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hey guys i'm stephen leone um lucky that chuck had me out here to shoot some pipe videos i'm an instructor at georgia trade school it's located in kennesaw georgia we teach everything from thin gauge metal structural steel all the way up to pipe and heavy wall pipe so hopefully i'm going to give you guys a good idea today on how to run i'm effectively a root on schedule 40 um with a uh one stringer hot pass and then a three stringer cap so let's go ahead and get started all right guys so uh first things first go ahead and watch the 2g video on schedule 40 or schedule 80. talking about our tacks how to run them how to feather them out so watch that video first before you watch this but we're going to jump right in for those of you that have watched that video already so the first thing i'm going to do i feel the most comfortable way to do this is to hike your right foot out for us right-handers and get positioned up underneath this and roll all the way up so again i'm going to hike my uh my line of sight down here and i'm going to roll all the way up now of course another easier way to do this is to get on your knees this is the super easy way get on your knees and run this section from the bottom all right so for those of us that want the easiest way two knees on the ground prop your arm up here strike your rod heat up your tack and move all the way up now i want to make note of something real quick one thing that's very important um is how you this is very specific to six sheets how you roll your wrist so if the camera can get a shot of this as i start from the bottom i'm starting really far out with a new rod as that rod gets shorter if i continue the same angle i'm going to shoot off the pipe so i'll show you here with another rod if i keep this angle straight in i'm going to shoot off the edge of the pipe so what i want to do to counter that some people can hold their rod but if you like to hold both hands on the stinger what you want to do is you want to roll your wrist with the pipe see how i'm rolling my wrist now when we get to that top section if we were to run this in all one pass what that's going to look like is i start down here at six i'm rolling my wrist to stay perpendicular with that pipe and as i come up to the top i don't want to push that weld i want to stay straight in and i want to continue to roll my wrist so your dominant hand whether you're left or right handed you always want to pay attention to how you're rolling that wrist keeping that heat straight in and in the affected zone so you're not heating up where you're traveling to all right guys just want to mention something real quick take a glass off so i can see this um when you're finished with your route on any of these pipe videos you'll see that we've ground all the roots out and even on some of the downhills that joel has done we have ground out the hot pass as well preparing for the cap now you're gonna have a lot of old-schoolers tell you like i've said in the other videos that um grinding out your roots shouldn't have to do that well these are instructional videos and we don't claim to be the best of the best but uh this is simply to get you started until you're able to lay that root in there now there are still people in the field that still grind their roots out so that their hot pass or their immediate passes can lay flush in there and that's okay that doesn't mean you're a crappy welder or a bad welder just because you use a grinder um in some cases you'll have to use a grinder but i just wanted to point that out when we put that grinder in there and we take the the root down um and crisp those edges up again if we've uh shot our arc in there um it just allows for a really easy hot flut or sorry flush hot pass that doesn't trap any slag so um that's just a little tip to get you guys started when you're running these out and you're trying to test for a place and and get really proficient at it so we're about to run this hot pass um angle is going to stay the same i'm probably going to do a 3 32nd hot pass and maybe even a 330 second cap going to stay around the 75 to 85 range that's totally up to you but that's definitely the range you want to stay in another thing i want to mention whether you do this with an eighth or three thirty seconds as we've mentioned in the previous videos um the three thirty seconds are gonna run a lot easier they're more user friendly the ace of eight on schedule 40 is going to deposit a lot of metal and sometimes drip out on you at 115 or 120 amps so what i do a little trick elaine taught me um i put my finger over this rod just to hold it steady because if you notice the end of this rod the camera can get that in there that's me trying to hold this as still as i possibly can so when i put my finger on that it's going to reduce that shake slightly when you go to weld so as the rod gets hot and you start to come up just about that time it's short enough to where it's not shaking anymore so all that is is just to steady your hand a little bit all right uh now something i want to talk about real quick on this route i'm sorry on this hot pass you kind of want to have a slight oscillation um as you're welding the hot pass out and the only thing that that's for what that allows you to do is not trap slag on the sides so a couple people will show on the side of this pipe here a couple people do what's called a horseshoe motion as they move it and what that looks like is just a bunch of small c's okay only thing that i do to make it really easy on myself and the students that i teach is all i do is i oscillate the puddle up and down like this so you're gonna get the same amount of coverage um and it's a lot uh more user friendly for the beginner than actually focusing on yourself doing a bunch of circle c's so you just oscillate the puddle from side to side and as we chip the slag here and show you it's going to give you the