699. Welcome (back) to Luke's English Podcast / FAQ (January 2021)

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hello video viewers you're about to watch me record an episode of my podcast episode 699. um there's not much more for me to say to the video viewers except that i'll try and talk to you in the camera there as much as possible because that you live in my you live there in the camera um i'll be trying to talk to you making eye contact because we know how important eye contact is uh but nevertheless i'm reading from notes which are down there all right so when i'm looking down there i hope you know i haven't forgotten about you okay all right okay i think we're gonna start okay here we go pressing record now i hope i don't need to edit this stuff okay hello there in this episode the plan is to wish you a happy new year happy new year uh welcome back all my regular listeners and maybe some irregular listeners too and also say a big hello to any listeners who might have just discovered this podcast and who are wondering what it's all about maybe that's you maybe you're going what's this what's this podcast what's this all about what's going on um i normally do episodes like this at the start of the year because i'm recording this in january 2021 um i normally record episodes like this at the start of the year during the new year period because it's normal to turn over a new leaf which is an expression which means to to make a fresh start it's normal to kind of turn over a new leaf to make a fresh start perhaps make some new year's resolutions and generally try to pick up some good habits for the year to come is that you are you in that kind of frame of mind at the moment i'm going to turn over a new leaf i'm going to make new year's resolutions and i'm going to try to develop better habits which i hope to maintain throughout the coming 12-month period at which point i will then reassess and make new new year's resolutions or maybe you're one of those people who's just like no no it's just all the same no new year's resolutions i tried that once in 1998 and it didn't work so i've never done it since i don't know maybe that's you um so anyway working on like making a fresh start at the beginning of the year i suppose for you watching this or listening to this um that includes working on your english and trying to find good listening resources to help you do that by the way audio listeners i'm videoing this as an experiment i say as an experiment i say that because i'm not completely sure if the video is going to work properly it's all a bit complicated but check my youtube channel you might find that um this video is also available on youtube so you know i can't be completely sure because if something goes wrong with the video then obviously i won't be uploading the video but i'll still upload the audio but i don't know when i'm gonna know if the video is is complicated isn't it anyway try not to get distracted luke i'm trying not to get distracted okay so let me continue in this episode i'd like to welcome you to luke's english podcast or welcome you back to luke's english podcast just summarize what this podcast is all about restate my objectives for doing this and generally make sure that we are all on track for a good year of podcasting and learning english in 2021 so i've decided to answer some frequently asked questions these are the questions that people typically ask me or these are questions that people frequently ask me or typically ask me or questions that i think are normally in people's minds when they find out that i have a podcast for learning english and they want to know more oh you've got a podcast for learning english oh really what what you know all those what where all those questions that's what i'm trying to answer here so during the episode you will learn or be reminded of of what the main ideas are for this podcast what teaching principles this is all based on what my methods are and i do have methods there is some method to the madness you can also find out what you can expect from my episodes in general how you can use them to improve your english and also some information about me too um that's me too not the me too movement that's like what night 2018 i don't know tangents lots of tangents sometimes i get distracted by other ideas focus luke that's one of my new year's resolutions for 2021 just try to focus so okay also i'm going to tell you a few things about me too because um basically i think it's a good idea to get to know the person you're listening to isn't it i've always found as a teacher that it really helps when i put my personality uh into my english lessons it just seems to make things more enjoyable and effective for the learners not because i have an award-winning personality or anything but just that i think learning a language is a deeply personal process and so it makes sense to have a more personal approach to teaching it as well as learning it it helps if you know who i am basically it gives you context it brings the language to life and it's just more fun too isn't it i hope so i hope you agree if you like you can as you listen to this right if you like you can imagine that we're just in a cafe or something even though i'm doing all the talking you're just sitting there and i'm doing all the talking but you can pause me at any time if you want and put your thoughts into words if you want but really really you can and that feels strange but you could just press the pause button and if you want you could just say this is an interesting episode isn't it luke seems to be having fun he's got some important things he wants to talk to us about and yet at the same time seems to get distracted by other ideas that come in i wonder how long this episode will be you might be thinking put those ideas and thoughts into words if you want you could just press pause and make this a bit more interactive or just sit back chill out and just watch and listen um all right so um where was i yeah so even though i'm doing all the talking you can pause me at any time and you can put your thoughts into words if you want that's right talk to yourself it won't make you crazy look i said it so it's okay i said you can you can talk to yourself if people if the people people start knocking on your doors like she's he's talking to himself again or she's talking to herself again you can just say no no it's right luke thompson told me it was okay and then i'm sure that they'll be convinced um so put your thoughts into words sometimes in english i can't hear you or respond to you but it's better than nothing isn't it yes that's that is the least you can say about my podcast well it's better than listening to nothing isn't it i know how to sell myself he said sarcastically by the way other podcasts are available of course as you probably know there are quite a lot of other podcasts for learners of english um including um ones by the bbc and other ones by other people and they're great but obviously i hope you listen to my podcast don't i so what's this podcast how can it help you with your english who are you listening to or watching in the case of those people who are watching this probably on youtube the tube of you youtube um who what is this podcast how can it help you with your english who are you listening to those are the sorts of questions that we'll be covering but also plenty of other random bits and pieces too okay right so there you go um i would normally do a little promotion for luke's english podcast premium so i'll do that now it's going to take less than a minute okay did you know listeners that i have a a premium subscription it's an audio basically like an audio podcast extra content in which i specifically teach you vocabulary grammar and pronunciation and i get to the point a lot more in the premium content i really do i try to get to the point and focus on teaching you language as much as i can okay uh the episodes are available in my app that's the luke's english podcast app on your phone you can just i'd show you on my phone but it's gonna take too long uh just go to your phone app store search for luke's english podcast app okay and you can listen to the premium content in there you can also find it online basically to get all the information that you will need ever in your life um not really to get all the information you need about the premium content go to teacherluke.comuk premium info right and at this point i think we should start the jingle properly here we go you're listening to luke's english podcast for more information visit teacherloop.co.uk [Music] hello dear dear listeners happy new year everyone and welcome back to the podcast i hope you had a fairly good holiday period um as good as it can be during this mad mad time that we're all living in when's the world going to go back to normal then when's that going to happen we don't know do we was it even normal in the first place probably not um in any case i hope that you're well and that you've started 2021 in a reasonably positive frame of mind and that you're ready to embark on some new audio adventures with me and my podcast if you're a brand new listener then welcome i really hope you simply enjoy listening to me talking to you or talking with my guests in english in these episodes i hope that this will help you to get regular english listening practice into your life and that you enjoy it too because enjoying your listening practice is so important this will help you to listen regularly