63 unseen images this year - WHERE WHEN and HOW

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hi guys and welcome to this week's video something very different this is all about unseen images of mine images that i've captured from april of this year when we started to come out of lockdown right up until two weeks ago images that ordinarily would never have seen the light of day images hopefully that you'll gain something from viewing let me explain i haven't put a video out in two weeks and it's probably the longest time that i haven't put a video out since i've had this youtube channel and the only reason for that is because as we're coming out of lockdown you know life for me as a photographer is getting back to normal i'm very busy in the studio um weddings i'm catching up with weddings i think i've done five weddings in the past two weeks i've been super super busy don't forget when i shoot weddings i then have to spend another day post-processing all those images and i'm still something like four or five weddings behind so i am incredibly busy but the last thing i want to do is to uh let my youtube channel suffer so i thought what about if i created a video this week of images i've already captured images i've captured either from one to ones or from workshops or from personal projects or from just me going out and about with my camera on my days off because believe it or not that's what i do but it might also answer a burning question that i'll cover in a second so coming up in this video i'm going to show you something like 63 images that wouldn't ordinarily see the light of day that i think are probably worthwhile showcasing to a certain degree although some i'm not happy with which i'll talk you through as well and hopefully if i show you the pictures explain roughly the scenario and how i took them and what i did in post-production sort of then maybe you might gain something from it before we jump into bridge and before i show you the pictures let me just cover this this burning question and i've got to be very sensitive how i say this because people will take what i'm about to say the wrong way i guarantee it and i really really don't want that to be the case but look let me explain i'm going to show you a whole heap of pictures like i said earlier 63 pictures these are pictures that will ordinarily never see the light of day these are only the showcase ones if i show you one there might be a hundred that i've taken and but that's the one that i like so the point i'm making is this and this is the burning burning question lots of people comment by saying i wish i could take pictures as good as you right stop right there first and foremost just please bear with me because this is the point i'm trying to make i'm no better a photographer than anybody else who goes out with the camera as often and as regular regular as me who visits the amount of places that i visit i'm no better but the point i'm making is this when somebody says i wish i could take pictures as good as you i can almost guarantee it i've got to be very careful i say this because i know it's a very sensitive uh subject i could almost guarantee it's like football why are you a much better footballer than me well you know that person who's probably a better footballer probably trains six days a week might just be doing keepy ups every day in his garden compare that to somebody who might pick up a football three four times a year so the point i'm making is not only does practice make perfect but you'll all end up with a brilliant portfolio if you go out every week if you go out two days every week your portfolio will be even better if you travel the world your portfolio will be better again so the point i'm making is maybe some of you guys might think hey i wish i could take pictures as good as you but maybe you don't actually realize how many pictures i take how often i go out and about i practice a lot i visit a lot of places thankfully because that's my job i know not everybody has the ability to do that but i'm hoping that that will answer the burning question i'm not better than you i probably just go out more often that's the same for every photographer it really is so image number one this is the bathing house i was here on a workshop but i love this place i so so love this place every time i'm up in the northeast i just have to visit this place i don't know why it's just fantastic but the way that the waves lash in from the left-hand side whether it's a fast shutter speed during a storm or a slow shutter speed or playing around with a second or two shutter speed then it's really really amazing um the the sort of images that you can come away with especially on a on a on an am shoot because it's a sunrise shoot i captured this at f 11 with a 3.2 second exposure but i really really like that i would see that picture the first thing i would think of is wow i can't wait to go back when the sky is much nicer so i would travel there and travel there again and this is another shot obviously from the same location but this was shot at a half a second again with the waves crashing in the waves crashing out i took so many pictures and i eventually ended up with this one as my favorite and i love this shot and i think it works really really well in black and white again using every millimeter of my 16 mil lens nice and wide i've used the rocks down here as foreground interest i think that really works the white foamy water i use that as a leading line taking