65 year old classic Morris Minor | Artificial Leather Interior Restoration | COLOURLOCK

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do hello everyone and welcome back to the clock uk and north america youtube channel and in this video we've got a 1956 morris miner matilda 800cc um red interior it's very old very tired looking and we've been tasked to do our job restore the two front seats and the back seats here and um yeah it's very similar in color it's very similar to a recent bentley job that we did i don't know if you guys watched that um but if you have you'll be able to tell that it's very very similar very close uh and the condition also is very similar but there is a major difference and one major difference is that the bentley uh interior was genuine leather whereas this one here is vinyl right and how can you tell so um if i show you if i show you the back of this bench here you can see the underside of the material and just here you can see this is for starters it's very very thin in comparison to genuine leather and the underside of the material here this has just got a fabric backing to it whereas genuine leather would have the suede backing to it so this here is genuine leather right so from the bentley bit right and that's your suede at the back whereas if you compare that to this bit here and perhaps you want to zoom in here just so you can see um to yourself very clearly but it's it's in comparison it's it's so much thinner right and it literally just has a fabric backing to it right so hopefully that's clear but what does that mean right um it basically means that on the bentley where we used liquor oil to soften the leather first um that is all things that we can do with genuine leather but with vinyl there's a lot of limitations and restrictions the liquor oil is just not going to have any effect on it so we're not going to be able to you know adjust the touch of the the material as much but um aesthetically we can make this look pretty much brand new but i don't know how it's going to turn out um you know i'm hoping because this is really dry um but i'm hoping they look it'll definitely look a lot better but it's just the question is how well can we get it to feel right and that's going to be the main challenge with this we might use a certain um adjective called a soft slip but i haven't quite decided yet i think i'm going to start with the job and then decide as we go along so let's carry on all right so step one is there's a lot of loose dust on here right so i'm just gonna grab um a clean dry cloth and just give this a wipe down right there's a lot of dust coming off it right so um let's do that very quickly right and actually it's become apparent now that there is um damage there there's a tear across here and this is so dry it's unbelievable um same here so we're gonna have to put it back in cloth fill it and repair it we're gonna come to that later right step one here just to give this whole thing a really good clean i don't think this is the true color um so that's what we're going to try and match the paint to because this part here looks a lot more vibrant compared to any other part on the on the whole interior so i've dusted the seats down and now it's time to give these all a good clean and to do that i'm going to use the color brush and the strong leather cleaner the stronger the cleaner is a water-based cleaner but it's a higher strength cleaner and has a very very good cleaning action this should make this look a lot cleaner and allow us to really see the the actual state of the seat right so let's get going good enough the bottle here let's start with that [Music] okay so we've just finished cleaning the seats and as you can see it's starting to show a lot of the imperfections are starting to show through a lot more now and obviously this damage was obvious even from the beginning but you know you can see that it's going to need a backing cloth underneath it's going to need to be filled and the same across here as well um it's going to need to be filled but then you know all across here all this area there's just a lot of cracks that that will also need to be sort of degree sanded down filled and then moving across to the next seat here this looks like this was this is the driver's seat um because it's had a lot more wear coming into this area here right cracks across here the ones just sort of literally crackled all across here lots of cracks there there's a bit of paint here as well that's the the strong cleaner didn't sort of remove so we're gonna have to use a solvent-based product to remove that and sand all of this down fill it the back benches believe it or not not that bad at all but um some parts have removed a lot of the color that's come off on some of the other parts just with cleaning you can see the difference i mean that was the the original true color it's a it's like a vibrant cherry red color whereas down here is almost like a brown orangey sort of color so i think that is the true color because that matches the back of the seats as well so that's what we're going to mix to and and we're going to spray this but and this is just to show you how just a very good clean can start showing um the actual state of the seat so we can now decide how we want to proceed how we want to move forward so the next step is going to be to decrease all of this and sand all of this down so let me just start with that so step one is oh sorry not step one that one was cleaning but in this case now what i'm going to do is just use the clock solid cleaner to degrease this very very well right and i know i'm going to need a fair amount of product because this is quite uh greasy as well so let's start with this one here and i'm pretty sure that this is also going to remove quite a lot of paint and dirt as well um and grease that sort of stuck on the surface you can see that there straight away all right so it's going to wipe all of this down [Music] the prep part is crucial when it comes to making sure that we get a really really good finish right so decreasing this seat thoroughly you know all um all the way through even certain parts that not easy to get to just make sure you you get all the way in decrease it very very well because that's going to make sure that the paint is going to bond to the surface very well and the prep is always one of the most important things but quite often the one that is most neglected and the least amount of time is spent on prep so if you can take time and make sure you spend enough time on the prep getting the degrees in and the cleaning and the sanding and everything done very well that will all add to the quality of the repair