in michigan iowa maybe even in illinois i can't remember is that they just aren't going to shoot incredibly far so in regions where there are population centers they want people using this kind of thing and so it's it's a good idea it's something where normally you'd only be able to hunt with the shotgun but now we can use some rifles if i worked in the winchester factory how could you resist not opening a box of these and just taking out one bullet and slipping in one of those mini golf pencils in the cartridge i just think it'd be so funny doesn't that look exactly like one of those little mini golf pencils anyway 350 legend is shooting a big old wide 357 caliber bullet at reasonable speeds you know only 2 200 feet per second but it's producing plenty of recoil for hunting deer up to 100 yards but you'll see even at 300 yards we're just okay we're kind of marginal for hunting deer sized game as cool as i i think the 350 legend is on the con side it's just not very versatile i saw one of these a rifle chamber chambered in 350 legend on the shelf at sportsman's warehouse in idaho uh and it sat on the shelf for like a year that nobody touched that rifle because why right if you don't have the restriction if you want a rifle that's going to do more than just being able to hunt in that tree stand why would you pick it right and so i think 350 legend is really cool but it is very purpose built and i might say the same of the next cartridge that is the 30 30 winchester now as unique as the 350 legend is because of its straight wall the 30 the 30 30 is interesting because it has a rim on the bottom see how it's wider on the bottom than a typical cartridge that does not have a rim on it and this was to help in the design of the firearm and the way that it that it was fed especially in older designs of the 30 30. this was invented in 1895 and it's still i mean on every gun shelf ever but by today's standards of course it's not the ballistic you know prodigy it's not going to shoot incredibly incredibly flat but it is just a very uh versatile cartridge for that up close up to 300 yard kind of shooting the next three i want to talk about as triplets that's the 308 the 7mm08 and the 243 winchester the reason i want to talk about these in in not tandem i guess in trio is because they all are using the exact same case started with the 308 and then the 7mm08 and the 243 are using that exact same 308 case you can see they're just necked down to different calibers and slightly different trim lengths on on this brass but these are exactly if we think of them as being the same cartridge just in different calibers it really helps us to understand what these three cartridges do you know the 308 is has these heaviest bullets for sure it's going to have the largest frontal diameter and so when you shoot something it's going to absolutely do the most damage when we're talking about 300 yards and in but also we're going to look at that recoil velocity and we see that the 308 compared to the 7mm08 compared to the 2043 you'll see it also has the most recoil but it's also shooting the slowest that 308 is shooting slower than the others at 300 yards and so it really is do you just want the slightly slower but heavier thing and heavier recoiling or do you want to go something that's flatter shooting that's faster that's lighter recoiling in the 243 it's just a really easy way to understand these three cartridges we don't really care looking at the bullet drop of these three cartridges going out to a thousand yards you know what whatever we say at 500 yards we say ah the 243 is much more flat shooting when we're talking about in 300 yards that's probably within the maximum point blank range of these cartridges or at least close to it depending on our loading it's just not going to matter much the ballistics so i love the 7m moa i think it's just such a versatile cartridge it just hits a sweet spot ballistically you know shooting out to 500 yards it's just a really nice sweet spot but if we're only shooting 300 yards and we can take the recoil you know an adult shooter we don't really care so much about the recoil because these are all mild why wouldn't you pick the 308 in this situation it's kind of how i feel the next i want to talk about that 243 this time the 6'5 creedmoor and the 25 ought 6. we're going to talk about them again in trio because these i want to say are our best options for deer sized game out to 300 yards with very very low recoil the 243 is an excellent choice i mean it will absolutely kill deer no problem out to 300 yards and beyond it my son cole's been hunting with 243 for a couple years now and so i've seen quite a few animals die at the hand of the 243 and what i would say is it's absolutely going to do the job but it will take just an extra second uh you know an extra two or three seconds for the animal to die with a 243 compared to a 25 out 6 or the 6.5 creedmoor it's absolutely capable it's just not going to cause that you know electric immediate incredible impact on the animal it's going to do its job but it's going to do it light and fast and without the fireworks so 243 is a great choice especially youth shooters pick a 243 if they're worried about recoil at all you don't want to push them too much but even an adult great great choice for deer six five creedmoor and 25.6 ballistically the 25 out six is gonna best it in a lot of different ways because it's shooting nearly 3 000 feet per second with a lighter bullet but you can see the design of this it's just an older kind of shooting times westerner type of design what we often see from those cartridges the 25.6 is a long skinny column of powder that maybe we might say isn't going to ignite quite as uniformly and so now we're kind of moving to these shorter faster shorter fatter cartridges between these two i would generally pick the 6.5 creedmoor because it's just so much more widely available but that's not to take anything away from the 25.6 that is just a speed demon the the biggest problem though with the 25 hot 6 is bullet availability you know it's shooting that 257 caliber bullet that's just there aren't many cartridges in 20 and 257 caliber so you have a very limited supply of factory and hand load bullets for it so i just wanted to highlight some of these cool overlooked cartridges because all of these are awesome for their own specific purposes when we're talking about short range up to 300 yard hunting i know not everybody gets the long range hunting i'm not really interested at all in shooting game at 900 yards i can't do that ethically and accurately and i'm just not interested in that but i love a hunting rifle that is very versatile that i can take out to the range and really just enjoy the ballistics and how cool the cartridge is i love that stuff and i'll take it and also taking it hunting and so for me usually if i know i'm going to be taking shots in 300 yards i just like those kind of cool new flatter shooting cartridges but sometimes there are specific purposes or just for nostalgia i just love some of these other cartridges as well hey thanks everybody for your support of backfire we've gained i think over 8 000 subscribers just in the last 28 days i just it's really exciting for me to make these videos knowing you guys are showing such support so thanks everybody we'll see in the next video
Channel: Backfire
Views: 313,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Backfire, Hunting, Outdoors
Id: DL9wkqe1wCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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