to listen for longer periods of time and to listen long term in your life as well obviously if you enjoy it it's going to help to keep you coming back to english we all know that it's very important and useful to listen to plenty of clear natural english spoken at a fairly normal speed focusing on a variety of topics might also be useful to listen to unclear english not unnatural english but sometimes it's good to listen to english that's like really hard to understand and difficult to hear like for example stuff spoken in spoken with strong accents or stuff over the telephone and things like that that stuff is also good too because you've got to train yourself to be able to try and understand english in less than perfect conditions but anyway it is important to listen to loads of clear natural english at a normal speed focusing on a variety of topics we want variety reading is good obviously um studying grammar vocabulary and pronunciation that's good too of course doing plenty of speaking practice is really important watching videos in english is helpful but don't underestimate the importance of just listening to english for as long as possible each time you know more than dare i say it more than six minutes uh that's what this podcast aims to help you to do at a very minimum i just want you to be able to listen more there is more to it than that of course there's a lot more but basically i want you to do more listening in english and so ta-da that's what this podcast is about the first and most basic aim of this podcast is to help you to get more english into your life through listening to the spoken word listening to english as it's spoken naturally by me in this case and my guests if i have them so let's go through my list of frequently asked questions these are questions i just wrote this list uh this morning basically so let's go through my list of frequently asked questions which will form the backbone of this episode which is probably quite long can i can i just ramble for two minutes please no one's gonna stop me i'm gonna do it uh what what did i want to say yeah january it's so gray outside can you i i worked hard to try and get some light into this room but it's very hard i have one window up there i'm talking to the video viewers i guess i suppose there another thing is i might cough excuse me like that i might cough and that's because during like the post-christmas period like basically last week i was quite ill um i didn't have covid19 thank goodness that would have been a nightmare um mainly for the inconvenience of having to like stay at home my wife me and my daughter we would have had to stay home for 14 days or something which would have been really tough um but no so it wasn't covered i had a covid test i don't know what it was just a cold or a flu or something you know headaches cold shivers cough that stuff maybe a bit of flu so a winter virus so i i have been a bit unwell so if i do cough sometimes that's why everyone's now going that's all right luke that's fine don't worry about it you're always apologizing for things that haven't even happened okay so question one what is this podcast i think you know now right it's a podcast for learners of english cool uh yeah cool don't forget to smash that like button okay guys like and subscribe um so what's this podcast it's a podcast for learners of english i've been doing it for nearly 12 years now that's right i started doing luke's english podcast back in april 2009 and haven't stopped really i mean there may have been a couple of periods where i didn't upload stuff for a few months but generally speaking i've been constantly doing this for 12 years now um yes that's right um it's yeah the podcast is nearly 12 years old the podcast is nearly a teenager it's nearly a teenager this podcast what is the podcast going to be like when it does become a teenager when we get into 13 14 15 years what's the podcast going to be like then if it's like a human teenager it could get a little bit complicated couldn't it in the next few years you know like for example your list you will be going oh let's listen to luke's english podcast at this point let's imagine the podcast is 13 years old let's listen to luke's english podcast luke okay and then i my the teenage version of luke's english podcast will just be like just leave me alone probably anyway so this is a podcast for learners of english you got the idea 12 years into it i am now it's doing it's doing all right it's doing well people listen to this all over the world it's great i love doing this this is this is what i love doing uh so next question you might be thinking to yourself okay it's a podcast for learning english but is it for me well it's for everyone but it might be difficult if a you're lower than an intermediate level so if you're intermediate level or below it's going to be probably too difficult to be able to follow it intermediate as well if you're intermediate it might be hard you'll have to be extra motivated nearly coughed you'll have to be extra motivated okay um so it's really designed probably for upper intermediate and advanced and beyond some people who listen to this are native speakers in fact some people who listen to this are uh non-native english speakers people who've learned english as a second language or maybe learnt it in adulthood and they are but they've they've got really good english they're proficient i have a lot of english teachers listening to this too or you're just i don't know somewhere in the kind of upper intermediate advanced sort of area but really i mean it it's for everyone even if you're i've had i've had lower intermediate or pre-intermediate students start listening to my podcast and they found it difficult at the beginning to understand everything and to concentrate for a long time but those people have got better and better and better so you can start at any time basically who's this for it's for anyone who wants to listen to it and who is able to continue listening to it all right so there you go um so there's that it's also maybe this will be difficult if you're if you're a really visual learner and i say that because most of the time my episodes are audio episodes right so um those people who are visual learners might struggle um with that i mean i say that because like my wife my wife is french by the way english isn't her first language my wife doesn't listen to podcasts even in french she doesn't listen to my podcast because she doesn't need to she lives with me it's basically just luke's english podcast all the time oh god imagine that you cannot you can't turn it off but she doesn't listen to podcasts even in french she doesn't listen to podcasts which i kind of like what you know i can't believe it because i love podcasts so much i listen to them too but she just can't really do it she she feels that she has to close her eyes or or something or just do nothing else she when she's listening she can only listen she can't do other things which is not you know she can normally multitask she's normally very good she can talk on the phone look after our daughter and maybe like order things on the internet all at the same time whereas i can't if i did that i'd burn the you know i'd burn the child no i'd burn the food was food involved i don't know i would i would say the stupid things on the phone i'd order the wrong stuff and um my child would i don't know what my child would do they would end up watching cartoons which i wouldn't want a lot of rambling in my episodes um but anyway this podcast is for anyone who wants to listen and who enjoys listening next question how long have you been doing this luke well i've already answered that since 2009 next question who are you luke i don't know if you would ask it like that who are you like i've just wandered onto your property like who are you get off my property who are you luke uh i mean and this is you asking this question i mean can you tell us a bit more about yourself your background and your career so that we can feel totally confident that you know what you're talking about and that you're not just some guy who can speak english okay i'll tell you something about myself let me begin by telling you about my background there's like a map on the wall a guitar some shelves that's my background yeah that was a joke you are everyone okay yeah right so no no my personal background is that i i'm from the uk i'm from england uh born in basically grew up in west london and then when i was about 10 years old moved to the midlands in england i speak with probably receive pronunciation rp that's my accent just rece standard received pronunciation uh what else i'm an english teacher i've been teaching english for nearly 20 years now i've got a celta and a delta those are two teaching qualifications um what else do i need to say i lived in the beginning of my career i spent two years living and working in japan and taught english there and then after that came back to london and taught english in london and started doing this podcast i also do stand-up comedy as well um although i can't do that at the moment of course because all the comedy clubs are all closed because of bloody covid19 um so that's who i am um all right so basically yes i've been to university i've i'm i got a degree i studied at university and got a degree i went to university in liverpool i studied media and cultural studies at university most people listening to this know this stuff already i suppose anyway so there you go