so we carry on here the next seat right okay so now i'm just going to sand the leather or the vinyl in this case there's a lot of rough areas all across here um and sanji is just going to make this nice and smooth right he's going circular motions i'm not sure that i'm removing enough that's so much smoother already let me just give that a white so you guys can see clearly what i'm on about right so you can see now that that's a lot smoother of course the cracks are a little bit deep so it's going to require a little bit of filler anyway but um as soon as we get that done this area should look a lot better but that's what i'm going to do now so the next step is just to sand all these seats thoroughly remove all the hard spots the heavy spots um and get these feeling nice and smooth again right so away we go okay so i've finished sanding this whole seat here and this feels so much softer and nice already this has made a huge difference um it's actually it actually feels a lot better than what i thought it would um i was under the impression that we probably have to use some additives to make it um feel and touch softer um but that is i don't think that's going to be necessary because the sanding itself has made a huge improvement so that was on this seat i've got the rest to carry on um i'm sure that these also will come out really really nice so let me just be going on that all right so what i'm doing here is just cutting the backing cloth for this repair here right so obviously here you can see it's torn all the way through and just gluing this and filling is not going to work um because i think the filler will just print the filler needs somewhere to stay so what we're doing here is just cutting this piece of cloth right and we're going to cut this slightly larger than the size of the hole place that on the inside and this cloth actually has a layer of glue on it already so you can see this here is um the side which has hasn't got any glue on it and this bit here does because it's got the slightly shinier look to it so once i place this underneath i'm just going to heat this with a bit of heat gun and that will activate the glue allowing me to just stick all these parts directly onto this and then we can go ahead and fill the other areas right so that's what i'm going to do this is slightly still too big so i'm just going to cut this trim this down a little bit and it helps to make it into a circular shape just because it doesn't have any sharp corners that way so you can do a square as well but i just find that the circular shape tends to blend in a lot easier all right and it's just still too big because it's gonna catch at the other end so i'm gonna trim it down again these edges do are quite sharp so i'm going to push this in first and i may have to cut some of these spit out as well because there's no way these are going to stick and stay flush so let me just try and put that in first i'm just going to grab the heat gun and stick all of this in place and then we can fill the gaps [Music] right for this hole here it's obviously just too small to get a patch underneath um so what i'm going to try and do is just use a product called the leather and plastic paste which looks like that right and i'm just going to use on top of that to set the the filler i'm going to heat the grain patch this is not an accurate grain patch but it's so tiny that it doesn't matter it closely resembles the grain that's on there so um hopefully that should work so i'm just going to try that now so for that just cover the area completely just remove the excess around it so you don't want to grain any of the surrounding areas i just got some solvent cleaner here just to get rid of the excess residue of the product that's around it all right i'm then gonna just heat this [Music] trying to flex it and yeah that's it's gonna hold it should look pretty good okay so we've got two more holes of this type here that we're gonna fix using the same method in this case because we've got a huge lump of filler i want to make sure that the heat travels all the way through if i just heat this and put that on top the top layer will set but underneath it all it's not going to set all the way through so i'm just going to blow some heat over there over the filler to make sure that the heats travel all the way down and then hit that on top with the ground um [Music] [Music] so here i'm just going to tint the filler so i'm taking a few drops of paint and then with that i'll put in some of our leather filler and that's just to hide the contrast from the white filler if we can tint it that'll just make it easier for us in the subsequent process and tinting the filler helps massively when it comes to applying the paint it makes life so much easier you have to apply a lot less layers of paint and overall it just makes the job easy and looks quite nice as well probably got too much paint in here so this isn't too bad at all all right and then just apply the filler start with this corner here [Music] it doesn't need a lot of filler it's just to take the deeper cracks out so you've just got to feel for the cracks that feel quite deep and just fill those areas so you don't feel around it too much so this bit here feels deep so i'm just going to go for a bit of filler there otherwise just going to scrape the excess off very quickly same here across this bit here okay so we've we've filled everywhere yesterday and as you can see now the filler is completely dry and set and there's obviously as the filler has dried there's quite a lot of rough spots there's a there's a fair amount of excess filler especially on this big crack here there's quite a lot of filler that i'm gonna have to sand down and remove but when it comes to sanding we can't dry sand this filler right just dry sanding it's not going to work right it needs a special solvent that softens the filler down and that product's called the gld solvent so what i'm going to do is just get some solvent onto the onto the sanding pad apply that and then gently start sanding right so i'm gonna apply a little bit there across there right and with this solvent you've just got to wait for it to dry because it goes really tacky and sticky right so just wait for that tackiness to go away which it will do as the product evaporates um and then gently start sanding right so applied a little bit everywhere and go across on this side here as well you don't have to apply it with the sanding pad you can apply it using a cloth as well but this method i feel is quite quite easy and also make sure that you don't apply too much of the solvent so you're not removing more than more than necessary so just go do that