64 - Our Kingdom Is Not Of This World - Zac Poonen Illustrations

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[Music] hebrews 13 9 it says don't be carried away by strange teachings there are so many strange teachings today it's a sad thing that i've seen i'm not a person gets involved in politics at all i'm not interested in it not even when i was in india all these years but i do read the news if the tower in siloam fell i need to know about it i will know about it like jesus did and i i see what's happening and i see so many christians people who claim to be filled with the spirit i've read some of their so-called prophecies in the last three or four months so many false prophecies which now some of them have the honesty to acknowledge it was false and others you know go beat about the bush and say something else it's good for christians not to be carried away with strange teachings quoting this scripture that scripture and getting you involved in political decisions which you have nothing to do with bible says pray for those who are in authority not to decide whom we are going to vote for that's not what he's telling us to do he says pray 1 timothy 2 1 but we christians verse 1 timothy 2 2 may lead a quiet peaceful life in all godliness and dignity yeah that's what i want to do not to pray that this person will be elected or that person will be defeated or this thing that thing or to answer people's questions are you conservative are you liberal or left or right i say listen i'm a christian i don't belong to this world my citizenship is not of this world my citizenship is in heaven a lot of christians in this particular past few months don't forgotten that and even those who were involved in some of the righteous things that happened they were talking about christ there some of them can you believe it they lead to a peaceful and a godly life it says we must pray that we must lead a quiet peaceful life in godliness and dignity the very opposite of what some christians were involved in dear brothers and sisters don't get involved in that if you have years to hear you will hear so we can have your political convictions and vote for whomever you like but don't pressure other people to do that and don't talk about that's not the main thing in life help people to know how their heart can be strengthened by grace and pray that because almost all politicians tell lies what they promise to do they often don't do after they get elected i've seen that for years and years in india and it's true in every country in the world what shall we pray for we shall pray lord i don't know who's the right person to be elected and all but i know one thing i have to pray my prayer will be answered that we can lead a quiet peaceable life in godliness and dignity with the dignity that is becoming of a servant of god of a child of god who acknowledges that our citizenship is not of this world and i tell you here people make so much choice of this is this person that person in india the choice is between one non-christian and another non-christian both groups support abortion both groups support a lot of ungodly things which shall i choose you don't have the luxury there of choosing between certain things like some people think they have here what about all the more than 180 countries in the world many of them heathen they should all pray for those in authority that they'll have live a peaceable life and all godliness don't be carried about by strange teachings concentrate on hebrews 39 that your heart should be strengthened by grace otherwise you'll go astray and what is anything other than see the context in which it comes hebrews 13 8 jesus christ is exactly the same yesterday today and forever his teachings have never changed so don't be carried away by other things that jesus never taught about we heard that today jesus said my kingdom is not of this world if it were of this world my servants would fight like you saw those people fighting earlier a few days ago in washington my kingdom is not in this world how can such people call them such christians jesus christ is the same he hasn't changed a lot of christians think he has a lot of christians think he has come to decide whether you should fight with the romans and overthrow the romans and establish the kingdom of the jews in jerusalem no he has not he said to pilate if my kingdom were in this world then my servants would fight and i want to say to you that every person who fights for earthly things he's proving thereby my kingdom is of this world jesus christ hasn't changed don't be carried away by strange teachings but concentrate on your heart being strengthened by grace that you live a pure life in your thoughts and in your words concentrate more on never getting angry with your wife or your husband throughout 2021 that's a much better goal to work for than to decide what we should do in some political situation concentrate on overcoming anger it says here in hebrews 13 and verse 4 the marriage bed must be undefiled concentrate on total purity you married people as well in your sexual area because anyone who's a fornicator or adulterer if it was written in the uh 20th 21st century written any fornicator or adulterer or a man who watches pornography god will judge that will be added there because he's an adulterer he's a fornicator he's enjoying somebody having sex with somebody else he's not faithful with his wife there when he when he's watching pornography and an unmarried person is wishing that he would have sex with some evil woman who's doing something for bunny god will judge definitely make sure your heart is strengthened by grace that's the only way you will overcome in these last days don't get tracked sidetracked with strange teachings a lot of them these days and the other thing is he says here in verse 5 it's all in the same context hebrews 35 make sure your character is free from the love of money we also heard about that there's nothing wrong in earning money there's nothing wrong in saving money the bible says go to the end see how it saves for the future good lesson for us but there's a dot there's a earning money saving money loving money three completely different things you can earn you can save but don't love it because it will destroy you and why should we not love it because we must be content with what we have because he has said i will never desert you nor will i ever forsake you here is a commandment and a promise and like we just heard earlier for every promise there is a condition here is a promise i will hebrews 13 5 the lord says to you my brother sister you are listening i will never desert you i will never forsake you what is the condition no condition i accepted the lord 20 years ago no that's not the condition the condition is here be content with what you have and don't love money that's the condition then he says here's my promise i will never desert you i will never forsake you whatever need there is in your home for your children for their health for their education for anything even if you're rock bottom poor i will never leave you nor dis desert or forsake you you
Channel: CFC Pittsburgh
Views: 1,566
Rating: 4.9487181 out of 5
Keywords: Zac Poonen Illustrations, CFC Pittsburgh, CFC, Zac Poonen, Our Kingdom is not of this world, Christianity and politics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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