7 Easter Eggs You Can Only Find One Day a Year: Commenter Edition

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a short while back we pondered the videogame Easter eggs that much like Easter only happened once a year because apparently eating chocolate eggs in August doesn't count as Easter - and no I can't have four days off work for it everyone in the comments of that video went on to add their own suggestions for date related Easter eggs so now's the time to see what they had to share in the category of video game secrets so you're going to want to mark down in your calendar or risk missing out for another 12 months so day planners at the ready for our commenters favorites and beware spoilers for the following games alright so Easter twos off the table what about Cinco de Mayo - oh you've heard of it brilliant so I assume that means my leave request has been approved now we need to move on to Halloween - I mean that's going to be the whole month of November and they say that about Patrick's Day too as well which I mean this is how dare you day my parish heritage and finally how about Groundhog Day - undertale is a game that's more full of astonishing secrets than the bins behind area 51 so it was no surprise to see it pop up plenty of times in the comments of our last video like this one from commented Jaclyn Holsinger who says what about these so sorry fight in undertale indeed those who played undertale may remember coming across a secret room in the games hot land area known as the art club room here players can find a sign telling readers that the next meeting of the art club will be on October the 10th at 8 p.m. which rather begs the question what kind of art club only meets once a year I'm never going to learn to draw hands at this rate if you follow these signs advice however and turn up in this room at the date and time stated you'll bump into a secret mini boss called so sorry or rather he'll bump into you he's clumsy like that he's clumsy like a lot of things actually and as the fight progresses he'll accidentally attack you with his tail while trying to find a gift to give you [Music] fling damaging bits of paper in your general direction as he searches for something to draw you a picture on and use a magic pencil to draw to life some enemies that you also now have to fight [Music] plus it doesn't help that I usual strategy of crying doesn't seem to be working I'm just saying this better be one amazing picture when you're done so sorry Wow he's my drawing of a hand look like well a hands not a human one but still still this passive his route is less harrowing than taking the violence option in this option so sorry politely apologizes to you as you wail on him and he clearly doesn't understand what's going on Wow now I'm so sorry Isaac and his mother lived alone in a small house on a hill Isaac kept to himself drawing pictures and playing with his toys as his mom watched Christian broadcasts on the television for a game in which you play as a sobbing child running naked through the dungeons underneath his house fighting hideous monsters with his own tears The Binding of Isaac has a surprisingly sweet side as seen in the date related Easter Egg noted by commenter net lad P who says The Binding of Isaac has won on December 6 December the 6th for those who don't keep track off the birthdays of video game company executives was the birthday of Satoru Iwata the legendary Nintendo chief beloved for his appearances in the company's Nintendo Direct presentations and who sadly passed away in 2015 robbing us of the chance to see more of this sort of thing it looks like I'll be delivering the first Nintendo Direct of 2014 directory to you as a tribute to the man who gave us our new favorite hand gesture the developers of the binding of issac added in an easter egg on this particular day in which a water himself becomes a playable character for one day only to celebrate his birthday in game in water Sun is a cute little sprites featuring his trademark Nintendo Direct look armed with an 80s video game cartridge and the Game Boy both of which give him the chance to turn invincible and damaged enemies this comes in pretty handy when fighting giant nightmare spiders in a basement [Music] this is still the binding of issac we're talking about though so by the end of your daily run on December the 6th the water Sun looks less like he's going to host the Nintendo Direct and more like he's going to appear out of a pentagram in the cloud of bats demanding to know the location of the Necronomicon still though it's a really very sweet tribute to a beloved gaming figure and speaking of those the binding of issac isn't the only date based Easter Egg memorializing mystery water there's also one building for the Nintendo switch itself a console on which a water was the head developer before he passed this didn't escape the notice of commenters such as Hendy pro yo-yo who says how about Satoru Iwata switch Easter Egg the Easter Egg Hendy refers to is the inclusion of an emulated version of the 1984 game golf for the Nintendo Entertainment System which is one of the first games to toru in water program for the company sure it looks basic compared to today's golf games which can render Tiger Woods baseball cats with breathtaking graphical fidelity thanks to the power of the cloud or whatever but at the time golf in which a guy who in our head Canon is Mario & Luigi's dad hits blocky balls down a fairway suspended in the infinite inky blackness of space was a big hit and marked in water out for bigger things so much so that when Nintendo were looking for a way to immortalize their fallen leader Golf was the obvious choice not long after the switch was first released the clever folks at websites which Bruce discovered the emulated version of in whatas Nest golf game tucked away inside the switch's firm where it turned out that to access the secret game locked away inside the switch players had to perform the signature hand gesture we were talking about earlier directory to you and this would only work on the 11th of July the day on which a Watterson passed in 2015 making it a fitting tribute sadly that's no longer the case as Nintendo scrubbed the code for golf from the switch's firmware in a 2017 update which seems pretty unlikely in Tendo but I'm sure they had their reasons maybe they're gonna add in one of the other games you worked on instead earthbound pokemon gold and silver Kirby come on Nintendo can do this all day swords are cool and all but you know what's even cooler laser swords that's the fundamental basis of not only the Star Wars franchise but also our next date based Easter Egg and suggest if I come into Pollux the start who says my personal favorite is for honor on May 4th I mean who doesn't want to fight with lightsabers the 4th of May known worldwide as Star Wars day because wordplay is a celebration