and now let's just look at the other side where we've applied the solvent which should be dry so we can start sanding that bit that's slightly tacky now [Music] so that's smooth enough there's these areas here where i am going to have to put or apply more filler but i'm not going to do that right now i'm going to carry on with this apply and the primer apply the first layer of paint and and then it'll become very clear the exact areas that need more filling so rather than just keep on applying more filler i suggest apply the base layer of apply the initial layer of filler and once you've done that sanded it down just move on to the painting process and then once you've put that first layer of paint it'll show through the exact areas that need some top-up filler so that's what we're gonna do [Music] okay so with the bulk of the filling work done we're now going to move on to the paint stage and the the finishing stage which involves spraying a layer of primer followed by the paint and then the clear coat but what we're going to do is we're going to spray the primer spray the paint and then revisit all these areas where we filled to see if we need to top up some filler and adjust the repair to make it look more um much better basically and aesthetically i'm pretty sure this area here we are going to have to make some adjustments there's a couple of other parts on a couple of other bits on the back bench as well which is going to need some adjustment but rather than waste time and trying to make it perfect right now what i suggest is we start get on with the primer put that first layer of paint that will make it very very clear and show us exactly where we need to fill so that's what we're going to do now onto the primer so the primer that we've got is a clear primer it's basically just an addition promoter just make sure that the paint layer is going to bond to the surface very well so you don't need to spray a huge amount of primer just a very thin layer a mist the dust coat in most cases is enough right so if you do spray too much and if you've got a lot of primer dripping from the top down if you've got a lot of runs just grab a sponge dab it out or use a heat gun to just you know get rid of the runs before you apply the paint [Music] okay so we've got the paint mixed up here now if this was genuine leather this paint is ready to spray on but because this is vinyl we're going to add an additive to it called the crosslinker you can think of it as a hardener and because this is vinyl we're going to need to add this just to make the whole repair more durable and for the paint to stick right now how much of this crosslinker should we add we've we're gonna aim for about 250 ml of paint two percent of hardener in the paint so it's going to roughly be about five mil right so i'm just going to give this a good shake and open the can up i've got a little this thing comes with a little syringe you can see the graduations on here so it shows about five mil so i'm going to take a full scoop out some product and just add that in there is that done put that inside this away now just give this a really good mix once i've done that i'm just gonna use a paint filter place that on top here and just decant this into this thing then it's very crucial to filter this because um it it's a hardness so it you know it forms small crystals in there and that can clog up your gun so for best results um just make sure you filter it obviously our spray gun has a built-in filter into it but i just want to make sure that i don't have any clogging issues when i'm spraying so i'm just filtering it as we go should be pretty good for now let that filter out through here and now this mixture is ready to go into the gun and we can start spraying [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we've put the first few layers of paint we've done um quite a lot of filling work obviously before we put the paint on but now it's become very obvious certain areas that need more filler so that's what we're going to do so this area here right this little crack here we're going to refill again and of course the the main areas where there were some tears they need to be fixed some more and need need more filling so that's what that's what we're going to do so i'm going to start with this one here first and just fill that up so okay so we've finally finished topping up filler on this area here and various other places where it needed a bit more filler just to cover up those final cracks we've sprayed a little bit more paint on top of the filler of course after sanding it all down and everything and we've now got the finished product now this looks so much better than what they wear and all that's left now for us to do is to spray some clear coat on here and we've mixed an 80 20 mix of clear coat so 80 gloss 20 percent amount just to give it a little bit of shine i think and that's what this car needs um a slightly higher gloss than what most modern cars are made of i'm gonna spray two layers of that and then that should be the job done all that would be left is probably to apply uh a care product like the elephant leather preserver now this is vinyl so that product isn't really gonna benefit the material but just to bring the touch of the material back just the touch of the surface is going to feel nice and that's why i'm going to apply that but before we get on to that let's do the clicker so two layers one horizontal one vertical and that should be us [Music] well then guys so we're finally done with the full interior on this one here as you can see it looks so much better than what it was before i remember this being all patchy two-tone and there's a huge tear and a rip here as well we've fixed those two areas but you know there is a scar you can still tell that um there was something wrong there but but you know the whole the whole surface is a lot more reinforced now it should be a lot more durable you know so this should be it should be absolutely fine and looks wise as well it looks so much better the color is a very very good match it looks revived and it looks like a well-aged old car seat um which is what i think we were going for given that this is a 65 year old car so yeah i'm very pleased with the way it's turned out i hope you guys loved the video as well let us know what you think of the feedback and the comments section and make sure you give this video a like and we love it you
Channel: COLOURLOCK UK & North America
Views: 14,992
Rating: 4.8596492 out of 5
Keywords: Leather, cleaning, restoration, conditioning
Id: drgfpXQMHs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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