i'm a qualified teacher with lots of experience i know what i'm doing and i know what i'm talking about even if it doesn't look like it sometimes or sound like it there is method in my madness okay what madness luke this is all there's no madness here you might be thinking this all makes total sense to me good next question luke will it really help my english to listen to this to listen to you talking or to watch your videos or whatever will this really help uh my english and my answer is yes yes it will um and what can i say what more can i say well you might ask me now well how do you know luke well here are the reasons why i think that it will help you with your english if you regularly listen to this podcast not you know not just one episode not just 10 minutes of one episode obviously 10 minutes of one episode is better than nothing but i'm talking about listening to a lot more than that you've got to listen to as much as you can basically as regularly as you can and you'll find that over time as you listen to this more and more as it becomes just a habit in your life when you decide that you're actually maybe even addicted to listening to this podcast which people tell me is the case they say i started listening to your podcast a while ago and now i have to say i'm totally addicted to it which is fine because i think being addicted to this podcast is is totally fine i don't medically there's nothing wrong with that i think it's healthy it's a good addiction to have it's not like crack which is definitely bad for you just in case you were wondering just in case you were thinking i might try start doing crack this year don't do that that's a very bad idea but listening to this podcast and getting addicted to this is great is that it can only be good for your english so anyway how do i know first-hand accounts from listeners um listeners who contact me in various ways and tell me i've had many many different first-hand accounts from people who tell me just that that i've helped them with their english that it's been a huge it's made a huge difference okay it can help you in the sense that you're getting english from it you're getting exposure you're just listening to english you're consuming english okay that can help it also becomes a source of english where you can actually pick out language you can pick out vocabulary you can copy my accent if you want to you can sort of learn about pronunciation just from listening to it and grammar as well so there's you can just listen you can notice language while you're listening um and also um what else what was i thinking um i can't remember my i love my i lost my train of thought there i'm trying to think so yes you can it's a source of english and also that's it i also obviously will teach you english from time to time and i i do that um very specifically in in the premium uh subscription but also i talk to you about learning english i talk to you about ways of thinking about learning english and ways of approaching the learning of english and having the right attitude so that can help you too hopefully i can turn you into a a better learner of english that's the idea so anyway firsthand accounts from listeners people who tell me that my podcast has made a big difference to their english secondly common sense i mean it's common sense isn't it of course it's about a billion times more effective listening to this regularly or anything else um uh is about a billion times more effective than listening to nothing at all isn't it plus what else are you gonna do well you could watch netflix with subtitles and yes please do that too but switch the subtitles on and off sometimes you could um read books in english and you should definitely do that you know both graded and ungraded books if you're ready for the ungraded ones speak english with people who you know who speak english okay yes that's obviously vital take english classes which is also a good idea as long as you take part properly and you'd still take responsibility for your own learning so that you know there's tons of other things you can do you can do all of those things you can also study from books and you know there's many things you can use different flash card apps and duolingo and there's a million different things you can do are you doing them all i don't know maybe you are but in any case i don't want to make this too complicated all i'll say is listen to my podcast regularly and it will help you and it will help you with your english it will i know i just i made a mistake there with my voice did you hear that i went undue sometimes i slip up we do this it is totally normal even native speakers you you're a native speaker of your own language i'm i'm sure that you don't speak flawlessly all the time do you no i sometimes make mistakes as well which is fine but anyway listen to my podcast regularly and it will help you with your english if you do it long term also i know that this is true because of academic studies i've done you know while preparing my teaching qualifications i read a lot of books yeah check me out i read a lot of books and other texts based on proper academic studies into how people learn languages and you know those things told me you know people learn english when they listen to it a lot who would have thought also my professional experience after having met many thousands of learners of english from many places and working with them closely to help with their english observing what works for them what people respond to and the realities of learning a language all of those things have shown me that regularly listening to something like my podcast can help your english a lot i could go into that more as i have done in previous episodes in the past but that's all i'll say at this point um i'm not that's not the end of the episode i'm just saying that's all i'll say about why this is a good idea to listen to this okay next thing next question will it help me improve my grammar vocabulary and pronunciation luke or is it just like just listening skills um well yeah of course it's going to help you with your grammar vocab and pronunciation both directly when i specifically teach you grammar vocabulary and pronunciation which i used to do in three episodes a lot more regularly i'd still do that from time to time and in the middle of episodes sometimes a phrase will just come up and i'll explain it but anyway yes when i teach you language directly you can obviously learn it like that but you can also learn grammar vocab and pronunciation indirectly just through exposure just through listening to this the more you listen the more you are kind of um sub what's the word how shall i put this that essentially listening to english a lot leaves a kind of imprint this is not a sign very scientific way of putting it but basically how are you supposed to know how the language works if you never listen to it or you never read it i think just listening and reading a lot consuming a lot is a great way to kind of learn grammar and and and pick up vocab almost on an unconscious level that sounds a bit crazy but it's true okay there you go um all of that you know exposure is is very good and also i can help you think about the way that you learn which can make you a more skillful and effective learner so yes it can help you with your grammar vocab and pronunciation next question is from you would be this okay then um luke uh what's your method then professor thompson okay well uh the five l's the five s's the five p's you're thinking what are those for the five l's listening listening listening listening and listening the five s's speaking speaking speaking speaking and speaking the five ps basically practice practice practice practice and practice it is a question of um time and practice okay doing lots of listening doing lots of speaking time and practice being a smart learner okay using certain clever techniques to help your learning more be more effective listen to other episodes in my archive to find out some of those things the five m's that's motivation motivation motivation motivation and motivation you've got to work on your motivation i i'm here to try and help you with that discipline is also an important thing a discipline is something that sometimes i don't mention but you do have to be disciplined um anyway and and commitment as well but my method um it's you know these ideas underpin my method essentially what i like to do is as well as just teaching you the language i want to just help you to do more listening and do more um um i'd say do more speaking but it's listening isn't it i want to what am i trying to say not completely prepared okay it's all right so in terms of the method yeah it's based on the idea that listening a lot i feel like i'm repeating myself now that's the problem um essentially if you're motivated if you are interacting with english regularly if you're listening to it a lot if you're reading it a lot then that's really really important it's time and practice time plus practice multiplied by motivation okay these are the things i want to help you with so in terms of time you need to listen more you need to listen more regularly okay so listening more hopefully my podcast can help you to listen to more my episodes are quite long the reason for that is i've got lots of stuff to say i don't want to just do it in just six minutes i think that it's more you know there's you can gain a lot more from listening to something that has a longer flow and you know if you're