7 Foods That RUIN Your Liver

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now there are seven things in a lot of foods that will ruin your liver and i wanted to increase your awareness on this because a lot of people are being exposed to these things on a regular basis and they don't know it and as far as your liver goes you're about as healthy as your liver your skin is a reflection of the liver if your liver is bad your skin's not gonna look too good the liver is a huge organ it's like three pounds it helps you with digestion it helps your blood clot mainly it helps you detoxify poisons it turns poisonous things into harmless things okay and so let's dive right in and go through the list number one you want to avoid soy protein isolates here's a big question about soy protein isolates what do you think they do to isolate this protein from soy well they use chemicals it's highly processed they have to go through a whole series of things to extract this concentrated protein and to do that they have to use something called hexane that's a petroleum byproduct it's a solvent it's not good for the liver it's actually a neurotoxin and so when you look at like diet shakes or diet powders or protein bars or veggie burgers always read the label i don't recommend consuming it if it has soy protein isolates the way i was introduced to soy protein isolates is that i had a series of people that came into my clinic that were on the diet that was called ideal protein and that was a major ingredient in this so-called healthy ketogenic plan where it had very low carbs but it also had very very low fat okay and very very low quality ingredients and so it was filled with soy protein isolates and i noticed when people got on that program when they lost weight and they did lose weight they didn't look healthy and a number of them develop serious like liver inflammation higher amount of liver enzymes a lot of digestive problems and gallbladder issues and so when they came off those products it cleared up they did much better all right number two uh fructose okay you have high fructose corn syrup you have the fructose and fruit you have something called agava nectar as a sweetener it's like 70 uh fructose and even table sugar is half fructose and half glucose now fructose is a very interesting sugar because it's not metabolized by all of your cells it's only metabolized by your liver so anytime you consume fructose your liver has to deal with this sugar it is stuck to deal with breaking it down and metabolizing it and this is why people that consume a lot of high fructose corn syrup boy they just develop a fatty liver way more than if they were going to be consuming just glucose itself and even uh people think that agave nectar is so healthy but it's not because it contains fructose but here's the confusing thing fructose on the glycemic index is pretty low it's like 19. glucose is a hundred okay so if you have a sugar that has half glucose and have fructose it's going to be right in the middle like about 74 75-ish but the point is that if you are just relying on the glycemic index okay that's your your principle that you operate off of and you're like wow it's low i'm going to go ahead and eat it and you don't understand that the liver has to metabolize that specific sugar and indirectly it creates a lot of problems especially with insulin resistance then you can have more awareness and then you can actually do the right thing by avoiding too much fructose but the point is that despite being low on the glycemic index fructose is not a good sugar especially for the liver especially if you want to avoid getting a fatty liver and one more point about this especially when you're dealing with high fructose corn syrup all that corn is gmo and that gives you another level of toxicity like glyphosate which is an herbicide that's not good for the liver instead use sugar alcohols like erythritol xylitol use stevia monk fruit all right number three vegetable fats now vegetable fats sound so healthy don't they i mean they're just the fat of vegetables well there's actually not much fat in vegetables okay if you look at salad leafy greens just look at the nutritional profile and you'll see that there's not much oil or fat in vegetables so despite being called the vegetable oils it's really grain oils and it's like bean oils as in soybean oil and i'm talking about the corn oil the soy oil canola cottonseed oil these oils are very processed they're very oxidating to your tissues which means they create a lot of inflammation a lot of inflammation they're a very fragile oil that's omega-6 an average person in the u.s consumes about 70 pounds of this vegetable oil we've kind of done a little switch on these oils about i don't know 30 to 40 years ago where they switched all of our saturated fats with unsaturated fats unfortunately so our membranes now are being built with this these unsaturated fats and it's creating a lot of problems with um inflammation and um and then with that comes a lot of other issues not to mention gmo okay more glyphosate which is roundup ready in these products so what you want to do is you want to consume a lot more omega-3 fatty acids sardines cod liver oil salmon things like that and just as an fyi there was a meta-analysis with over 72 different studies that showed that there's no benefit from shifting from saturated fats to unsaturated fats zero benefits in fact there's a lot of negative things that