6/12/2020 - LIVE - Watch List, Live Trading + Recap!

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all right good morning everyone so this is our leading gapper right now chnr high is 44. there's 44. there's 48 58. it's gonna squeeze up to 65.70 let's watch it there's 66 there's 80. 72 on the ask the new high is 580. so generally i would be watching something like this over 580 we'll see what happens it's got 400 it's a 500 percent gap right now as you can see uh but there's no news so very much like waffu yesterday and that does carry risk it's uh it's concern i mean it's a little concerning when you see stocks are gapping up this much with no news because it's it's hard to understand other than the fact that this is a chinese stock uh china stocks have been sort of all the rage the last few days so uh we'll see um so that's chnr leading gap or 500 percent ctib second leading gap excuse me 257 percent ctib is already stair-stepping down a little bit it had a pre-market high up over 12 near 13. and is now dipped back down as you can see here was uh 12 45 so this one's a uh you know one to keep an eye on i'll put it on my level two window but it's down quite a bit off those highs kbsf another chinese stock up 117 percent again i'm not seeing a clear catalyst clwt further down the scan here had a high of 88 dropped back down to 312. so it seems like it's going to be a another china stock day where we see momentum in these chinese stocks so that's i mean that's fine it's sector-wide momentum it just inherently is a little riskier when you don't have a very obvious and clear catalyst the high a day on this is 93. so we can check out the daily chart see what uh levels of resistance we'll have this is the leading gapper right now so that's the one to break down all right so we're already at 5 30 not 6 is the high so i'm going to use my blue lines for the daily we've got 575 so we almost might have tapped that level just kind of popped through it then it's got room up to 632 float on this is about 10 million shares hi there is 633 actually let's go into there kind of up there it starts to open up a little bit more so back to the five 15 minutes to the bell it's kind of coming into some of these resistance levels the one minute showing this kind of double top right here so it's probably something that the safest thing would be to wait for a flush to try to get it on a dip a break of six would be a breakout trade the risk is inherently higher of course sometimes i do take that risk we've got 800 000 shares of volume right now so for warrior pro students we talked about this setup yesterday this right now is a double top so as it pulls back we want to see it hold this level of 512. if it can hold 512 you know that's the first one minute level of support if it can't hold that then we start looking at the five minute for a setup so right now there's there isn't a set up there hurts yeah um i see it but i don't think i'm going to try to i don't know that i'm gonna trade it even though it's got a lot of volume i'm not sure that it's gonna have as much intraday range i don't think that it's gonna go up to like 450 or five dollars intraday i think that it's probably going to be just trading within a tighter range if i had to guess uh so i probably you know if there if there wasn't anything else then i'm sure i would go for hurts because it's better than nothing but i think that there will probably be some better opportunities let me move this down over here uh so let's pull back up ctib fading more i don't know you know we've the last few days we've had some really good momentum in pre-market a little pullback kind of at the open and then we've had that a break of view apps set up that has been giving some really big wins yesterday on wafu the break of ewap set up right here from 10 up to 14 we had it the previous day we had the previous day so that's the setup for me that i've been making the most money on uh it's obviously the second biggest move versus the pre-market so if you miss pre-market then waiting for that break of v whap right now seems like a good one false breaks on the v web are certainly a risk factor the fact that it sold off out of the gates is also a initial sign of weakness which we don't love but you know sometimes that can kind of trap some short sellers and then off off it goes and it rips up all right so let's see um got about 13 minutes to the bell i the v web is the same on all time frames uh one minute five minute it's the same usually at least within a couple pennies it's supposed to be exactly the same so i you can use whichever time frame you want gnus um yeah okay so this one's curling up off the low yesterday's high was 390 so today will be the first daily candle to make a new high that's a technical setup it's not my absolute favorite just in this context but it does have room back up towards 580 so maybe i'll put that one on my level too compared to hertz i probably like it a little bit better but it is um it's kind of a maybe you know the thing that i worry about with some of these um we know that they have an s3 