7. Dark Mode with Tailwindcss in Laravel

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Towing dark mode light mode dark mode okay bam win convey confidence dark mode class that's it master layout master englishtml about the light okay browser block that test um npm from death um right here um there's a little bit dark and this is automatically it's dark okay so um okay home you have mercy lucky for him border too huh Gray 300. with a master you wear a dark mode Blanco oh border uh gray chicken 700. okay get the name of ah looks better now right replicating laws there's cards okay it's the classic dark light and that's already light as dark mode so in a process okay in local storage stuff like that okay awesome
Channel: Krodox
Views: 1,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TO4eZT3_SRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 6sec (186 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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