7 Automation Tips in Logic Pro X (Tutorial)

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hello composers mic here I am going to share with you seven amazing automation tips in Logic Pro X right now I will also give you a bonus tip in the end of this video tip one snap automation points so here I have a short strings pattern like this let's click on a to bring up the automation Lane and let's do some automation editing on the volume Lane here now let's say you want to snap let's say this point to the perfect bar line here in fact let's zoom in so we can see this better now in the ordinary mode you can't really snap anything like this you need to turn on the automation snap setting which you do here in the snap settings right down here snap automation turn it to active and now you can snap it to well now it's a little in the automatic mode you can choose ball half power and so on I usually leave it at automatic and as you can see if I drag left it snaps now to the grid like so and if we get into the key commands for this this is not assigned by default so as you can see I have chosen the key command control shift command G because the default key command for setting the ordinary snap to grid is command G and I wanted to keep that in there tip to select automation points well of course you can select them by simply left clicking on a node like this but I recommend you to get used to using the option key for this so simply hold down the option key and make it selects and like this and now you have all those four points selected tip 3 duplicating automation points this is something you will do very often and I recommend again to use the option key to first select the points you want to duplicate let's say these two so option and select and then you simply left click on this and hold down the option key and then drag for example to the left and now you have a duplicate of these two automation points tip 4 look the x-axis while editing automation points so for this you simply select a point hold the control key and now if I move to the right and the left it doesn't do anything only up and down and this also gives you more detailed control when you draw the y-axis like this tip 5 create automation points at selection this is an amazing automation editing feature that you should truly learn how to use but first let's delete all these points by holding down the option key draw a selection like this and then pressing backspace to delete them now you want to use the marquee tool which I have as the command to here make a selection like this and then you simply left-click in this selection here and now that you have these points you can simply left-click on one of them and drag either down or up to make this super perfect automation editing here tip 6 create automation curves so as you can see here this automation is a straight line here now if you want to change this straight line into a curve you need to use the automation curve tool and of course you could change it here in the tool window but I recommend you to learn the key command for this which is control shift and as you can see I have the automation curve now but first you need to select the points where you want to apply the curve so let's say you want to change this straight line into the curve well hold down the option key select both of these nodes then ctrl shift and left click and drag on this point here and now if I drag up it changes like so and if you go to the left and right you can form it into an S type curve as well tip 7:02 flow automation lines so for example if we have this track here now this automation Lane is the volume you could go up here and change it for pan or whatever else you have used but you could also use the key command for this which is command Y this way you can flow between all automation lines that you have created automation on now my bonus tip is to delete all visible automation on selected track which means let's say you have accident added automation that you didn't want there so let's say you're happy with volume automation but you created panning automation that you really don't want well you can go up here to mix in the menu delete automation and delete visible automation on selected track now that is gone now what you also need to learn is that there is a difference between track based automation and region based automation so let's say you have accidentally recorded some sustain pedal in here open up the piano roll editor and open up the automation line here you can see the pedal is here but if you check here even with auto flow I don't see any sustain pedal well that's because we are in the track automation view simply left-click this change to reading automation and now here is the sustain pedal and now we can go up and do the same delete automation delete visible automation on selected track and it's go check out my complete video series of Logic Pro X tutorials and tips here on my channel learn and master Logic Pro X to boost your musical position and production booth [Music]
Channel: Mikael Baggström
Views: 72,774
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Keywords: logic pro x automation, how to use automation in logic pro x, logic pro x tips, logic pro x tutorial, logic automation, logic pro x automation tutorial, logic pro x automation tricks, logic pro x automation tips
Id: OwYN-QhhAEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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