a shelf registration to sell i don't remember how many shares millions of shares so i would be a little concerned about the possibility that you know one of these days it pops up and then boom secondary offering news when you're trading stocks that have just recently had this kind of huge move sometimes you have to be careful i do see that it has a catalyst today um but i'm i'm just i'm not 100 sure on that okay yeah i mean i see i see a lot of you guys talking about janus on youtube but honestly it's i mean it's on the back side of the move the move was here this was the move and now it's on the back side it's just popping off the lows so you know pop off the low it's not that's not a setup but it's the upside potential is very limited you know you take a stock like ctib not that i'm in love with it necessarily but uh you know if this one really opened up its upside potential is so much higher when it's still on the front side of the move once it's on the back side it's just catching bounces off the low good good research kim thank you so ctib pulling back a little bit more here uh it's below the v web so it might sell off out of the gates it's already had such a big move pre-market that i just don't know e-m-a-n e-man it's a dollar sixteen it's a little too cheap and has a 50 million share flow so i kind of don't even look that closely at it my expectations are pretty low kbsf our third leading gapper although it's holding up i have traded this one in the past and i often have found that it's very choppy so i don't really like this stock very much now that's a personal issue with the stock but it's based on experience of you know seeing it on many occasions pop up and drop so at this point eight minutes to the bell i don't know might be a day to try to take those quick base hits and then hit the road not overstay our welcome i've got the cactus power today yup so it should be get this this is all charged up so it should be in good shape here um but you know that's that's not everything gnus pulling back a little bit the high there is 49. well no my instagram wasn't hacked but there's like dozens of people that create instagram accounts with my profile picture and with pictures i posted on our instagram and then they message people and say um you know they say things like hey how's trading going and you're like oh ross is checking in with me and then they say hey why don't you just send me money and i'll trade it for you and so yeah that's not me i we are verified our account is verified but you know people still sometimes um you know it looks no jun's where is she uh she was she was here a few minutes ago hey girl she might not chase a chipmunk but that happens on facebook it happens on twitter it happens kind of everywhere it's um it's a these are impostors trying to just scavenge a little bit of money i guess so be be vigilant we report them the account gets shut down then they open a new one you know the next day so it's just it's a constant thing all right so we've got about seven minutes to the bell so let's look back at a couple of the ones six minutes about a couple of the ones we've been watching ctib yep popping back up there so the volume weight average price is around 9.37 i like that as it curls back up i'll keep that one on close watch chnr i like a lot on a bounce down here for a long back up to the v web high of the last five minute candle is five so as if it broke over five then that would be a spot where i would probably get aggressive for a move up to the high but i'm not in it yet i'm just i think i missed the good entry but let's see if it taps 65 if it taps that level and breaks through it then that's going to look really nice for a break of ewap so you've got 2627 so appreciate you guys tuning in for the live stream on uh youtube and facebook i hope you guys have already hit the thumbs up button if you haven't already make sure you hit that thumbs up i think you know the focus i think the right focus with four minutes to bell to the bell is going to be to watch the leading gappers so that ctib and chn are those are the two that are the most obvious in order to be really bullish we would want to see both of them break their pre-market highs so for chnr that would be over 93. my biggest concern with it is you know that it's a china stock i don't care that's china stock that's fine actually i mean that's good because it tells us it's in the china stock sector but i want to see uh i want to see these break the pre-market high so on this um like on chnr i like it ctib i like and i want to see them rip to the highs chnr nice back over 58. the v-wap is right here so the high the last 5-minute candle is 505. you can put an order around five so it's ready to go i've got 1.2 million shares of volume pre-market already so right here is a test of the v-wap so i'm gonna take along at 75 on chnr i'm buying this for the break of five i want to see this rip through five dollars and then the first five minute candle to make a new high watch 505. hands on the buy button i want to see a break 505 we've got five on the ask there's five