still listening that's good you've been listening for about 30 minutes right you see the way this works the idea is i just want you to listen longer longer is better more the more the merrier and so really in one way that's all i'm trying to help you to do i'm just trying to produce content that i hope makes it easier for you to get more listening into your life either by making it fun by making it funny by making it just simply interesting because i'm talking about a topic that's interesting i try to make it personal which as i said before i find that that helps people to stay focused and stay engaged because we are all people we all have sort of emotional reactions to things and we like human connections a grammar book although very useful and is full of very important information doesn't have that kind of human connection does it usually and so therefore unless you're very good at studying and you love it using your grammar book can be a bit boring can't it and what happens is you buy the book you feel good because you bought the book and then you just can't really get into it you can't really use it regularly right because it's boring i just don't want this to be boring that's the main thing uh there are many ways to approach language learning you have to choose one that works for you and that helps to helps you to keep doing it even when it's tough so the basic version is get as much english into your life as possible and make it meaningful hopefully i can help by giving you something you enjoy and want to listen to the more complex version would be that you have to be a conscious learner too notice structures and phrases that i use notice pronunciation how i say things try to record them like note them down or remember them understand them in context so when you hear me use a phrase you can use the context in which i'm saying it to help you understand it rather than just going through some phrase list or even a dictionary which is just phrases that have no context around them words and phrases don't exist in a vacuum they only mean anything when they are helped by all the rest of what's being said around that phrase so hopefully talking to you like this provides you with much more context which helps you to helps to support your ability to notice vocab um understand it and remember it um okay you you might need to record phrases that you've picked up from me i mean write things down as i you know record them in that way or maybe record them with an audio device if you want um premium content is designed specifically to help you do the more complex stuff i cut out a lot of the annoying work and just put it all on a plate for you in the premium stuff just basically all in in those premium episodes all you need to do is just listen follow the pdfs that you get and do what i tell you to do which basically means do the memory tests and repeat after me when we do pronunciation drills but there you go i mean that's the main those are the main ideas behind what i'm doing i could go you know i could go on and on about it a lot more i could start naming sort of academic studies and things like that i won't um but it's not just a person talking okay hopefully i've developed this the ability after nearly 20 years of teaching to be able to talk in a way that you can follow if you're a learner of english and that makes a huge difference if you can understand 80 percent of what's being said then it helps you a lot to to then improve and work on that 20 percent you learn stephen krashen you know respected often quoted uh language acquisition theorist said that we learn languages when we understand them it's a very it's it's just it can just simply be very very helpful and healthy for your english to listen to someone that you understand okay next question can i really learn english on my own only by listening to you luke so i could just listen to you regularly for for ages and then ping i'm just gonna be able to speak like you and all that stuff um no not really there's a lot of other things you need to do as well like i said before practicing the speaking and and putting yourself in different situations and learning how to use english in those situations working on grammar you know and so on specifically but i always recommend my podcast as part of a balanced diet okay and and that does include some other things especially plenty of speaking practice with real people probably qualified teachers hopefully who can help give you bits of feedback and correct your errors or at least having regular conversations with you know with human beings in order to practice using english for communicative purposes because it's not just words and grammar and pronunciation it's how you're using those language systems to actually communicate with people um okay english is not something you know it's something you can do you should think of it like that okay also speaking with people just helps you develop the social side of using english for communication i should also mention writing and reading of course you know i talk about speaking and listening quite a lot writing and reading they are things as well but since this is an audio podcast we focus mainly on the spoken version of english next question is what level is this for i think i've already said that i've mentioned that already it could be any level at all depends on the individual but i imagine upper intermediate to advanced is probably the sweet spot and above definitely um you might be thinking to yourself should i do anything else other than just listening to you luke um yeah i mean as i said before balanced diet you should be doing other types of study as well on top if you really want to do this properly uh but let's just listen as a bare minimum but in terms of like being a listener of this podcast is there anything else you need to do not much more if you like you can share your thoughts in the comments section on my website teacherluke.com.uk you can practice little bits of writing there and you can chat with other listeners but as a listener to my podcast you can just just listen that's fine next next question luke your episodes are quite long aren't they aren't they too long in fact um this is an age-old question here's basically i'm going to try and give you the very brief version to all of these questions i will try to be as concise as i can how's the how's the video let me just check that everything's still working here okay it is okay so episodes are long yes they are so first of all you don't listen you don't need to listen to the episode the entire episode in one big go you can break it up into pieces if you're listening using a podcast app you know and even spotify does this as well just pause the podcast when you need to stop when you get to work let's say you're listening on the way to work when you get to work just pause the podcast do your day of work and then when you come back just press play again okay i know you might have lost track of exactly where you were but it's up to you to just think to yourself just before you press pause just think what's going on in this episode at this moment and then press pause and then continue i know it would be perfect wouldn't it if this podcast was exactly the same length as your commute to work but you know i don't know how long it takes you to get to work um yeah but okay my episodes are pretty long but that's fine you know i honestly think it's fine so many of my listeners tell me that they love it when the episodes are long they want episodes to be longer they don't want shorter episodes if you want shorter stuff just press pause after 10 minutes um yeah too long maybe maybe some people struggle to focus and they can't concentrate for this long in another language i understand that i try my best to help you focus and to help it to help to make it easier you know i hopefully it's not too tough for you but i totally understand if it's difficult but if you're motivated if you really want to keep listening then you will find a way and as i said you can just pause and come back and check out the rest at a later time that's fine okay don't be put off by when you look at my episodes and think oh my god an hour an hour and a half it will fly by if you're listening if you're listening properly if you're really paying attention and you're making an effort to like be into the subject that hour hour and a half will go by really quickly it'll be too short in fact i just hope you enjoy my podcast if you really enjoy it it shouldn't be a problem but that's up to you whether you enjoy it really enjoy it or not i do my best um next question are there transcripts for these episodes luke ah this is a complicated one i'm always trying to work on transcripts um so for the most part no there isn't um but there's a lot a lot to say on this so mostly no my episodes don't have full transcripts although often i will transcribe the introduction part and the ending part especially when i have a guest on the podcast also often when i'm on my own like this i will write a lot of the stuff i'm saying but then there's a lot of other stuff that's not written that i say that's unprepared stuff you know but anyway check the page for each episode on my website teacherluke.com.uk and you'll find that a lot of the episodes although they might not have a full transcription of every single word a lot of them do have a lot of the content transcribed and also a lot of notes like there might be vocabulary notes of key phrases that have been used in