7 Car Features That No Longer Exist - #6 I BET You NEVER Knew Existed!

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unfortunately there was a safety issue with having the gas cap located in the back of the car because if you got rear-ended well the filler neck could break which could spill gas everywhere and that would spark a disaster no pun intended there's just one thing that you learned from the ideal cars YouTube channel it's that extinction is the rule survival is the exception this is definitely one of the most ideal videos that I've ever made we're going to dig into these seven features that are now distinct I'm gonna give you a little background on each feature why it became popular and what replaced it and if you're new here my name is Brad danger and this is ideal cars a place for next-generation car enthusiasts just like you and me to hang out and learn about and enjoy ideal cars and if you like this video please support the channel by subscribing and get me one step closer to my ideal supercar McLaren 650s so hit that subscribe button down here one click could make all the difference also if this video gets fourteen thousand seven hundred and thirty thirteen likes thirteen I will upload a second video I've already made on seven more features that no longer exist in a couple of netlist our features that very few people ever knew they even existed so without further ado here's the list of seven less-than-ideal features that no longer exist number one pop-up headlights the pop-up headlight kind of opens and closes like a drowsy eyelid this feature was first introduced on the chord 810 in 1936 and it was a staple on many models throughout the decades including every single Corvette from 1963 to 2004 the Lamborghini mera Ferrari 308 corolla ae86 porsche 944 and a Miata and the legendary Acura NSX not only did pop-up headlights give a sleek profile and better aerodynamics when folded down into the fender they also remained popular because in the 70s the headlight requirement was actually higher than what was optimum for a low-slung sports car so by having a rectifying headlights automakers could get around this rule however hidden headlights have become a thing of the past with the 2004 c5 zo6 Corvette which is an ideal car by the way being one of the last cars to feature a pop-up headlight up down up down I could do that all day due to the new safety regulations specifically regarding pedestrian safety manufacturers have moved on and hidden headlamps are a thing of the past number two chrome bumpers check out any classic and chrome bumpers have just as much visual expression as they do function believe it or not back in the day you've wanted big chrome bumpers on your car because it enhanced the overall style with shapes and contours that integrated with the body in fact in 1973 there were no standards governing how effective a bumper actually had to be imagine that and the 1973 model year bumpers were the first of the five mile an hour bumper meaning it had to be strong enough to prevent damage to the headlights taillights and fuel system components when impacted at or below five miles an hour essentially bumpers became more than just a fashion statement wow what a concept and by the 1990s almost all the cars were fitted with smaller lighter bumper bars which are made of either aluminum or steel and sit behind the bumper covers chrome was once all the rage a look at the new Mustang Corvette or Eurus and there's not a piece of chrome in sight then again if there's a Mustang around there might not be any crowds to see what I'm talking about that's so 2016 moving on number three carburetor pump twice and crank once do you have any idea what I'm talking about well if you don't it's the trick it's the dance that you got to do with the go pedal to fire up a full-blood incorporated engine twosome there is a little bit of black magic sprinkled into this process because if the engine doesn't fire right away you could flood the engine by giving it too much gas and believe me it's easier to do than you'd expect ask me how I know and the biggest problem is that once an engine is flooded you got to play the waiting game before you can give starting the car another try carburetors were phased out and replaced by fuel injection by the mid-1990s so for example that's why the BMW 325i has that eye next to it that I stands for fuel injection nowadays with fuel injection the computer calculates the perfect fuel to air mixture ratio every single time I love it also fuel injection just delivers better power fuel economy and lower emissions that's pretty much everything my ex-girlfriend didn't have and that's everything the modern driver could ask for and why the carburetor will forever live in yesteryear number four hittin gas fillers all right this is kind of cool so some of you may know that in Oregon you are not allowed to pump your own gas so take like a 1956 Chevy Bel Air to a gas station there and without your help I'd bet money you're not getting any gas why because car designers have been pushing the envelope for decades trying to streamline the exterior styling of cars and one of the only things that throws off the perfect symmetry of a car aesthetically is the gas cap you can't put a gas cap on both sides of the car it would just look dumb personally I can't stand cars that don't have dual exhaust either but I'm just weird so instead what some thrifty designers decided to do was hide the gas cap altogether and the most common place to hide it was to put it behind the license plate but the 1956 Bel Air took hiding it to another level and put that gas cap behind the driver's side taillight but unfortunately there was a safety issue with having the gas cap located in the back of the car because if you got rear-ended well the filler neck could break which could spill gas everywhere and that would spark a disaster no pun intended so if you want to make some