your right up to the bathing house that's a two-minute exposure so you can see instantly from that same location i've taken a 3.2 second exposure a half a second exposure i've cropped it differently with this particular image obviously landscape away from portrait and this is a two minute exposure now you're only seeing three images from this location but i guarantee you i would have taken perhaps 50 or 60. i might have focused stacked or certainly focused stacked some of the images and also i might of captured you know individual skies as well just in case i wanted to capture this particular shot but with a different sky this is quite a nice picture a world beta it certainly isn't but i took this while i was down at black church rock down in devon and cornwall i don't really know why i captured this one i think it's because it was a it's quite a difficult one to shoot the idea is is to try and maintain as much detail as you possibly can and when you shoot directly into the sun you know it can prove uh to be very very difficult and that's a mistake that a lot of people make you know they'll shoot into the sun and the sky will be grossly overexposed or if you look at the reflection on the water here that will be grossly overexposed and it's really really important to make sure or ensure that that never happens i suppose that's why i kind of like this picture another image that was shot down in the same devon and cornwall area i love this particular shop typical me long exposure again sunset in shooting directly into the sun but the detail off the side of these rocks here and everything yeah again a world class image it isn't but it's one that didn't make the video but i still think is quite a nice picture probably similar to you guys i went out and about photographing bluebells because that's what we do every year and also i went out photographing the garlic woods the garlic wards was a nightmare this year because the the best garlic woods that i know a tractor had driven through there the week before i turned up and everything was churned up obviously where i go the woods is owned by somebody it wasn't vandalism it was just a farmer doing what farmers do it just so happens that the timing sucked either from him or from me or from both of us so the actual garlic wood shots this year was a real real headache for me so in the end i just gave up on it i got a couple of nice bluebell shots but if you went out this year i'm sure that you guys are probably thinking the same as me the blue bells this year were nowhere near as good as the blue bells were last year having said that though i got one or two fairly okay shots but shots i wasn't happy enough with to make a vlog i quite like that one that's an okay shot but nothing fantastic likewise that's quite nice so this is a shot i took a couple of days after i run a workshop up there again you know what i tend to do is if i've got a three-day workshop i'll book a place for a week i'll conduct the three-day workshop and then i'll go off myself for two or three days you know just to get out and about to explore the area to look for other areas i haven't photographed etc etc so that's just me and i like that picture but again never seen the light of day until now quite nice i do quite like that it's really really nice in glencoe one of the locks there which is terrific and this image is infrared i do like my infrared i will make a video probably a tutorial or you know i'll try and entice you guys to shoot infrared if you uh if you look experimental with your photography because infrared is pretty cool you know it is pretty cool but yeah i like how that turned out that's really quite nice again up in glencoe the lone tree love that i think the reason why i like this picture so much is because really really lucky as in the day was so still that this was a two minute exposure but the tree didn't move if you look at the tree here the day was still so still the tree didn't move but the sky and obviously the water did and i quite like that it's quite nice i guarantee you if you're heading towards glencoe you will drive past this rock it's just not many people will drive back to photograph it or photograph it on their way home or on their way back down south but i do like it it's quite nice i took i remember taking two pictures here i took one with a long exposure and one with a normal exposure i thought the sky was quite nice i wanted to give myself options as i normally do so that's a normal image with a normal shutter speed capturing everything in its beauty and of course the same again pretty much but this time with a very long shutter speed just to blur that sky so a few shots from glenn coe again i visit glencoe probably three maybe four times a year i love glencoe it's got to be one of my favorite places to photograph i guarantee if you've been here before the chances are you've been here and it might just be a small trickle of water or in this instance it was a torrent it was a rage of water if that's such a thing can you have a rage of water anyway it's a torrent of water and so therefore you can go back here week after week after week and i guarantee the picture will be different the lighting will be different the conditions will be different the water levels will be different the sky will be different yeah so that's why that's why i do it that's what i do i can't help myself i cannot go to this place here shooting the buckle in the background that's a booklet of more mounting in the background