the episode and things like that i try to provide you with as much stuff in the form of text as possible that's the first point second point is some of the older episodes do have full transcripts and you can check the website to find out more about that and the third point is that there is a transcription project which is done by members of my audience it's called the um the transcription project the team of people who work on episodes of the podcast is called the orion team anyone can be a member of the orion team okay orion that's because o-r-i-o-n orion is a constellation of stars in the night sky and the people who work in the transcription project are stars as well so there's the orion transcription team headed uh by antonio from spain who um whenever i say he's in charge he's the manager he's normally very modest about it he's not you know he he's very modest about it but he is the one who essentially looks after the transcripts if you're interested in getting involved in the transcription project again just go to my website's website i've only got one um go to my website in the menu transcripts and click transcript collaboration you can read all about it there essentially it means you that you can just take a three minute chunk of an episode and transcribe it or listeners are transcribing uh my episodes by doing three-minute chunks each at a time it and and it's surprising it's a surprisingly quick process they will produce transcripts for entire episodes like that then they invite more advanced level listeners to proofread those transcripts it's an incredibly long process and complex but the people who do the transcribing they tell me that it's really good for your english it's like really tough intensive english practice so people trans you know write the transcripts as best they can then they get proof read by other listeners and the final part of the process is that i need to try and find some way of getting an absolutely correct final um final proof read version of each transcript um it's difficult for me to do that but at the moment there are loads of transcriptions of previous episodes that are probably about 95 correct because they've been proof read by really good uh listeners who've got an excellent level of english so check out the website transcripts transcript collaboration you can find all the information there and you can access all those proofread transcripts but transcripts are you know that it's it's difficult to produce transcripts for long episodes like this the i think the fourth point i need to i want to make about transcripts is that i'm i'm working i'm currently working on new ways to try and develop and provide transcripts and that includes using new software that i've recently discovered that helps to automatically transcribe episodes and i can actually edit the episode the audio of the episode by editing the transcript anyway i've got i've got new ideas coming transcripts are really important for learners of english because it allows you to read or at least see the words that you're hearing and that helps you to know how those words are spelled what those words actually are and it basically helps you to connect the written and the spoken versions of the language which are difficult to put together aren't they because you know there is a discrepancy between the two so but using transcripts can really help to fix that issue so transcriptions transcripts are yeah some of some episodes have transcripts available some episodes just have vocabulary notes uh some transcripts are not completely proof read yet and i'm working at um improving that uh in the future next question luke what's your accent i think i've mentioned that basically i speak with standard british received pronunciation more or less which is basically the sort of standard version of english it doesn't have a a specific region next question do you have do you only have native english speakers on your podcast um well i do have guests most of the time my guests have english as a first language but sometimes i talk to people who have learned english in adulthood so sometimes i have guests who have english as a second language because these people are extremely inspiring and they've done what so many people want to do and that's learn english to a decent level and they have great insights into the process of learning english and it's also very important for you to listen to non-native english speakers speaking english too because it's vital to hear a variety of english being spoken in your life english is a very diverse language there are many people around the world using it and speaking it in slightly different ways both as a first language and as a second language or third or whatever fourth uh how many numbers are there hmm they just go on forever don't they how many languages are there i don't know it's important for you to be able to understand all these different varieties of english both the native and non-native versions and this is true for the different accents and dialects in native english speakers too you should become accustomed to hearing english spoken with various regional accents if you only ever listen to my standard rp which is probably very clear to your ears you might not be able to understand others for example if you only ever listen to me and then you actually you know go to england you'll find that people speak quite differently i'm not saying that i don't speak naturally i do but not everyone speaks like me and so if you're only exposed to me or the way i speak english you know your english won't be stronger see what i mean sounds like i'm saying don't listen to me because your english won't be stronger that's not the message the message is of course listen to me but also it's important to get a variety and i do try to provide you with a variety in my episodes uh either with guests or by listening to audio recordings you know and so on okay that's listening to native speakers with different accents also it's important to listen to non-native speakers as well let's say speakers from you know spain or russia or china or afghanistan or you know god knows wherever it could be france where i live like i have my wife on the podcast sometimes and she's french and there's value to that as well i'm not saying that you know most of the time it's me and my guests who are from the united kingdom or members of my family who also from the uk or guests from other you know english-speaking countries most of the time it's that but occasionally a few non-native speakers as well on the podcast sometimes learners of english will say that they only want receive pronunciation and they see other accents as somehow being lower forms of english with less value i don't agree with this of course the idea that a regional accent let's say if you're from liverpool or birmingham or manchester or something the idea that a regional accent makes you sound uneducated or even lazy or something that idea deserves to stay in the 1950s where it belongs in my opinion having said that let me put my cards on the table and be as clear as possible what accent should you develop in english this is a question people ask me all the time okay so the first thing is you need to be clear that's the that's your first concern be clear when you're communicating with people people need to understand you so work on that first it's a good idea to pick a certain accent which you can use as a model which accent are you gonna pick this is the accent or so that one accent that you pick as your model this becomes the accent or pronunciation that you can aim for and try to copy which accents it gonna be which one well why not choose receive pronunciation it's a perfectly good choice as most people will be familiar with it if you have a particular reason for wanting to copy a regional accent then go for it i love all the different regional accents and i love to hear them and i love to try and copy them from time to time not to people's faces because that would be oh you're from birmingham alright how's it going from birmingham i wouldn't do that of course that's ridiculous but it's fun to play with accents oh focus what was i saying uh why why choose rp well i just think it's probably a good idea to go for the standard why not this seems like common sense uh but you know i i still want you to respect and love the regional variations of english too i guess this is what i'm i'm talking about maybe maybe you live in in a certain part of the united kingdom maybe you live in the north of england and you want to kind of to speak in the same way that your neighbors do or maybe you just love a certain regional accent for personal reasons and you've decided that this is the one for you in in those cases obviously go for it try to keep things natural if you can i could talk about this more but i won't go on about it too much basically i love all the accents in english i really do but i would probably recommend received pronunciation as the one to go for just because it's still a standard form of english uh british english i know someone out there is thinking but luke only five percent of english speakers use rp is it five percent two percent only a small percentage of people actually use rp yes that may be true but i can't think of another accent except maybe estuary english a sort of bit of a london accent you know estuary english maybe is more people use that maybe but not significantly it's not a significantly larger number basically yeah okay only two