money and fill up your own tank next time you see a 56 Bel Air at your local ideal car show tell your friends you'd bet him 20 bucks that they can't find the gas cap once they give up ask the owner remove the driver's side taillight he'll know what you're talking about number 5 vinyl roofs every single generation seems to have their own idea of what luxury is nowadays luxury is heated and cooled seats with massagers autopilot and self parallel parking cars but for a couple of decades before any of these features I just mentioned were ever even an idea luxury was divined by the vinyl you had on your roof yeah vinyl roofs go all the way back to the 1920s but we're more of a necessity to keep the rain off the people inside the car but they somehow morphed into a fashion statement and in the 1950s Cadillac started offering the Eldorado coupe as either a Seville which had the hard top or the Barrett's which was a convertible and to make people think that you were driving a more expensive convertible version Cadillac would let buyers use vinyl material called vicodin on the roof of the hardtop yeah just straight up trickery in fact some manufacturers went as far as putting button snaps on the bottom to make it look like you were just too lazy to put the top down and then they came out with different styles of vinyl tops like the full top that covered essentially the whole top the halo which is similar to the full but the vinyl stopped short of the windows and windshield the canopy where vinyl was only applied to the front half or two-thirds of the roof in the land out which is essentially opposite of the canopy but lucky for us this fad phased out in the 1980s because although I think it looked good on some cars in the 60s and 70s by the ease they made the car resemble a balding middle-aged man and that does not exceed luxury number six powered antenna up then down and round and round almost every car nowadays has the radio receiver embedded in either the windshield or into a small shark fin shaped enclosure that sits on the roof but before all this technology cars received your favorite stations by a fascinating feature to watch a power antenna yeah for some reason they are extremely satisfying to watch aren't they and they either add dash mounted switches that you'd manually switch up and down or it would automatically rectify when you turned on the radio and it seriously is an event when a power antenna Zack probably because they have a high probability of failing and so you're always curious if it's gonna get all the way up or if it's gonna get stuck halfway up so be happy engineers have found better ways to play your favorite songs in your car because due to half raised power antennas there used to be a lot more static on the radio number 7 foot operated floor mounted dimmer switch yep so if I asked you how to activate the high beams I bet you tell me that you pulled the signal stock toward you well that wasn't always the case because with the introduction of the two filament head light bulb in 1925 yeah believe it or not that wasn't always around there was a need to access both low and high beams so for two years that was accomplished using a switch on the steering column but all of that changed on a cold winter's night in 1927 when a self-proclaimed genius moved the dimmer to the floorboard and for the next 50 years that's where the low and high beam switch stayed until it moved back to you guessed it the steering column keeping your hands on the wheel was just as relevant a hundred years ago as it is today so by putting the dimmer switch on the floorboard area it gave the driver just one less reason to take their hands off the wheel and there were two main reasons why the floor board dimmer was moved back to the stock in the 1970s one was American manufacturers were trying to emulate the luxury European imports that had expensive multi-functioning stocks that turned the high beams on and off and that's what you're used to today secondly with the introduction of a lot more front wheel drive platforms the floor board area was getting smaller and smaller and smaller and manufactured had less real estate to put a dimmer switch down there now those were seven features that no longer exist but I know there are a bunch more that I didn't cover which one do you wish they'd bring back even just for a day did I mention it or is it something else like roll-up windows let me know down in the comments also if you are a next-generation car enthusiast just like me be sure to hit that subscribe button right here because some of our best videos aren't even out yet also check out the ideal car strategies where I teach you how to properly buy your ideal car that may or may not have floor mounted dimmer switches with the goal to either drive it for free or make money enjoying it ok guys thank you for watching I really appreciate the support and if you liked this video you are going to love the video I made about 14 automakers and the 54 car companies that they owned so check it out over here or if you want to take a break go watch what YouTube recommends you watch next if you haven't yet please subscribe and get me closer to that McLaren but either way you can't lose and as always keep living that ideal lifestyle
Channel: Ideal Media
Views: 484,312
Rating: 4.7618661 out of 5
Keywords: classic cars, naturally aspirated, 7 car features that no longer exist, car features that no longer exist, 5 car features that no longer exist, features that no longer exist, 10 car features becoming extinct, extinct car features, pop up headlights wink, manual transmission, extinct, brad danger, ideal cars, hidden gas cap, chrome bumpers, carburetor, powered antenna, powered antenna car, 7 extinct car features, 5 extinct car features, extinct car features that no longer exist
Id: KEuldAFPzhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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