on the ask 98 on the bed i'm in at 75. so right now that first five minute candle is not making a new high until it breaks over five so i'm going to put an order at five to add hands on the buy button 91 by 90. so let's look for the break of five i sold at 90 at 77 97 and 77 i hit the bid so i'm gonna let it pull back and honestly this is fine because this five minute setup right here for the first five minute candle to make a new high let it pull back and then when we come into the open when the bell rings then the new entry will be 505. well it'll probably be five for the break of that that whole dollar so i'll put my order at five five ten so it's ready to go so we've got 90 seconds to the bell it's been a watching here i'm back in at five back in at five looking for this to rip over five um five dollars there's 506 510 i want to see 5 15. right now we're i'm in it for a 99 the high that candle is 514. so it kind of needs to break over 515 in my opinion and really squeeze up to 525. hands on the buy button if it breaks over 510 stop is 75. again you guys should do your pre-trading checklist did you eat well do you sleep well do you have a couple stocks on watch that you like if you do what's the condition of the overall market chnr 400 gapper 1.6 million shares of volume it's looking decent in that regard i'm gonna stop there um i got stopped out but it is uh having a little bit of a tough time here so the high of that level was 514 that's the level that really needs to break in order for it to be strong you guys should not be blindly following me or anyone else you should be trading this only if you understand the strategy and the setup all right so let's watch this the highest 514 so at the bell here i'm going to look for a dip so i'm long 4 000 shares at 99. new orders at 20. just added there for the break of 20 sold at 23. i'm going to let it pull back it feels like it's um it feels like it's having a little bit of a harder time breaking than i wanted it to so hands on the buy button to buy dips just got long there got that dip at 502 so buying the dip off 502 now over 540 is an ad for the break of the half dollar so watch up here 5 25 hands on the buy button to add over 530. sold at 505. really should have broken faster new order will be to buy off of 475. just added at 479 to buy a dip pop back up to five so i meant 479. it sold at 493 for now so 4 000 shares that was a nice little trade next dip will be off of the half dollar i just keep buying dips on these types of stocks watching down here back in at 66. bought the dip at 66 looking for that to pop back up to 84.85 we've got 79 on the ask so on that one i bought 8 000 shares at 66. looking for this to pop over 75 hands on the buy button just added it at 51. so i added at 51 because there was bid support at the half dollar so now my cost basis is 56. so i want to see this pop up to 65.70 there we go there's 67 so that's a 10 cent winner initially i was uh red for a second new order is going to be at 450 just to keep buying dips it's volatile ctib you could have gotten a really nice dip on that one ctib i would say if it breaks over seven is a possible long and i'm long ctib at seven i'm taking that break through seven there's uh seven ten i that's a quick breakout so i was in at seven and out of seven fourteen watching um just bought chnr down there at 31. bought that dip for a pop back up through the half dollar of looking for 50 450. so i just keep buying dips on stocks like these because they're so volatile there's 31 to 41 that's 10 cents on 9 000 shares it's 900 bucks 4 million shares of volume now reminder of my disclaimer there hi the last one minute candle was 69 so a couple nice trades no home runs yet this would have needed to squeeze up to the pre-market high of six in order to be like a really nice trade gnus curling up here pre-market high was 49 so i could take a a trade over the half dollar on this one if i wanted to i'm in at 45 on gnus i'm just gonna try to catch i don't like that there's a hundred thousand share seller there there's a hundred thousand share seller right at 50 so i sold at 48. if it breaks 50 maybe i'll go back in so just watch it for a second there's 52. i'm surprised that's a 100 000 share seller and just got eaten right up high is now 55. halt level 73 on gnus good job for those you guys that stuck with it good it was a good call but that level two that seller made me nervous so gnus i'll watch um on a pullback low on chnr was 14. gnus the halt level 73 i'm not going to buy it into the hall i'll just watch it chnr i would watch a bounce off of four dollars 18 million shares of volume on gnus look for a dip off of the half dollar watching down here i'm long gnus at 63. i'm trying to buy this dip off the half dollar and then i'll add right up here just add it at 70. i'm looking for this to squeeze back up uh to the high with a stop at the half dollar so watch back over 65 68. nice on ctib i sold gnus it should have broken faster i took a loss on that from my ad at 62 down to 55. ctib i'm long at 23. i'm going to try to ride this momentum up to