Confessions - 7 Accomplishments of a Thankful HEART

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good morning good morning happy Monday we are so excited for those of you who have already joined us it's going to be a great week it's going to be a great day you know why because you're carving out the opportunity to make a place for God at the top of the week you know I think it's something special when we just make room when we make room for him to intervene and to get involved in our everyday Affairs so I commend you I applaud you that this is going to be the best week the best week of the rest of your life let's go ahead and just declare something Supernatural something positive and begin to believe that uh things are shifting in your favor we had a great time on yesterday and thank you for those who tuned in to yesterday's service I mean the teaching was so full so rich and outstanding and we're just learning how to Humble ourselves before God who would have thought that humility would take us into a place of Grace and um as a result we're learning so many things and so thankful for uh so thankful for you today um one second we're just making some adjustments here what's going on right there on that side go ahead and I don't know but let's see go ahead and click that blue button I did what did it do they got to do all of this and then but since some of you on Facebook and y'all pick us up on Facebook look at that it's uh I got a little notice of uh failed to post but they're people who are are on here so let's just go with that and we'll figure it out later good morning Vanessa good morning John good morning Jennifer we have people streaming in from Washington DC World Changers Nation I see you will the Carr blessings to Patricia from Vallejo California South Africa we send greetings from Psy Bill Janet Garrett from Chicago just so thankful for you just logging on and um just commanding your morning some of you it may be evening it might be afternoon but wherever it is just command the day and there's something about releasing the angels of God so that they can begin to uh bring things into the realm that we operate and those things are powerful those things are real so we're excited we're excited about today we've got some things that we want to share that we believe will be a blessing that will encourage you in your personal time after you log off you'll be able to implement some things and so that's what it's all about that's right that's what it's all about Beverly good morning from South Carolina Zariah is from Hawaii Garden California India Perth Australia look at there Smyrna Georgia Anna and greetings from South Africa the UK um from Norway West Palm Florida Gabrielle Sherry uh Terry from Mississippi so thankful for you all right so I'm up here trying to figure out what's going on on screen but those of you on Facebook you seem to be coming in straight we'll uh get somebody to look at this a little bit later I think we'll be just fine but we are um we're gonna talk to you today about something that's so important um seven accomplishments of a thankful heart in other words am I wasting my time being thankful um of course you know the answer to that you're not but sometimes it just kind of helps when you know what's being accomplished when you know the objective of having a thankful heart and and walking in humility and just being grateful and thankful you know this path we're on uh dealing with humility it's it's Paramount it's big and it may not sound big but it's it's a big big issue because it's going to take us to a place we've never been before maybe we've tapped in on it but uh you know imagine people who have finally made their mind up to be clothed in humility and then they understand how to be clothed in humility imagine what God is going to be able to do now that the wall has been removed the dam has been destroyed and now he can just flow through us and lift us up in honor and promote us and do all kinds of things so um and I think sometimes we look at subjects in the Bible as a means to an end right I think before when we heard about the subject of humility it was always as if okay humble myself so I can get promoted humble myself so God can exalt me humble myself so I can get this means to an end or whatever it is and so I I'm thankful for the fact that there's a balance that is being associated um as a result of us humbling ourselves it gives us the ability to be able to do things and accomplish things um through his grace and through his power so it's not doing this so I can get what God has in his hand it's as if I can begin to see things differently I can begin to experience things differently uh because I'm in a different posture you know when you are lower to the ground you sing you see things differently than you would when you're standing up I know that's right and when you're standing up there are things on below you that you don't maybe even take note of so if our posture is our perspective that I hope will change as a result of us knowing that um we have to uh in a sense lower ourselves um that's one of the definitions of what humility is is to to to begin to like Jesus did see things and not to over estimate our importance and who we are you know so I uh know that you have a lot to share and if you didn't get a chance to listen in on yesterday's sermon you would do yourself a favor by going back and listening to it because I believe it will change your life yeah it's um you know it's you do see differently when you're lower to the ground you you see a lot of things differently and um authenticity is hard to imitate it's like you can pretend to be authentic but it's it's kind of difficult to uh pretend or to act like you're authentic because I mean authenticity is what it is it's authentic and when you're not authentic then you know there'll be signals and signs and so it's so very very important for uh for you to understand that God wants to do amazing thing in and through authentic relationships and religion is all about something that's not authentic it is you know something that's not authentic and we we have been saying this over and over and over again it is time to have a real and what I mean by real is an authentic genuine relationship with God right absolutely you know you talk about false humility too I know you're going to get to that later on but I just thought