have occurred all right number four whey protein powder now think about what whey protein powder is it's a protein in milk and dairy and it's highly concentrated to be extremely low fat if not zero fat okay and anytime you consume something that's refined out of the normal complex that nature is designed it comes with a package and so whey protein is inflammatory it's a bit toxic to the liver it increases inflammatory markers and i remember long ago before i had any awareness on health i wanted to gain weight okay this was in high school and so what did i do i consumed protein powder and i started chowing that stuff down and man did i get sick because not only was it filled with whey protein powder it was filled with the next thing on the list which is maltodextrin so when you consume protein make sure you consume it with the with the fat that's nature has packaged that protein with but maltodextrin which is number five is in so many foods it's crazy it's in all the protein powders as the first ingredient sometimes here's the problem with maltodextrin it's a synthesized or synthetic sugar and it is higher than glucose on the glycemic index okay it ranges between 110 to 100 and i think 19. it's just off the scale so you're consuming something that is way worse than sugar for your blood sugars for your pancreas for your weight for your liver and maltodextrin is put in a lot of vitamins okay it's used as a filler it's used as a drying agent for oils it's hidden in a lot of so-called keto-friendly foods which i'm going to be doing a lot of education about but basically it makes your liver fattier and before i forget i was going to mention they make maltodextrin from corn wheat rice potato tapioca and so sometimes it's going to be from gmo ingredients but you want to avoid it they even use it in post-workout type gels it's in splenda it's in puddings it's in protein bars it's in a lot of different things all right number six aflotoxins so you want to stop consuming aflotoxins now what is an aflatoxin well it's a toxin from a certain fungus which is carcinogenic to your liver so your liver does not like this and you're primarily going to find it in peanuts and corn okay and especially if it's in a moist human environment now if you consume peanuts or peanut butter the best way to make sure you don't get the aflatoxin is by consuming valencian peanuts valencia peanuts are a lot drier and they're usually not going to have aflotoxins especially if you get organic valencia peanut butter now of course if you've been watching my videos you're you're not going to be consuming corn but corn is in a lot of products so you're going to have to watch that as well and number seven okay is msg monosodium glutamate it's in a lot of different forms including modified food starch but you really want to start reading the ingredients because they put this in pork rinds it's in so many foods as a flavor enhancer they use it in all the fast fruit restaurants to enhance the flavor because if it wasn't in there you wouldn't eat as much but msg causes you to eat more of it it's definitely in chinese food and so it's a lot of sodium that's hidden it's not really salty but you're going to get fluid retention as well after you consume it but that's not the big problem the big problem is toxic to your liver and it's even in like things like um cottage cheese if you're getting like commercial cottage cheese but i would just recommend just start reading the ingredients so many of my patients when i was in practice after they complained being sick i just asked them when did you start being sick and what did you eat just before that and there was usually some ingredient on this list that they consumed that they weren't aware they didn't make the connection now what about red meat is red meat bad for the liver well the answer is if you're consuming grass-fed red meat it's not bad for the liver unless um you have a problem with iron okay the thing about iron is that our bodies are not designed to get rid of iron easily and too much iron can be very toxic to the liver and even cause cirrhosis and of course red meat is high in iron so if you have that problem then you're probably going to have to avoid red meat but for most people that don't have a problem with that red meat is not going to be a problem for your liver if it's quality out of all the foods that are good for the liver the cruciferous family of vegetables are the best thing for the liver so that would be like arugula the kale the broccoli the brussels sprouts so you definitely want to consume those on a regular basis now that you have this information the next video that i'm going to recommend is what to consume or what to do to repair a liver i put it right here check it out you
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 9,792,094
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Keywords: 7 foods that ruin your liver, 7 foods bad for the liver, liver health, liver, foods to avoid, foods that ruin liver, foods to avoid for liver health, foods bad for liver, liver disease, bad foods for liver health, soy protein isolates, fructose, vegetable fats, why protein powder, maltodextrin, aflatoxins, msg, monosodium glutamate, foods to avoid for liver, liver damage, foods that ruin your liver dr berg, liver dr. berg, dr. eric berg, eric berg, dr. berg, berg
Id: 1B98PDEe4vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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