there's no way you can come i could come here with or without a group of people and not photograph that myself it's just impossible i just love it so much i do i love it so much beautiful nice and low into the water 16 mil and it's a good shot it's a really really cool shot i don't think i was happy with the sky when you have a sky like this i call it a bitty sky if i had more time at a location like this then the way i would have counteracted that bitty sky is i would have taken out my 15 stop filter and shot this at something like an eight minute exposure because the sky wasn't moving very much but over eight minutes every sky will move so therefore that bitty sky will then turn into a blurred sky so assuming that you like blurred skies then that would work out very nice indeed yeah again this is just me working this particular area shooting different locations or shooting different backgrounds different angles etc again really is quite nice same thing this time i don't think that worked as well but i got down really really low because this waterfall on the left-hand side is actually it's probably about two foot tall that's all it is but it's about perspective so i've got my camera down really low just to try and make or create more drama from this waterfall on the left-hand side i really like that a worldly it isn't a nice shot it is there's no format portrait landscape long shutter speeds quick shutter speeds and just keep working the scene keep working the scene love it same mountain different foreground i was actually in the river here it's not a location that's shot very often this one very difficult to get good conditions down here but what drew me in with this because we were lucky we turned up just after it had rained and rained and rained for about two to three weeks solid but you know what this is why glencoe is so cool because you can see the the the water raging down here but in 24 hours that'll be pretty much a trickle because the water just seeps down from the mountain top so quickly and that's why you know you can go to glencoe and be disappointed by the level of the water or of course in this instance you can be blown away by it but i do like that shot what i don't like about this particular shot is the sky the sky is too bitty same location a little bit of abstract work you can just sit your bum down aim your camera at a waterfall getting nice and tight look for oddball compositions increase slow down your shutter speed and play around but they are quite nice shots like these do work well as long as you like your abstract photography but what they are good for is if you've been walking for miles and miles and miles you can sit your backside down on a rock somewhere and just point your 70 to 200 mil lens into a waterfall and just work the scene and have a rest this is glenn finnen viaduct and i've photographed this quite a few times this video obviously has become world famous because of the harry potter films but you know if you can go there and capture this particular scene when the steam train is coming across then i mean why wouldn't you i don't care how cheesy you might think it is i just when i'm in that area i'm always there i love it i think it's fantastic and i'll capture the same picture time and time again i'll try and you know make a few variations on it as i stand higher i stand lower i stand more to the left and of course every time you go there the sky and the weather conditions are completely different including the wind because you know when you come to a place like this if the wind is blowing quite strong then the steam i think it's steam or smoke coming from the uh train engine itself won't look anywhere near as good as it does here it might actually be blowing really low from left to right covering all the carriages you know i've got loads of photographs of that as well in this image the light in the conditions and everything in this lock was fantastic a bit of driftwood i mean why wouldn't you make sure the driftwood is is is right in your image in terms of composition so in other words the driftwood is perfect here on the right hand side bottom right hand side of course it draws the viewer's eye in lovely little sneaky ass bend pointing to the top left hand side where the background is and that's terrific i really like that picture that's really really nice really nice i didn't vlog it so it's a picture that ordinarily would never have seen the light of day same location just a different foreground back down to glencoe the lighting conditions wasn't very favorable it was really quite flat but i mean you can't come to a location like this and not capture it when the water is as flat as this yes it's a two minute exposure but that water being as flat and as reflective as it is just really makes this picture it's quite nice i've got this picture i've captured it so many times it's one of my secret locations i love it but um yeah i have captured it in much better conditions than this also if you go up in the winter time then the mountains in the background are snow-capped again without stating the obvious you know it would make this image look way better than it currently does at the moment but still not a bad picture this is a bit interesting i photographed the angel of the north on the way back down from scotland i just pulled over got my camera out took a couple of snaps back in the car came home but i'm not going to say too much about this picture because this picture this particular picture here