6ft. Privacy White Vinyl, 3-Rail Black Aluminum, 2-5ft. Walk Gates and a DBL DR Gate

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here again with masters fencing i'm going to take you for a final walk through with our customer here of a six foot privacy tng white vinyl blocking into a three rail five foot tall gray aluminum we'll start out here on the um with the courses right beside the house um spend a little bit of distance off the house being sure not to touch every post gets concrete about 20 to 30 pounds around we do what's called setting each post high above height that we're going to final that the fence is going to finally sit at what that affects is when we come back through with a ladder and a sledge hammer with what's called a blocker looks like a cap we hammer it down into the dirt so that it will increase the overall stability and structure also main reason is that we can control the height so we can put the fence half an inch an inch above the ground so you can get a weed eater up under there keep it nice and clean and clear or we can put it right on the ground no personal choice dealers choice there so uh we wrapped on around here towards the corner right here and if you see on the back side here uh it transitioned or blocked not a transition rider but blocked into the three rail black aluminum which we'll take a better look at when we go inside here all the vinyls got a lifetime warranty this is the highest grade material that you want to install with if you want a vinyl fence to last and and you know you're making an investment in your home you definitely want to use the t and g which means tongue and groove what that means is each of these rails has a tab that's inside of them all these posts are hollow but it's thick uh plastic and so each one of these rails goes inside of each of the holes of the post here and it has little tabs on the inside of it to keep it from coming back out each individual picket is slid in between the rails putting the u channels on the ends so then we can come back through with a spacer and then lock up any kind of little gaps or anything right here so there'd be complete coverage um this is the highest grade material so it's the highest quality it's also got a lifetime warranty man hey well uh we did wipe it all clean so it got got in the mud we tried to keep it out of the mud but uh this uh this is the first time i've installed with this kind of hardware it's actually from master halco so thanks guys for providing the material here it's a really heavy duty hinges also the lights here really nice little feature if you'd like to add something like that uh they're your solar panel solar paneled uh and at night really lights your fence up really accents the gates here so you can access at night here on the front uh kind of personal choice whether you want handles or not vinyl is is you know decided between decipher between these are little access handles that the customer wanted on out front here of course um the way it operates is real simple this is of course your stationary gate for uh efficiency purpose you always want the gate furthest away from the house to be the stationary or primary gate and the one closest to the house for main access so to operate it it's real simple you just push down and out your pops and then i uh adjusted the hinges so it's self-closing so you can open it up and it closes back nice and slow and also got a stop here this is called a stopper so you know you open it up and forget say oh which way does the gate swing so you know you can only swing it one way and it kind of helps secure there and that breaks whenever it comes back through and closes it helps secure it there so we'll come on through here to the gate so if you need the full distance of the double drive here you can open this gate all the way up of course and then i installed a little drop rod here for the station for the stationary primary gate will you stay around here local come here boy that's why we got a fence installed so the dogs don't get out but the station area primary gate here we've got a drop rod i also put a piece of copper pipe down in the ground it goes down about a foot so that copper pipe is kind of a guide for this drop rod here and lift it up it's nice and secure right there so it doesn't even require a little last for it to hold because it's a nice secure um hold to it and so if you want to open it up all the way i just lift it up of course and then open her up really easy to access really convenient fast quick easy just drop it back down and keep it from self closing and then that one we're just kind of stuck in the ground because it's a little bit of a rise to there boom you got your 10 foot wide open now this hardware is really nice uh this drop rod is an additional feature that i added of course kind of a customizable type of thing so we'll put it back down into the copper pipe and i also install these lower than what it calls for in the manual because um in the manual it only costs for about a half an inch of this drop rod to be in the ground well think that's the only thing you have stopping both of these gates from slamming open you know the latch will keep them shut to a point but the only thing for security you got is this drop rod right here so you definitely want to have some stability so you know i got about a three or four inch drop in there and also the extension of the copper pipe helps to secure as well put down back down boom now you got a nice stationary point i always have to have a stationary point i always tell my installers you can be the best fence installer in the world but if you don't have a firm foundation it's pointless so you know those those fence posts have got to be stable nice self closing there the uh the latch here yeah again so you can lock it here from the inside of the outside right here where they meet it's really simple i'll probably just pop it open like that and then out she pops you know it's really secure hardware uh everything was pilot hold make sure it held nice and secure um here on the gate post each one of these has an aluminum insert inside of it to help stabilize and also for something for this uh latch uh this uh latch to screw into the hinge i mean something for the hinge to screw into and so uh this master how co hardware is really nice it's got a little protective cover on the top of it really makes it uh feature the top bud hey good boy you going for the wall food too so yeah we installed what's called and every fence should be all vinyl six foot tall following the flow of the property it's all going to be six feet so you can adjust that height you know according to the flow of the property so you know you want to have it have a slope as accordance to your property in essence you want the top of your fence straight in accordance with the way that the property flows so you know if the property was perfect then the fence should look like the way the property flows if that makes any sense and so here we'll come around to the corner and we'll take a quick walk through for the aluminum coming on through to all the posts like i said got 23 pounds of concrete here we'll start our three rail aluminum uh nice secure fence here this is uh uh the pickets don't protrude past the top so this is actually a pool code aluminum so if the customer you know if they had or opted out to get a pool one day you know they would be in regulation here so i forgot to mention that too so so it is pool code the spacing and the height and everything and the pickets you know they can't protrude past the top for pool cove because if somebody wants to hop it you know get impaled or something so you know pool coat and also the spacing has to be an exact diameter following through all the posts all the aluminum posts also get concrete um not as much of course because it's not as as much needed are required but each one as well the panels put screws in to help stabilize and secure and we set these highs well so it first look like a roller coaster and we'll come back through and and knock down gently of course to follow the flow of the property and hopefully take it out into the um the way the landscape so if you notice here on the back kind of get a wide angle visual there shane it's got more kind of a rainbow arch for the water runoff and so we kind of tried to stipulate that into the top of the way that the fence flows so if you see it kind of looks like a rainbow there at the top um really nice detail this is heavy duty uh aluminum here if you'd like something like this or anything else we also sell four foot uh and we've got a little access gate here of course some customers uh just has moved into their residence so they're going to be doing some yard landscaping whatnot and you know he he did it the smart way went ahead got the fence installed and he's going to um to do his landscape and whatnot around it you know fences should be made to be a permanent structure you know at least a master fencing nail and so here the the gate's got a little access gate here so we can access around out through there it's got a little lock as well a little key lock it's real simple just lock it like that and open it i think it's got a couple copies to it so actually it's got a five foot wide opening that never ever needs to access out through there nice and secure and then uh walk through here here in the front and then in the back to of course close it off with black here on the corner but it was a matching type of material so we're gonna follow the flow of the property going back through here [Music] water panels and so situations like this most gates unless uh prepared for beforehand and they're racked uh they need to be straight across the top and so because it needs to be straight across the top these two have to be straight so the angle and transition of that down and according to centering the gate is pretty big so you know he doesn't have any small dogs so thank goodness but if so you and uh know here's another access case i also got a lot here so we get the full range of distance here always get a nice little shutter and from myself and everyone here at math expense and as always thanks for installing
Channel: Masters Fencing
Views: 12,682
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Id: Xi3UdnSuIxQ
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Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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