7 Days of INDIE GAME DEV - Walk In My Shoes

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in this video I'm going to take you on a wild adventure of Game Dev and Life Sharing the last few Dev sessions on my indie game blood and need as well as giving you an intimate glimpse into my lifestyle enjoy [Music] I like to start my day with a strong coffee and some light Shadow Boxing you know to get the blood flowing no other reason [Music] hitting the blood flowing quickly primes my brain for a day of death all of you so in my last step blog I made major stylistic changes to my player character the reaction from you guys was overwhelmingly positive I did have a few hecklers uh sorry not a fan of the new head and face hair is a bit emo and the eyes too comic and big and not fitting the character yeah I wouldn't call it emo if a strand of hair on the face is enough to make you an emo yeah I do need a haircut but there are some things I could refine Better Eyes call a beard and maybe some tattoos he also got a nose job some bushier brows some character and slightly scruffier hair that looks much better I leveled up the beard from not one but three independently moving plaits creates a lot of fluidity and movement I finished off with these back tattoos that reveal themselves more during certain animations these relatively simple tweaks added a lot of Polish to the character well James thanks for your feedback I hope you like these updates truly thank you outstanding time for some fresh air I laced up and went for a run to what I like to call the Cliffs of regret because when they collapse under my feet which they probably will I will regret it but what a view I relaxed up here for a while doing some casual game design and planning before heading home to spend some time with the family I snuck in some late night bug fixing and found an interesting issue where coins could attack the player that's a hell of a bug yeah I was feeling pretty good on this day confident to tackle a bold design feature wall jumping but I wasn't sure if I wanted the player to jump off just any wall at any time this would completely break and undo all my existing design work instead I prototyped the system where the player can only jump off Legends the amount of black magic and Voodoo that went into this system radial overlaps distance checks platform effectors it was nuts and if you're a coder you might relate to all these commented out attempts to make this damn system work I then posted my progress to Twitter and got some great and valuable feedback from you guys in the community I had a lot to think about so I went rock climbing what better way to channel inspiration and solutions if you've never tried rock climbing go do it it's a fantastic gamified way to get in shape while having fun daddy is making a game Oh Daddy is making a game will it ever be finished nobody knows I added some weighted hanging animations but then added a second animation for the times the player is hanging from the ceiling that's right much like with indoor rock climbing the big decision was made to only allow the player to jump between specific points [Music] this fairly simple feature adds a whole new world of level design potential oh and if you're new here and like the sound of a bone crushing Viking Adventure it's my duty as a solo Indie dance to direct you to the steam page where you can wish this blood and need and get notified of when it launches and a big thank you to those who've already done so time to unwind I took a train to visit my good friend and fellow Indie Dev Oliver Joyce the drunk beer and talk to Game Dev then drunk some more beer than many more we finished up with a succulent Chinese meal and some more beers [Music] for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction I was feeling pretty lousy so I went to the local gym to bump it up do it do it come on come on do it now [Music] and like that I was back in the trench with a new Mission I have these chests that drop important Collectibles but as I have it there's a chance to play a dozen pick them up and breaks the game's progression I needed to automate The Collection sequence in a meaningful way I decided to throw up an item collected panel piping in the data from an external Json file into value objects and injected into the chest a bunch of particles and tweens later and I had a functioning system it's looking good but I need some audio to really sell it I lay it in sequence different sound effects to match the panel animation foreign still felt a bit limp I needed an adequate player character response that's the one but a developer's work is never done and I realized a fundamental issue with this approach [Music] I needed a break so I went out for some sun and fluffy time I solved my earlier problem using some time scale magic freezing everything but the player and the UI it was a pain in the ass I shifted Focus to creating a fun exploding pressure plate it's useful in forcing the player to move fast and can be composited with other enemies to increase the challenge cool I had big plans for this day but a mysterious package arrived Diablo [ __ ] four now there aren't many games that I will sacrifice quality Dev time for but man this is something else the atmosphere the World building the brutality it's special but we weren't quite done yet every so often an indie Devon needs to treat themselves and what better way than the Diablo collector's box filled with blood petals aged cartography and tools of dark conjuration and while all these cursed objects are amazing all I truly wanted was the art book 300 pages of beautiful concept art and game design inspiration the remainder of the day was spent geeking out of the new Trinkets and practicing my Barb Impressions this will be your last stupid mistake my burden is too good to devour the next morning a flood of new dark inspiration had been unlocked I put it to use creating a new evil sorcerer enemy furiously reading his cursed Tome and Conjuring up Mischief I love how this animation turned out I then added some particles and dark glyphs but that's where it ended what the hell and suddenly the sky wept I was dabbling in force beyond my knowledge the rain subsided so I ran I ran hard hoping to escape any pursuing hex but it was in vain on my return new bugs had manifested hitting enemy Shields was now bringing my frame rate down to zero spooky stuff after setting my frame rate free I channeled the remaining dark inspiration into a new simple enemy type a fiery skull totem that can emerge from the ground and shoot fire at the player [Music] ah yes the heavens had cleared and I wasn't about to pass up the warm gentle caress of the sun here we go all right so I've got these meat chunks that fly off enemies during combat but they bounced around in a strange way so I spent time making these particles go Splat when they come into contact with the terrain this little detail has made a big difference in how the combat looks and feels and that so often happens I got sucked into the polishing Vortex making it so the player can interact with these skulls and bones it's a little thing but it makes the player feel they are in the world not just moving past it I also made it so that meat chunks can stick to walls and ceilings too particularly satisfying in tunneled areas delicious but I wasn't done I made it so that sealing chunks stretch and drip blood yeah and like that my devil was cut short stolen by housework I had things to break I advise to start and fires to put out I'm a bit of a pyromaniac I also crossed paths with a female red back spider one of the world's most deadliest and capable of killing with a single bite fun once my mortal duties had concluded I relaxed to some classical music and lazy death [Music] I was off to a solid start but I suddenly realized I was procrastinating with low priority features classic Indie Dev I grounded myself and shifted to some UI work I'm in the middle of a major UI overhaul UI is hard and it's taken me time to get the ux and the design right I'll do a full comparison video in the future but here is a sample of the new UI design it's work in progress and it needs a lot of Tidy Up and proper sound effects but it's almost there so I hope you've enjoyed this window into my Dev life it took a lot of time to put this together so thank you if you drop a like and comment thanks for watching I'll see you in the next one daddy is making a game Oh Daddy is making a game will it ever be finished nobody knows
Channel: Lost Relic Games
Views: 459,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, devlog, game design, indie dev, dev log, lost relic games, john stejskal, indie developer, game dev tips, indie dev advice, game development, how to make games, blood and mead, thin matrix, dream indie game, how to learn game dev, tips for beginner game dev, starting first indie game, dani, game devlog
Id: ZQqxwp0CO-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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