will feature in my video that i'm going to record in two weeks time i'm doing a special and i'm recording it in two weeks time with another youtube vlogger that i'm very excited about and i'll talk more about this particular picture then really nice common location in the northeast back down on the northeast another workshop another few days off me wandering around with my camera grabbing picture after picture after picture and again without saying obviously this just works nice rock pool nice s bend bottom left hand side we've got the castle top right hand side flanberry castle gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous castle and that balances and looks really well if i was to showcase this image on one of my vlogs and i would have removed all the people from here for instance but i didn't want to waste time for an image that i wasn't really going to use on a vlog same as all this up here now it's a low res image but if i zoom in here you can see i would have taken time out to remove whatever that was there because that's a little distracting and you can see all the people moving there now i would have got in and i would have removed all of those people but yeah quite a nice shot same area another theme on it just like i did with the waterfall shop that i showed you a few minutes ago in glencoe these rocks on the left-hand side that are about two foot tall but of course if you get down nice and low with your camera then you'll end up with a different perspective but in hindsight i'm not overly enamored with this picture simply because i like i like how this looks really dominant in the image and it looks strong it looks cliff-like although it's only two foot tall but it's cutting off the horizon here so i feel like i should have either got down lower again or move myself more to the right because what's distracting is this area here there isn't an obvious gap if i go back to this image here you can see we've got a gap between foreground and the background but in this particular instance as much as i really really like this wall like i say it looks cliff-like on the left-hand side i mean you'd never believe that was only two foot tall but it doesn't work here for me unfortunately next image ah right [Laughter] [Music] this is weird because this is typical me the waves were lashing and smashing and i was so taken back by the waves and i was i stayed in this place here for an hour and a half i'm not joking i i took photograph after photograph after photograph now i think compositionally wise it nearly works but what it lacks is something in the background so as a foreground this is perfect but what's missing but when you when you look at the images in the cold light of day and you think yeah i really like that however you realize there's a missing element from the picture it plays on your mind a bit and in which case this picture would definitely never see the light of day but in this particular area capturing fast shutter speeds when the waves are smashing against the rocks and then extremely long shutter speeds to turn the sea into an ice skating rink lots of different shutter speeds in between and in this particular instance that was a sixth of a second i just love the way capturing the waves as it's receding as it's going back out it's terrific because you end up with these streaks i know it's a common thing to do but of course that's why we do it it looks fantastic at a sixth of a second you've got them a little bit of movement on one of the waves that's about to crash it's just interesting again in the same location aiming straight out to sea compositionally wise i think this works for me there's nothing in the background but the breaking wave up here i think is probably enough interest for me to include this picture onto my website really really love this image now this definitely works for me compositionally wise you've got foreground interest bottom right hand side and you've got the unusually the background is on the same side as the foreground but it finishes on the top left i'm happy with that and that works well for me can't begin to explain how many different shots i took and how long i was at this at one location i'm still in the north east out and about with my camera sunset you know when you say sunset this was probably taking about half past nine quarters to ten at night isolating something in the foreground which is this rock and the waves crashing around it i closed my aperture right up i think i must have been around about f-22 there i was f-22 now i just want to have a slight whinge here because i see so much regurgitated nonsense on youtube information given out by so-called experts and this is one of those instances how many times have i heard people telling you as a photographer you should never close your aperture up all the way in this instance my lens will close all the way up in terms of the aperture up to f22 and i've decided to utilize that f22 to my advantage and so it really frustrates me when i hear so-called experts giving advice out by saying this is what you should do this is what you should never do now when you close your aperture up as long as you're mindful that you know okay depending on the quality of your image but the images in the corners won't be as sharp as the image in the center of the frame as long as you're mindful of that then there's no reason why you can't close your aperture up because your aperture when you close it up is good for reducing light without stating your