about that because when you mention the word religious and religion because uh so many times um I didn't grow up in the church so it tickles me sometimes when people you know they get up to the microphone and you know excuse me for my voice you know I'm a little horse I can't sing today and so you know I'm uh and then they just let it rip oh yeah I'm I'm kind of hoarse today but you know I can't sing today but I'm gonna try to do what I can y'all pray for me and then tell the church up right I'm like what was that I'm like what I love what this young lady here said I think she said uh stop trying to create a relationship with God through YouTube and that is so true you know we we've got it's it's you got to turn everything off and have this genuine relationship with God you can't you know it's it's something that I just keep pushing please please there is an abundance of favor waiting for authenticity there's an abundance of favor waiting for authenticity and yet you know God doesn't mind us being motivated but we just can't take something and just say the only reason I'm doing this is to get that okay it's got to be more than that it's got to be all about the journey to that you know God is going to exalt you I want to enjoy the authentic journey to exalt exhortation in fact you got to be careful because if you'll just spend time enjoying him you'll you'll be exalted and won't even really recognize it okay but if all you're looking for is you know what you can get from God it's like a Genie in a lamp come on genie then it's not going to be it's not going to be real beneficial no it's not going to be beneficial no one wants a relationship uh with someone and they know it's based on some ultimate goal or some ultimatum or ulterior motive it's just robs the intimacy that um and the potential there so yeah it's those intangible things that we're discovering the importance of it so uh as a result we can create familiarity a knowledge of God knowing him knowing him yeah instead of believing all these religious ideas and traditional things that we've been uh hearing about God and we really don't know and we're just going by what um other people said or what we you know what our upbringing was and so we don't take the time to invest and know him for ourselves by just going before him as a little child yeah and um that's what real humility is just like a little child just leans in and wants to discover and is on a journey to um receive Revelation and understanding and so that's what that's what it's all about it's going to be a great day I love what this guy said he says you can't finesse God isn't that the truth I think I think people think they can finesse God and and you can't it's it's got to be it's got to come to the place where it's this real genuine full real relationship with God and all that he wants to do yeah he's omnipresent he's omniscient yeah he's all knowing and um he knows what we want before we even go before him so absolutely we cannot we cannot finesse God and we shouldn't want to do that yeah that's good yeah that's real good well let's go ahead and declare some things and oh man I did uh burpees this morning and we call them things you um you can get on your hands and just run your feet into the mountain climbers mountain climbers we're freezing mountain climbers and stuff and I was like yeah I had a I had a good workout this morning so anyway let's get in Psalms 91 and um then we're going to talk about uh we're not probably gonna get all seven but seven accomplishments of a thankful heart I woke up thankful this morning man I woke up just thanking God for everything he promised me but I was most thankful for a personal relationship with him that he knows me and I know him and I feel like something's happening something's gonna happen and um we just got to be ready we got to be ready to walk like God wants us to have amen amen praise God all right come on I declare I declare that I will dwell that I will dwell in the shelter of the most high God and the shelter the most high God I declare I declare but I'll find rest I'll find rest in the shadow of the almighty in the shadow of the Almighty I declare I declare God is my Refugee God is my refuge and my Fortress and my Fortress I declare I declare that you are my God you are my God and whom I trust in whom I trust and with great confidence and with great confidence I will rely I declare I declare that God will Rescue Me God will rescue me from every trap from every trap and protect me and protect me from every disease from every disease I declare I declare that I am covered that I am covered and protected and protected by his outstretch arms outstretched arms I declare I declare that God's faithful promises God's faithful promises or my armor on my armor and my protection my protection I declare I declare that I will not be afraid I will not be afraid of the Terrors of the night on the Terrors of the night nor of the arrows that fly in the day nor the arrows that fly in the day I declare I declare but I will not dread that I will not dread any disease any disease that stalks in the darkness it stops in darkness or any disaster or any disaster that strikes that midday that strikes at midday I declare I declare that because God is my refuge because God is my refuge and the almighty God of my home and the almighty God of my home no evil came before no evil can befall me no player can come near my dwelling no play comes near my dwelling I declare I declare that God has ordered his angels God has ordered his angels cigars cigar defend defend and protect me in my house protect me in my house I declare I declare that God's armies of Heaven God's armies of heaven will keep me from falling we'll keep me from falling I will walk on harm I will walk on harm and kick anything that is evil kick anything that is evil from my past from my path I declare I declare that because of God's love for me because of God's love for me I will call upon him I will call upon Him He will set me above all my troubles set me above all my troubles people deliver me from all my fears he'll deliver me from all of my things he will honor me with his presence and power he will honor me with his presence and power I declare I declare that I will I will reward that I declare that I will reward no that he will reward that he will reward me with long with long life and he will show me his his