percent three percent or five percent of people in the uk speak with received pronunciation like this but you know um i can't think of another accent which is maybe more common though okay what am i trying to say um let's consider pronunciation like a pie chart of accents and each accent is um a slice of the pie chart what does that pie chart look like there isn't really one accent that dominates that chart with a big piece i expect i you know i'm just speculating really each segment in the chart is probably around the same size if you've got received pronunciation you know a sort of southwest accent or you know london accent let's say or cockney or estuary english um a sort of west midlands or birmingham accent um southern welsh accent northern welsh accent i mean i'm very i'm probably being quite basic here when you talk about actions it's possible to keep subdividing and subdividing there are many many many many different accents in the uk um a liverpool accent a lancashire accent or as you know manchester accent yorkshire different types of yorkshire accent newcastle you know there are all these different accents will take up parts of the pie chart but i don't think that any one of those accents is really dominating so why not choose rp it's a perfectly decent accent to go for i and i don't mean that you should speak like a posh person i don't think you should speak like the queen or something because that would be weird so just standard receive pronunciation like the way i speak is probably a good thing to go for but it's up to you also there's another point to be made about listening and pronunciation um listening for understanding others so yes so you practice your listening to develop your your own pronunciation right but you also practice your your listening to develop your ability to understand other people that are talking okay so okay so you could list let's say you've decided that receive pronunciation is the accent you want okay and i'm kind of assuming that that's true because that's what people tell me um and so great listen to me and listen to you know other guests who speak like me and go for that but don't forget the importance of listening practicing your listening in order to understand other people and you know you've got to listen to people that you you got to listen to a wide variety of different accents even if those aren't accents you want to uh acquire yourself you still need to listen to them regularly in order to know what they sound like because if you only ever listen to people who speak like me you're you will have a very narrow exposure to english and as a result you will only be able to understand a very narrow portion of the english speakers in the world okay next question excuse me how do i pronounce your name actually that's what you might be asking well it's luke luke luke okay luke not luck not look not like luke say it luke you don't have to say that that would be weird if you're if you're on your own and you're a flat going ooh luke oh luke and you well you think you're on your own ooh luke and your boyfriend or girlfriend or mum or dad or something you're going what what's they can hear you in your bedroom ooh luke luke they're thinking what are you doing in your bedroom what are you doing and you're just going ooh luke i'm practicing my pronunciation leave me alone anyway luke luke not la not luck not luck luke and not like and not look it's not look it's not look it's luke i've said this a billion times i said this in episode one of my podcast and in plenty of other episodes luke and it's spelt l how do i spell this so you can see it l u k e e okay not l u c k l u k and it's not mr luke it's mr thompson but you don't have to call me mr thompson just call me luke and the name of my podcast luke's english podcast okay had and you might be saying how do i pronounce that last word podcast can you say it with me podcast some people say podcast which is great too podcast podcast okay it can be difficult to say it's not postcard not postcard okay i might send you a postcard if i go on holiday having a lovely time wish you were here luke [Music] remember postcards anyway uh p-o-d-c-a-s-t not p-o-t c-a-t that's a pot cat i don't know what a pot cat is a cat that likes pot maybe anyway what sort of episodes can we expect from your podcast luke this is for the new listeners again so what you can expect is me talking on my own talking about english and talking about learning english and strategies for doing it specific things not just some of the general stuff i've talked about in this episode so far so there's that me talking about different topics i love to get deep into different topics and they could be cultural topics about the uk british culture i love to talk about british comedy british music and british films not just british stuff it's not just british british british i'll talk about other types of you know films from the us and you know pop culture i love talking about pop culture you know basically i want to get i like to get deep into subjects and i want to talk about them in an interesting and engaging way in order to help you listen more and listen regularly and get more english in there and expose you to more english uh different topics i have conversations with guests um some of those guests are my friends and family and we might oh i don't know we might talk about there's so many things that i talk about anything and everything basically i just try to make it engaging and interesting for you to to listen to sometimes i do specific things about phrases you know like maybe phrasal verbs or other bits of useful language maybe grammar sometimes i do that in episodes um what other kinds of episodes do i do listeners i have episodes with my friends amber and paul who are comedians and we sometimes just talk and just have funny stupid conversations sometimes we talk about different topics sometimes we play games like speaking games and things like that so many different things i'm sure i'll i'm forgetting um episode types that i do what else do i do stupid rambling stories where i just make up the story as i go along and lots of other things dip into my episode archive to find out more teacherloop.co.uk click episodes in the menu it works best from a computer rather than from a mobile phone if you're on a mobile phone it's the luke's english podcast app that's the best way to do it and just find the categories option on the side uh side menu in the app lep episodes is where most of the content is and there are nearly 700 episodes now but in the app as well there are lots of other things app-only episodes like you know full-length episodes that are only available in the app phrasal verb episodes like individual phrasal verb um episodes it's like about 150 of those um where i teach you a different phrasal verb each time those episodes are short and i get to the point in them unlike in some of my other content um what else videos and stuff in the app as well okay um what are your favorite episodes luke that's another question from you potentially uh i like oh it's a difficult question actually i like to i like all episodes where i've got my friends and family i love just talking to my friends and family and recording those conversations on the podcast especially the ones where we're being funny i don't know if we're funny all the time that's for you to decide but sometimes i think to myself oh i think that was a funny episode i think people are going to laugh about that they're going to enjoy that and then people do write to me saying you know i laughed out loud on the bus listening to your podcast that's always really nice so i like the funny episodes what else um and episodes with my mum and dad because you know they're great and it's nice to be able to listen to them and record them and celebrate them in some way and uh amber and paul it's always fun um uh i love analyzing british comedy taking clips of comedy presenting to the presenting them to you and then analyzing them breaking them down i do love doing that i sort of feel so so uh i'm so um am i gonna say passionate doesn't seem like the sort of work i'm just so passionate about um british comedy i just love british comedy so much and so i love sharing it with you even though a lot of the time i think people don't understand it it's difficult to understand sometimes comedy can be hard to understand in another language um and i actually personally love those episodes where i make up stupid stories but i haven't done that for such a long time i need to get back into doing that it can be a lot of fun when it works next question you're on episode 699 of luke's english podcast do you have anything special planned for episode 700 actually no i don't um i think it'll just be another episode this time i haven't really managed to work out what i'm going to do in episode 700 there are it's just been a lot going on and just like oh god i've got lots of things going on and then suddenly episode 700 is here i should probably do something special for it maybe i'll do a youtube live stream like i did for episode 600. maybe i can do a sort of ask me anything on youtube again but that i don't know when i can tell you i don't know when that's gonna happen if that does happen you'll just have to subscribe to my youtube channel and don't forget to smash that like button okay guys and click the bell icon to get notifications so if i do go live you'll get a notification luke thompson is going live now luke's english podcast is