obvious falling onto your sensor so it's excellent in instances like this when you want to try and extend that shutter speed as much as you can but also there's such a great advantage in terms of if you want to create a natural star burst as i've done here then you can only do that by closing your aperture all the way up now when i close my aperture up to reduce the light falling onto the sensor more often than not it's because i need to reduce the light that's much more important to me than the edges of my frame being sharp especially when i'm taking pictures like this when i'm turning the c into an ice skating rink because most of the image is blurred anyway but the advantages of closing your aperture sometimes can really outweigh the disadvantages of closing your aperture i mean the starburst really the starburst here on this sun i think makes makes this image if you're an architectural photographer and you like photographing a blue hour and so on and so forth then you can make your images pop and make them nicer by closing your aperture up when you're shooting street lights and building lights because if you have a bright light source the chances are then they might um offer you a star burst as well and having star bursts in your images can really you know add spice spice up your images take with a pinch of salt when so-called experts tell you what you should and shouldn't do just know and understand what the implications are if you adjust any of the settings in your camera and if it favors you and your particular shot then do it do it silly not too really okay love that love that shot rando rant over love that shot love love love that shot that's really nice this is the bridge to nowhere i was here with a group of guys as part of uh one of the workshops i was running in case you've not been there for a while this is a new handrail that they've recently added i wasn't sure whether to leave it in or take it out but i'm not really that interested because this image is not likely to see the light of day anyway but it's still a lovely location and a nice image nonetheless this is a fantastic location that i discovered it's up on the northeast coast dipping my toe into scotland up by st abs i love this little fishing village that's up there it's fantastic now i was there with the wife going for a walk but of course i'm there with my camera as i always am and i just loved this image and the first thing i thought was well while i'm here let's have a walk around see what compositions i can find because really it's an am shot it's a shot that you need to grab at sunrise and preferably i'm thinking when the tide is in or certainly coming in but having said that i captured this shot and i think it works really well you've got the green mossy foreground complemented with the green grassy background and those two gorgeous fishing houses or whatever they are in the background and i think this on another time of day when the tide is coming in would be an absolute belter of an image i really do i don't think that's particularly bad as it is i've visited this location quite a few times i love it uh because i've been there a few times i decided to do something a little bit different so what we've got here is a tower with a cross on it and i wanted to extend the shutter speed this is a four minute exposure and just create that fine art minimalistic style image so therefore there's nothing else in this image except the cross and the cross has been placed rather carefully in the center of the frame on the top third these tones are not something i've added the coloration coming all the way through the frame here is as shot it was such a lovely lovely day a calm calm day actually yep same same picture this time with my 400mm lens zoomed all the way in as tight as i can but this time instead of it being on the top third i've now placed the cross zoomed in a bit more on the bottom third edited in my normal fine art style yet right next door to where that cross was this is bass rock again nothing too complicated 400 mil zoomed all the way in because believe it or not that rock is quite a distance out into the sea and with a long exposure i've just ended up with that shot i photographed it before but there's no way i can go there and not photograph it again i love that it's a nice shot nice shot venturing down in to wales this was my lighthouse day so this is shot first thing in the morning i really like that believe it or not these birds here i've not added these birds in this is a two minute exposure and those birds were just perched there and they hardly moved for two minutes and i just thought oh well rather than take them out let's leave them in i love this shot because it's a really minimalistic feel i've removed quite a lot of debris quite a lot of the mess i've created i've blended the horizon like i do with my fine art style images and i just like that minimalistic feel foreground interest background interest and the light in there is delicious i like that that's really really nice but again this picture will never see the light of day because i wasn't there creating a vlog same scenario really really nice the path leads out i guarantee if you've been there you've probably taken the same picture but i really love the s bend here especially because this part of the foreground interest was just a little bit above the water so that therefore add in some detail and you could just see that snaking path heading out towards that lighthouse really nice