7 DON'Ts in Barcelona (What NOT to Do)

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in almost 15 years in Barcelona I've pretty much done it all I've also made my fair share of mistakes and I've also learned that it's not always what you do do but what you don't do that can make and break your trip so in this video we're talking the seven don'ts of Barcelona to help you better enjoy your time here don't come in August one of the biggest questions about Barcelona is when is the best time to come and visit the city now if you want to get outside of that High season coming between November and March might be a good idea but if you're looking for a little bit better weather than you've got April and May or September and October which is always going to be a great time but there's so much going on in Barcelona throughout the entire year it really it depends on what you want to do the one thing that I would recommend is not to come in August and really there's two reasons why and the first is the heat August is the hottest month of the year here in Barcelona but more than the heat you've got that humidity which is just nonstop normally when I talk about the different months in Barcelona I talk about the fluctuating temperatures you've got those early mornings and into those evenings which despite the warmer days always tend to be a little bit cooler and August that never seems to actually happen you just got that really humid air all around kind of gives that film of sweat on you all day so if you're walking around trying to see everything when you get home the only thing that you want to do is shower plus all the different people that are around August is the time when the most amount of people are coming in it just gets warmer and warmer yes we do have have a little bit of an escape out to that beach but August being the hottest month it's probably not the best time to come apart from the heat it's also the time with the most closures so you might miss out on some of the best things in Barcelona August especially the second half of the month is a time when most people and the locals are actually going on vacation so you're not going to find many of them here which means a lot of shops and a lot of the best restaurants will close down so one of the worst things would be to do all of that research find these places that you want to go and then get here and find that they're not going to be open until September now I understand that August might also be the most convenient time to travel for you so if you're not going to follow my advice and avoid August all together definitely block out those last two weeks you'll avoid the hottest part of the year and all the closures but now that you know when you're coming how about a quick language lesson to help you out while you're here don't call catalon a diet many people when they're coming over to Spain want to learn a few Spanish phrases to have with them in their back pocket so they can use them while they're here but not many understand how widely used the catalon language is here in Barcelona I know I didn't when I first moved here apart from Spanish Spain actually has three different co-official languages that's Catalan Basque and Galician and Catalan is the most widely spoken you've got about 8 million residents in Catalonia alone but you've got over 10 million catalon speakers that's because you've got places like Aragon Valencia the baleric islands and even parts of Southern France that speak catalon or their dialect you've also got andur the only country in the world that has catalon as its official language and there's still a part of Italy on the island of Sardinia called Alo that still speaks its dialect of catalon so while you're learning those Spanish phrases ahead of that next STP you might want to jot some catalon ones down as well and while you're making the switch from buos Diaz to bondia there's one big thing that you need to know about the name of the city before you get here don't refer to the city as Barca I actually covered this in a video about the 10 things to know before coming to Barcelona and posted a real about it on Instagram that caused quite a sturup now we're not going to get into the differences in pronunciation between catalon and Spanish right now what I'm talking about is when people refer to the entire city of Barcelona as Barca the city of Barcelona has a lot of different nicknames but if you want to abbreviate it what you're actually going to find especially when you're driving into the city on the road because Barcelona doesn't fit in the lanes is you're going to to find Bara the problem comes because the city name and its most famous club are both Barcelona but when you abbreviate the football club what you use is Barca and a lot of people take that and use it for the city when it's actually Barna if you use Barca or Barna correctly it's a pretty clear distinction because in English we don't distinguish between the city and the club the same way they do in catalon or Spanish and it's all because of a tricky little pronoun let me explain all right so in English if I want wanted to know if you were from the city of Barcelona I would ask are you from Barcelona and if I wanted to know if you were a fan of the football club I would ask are you a fan of Barcelona two completely different questions and you get the meaning right