of all things Star Wars and 2017 for honor wanted to get in on the action despite being a historical combat game about samurai fighting Vikings not to be confused with totally accurate battle simulator which is a hysterical combat game about samurai fighting Vikings easy mistake to make as such in celebration of May the fourth this year Ubisoft added lightsaber effects to all the weapons in the game they made the blades glow blue green and red adding showers of sparks when they clashed and even included the iconic lightsaber sounds you know the ones you're making with your mouths right now as far as we can tell this was a totally unofficial crossover the developers just really really like Star Wars plus in a game where medieval Knights are fighting Vikings who are fighting samurai doesn't really matter if they've also got laser swords okay Star Wars is set a long time ago so it kind of counts as historical Leupold [Music] really of Avatar have you lived here we're not leaving them here yeah you're not [Music] crazy fool why do you always jump on one of these days you're gonna land on something as stubborn as you are if there's one thing the Halo series loves its crash landings free for a hard landing if there's two things it loves its crash landings and date related easter eggs at least according to our commenters such as gas masks William who says what nobody's gonna mention the wall on Valhalla in Halo 3 well okay it's not one day a year but it does show different things depending on special days throughout the year the wall William is referring to is a giant sci-fi wall on the halo 3 multiplayer map Valhalla which is apparently a magnet for interstellar graffiti artists the writing on this wall will change depending on the date telling you to make love not war on New Year's Day recycle on Earth Day and on Halloween reminding you that life is fleeting and we're all some day die Cheers Bungie that's not the only date related easter egg in Halo 3 though has come into a fun gun game and 987 rushes to point out I already know Halo is gonna be here edit never mind why is the halo ring not here this is in reference to the hardest to find halo 3 Easter Egg that was finally discovered a staggering seven years after the game's release to find it you need to click in both thumbsticks on the title screen on Christmas Day which will reveal a wider shot of the halo ring and display the message happy birthday Lauren this message was added in by programmer Adrian Perez for his wife which we hope made up for her having to receive her Christmas and birthday presents on the same day let's hope she was a Halo fan although the fact it wasn't discovered for seven years suggests not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] international Talk Like a Pirate Day is basically the perfect holiday because a you get to talk like a pirate B you don't have to send cards or buy presents and C no one knows what it is off the top of their head so you can do it whenever you feel like it yarr Andi I'd be needing the rest of today off for international Talk Like a Pirate Day he's got me there but oh no what's this from comet akin and five they say you mentioned September the 19th international Talk Like a Pirate Day yet failed to mention that if you play Sid Meier's pirates on that day the in-game dialogue pirate appeal your entries and menus will change to pirate speak Sid Meier's pirates as the name suggests it's an action strategy game about pirates that features lots of pirates and such you'd expect everyone in it to be talking like a pirate already but as I've always said things can always be a little more piracy as such playing Sid Meier's pirates on September the 19th the date which I now know for sure is international Talk Like a Pirate Day so don't try that again Mike really ups the pirate enos to a frankly astonishing degree for start forget the word you gone done with that instead we'll be saying ye likewise with our which will become B that's a re by the way not just saying our because that is still totally cool and in fact encouraged these expressions show up in the menus the dialogue and even when speaking to people who normally wouldn't speak like a ruthless Buccaneer like for example the Fancy Pants governor of a whole island [Music] although it even manages to upgrade the piratical flair in people who are already talking like pirates observe how this becomes this some things however you just can't make sound roguishly pirate like no matter how hard you try [Music] see shiver me timbers shiver me timbers indeed now you must make a choice save yourself and watch someone die sacrifice your life speaking of holidays what could be more festive than saw two flesh and blood is that what I think it is [Music] it is right just checking but sawtooth flesh and blood might be a bit more festive than you were expecting as noted by commenter Aires Goff who says sawtooth flesh and blood has two trophies that pop on Halloween and Christmas so too is a game in which people are subjected to awful tortures like being put in a reverse bear trap or having to do a balance beam minigame jigsaw you despicable monster and yet saw to still enjoy celebrating the holidays or at least the two holidays mentioned by Aires Goff playing saw to on Halloween will net you the 15g achievement it must be saw which we're assuming is in reference to our thumbs after having to do yet another balance beam minigame play saw two flesh and blood on Christmas Day however and you'll unlock another achievement this one titled you wasted your life to be fair though this is sorta flesh mud we're talking about which is one of the worst games ever made by humans so you could be playing this game on any day of the year have that achievement pop and it would still be accurate well apparently Mike's got the rest of the day off and someone has to outro this video so yes it falls to me yet again to tell you about some other great videos you can watch on outside Xbox and outside extra why not watch this one it's about times that you screwed yourself over sounds familiar and down here is a video from outside extra which is very responsible uses of time travel like go back in time punch Mike in the face for his cruelty well
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 431,494
Rating: 4.9421601 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, funny, 7 things, top 7, top 5, top 10, list, countdown, easter eggs, easter eggs in games, so sorry, undertale, secret boss fight, october 10th, undertale secret, satoru iwata, binding of isaac, golf, switch, date, for honor, may the 4th, lightsaber, star wars, laser, valhalla, wall, halo 3, easter egg, ring, christmas, sid meier's pirates, international talk like a pirate day, saw 2, achievements, you wasted your life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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