nice minimalistic feel klanthwin island i've been here so many times every time you come here it's good practice to work the scene and try and find a different composition and i think i've got one here a couple of things i didn't like obviously what you can't see is where i'm stood i'm stood on a whole bunch of rocks and i couldn't really move right or left one part of this image that really bugs me is that the foreground interest here is on the same side as the background interest and i find that a little bit off-putting but having said that the foreground interest is so strong on the bottom right hand side that i i left it in because i think it probably is enough to make that image work i really like that i was there for so long these little waves were lapping up here and splashing and playing around with different shutter speeds different angle the reason why photographers don't shoot from this angle you probably won't know it if i didn't point it out but the front of the lighthouse is to the right hand side so all the windows are to the right hand side so therefore it doesn't look as good from this side but if i didn't mention it and if you've never been here before you would be none the wiser i left that one solitary person in to give this image scale but it was packed full of people and i removed everybody else from the image and i cleaned the image up but love that minimalistic feel love it really really really love this image i would say this is probably one of my nicest images from this location similar location but just i opted for that rock in the foreground i waited for ages for the tide to come in so it was washing around this rock because i thought that would add a bit more interest than just a rock on the beach this is south stacks been here so many times but i just thought i'd share this particular image with you and the reason being is because this is made up of quite a few images i took this first image utilizing a fast shutter speed and focusing really close to these flowers here i opted for a faster shutter speed because the wind was blowing quite a bit and i obviously wanted to freeze these flowers the best i could so i focused around about here i then took another image focused around about here again with the same fast shutter speed and then i focused on infinity the lighthouse down here but this time i kept the exposure the same in terms of the lighting but i then dropped my 10 stop filter on the front of my lens to extend my shutter speed so that it would turn the c into an ice skating rink so the two images i captured that make up my foreground interest was shot at a hundredth of a second and the exposure i used to capture the lighthouse focusing at infinity and the water surrounding it was two minutes but yeah but when you blend those pictures together they work really really well this is just a solitary image utilizing again it's a commonly taken picture at south stacks if you're prepared and you're happy or stupid or both to jump over the wall and go closer to the edge if you do go over the wall and you do find yourself closer to the edge then you'll find that you'll capture more of the zigzag path that we use as foreground interest and i i love this shot i've been here so many times but you can't go there and not take pictures even if they're pictures you've taken before similar scenario but this time i've moved a lot closer to the lighthouse and a lot closer to the zigzag path this is probably more akin to the picture that most people will capture i mean why wouldn't you i mean this path is just fantastic and it just follows all the way down until eventually you come across that bridge there and venture out onto the island itself i mean it's just delightful i love love this place and if i visit it again and again and again i'll be sure to keep taking the same images in the hope that something is different in the frame next time still in wales this is the ogwin valley and this isn't the normal honeypot location this is just slightly away from that normal honeypot location but i did like the water cascading down here and i thought it would make a nice foreground interest and i quite like it i don't know if i would have preferred a better sky i i do find skies like this to be bitty you know when they're just made up of tiny little bits i find it a little bit bitty but yeah it's not bad the lighting wasn't particularly brilliant but i think it makes for a great black and white yeah well there as you could see it's a similar shot but yeah in color you could see that the sky is a little bit bitty there a little bit too bitty for me but not bad not bad shot this was shot from a different location but still looking down onto the ogwin valley and i do love this and it was one of my favorite shots i took from a couple of years ago when you're here you've got to bring the guys to this particular location because i really really love it quite a bit of photoshop done in this particular image only because i needed to clean the foreground up the foreground was quite messy with rocks and it was all very bitty and this big boulder here sat around about here which was the same side as a style which i don't like so of course i moved it to here but yeah i honestly this was one of my favorite shots i took from i think it was the year before last but you just i mean the lighting's different in this particular shot the sky is nicer and i just think this is probably my favorite shot from this area i love it the same area it's famous