ability to not trap that slag on the sides of the bevel [Music] uh [Music] all right now hopefully we can get a clean shot on that minimal to no trap slag on the side again i don't claim to be an expert at this but you know hopefully i can get you guys going on some stuff here what you want to look for is that there's no trap slag on the sides and that comes from that oscillation obviously we go to put the cap on we'll try to clean it up a little bit but that's really what you're looking for in a root and a hot pass anyways i'm going to show you guys some bead placement here on the cap so as i come around this pipe when i get up to the top we'll just work right here i want a little bit of my weld hanging out there on the edge okay then i want my third or second weld rather sitting right in the center and then i want my final hot pass on the top so i don't know if the camera can get that maybe i'll do it a little bit up here but what i want is that first weld to come a little bit outside the bevel and that might be a little exaggerated but this is strictly for bead placement then i want my second one right there in the center and then my third one out here on the top so first second third hopefully if you keep those things tight with a 332nd rod or an eighth rod um that's going to give you a nice flush sealed off cap ready for x-ray or ready for a bend ready all right guys so first thing i'm going to focus on when i do my cap is comfortability with your prop and line of sight i'm telling my students on a regular basis when they're showing me pipe coupons are you comfortable and can you see what you're doing those are the two biggest things next to fit up and heat of your machine if you can't see what you're doing don't just flip your hood down and wing it you know i've been welding for a couple of years i don't claim to know everything but one rule i've always tried to follow is am i comfortable and can i see it obviously when you're in the real world you got to do what you got to do but to get that job to get in the real world you've got to pass this test and you want to use every tool at your disposal if you want to hike your arm up here you want to do that if you don't feel comfortable standing up and running the bottom of this side get down on your knees run it from the bottom put your rod or put your finger in the center of your rod and hold it and guide it up stop stand up and tie in there you got to pass this test before you get a pipe job just like with any other job so get comfortable and pay attention to whether or not you can see your line of travel or not so about to run this cap as earlier i mentioned it's a three stringer cap so we're going to go ahead and get start started and uh consume that first edge of the bevel so [Music] all right couple things i want to mention real quick as you can tell that's the first pass i've been able to burn the whole rod from the bottom to around uh 9 30 10 o'clock ish 9 and a half um you wanna get comfortable like i always say but if you're not running that route you're not gonna have to quarter it so if you can get to a position where you do a dry run another thing that's a huge thing i wanna mention is do yourself a favor and get you a dry run and what that is is you're going to take the rod you know obviously with the machine turned off or imagining that you're holding the stinger what you want to do is get comfortable running that rod all the way up so this would not be a good position for me as you see i'm comfortable when i start but as that rod gets shorter my left hand is going to block my line of sight so i'm going to drop my arm down here and try this now as i roll up i see that the only thing that might prohibit me is this piece of angle and as you'll see in that action shot i pushed myself off my elbow and i leaned back essentially what i'm saying is get yourself comfortable do a dry run hike that rod all the way short so you show yourself all right i can finish this whole weld with a short rod then i can definitely finish it with a long rod all right guys this next stringer what i'm going to do is i'm going to make sure that i move fast enough that i don't eclipse the edge of the bevel that's where my last weld goes so tie into that top toe on that first stringer [Music] [Music] you'll see that my my uh bead placement is very tight and i've left just that crisp edge to cap now again if you're doing with this with eighth rods um people think they run easier because the 332nd doesn't bounce but if you want a really really tight cap with maybe not necessarily the most aesthetic welds but an easier rod to run you want to go ahead and grab for that three thirty seconds again the one eighth on schedule 40 it's not typically used for um in this category schedule 40 would be a thinner wall pipe now if this was schedule 80 yeah we'd probably want to grab some 1 8 rods but in this case 3 30 seconds is going to be our best bet uh most user friendly so now as you see i've got that crisp edge i'm going to go ahead and lay that last stringer on that cap right now got a little bit of droopage but you know essentially what we're looking for guys here is we're looking to be able to see those three welds not super far outside the bevel um and no more than an eighth of an inch in height so we're tied in we have no undercut a little bit of slag we could scrape off and maybe some some flux smoke but for the most part um you know again don't claim to be the best of the best just trying to get you guys going um push that route in watch the videos before to see what landing size we run and how we run tax and such run your route run your hot pass and a three stringer cap and hopefully you're on your way to getting yourself a pipe job
Channel: Official Welding & Farming Archive
Views: 97,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SXHPAfJk2x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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