7 Chakra Healing Meditation, Unblock & Activate ALL CHAKRAS

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this is rasa welcome to yoga did chakra alignment relaxation meditation dear sweet soul make your space comfortable as you get ready to quiet your mind and deeply relax your body this is the time for you so be generous to yourself by making this space pleasing and relaxing this meditation will bring balance into your day as the chakras are interconnected with your health so through this chakra balancing meditation we will bring more awareness and conscious alignment into these energy centers this will help you feel an increased sense of overall well-being it is recommended to sit up or lay down and adjust your body so that your spine is straight your chest open and receptive close your beautiful eyes invite yourself into a comfortable and mindful breathing observing the air flowing through your open chest feel yourself being contained within your body relaxing completely feeling supported by the surface beneath you take a full breath in and on your exhale relax the parts of the body that are in contact with the surface distance yourself from that what is lingering yet is no longer useful set it aside let it flow away feel being supported by the environment you are in comfort ease and alignment are being offered to you so feel yourself accepting it receive it feel the ether the surrounding space feel its density or lightness feel it change pulsate and flow in a subtle way feel your own body as a body of energy within this pulsating space and feel your own faithful pulsation being present throughout visualize all your seven chakras aligned in one straight line from the base of your spine to the top of your head interconnected with each other and your physical body now focus within the space of the base of your spine begin to feel a glowing pulsation it is glowing in rich color red this is the chakra of belonging if you have any health issues in this part of your body or feeling insecure about your finances or basic needs and well-being this may mean that this chakra is blocked send your healing awareness and breath into this chakra and feel it to gently expand expanding to connect to the earth for stability and nourishment invite this energy center to absorb what it needs say to yourself i am safe and grounded feel the color red swirl around the base of your spine it should feel warm and grounding feel yourself to become more connected to the present moment through the root chakra as it spins effortlessly now moving faster as it replenishes itself now flow your awareness just below the belly button second chakra tune into the orange glow within your belly this is the center of your creativity emotional intelligence sexuality pleasure if there are any health concerns with any organs in this area including lower back pain it may indicate that this chakra center is blocked emotionally this could be manifesting in feelings of self-worth and even more specifically self-worth around pleasure sexuality and creativity on your exhalation release any pain regarding any betrayal or envy breathe into this chakra intensifying the orange glow and the energy around it with your fresh inhale bring nourishment and positive intentions into this energy center give it all that it needs say to yourself my purpose is to feel good feel its orange color energy intensify and to expand wide across your belly see and feel the chakra spinning faster now in its vibrant orange glow effortless and radiant feel yourself flow within this practice with a sense of relaxation turning your mind towards balance that is beginning to engulf your being right now move your awareness to your third chakra yellow in color it rests in the upper abdomen below your breastbone this powerful center you channel your personal power it is directly connected to your beliefs and self-esteem any blockages in this chakra are often experienced through digestive issues or eating disorders send your soft breath to this chakra inviting this yellow glowing chakra to awaken to soften and to expand release any feelings of judgment for others or yourself on your next exhale release any energy of aggressiveness leaving this energy center more balanced say to yourself i can make positive changes in my life on your inhale focus on the chakra let it absorb all that it needs invite the yellow light of the sunshine to this chakra expanding it softly feel your confidence respond positively watch the yellow bright glow widen and color intensify making this chakra spin faster evenly and hypnotically feel your awareness traveling gently towards your heart in this sacred space feel the fourth your heart chakra glowing in emerald green light heart chakra is in the middle of the seven chakras it connects the lower and the upper chakras it also represents your ability to love and connect to others people with heart chakra blocks ignore their own needs by putting others first the imbalance can manifest in the physical health through heart problems asthma or even weight issues when the heart chakra is out of alignment it can make us feel lonely insecure and isolated breathe into your heart chakra release any negative feelings let go of any past hurt it does not need to stay in your heart area let it flow out say to yourself i am ready to give and receive love breathe into your heart chakra fraying it completely expanding it wide give your heart chakra all that it needs in this moment watch it spinning faster and faster emitting the powerful frequency of love feel how much more cleansed and aligned you already feel blockages melting away as you move through your energy system with intention and care walk your awareness to your throat area feel your fifth chakra your throat chakra glowing in the color blue tune into this chakra feel if it is spinning freely or if it requires alignment this chakra is connected to your ability to communicate your personal will and expression if you experience any well-being issues in this area as well as your mouth or if you feel you have trouble speaking your mind or speaking erratically aggressively if there is any imbalance at all it may be that this chakra is out of alignment and that is okay right now is the moment to forgive and to let go focus on your throat on this blue chakra and with your exhales intentionally release any blockages anything that may be stuck in this area now breathe your fresh full inhales into the chakra say to yourself i allow my highest truth to come forward visualize yourself speaking calmly and confidently see your throat chakra to glow brighter and wider spinning faster and faster now wonderful now moving on to your sixth chakra it is located in the center of your forehead in between your eyebrows feel into this area you will begin to feel a gentle tingle there this is your third eye chakra it is of beautiful color indigo the velvety color of night's sky this chakra is connected to your intuition wisdom and imagination if you have health issues such as sight headaches anxiety or simply lack the ability to see the bigger picture this may indicate that this chakra is blocked let's bring energy and expansion into this energy center so that you are able to connect to your intuition and truest clarity begin to breathe into your third eye chakra say to yourself my intuition is my superpower see the chakra expand glowing bright and wide see the third eye chakra beginning to spin faster and faster its color to glow so much brighter feel your third eye chakra healing itself and coming into alignment with your awareness reach your seventh chakra your crown chakra that is at the very top of your head like a glowing halo it is vibrating in color purple a chakra of oneness connection with the divine this chakra is connected to all the other of your chakras and so can affect all the organs connected as well as your nervous system if you feel boredom or lack of direction guidance in your life this chakra may be feeling blocked breathe into this chakra say to yourself i am an extension of the universe feel your crown chakra widen expand saturated in rich purple color spinning faster and faster spinning in a continuous cycle of energy [Music] taking all that this chakra needs feel yourself being connected in unity to the greater energy of the universe that binds everything and everyone now visualize your chakras one by one from the first one to the last one glance at yourself in your totality with replenished energy and well-being feel your energy levels maximized and evened out your spirit evolving and growing stronger your well-being is exponentially improved feel being cleansed and pure wrapped in a peaceful moment feel how all three your body mind and your spirit are sacredly connected balanced and elevated you are radiating in all the beautiful colors of your energy centers inhale love and exhale joy feeling even more connected to self and the universe that you and your energy are part of stay in this space of harmony for a moment or two or even wrap your arms around you holding you treasuring you simmer in the sensation of wellness and balance store this memory of balance into your being remember what this deep connection with self feels like when soul body and mind beautifully dance together thank you for spending this time with me and until next time you oh you
Channel: Pura Rasa - Guided Meditations
Views: 225,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unblock chakras, 7 chakra meditation, music for sleep, sleep chakras meditation music, meditation and healing, meditate, deep sleep music, sleeping music, 8 hours sleep chakra meditation, stress relief meditation, chakra cleanse, cleansing all 7 chakras, balancing and healing, chakra balancing, aural cleansing meditation music, aura, activate aura, chakra healing, chakra meditation, chakra meditation guided, guided meditation deep relaxation, guided meditation for shifting
Id: kU6SikySLh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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