live on youtube or maybe i'll be able to create a post and anyway subscribe to my youtube channel if i do a live stream ask me anything for episode 700 then you'll probably know that it's going to happen it's not always possible to to plan everything in advance okay next question what are lepsters luke hello lepsters what a lepsters a lepster is someone who listens to luke's english podcast lep means luke's english podcast so a lepster is someone who listens to the podcast next question where are your listeners my listeners are all over the place they're all over the world not all over the place my listeners are all over the place like drunk crashing into the furniture not that kind of all over the place i mean my listeners are all over the world so they're in you know name a country there's probably a listener there at least one just one individual i'm listening just one person there no but um japan russia china these are the top three countries also the uk and the usa i get lots of downloads in those places maybe that's native speakers who like just feel like they need to improve their english for some reason or it's probably non-nate you know people who are learning they're improving their english but they live in one of those countries or it's maybe it's maybe government um government spies just listening to my content i don't know um all around the world just pick a country there are lobsters are everywhere there might be one there with you right now maybe you didn't realize it it's like wait a minute oh there's a lipstick just there maybe there's one behind your sofa there could be anywhere um next question why do you talk about ninjas sometimes what are lep ninjas excuse me i feel like i need to wipe my nose i do apologize for any kind of bodily body related issues like coughing sniffing wiping my nose any of those sorts of things i do apologize also i'd like to apologize uh for any time in the past when on the podcast i sneezed or coughed and i didn't say excuse me i was listening to an old episode the other day i was working on an old episode i'm trying to do things with some of the old episodes anyway i was listening back to an old episode and i sneezed and i didn't say excuse me i'm so terribly sorry to everyone in the world for doing that i know that that sounds ridiculous but some people really don't like it if you sneeze or cough and you don't say excuse me especially on in in audio like this so lep ninjas ninjas are my listeners who only listen and they never do anything else they never get in touch they never leave a comment i don't know where they are i don't know who they are they are just well i know where they are because i've got that in my statistics i know where you are but i just don't know who you are um i don't know who they are they're just numbers i just have numbers of downloads but i don't know anything else you know just like who are you people where are you and they're just ninjas you know hiding in the shadows just listening on headphones that's what i mean when i say lep ninjas listeners who never really get in touch they're just out there somewhere listening next question can you explain the russian joke please uh no no i can't next question what do you think of brexit luke is it a bad idea yes i think it is a bad idea i think it was basically an opportunity for a bunch of nutters to take control of my country and push it in a different direction and i think it's it i think it's the wrong direction but now we have to live with it and we have to make it work i'm not a fan of boris johnson uh boris johnson and uh it's messy hair i'm not a fan of boris johnson bar and his gang of people i feel that they're doing a bad job that's probably enough politics isn't it there all right oops sorry i nearly slipped didn't i on politics there nearly slipped up on a bit of politics watch out everyone there's some politics on the floor just there okay can someone clean that up please watch out for the politics smells a bit as well isn't it so um anyway so no i don't like brexit there you go i mean maybe you think brexit's wonderful can you explain why and don't just say oh you're taking back control um and because are we really it doesn't seem like it doesn't look like it doesn't smell like it anyway sorry no politics i talked to my dad on the podcast about brexit he is very knowledgeable well informed and well-spoken so he's the ideal person to talk to about brexit and yes listeners there will be an episode of the rick thompson report coming very soon i'm just you know emerging from my from my illness that i was suffering from last week emerging from christmas emerging from the new year and just like blinking into the light oh hello world hello podcast so once i've got my stuff together i will be talking to my dad and i'll also be talking to winners of the wispolept competition as well at some point um i've got more to say about that as well some other podcasters daniel goodson who does my fluent podcast that's the name of the podcast my fluent podcast daniel goodson is a lepster who um you know he listens to this podcast that's why he's a lipsticker and he's got a podcast it's called my fluent podcast he's been interviewing some of the 85 people who didn't get into the final and they they're really good really interesting and i highly recommend that you listen to them i must i'm gonna say that more explicitly and clearly at the beginning of a new episode soon i just need to get myself together and work out all the things i need to announce i've got to stay on target here right listeners stay focused luke for goodness sake okay we're into the section of the episode near the end now we're nearly done now um i'm just telling you some things about myself do you need to know these things i don't know um so next question is do you have a team of people who help you to do this do you have a team of people who help you to do this who do you work with sometimes i get emails from listeners saying say things like this dear luke or whoever is reading this email or dear luke or who you know whoever is in in the teacherloop.co.uk team i don't have a team it's just me um the idea of employing other people i mean that would be a professional thing to do but i'm not really at that stage yet but anyway no it's just me i do all of this it's just me on my own um i get moral support from my friends and family and my listeners i get tremendous levels of encouragement from my audience which is always a wonderful thing but in terms of just who's pulling the strings and doing the work yeah it's all me it's just me i'm the only one doing this no team no assistance nothing next question can we see you perform stand-up comedy on stage because you're a stand-up comedian aren't you luke a person who goes up on stage with a microphone and hello i'm stand-up comedian i'm going to try and make you all laugh hahaha right i'm a stand-up uh yeah you can see me performing on stage uh well you will be able to see me performing on stage when it's possible again because obviously because of covid 19 um that's just not possible is it so all the comedy clubs are shut at this stage and so no stand-up comedy is happening it's all on hold it's all on ice at the moment it's been a while it feels like it's been a long time since i've been on stage doing comedy i hope i can remember how to do it if you're a premium lobster there is a video of about 28 minutes of me doing stand-up comedy at the comedy store in london so if you really want to see me doing a stand-up comedy show become a premium subscriber and check out is it p 26 okay premium 26 and that's a stand-up comedy video from me to you for your entertainment next question are you married and do you have kids and stuff what do you mean and stuff i guess you mean like proper family life responsibilities and things yes i'm married i'm married to my wife there's a surprise i'm married to my wife yes and we've been married for over five years now and um you know i love her because she's my wife not because she's my i loved her before she was my wife as well uh but anyway yes she's on the podcast occasionally uh she's french her english is good and so there's that i live in france by the way um i used to live in london but i moved to france in order to be together with my uh with my then girlfriend it was very romantic i'm a very romantic person am i i don't know uh and yes we have a daughter she's three years old and she's great so there you go uh she's great when she's not when she when she's great when sometimes she's not great when when when luke when's she not great i don't know when she's crying that's not great is it not a lot of insight there luke you're not giving anything away there are you no i'm not really she's on the podcast too occasionally my daughter talking about things that she likes right come on snap gets get moving luke luke what's your favorite football team i don't really have a favorite football team um i know that's that doesn't work you're not allowed to say that you have to pick a team i don't really have a team i moved around a lot when i was a kid and never stayed in one place and so i never kind of stuck with one particular team but i do have a soft spot for liverpool and that's not because they're doing well at the moment i've always just liked liverpool i used to live in liverpool i lived there for four years um when i was at university i lived not far from the liverpool football ground also i lived not far from the everton football ground so i