salvation in Jesus name amen all right this is going to be good let's let's talk about this I'm gonna see if I can just give you the seven and tap's gonna chime in and make sense of all this but uh you know number one seven accomplishments of a thankful heart and the question you asked yourself this morning is do I have a thankful heart all right so number one here's the first accomplishment when you're walking in thankfulness it shifts the attention from ourselves and it helps us to focus back on God think about that it shifts the attention from ourselves and it helps us to focus back on God yes that's what happens when you start thanking God uh um amen that's what happens when you thank God uh number two we are kept in a place of humility and dependency on God convincing us that we need him in our life so when you are walking and thankfully have a thankful heart you're kept in a place of humility thankfulness will keep you in a place of humility and it keeps you in a place of dependent on God uh and then it convinces you that you need him I I want God I want to need him okay number three we become grateful for all that we have when you have a thankful heart even the little things our attention is off our problems and on his goodness Thanksgiving a thankful heart takes your attention off your problem and on his goodness so we become grateful for all that we have even the little things and then our attention is of our problems and on his goodness I'm telling you you can be going through stuff and just just start thanking God and it it causes a ship to take place number four it reminds us that God is our provider and The Giver of all good gifts it reminds us that God is our provider and The Giver of all good gifts yeah this this kind of stuff you see how huge Thanksgiving is it's huge you're not just wasting your time but you're accomplishing something but it's not just a a mouth of Thanksgiving this is a heart I'm talking about a thankful heart and out of your heart that Thanksgiving comes out of your mouth you know number five it leaves no room for complaining a grateful heart and a bad attitude won't go together a grateful heart and a bad attitude won't go together they don't mix so when you have a thankful heart you leave no room for complaining why because of grateful heart and a bad attitude it won't mix they don't go together and so guess what's going to have to happen you're going to have to make a decision I'm going to have a grateful heart which I believe attacks that bad attitude I believe it'll tax that bad attitude and then number six a thankful heart makes the enemy flee it does it makes the enemy flee praise and thanksgiving becomes a headache to the enemy and I guarantee you you spend you spend just a few minutes thanking God in some cases the name is like I I can't I can't sit around here and hear you being thankful for God all right uh and just just being grateful and thankful and then number seven the doors of continued blessings are open his presence comes in and that's what happens Thanksgiving absolutely opens the door for his presence it opens the door for continued blessings the doors of continued blessings I mean they they're just open to you now but there's already it's always been flowing but it's not been open to you because of your lack of Thanksgiving and your abundance of a bad attitude so let's break that down some that's that's the seven and we'll we'll go over them again but it'd be real good to to uh get a list of this and and just kind of meditate on it and kind of live with it and um you know I think I think it'll be uh an amazing thing so number one it shifts the attention from ourselves and help us to focus back on God what do you say about that I mean that is um I mean that's the central theme I think so many times we're so quick to uh lose focus on the right thing and the fact that there's so much power in being thankful there's power in the spirit of Thanksgiving by causing us to remain focused on the right thing and not to not be distracted if nothing else hopefully after we conclude in the next you know 10 8 minutes or so that you can Implement these things uh because we know that the enemy is after your mind he's after our minds he wants our attention that was the biggest thing that he was after in the Garden of Eden was you know their their their their their their minds and so yeah is so vital that we don't allow him to come in and shift our attention over on the wrong thing to become a complainer to become negative uh to become critical become pessimistic all those things they're so easy to do and it happens so fast so fast I mean it it it you you complaining or jump in your mouth before you know it's complaining but this is why this genuine personal relationship with Jesus is so important and your relationship with other people um that you know he'll help you grow and other people will be there to help you grow and it's nothing to beat yourself over but it at least you're saying all right I'm going on this journey uh to recognize when I'm complaining I'm going on this journey and when maybe a complaint comes to mind I'm going to immediately shift into Thanksgiving I'm going to immediately become grateful for what's going on because thanks Thanksgiving will maintain an attitude of gratitude but man when you start complaining you get a bad attitude and you're trying to be thankful with a bad attitude yeah on the old in the entire atmosphere changes it's an atmosphere Center isn't it it is Thanksgiving will set a great atmosphere and complaining will set a bad one it really will the people you're around yeah just the space that you're in I mean it just becomes Doom and Gloom it's like wow and I can change this I can shift this and no one wants to be around that type of atmosphere the start their week out that way yeah that's a powerful thing to know that we can shift atmospheres that's a powerful thing you can shift the atmosphere from being negative to positive but you can also shift an atmosphere from being natural to Supernatural the same way you can shift an atmosphere of uh you know rough times and trouble and it'll turn into a supernatural place where God can show up and do some amazing things in your life right and that's not to say that trouble won't come persecution he says in all things we're gonna uh have these things persecution um but it's a matter of knowing how