for these i think they're wild ponies maybe you guys that live in wales or live in this area or frequent it more than me might want to tell me otherwise but i'm led to believe that these are wild ponies say wild ponies because they live wild on the mountains they're probably owned by somebody but these are wild ponies if you're lucky enough when you're down and around about this area that you can see and i do love oh there were my 400mm lens lying down on the floor zoomed all the way in pin sharp on the eye just oh look at that what a beast i'm not a horsey person but what a beast of an animal fantastic this is the norway quarry had a fantastic day to know with corey although it never stopped bloody raining i managed to capture this lone tree looking down onto the castle in the distance that castle is a long way off and that misty ethereal feel is exactly how my camera captured it that is what that background actually looked like because of the rain and the mist and the atmosphere and the air was really pants it really really complemented this tree and it helped to make this tree stand out so i really really did like that i removed the wall from here and also this castle here was over here so in post-production to get better balance i couldn't move myself when i was taking the pitch i thought right there's no way i could live with that castle being sat just behind that tree and i couldn't move to separate them both so that's something that i did in post-production i moved that castle from here over to here this is a nine shot panoramic sweep i do love it because this is a rope your path believe it or not that's a drop down to your death you're not surviving that or you're certainly gonna have a bad day if you fall down there that is really really a long long way down so when you stood here it's a little bit precarious to say the least but that nine shot panoramic sweep from the left all the way to the right really conjures up what to norwich quarry is all about if you've never been there before this is the norwood quarry at its finest you almost wanted to be in black and white you almost see in black and white when you're there every time i've been there it's always grungy and overcast and you know it really got much worse than this as the day progressed as well so i think this is pretty much my one and only half decent shot from the day but yeah what's not to like about the noah quarry love it so in hindsight looking back at these images i'm trying to decide what my favorite image is and i've whittled it down to three i can't figure out what my favorite image of um of this session is but i really i'm drawn to this image at penmon lighthouse and the reason why i'm drawn to this image at penmon lighthouse is because it's such a commonly shot area and it just goes to show that you know you can capture something very different from an area that's frequented by thousands and thousands of photographers every year yes i've worked quite hard in post-production well when i say i've worked quite hard in post-production i spent no more than 10 minutes post-processing this image and i haven't spent much longer than that as you can see it's still a little bit dirty but it just goes to show what's possible from revisiting areas that you've been to before or visiting areas that are very common with landscape photographers but i do like that minimalistic feel i do like that so that's definitely one of my favorites this one is pretty close and might well be my overall favorite images again klamtwin lighthouse i love it it's a really basic shop all the elements seem to be right with this particular image and the last one is this one and the reason why i like this one so much is because this just literally was the wife and i returning back from a trip up north and we decided hey you know let's stop let's photograph the angel of the north and i'll do something with it in terms of post-production and yeah that's what i've ended up with and i swear there's been no more than five minutes on this image in terms of post-production so i haven't done a lot to it but clearly i've done some bits to it but i will talk about this image in a video that i'm due to create a week on friday in two weeks time it's going to be a special that i'm going to make with another youtube vlogger but that's it so um hopefully you guys have gained something from this video i can't imagine the viewer count being very high on it but then again i don't care it's my youtube channel and i want to put the content out onto my youtube channel that i want to put out but if you guys want to see videos like this again in the future then please do let me know down below in the comments and if you have a favorite let me know that as well and i promise i'll get back to uploading my normal youtube videos next week but thanks for sticking this video out this far if you are here right now then you're here for all the right reasons as far as i'm concerned so thank you very much indeed back to normal next week i promise you that cheers guys
Channel: Gary Gough
Views: 14,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: landscape photography, photography, gary gough, video, landscape photography tutorial, photography tips, tips, beginner photography, Photography tips, landscape photography tips, photography portfolio, portfolio, landscape photography portfolio, unseen images
Id: eMZSpxJkJfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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