away but in Spanish almost that same question just a little bit of a change will give you two completely different meanings so in Spanish if I wanted to ask if you were from the city of Barcelona the question would be is De Barcelona and if I wanted to ask if you were a fan of the football club the question would be it is Bel marcelona or Marca you can see there's a big difference right there with just a small change to that question the same is actually going to happen in catalon it's the Barcelona or it's n Barcelona a little difference goes a long way grammar lessons aside what are some of the big don'ts when it comes to food don't order a paa for dinner now this one's a little bit more nitpicking and if you're on vacation realistically do whatever you want but one of the big things that everybody wants to do when they come to Barcelona is try out a paa and if you want to travel like you lived here then don't order a paa for dinner you won't find the locals doing it paa tends to be much more of a lunchtime meal predominantly one you're going to find on the weekends I always kind of think of it as one of those Sunday barbecue type events now remember one of the biggest things you're going to find in the differences in eating over here is you're not going to find those big carb based dishes served at dinner time no big Pasta Bowl definitely no paas or any of those other rice based dishes remember that dinner is much later tends to be lighter and that lunch is the big meal of the day speaking of which don't only eat tapos you'll find them on almost every restaurant menu and yes you should try them out but you don't have to eat them for every meal you've got plenty of other options for a great and authentic eating experience one of the best options that you'll have for lunch is the menu DEA the menu of the day this is a three course meal with bread and a drink included you'll have plenty of options for a starter an entree and that dessert and a lot of times it'll be much cheaper than had you had ordered all these different toppas and not really known what the sizes were and one of the biggest tricks that you'll need to know if you're going to go with a menua while you're here is that on Thursdays it tends to be paa day which means for your first course you can get a paa for a much cheaper price than going to any other restaurant knowing what to eat is important but also what to do not only for the major sites but some of the Lesser ones as well don't show up to the cigara Familia without tickets if I've said it once I've said it a thousand times and this is still one of the biggest pieces of advice that I can give you if you're visiting Barcelona buy tickets in advance especially for sites like the cigara Familia this is the most visited monument in all of Barcelona and depending on the year all of Spain if there's one thing to plan ahead for it's the cigara Familia and the the summer that might mean getting tickets two or more weeks in advance in the low season while you do have some more leeway that might mean getting tickets maybe 2 days ahead of time so you can make sure you get the right time that works for you and remember you cannot buy tickets at the door so if you show up looking to purchase those entrances at the cata Familia they're just going to send you over to the website where you could have gone online and booked beforehand and if you're looking to get those tickets in the moment you might not have any tickets available so I'm just going to say it one more time book your tickets in advance but don't only see the sagata Familia there's another lesser known modernist building that's really worth your time don't skip theal the s yes the sagata Familia is the most talked about and popular building and yes you need to visit it while you're here but we spend so much time talking about Gaudi that we miss out on another famous modernist architect in the city and his is just up to street from the cata Familia and a true gem in Barcelona in terms of the UNESCO world heritage sites in Barcelona The Works of Gaudi are all classified but so too are theal s and the pal de la mus catalana both works by Doak IM and both the hospital and the music Dallas are going to offer you impressive examples of exposed brick beautiful mosaics stunning stained glass and will definitely leave you surprised so make sure to plan a visit to the ospital while you're here in Barcelona and not just as a Time filler while you're waiting for your entres to the cigara Familia but while not getting over to theal the sanow might be something easy to overlook there are a bunch of other mistakes that tourists keep making while they're here in Barcelona so watch this video next and you won't make them while you're here
Channel: Patrick Guide Barcelona
Views: 9,211
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Keywords: Barcelona, Spain, barcelona travel guide, barcelona travel, barcelona tips, things to do in barcelona, barcelona tour, barcelona spain, barcelona guide, barcelona vlog, what to do in barcelona, patrick guide barcelona, what not to do in barcelona, things not to do in barcelona, dont do this in barcelona, donts in barcelona, barcelona donts, avoid this in barcelona, do this in barcelona, never do this in barcelona
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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