to shift the atmosphere when those things come you know when those reports or those thoughts those darts pull up that Shield of Faith yeah to quench every fiery daughter of the enemy begin to thank God lord I just thank you um that I I have whatever I have you know I can I can link my eyes I can just uh chew my food I mean so many things that we can begin to find to thank God for it may not be what you want it to be you may not be where you want to be but you know what there's something that happens when we thank God for uh where we are so let's shift some atmospheres today let's show up you got some places to be and some people to be around you don't let somebody negative that's been going through stuff come and change your atmosphere you just you ship the atmosphere and maintain an atmosphere of Thanksgiving okay okay like uh number two this is what I'm excited about because we're talking about humility it's like um man this is this is this is this is a this is it for me man it's like I don't know what happened but I got this or I had an epiphany or something that said this path is what you've been looking for and it's not like I had taught on humility and I don't know what it is it's just something about now it's a now word yeah for for our church we're coming out of this pandemic yeah and things have changed we're in a new normal yeah and yeah we're and you're in a place we're all in a place that we have never been in before absolutely and I'm telling you it's going to take us knowing how to navigate yeah and once we begin to to just seek God and put him first man that's part of it right yeah I'm excited people you know we were talking about having having our church um and our e-church just so walking in such humility that the glory of God because God wants to share his glory with us and but you know he resisted the proud but he gives grace to the humble um and so in the second accomplishment we're kept in a place of humility and dependency on God I think they go together I think we saw that yesterday how dependency upon God is going to produce humility or or put you in that place of humility and Trust and you just have to be honest with yourself and ask yourself the question you know do am I dependent upon God and be honest with yourself and am I dependent on God or am I dependent on something else more than I am dependent on God yeah okay because you you really ultimately will have to humble yourself and make yourself subject to uh to God and His word if you're if you're saying I'm dependent on God and so humility uh dependence on God you know and thanking him it starts convincing us that we need him in our lives I mean the more and more you're operating in Thanksgiving it's just like I need him and I'm and I'm being thankful I'm thanking him for what he's done I think I'm thanking him for what he's doing I'm thanking him for what he is doing I'm thanking him for things I don't see yet I'm thinking of the things that has not have not manifested yet absolutely and I think it produces this uh humility in me that says I need you I mean where where am I gonna go and who am I going to depend on and uh no I I depend on you Lord and and um I'm going to cultivate this dependence upon you and it requires some cultivating I'm gonna cultivate this dependence on you I'm gonna become more aware and an increasingly aware of when I'm not dependent on you and then make the adjustment and and that's why you know every time we teach a series we talk about you know let's take the journey it's a journey let's ask God to help us on this journey I mean you're about to hear some things not to beat yourself up condemn yourself shame yourself you hear some things because you say all right this is a path and a journey that I'm now taking with God and the Holy Spirit Delights in being a part of your journey and making a mark in your life that can never be erased and I think I'm at the point right now to have it where it's like okay well I believe God wants the word to make sense enough for you to be able to practically applied in your life of course I know I'm not trying to get so deep where it I you know it's like you you see at the minute time okay who cares and and and why do I want to know this and how do I do this this is going to help us in our everyday life yeah how do I do this how do I unpack this what will this do uh in my personal walk and get me over the hump or move me further in my uh aspirations you know this is uh this is what it's all about so you know it's it's a new normal it's an excited time uh in which we're living in so I'm telling you you can walk in humility you can walk in thankfulness and I'm telling you it's going to open the door to the miraculous yeah yeah to see things you've never seen before experience things you've never experienced before see your relationship with your father in just a new way and begin to Behold Him behold his goodness be in awe of him is just so many things that he wants to get a hold of and show us how to navigate in this new uh normally which we're living so it's it's pivotal that we appropriate and apply these things in our lives amen well um we'll be back tomorrow and we'll just continue to talk about this thankful heart and um man I tell you it's um it'll change if you want to be changed you know some people don't want to change and ain't nothing nobody can do about that that's right but I trust the Holy Ghost will work on their hearts yeah and you just pray for them and yeah um the Lord will pray for him and God gets to working behind the scenes oh I'm telling you she specializes in situations like that we could go on and on you talked about that already yesterday so yeah I think I think I screamed most of the time I got so excited about everything I've seen in the Bible I'll just end up being like you know God in the next scripture I was just so excited about it yeah it's like people who think they don't need to change and don't want to change and then all of a sudden yeah oh my goodness so anyway we'll be here same time same place God bless you love you guys have an amazing day amen bye bye
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 26,813
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Id: Ls8poadiNy0
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Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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