could like everton i do like everton as well but i have a soft spot for liverpool so does my dad also because i like jurgen klopp their current manager um i think he's a good thing and i like the way they play football and yes so i like liverpool it helps that they're doing well i'm not a glory hunter i don't just like them because they're doing well but i also like them for other personal reasons but i love football i'm a supporter of the game um i'm not a supporter of footballers jumping on the floor pretending to be injured i mean i can't stand that that's pathetic isn't it but i do love the game of football and i like playing it too when i can which is basically never these days next question do you like music luke do you play music do you have any songs stuck in your head today i do like music i love music i love listening to music as much as possible i'm a huge fan of the beatles as you may know but i love loads of other bands and other types of music as well i just happen to be obsessed by the beatles more and more all the time i've been listening to the beatles ever since i was a little kid but yes love the beatles and lots of other bands i do play music i first learnt piano when i was about 11 from 11 to about 15 or 16 just around the time that i started discovering other things like girls and and being in bands and things and suddenly learning classical piano for an hour every day became less interesting for me but i first started playing the piano can't really play anymore then i moved to playing the drums because we were lucky enough to have a drum kit my dad bought a drum kit for james my brother and me and uh it was kind of in the garage and you know so i was able to play drums all the time so i am a drummer that's like i guess the the main instrument that i do but i don't have drums these days i never get the chance to play drums these days so instead i play guitars bass guitar um if you're watching the video you'll see a bass guitar on the wall behind me that is a fender a mexican-made fender p bass um thank you to the people of mexico for making it not that you all made it that would be imagine if everyone worked together to make this and i'm saying thank you you didn't send it to me i mean it wasn't a gift from the government of mexico thank you for improving the english of my people it wasn't that i bought it myself with my own money but anyway it was made in mexico i've also got an acoustic guitar i've got several i if it was if if it was up to me i would spend all my money on guitars and i just get more and more of them i'm not particularly brilliant i i base i think is pro i'm probably more skillful on bass i don't know i just find it a bit more a bit easier maybe my hats because my hands are big maybe it's because i'm a drummer and bass is a bit more of a rhythmical instrument i don't know uh guitar i am working on it i'm practicing i love playing i love trying to sing but i'm not the world's greatest or the world's worst uh guitarist or singer do i have any songs stuck in my head today yes i've got loads i've always got a song stuck in my head you might it might be the same for you we call it an ear worm if you have an ear worm it means it's a song stuck in your head when i was ill uh last week i was like lying in bed trying to sleep feeling bad but i had lots of music running through my head and the worms i've had recently are all by the same group and they're called the other favorites i've just discovered them fairly recently they're brilliant check out the other favorites and i've had the song angelina running around in my head for ages it's a brilliant song they are really impressive um the other favorites angelina check it out next question is can you sing songs for us on the podcast sometimes yes i can i do that occasionally when i feel inspired to do it i'm not the greatest singer or the greatest guitarist as i said just now i'm just learning but i love it and i feel moved to do it if i do sing in an episode most of the time i do it right at the end of the episode so that people who might not like it don't feel obliged to listen to it but the ones who like hearing my versions of other people's songs and usually i do cover versions those people can listen and hopefully enjoy hearing me i always make an effort to sing clearly so you can hear all the words of the song i also don't use any reverb to cover up the imperfections in my voice or guitar playing i just get the guitar on my lap point the microphone somewhere between the guitar and my mouth and i do my best um there's more questions you know what listeners and viewers i don't have enough time i'm i'm keeping an eye on the clock i've got to go out and do some errands i've got to go to the bank and do something at the bank i've got to go and pick up a cake that my wife ordered today and i've got to go and get my daughter from school so i've got about five minutes left one of the questions was are you on youtube the answer to that is pretty much yes just go to youtube search for luke's english podcast on youtube um one of the things i do is i upload my audio episode so this is an audio podcast first and foremost i do videos sometimes like the video that i'm hoping to produce for this episode but first and foremost this is a an audio podcast but i like to upload the audio episodes onto youtube with just a single static image and uh the reason for that is that so that people can well first of all a lot of people like to listen on youtube youtube maybe when they're working or just at their computer they it just is convenient for lots of people but also automatic subtitles i always add automatic subtitles on the videos youtube sometimes just goes no i don't know why sometimes they just never appear i don't know why that is but i always add them and the automatic subtitles are pretty good because they're about you know 95 percent accurate especially when i'm on my own um okay but anyway so yeah check out my youtube channel um i'm also working on some new video content coming soon which is basically like clips of old episodes little clips some some like little moments from previous episodes that i will that i'm working on turning into videos and you'll see me uploading some of those things um in the coming weeks and months so subscribe to my youtube channel i'm looking at breaking the 100 000 subscribers um mark on youtube soon um i'm up i'm at about 83 000 and when i get to 100 000 they send me they will send me a thing a glass thing with a platinum youtube logo in the middle oh i want that please yes please so help me get to 100 000 subscribers by subscribing to my youtube channel have i forgotten anything yes i'm certain that i've forgotten to mention something really important but i mean i've been blabbering on rambling on for like an hour and 20 minutes now still i mean something really important it's not that important it's just the sort of thing that when i'm out and about and i'm getting emails from people you know asking me questions i was like oh damn i forgot to mention that not that i mean a lot of people will have stopped listening to this if you are still watching or listening to this then good for you you are a wonderful person um those people who stopped listening or stopped watching ages ago what a bunch of losers right but you're still here well done you um okay i i what i want to say is this yes i ramble quite a lot uh sometimes i talk too much and i repeat myself a bit i do so what sue me to but to paraphrase shakespeare there is a method in my madness okay um i've said it before and i will say it again that actually that quote actually from shakespeare it comes from shakespeare's hamlet um shakespeare's ham not anyone else's hamlet uh which was um 1602 the actual line from the play is though this be madness yet there is method in it okay so basically at the end of this episode this rambling episode where i've welcomed you in back into my podcast saying maybe for for long-term listeners you've probably heard all this before i hope you don't mind uh new brand new stuff is coming soon i promise but the main message i want to give you here is this listen to my episodes regularly and enjoy doing it i hope you enjoy it download my app to get easy access to all the episodes on your phone and that's there's more episodes in the app than than there are in spotify or in fact anywhere else or on my website you can check the episode archive there become a premium listener if you want to go further in your learning with me teacherloop.co.uk.premiuminfo and don't be a ninja come out of the shadows sometimes and write a comment from time to time on my website that's the best place to do it but that's it thank you so much for listening to my podcast listeners it's been a pleasure to talk to you i didn't cough too much that's good but thank you for listening or watching if you're watching this on youtube happy new year to you all take care and be excellent to each other and i'll speak to you again next time but for now it's just time to say goodbye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye you
Channel: Luke's English Podcast
Views: 102,219
Rating: 4.9450803 out of 5
Keywords: learn, learning, english, lesson, lessons, luke, podcast, luke's, vocabulary, native, speaker, interviews, listening, pronunciation, british, accent, london
Id: b476zEQ1e7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 0sec (5220 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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