the volume weight average price of 750. so looking for ctib to break over 35 40. there's 28 on the ask 24 on the ask sold half 47. sold the rest at 43 for now that's a good good profit target high right now is half dollar i'll let it pull back and then the next trade would be over the half dollar it's tough because honestly it's it's fairly weak in terms of the five minute chart is sold off so much but if it wants to curl up off the lows then you know i i usually want to try to ride that momentum chnr i could have taken a dip trade on it but i missed that focusing on these other two so nice nice nice weight for a pullback on ctib look at that rip we're there from 750 all the way up to 8.17 that's awesome there's 8.25 have to wait for dip i'm gonna try to catch a bounce maybe off of eight i'm back i'm in this uh added at 18. i try to get that catch that bounce off eight dollars halt level is at 8.49 so over 8 30 is an ad hands on the buy button looking for the break of 8 30. there's 35 i sold i sold at 34. just added it 70 bought that dip 4 000 shares long at 70 on ctib and now i might be able to hold this through the first 1 minute candle to make a new high and add another 8 000 shares over 40. so high a day is 30 is 37. so ctib i'm going to watch the first one minute candle to make a new high watching still holding high the current candle is uh it's up there i want to see a break over 8 10 then 8 15. there's 8 10 still holding 8 20 would be an ad spot hands on the buy button still holding right now i'm just letting it churn a little bit looking for that first one minute candle making so you know just like that it went from green on the position to red i'm still holding i'm to see if it pops back up i just added at 45 i'm going to try to catch a pop back up to 75.80 i want to see 55.65 there's 60 on the ask there's 60. i sold it 51. so that's the trade where i could have locked up twelve hundred dollars of profit if i sold the whole thing when it was at eight eight ten and i was looking for a bigger move i could have tried to buy that dip as well but now it's just feeling like it's weaker if it halts going down just watch this this is very volatile ctib halt going down is around 6.05 6.7 million shares of volume so there was an opportunity to catch a dip there and i i missed it i was i wasn't aggressive enough to jump in so this is a false breakout for sure which given the five minute chart isn't surprising but i think it was still worth trying to ride the momentum imran i i guess i missed that one the hall high was 80. it's very light volume so there's some risk there bigger spreads false breakouts ctib chris low on chnr was 53. the v is at five 440. nice on imrn up to 10 10 36 10 42 is the halt level so it looks like two halts in a row on imrn high of this candle was 25 on chnr so if it broke that level i'm watching this for an ad i got a starter on chnr just added right there i'm looking for this to break over view apps so order it 410 for the break of vwab and then i would look for a squeeze through for 450 460. so hands on the buy button on this one watching the break of the 40 spot watching the ad over the half dollar orders at 51. this is always a little tricky to buy into the v but we've had some nice v breakouts so that's why i'm kind of okay with it here if it breaks that level so hands on the buy button to add just added at 45 for the break through the half dollar took profit on the other side new order would be to buy a dip the high of this candle is 58 so i move my order up to 58. dip trades will be off of four down here just got long bought at 410 catching a bounce off the whole dollar i think that type of drop is irrational so i like to buy with a stop at the whole dollar so watching over 25 there's 29 i want to see 23 24. got 20 on the ask sold for now new order will be if it breaks and catch a dip off the half dollar watching down here in the 70s the bottom the low is 50. watching i'm long right there i just bought at 68 for a pop back up to four looking for the break of four still holding hands on the buy button for the break of four dollars over 95.96 watch here there's 86 on the ask i'm in at 68. holding 2 700 shares is it gonna break back over four stop at this point break even sold at 72 cents above breakeven new order would be to buy off the half dollar watching down here back into 60 trying to buy these dips that's a double bottom very close to the half dollar i'm in at 59 actually seven million shares of volume so double bottom this is clear support so it makes sense that my stop would be down here 53. if this can break over four then i'll add but realistically i'm just trying to catch and scrape a little profit off the bottom it's not at high a day it's not super super bullish so it's i mean there's opportunity here but it's limited i'm not sure if i'm going to add on it i think i'm just going to watch it for a second yeah i took the rest off at 66 for now if it breaks that half dollar we might see a quicker flush so i'm going to put an order here to watch to buy a dip watching bought a dip there for a pop back up i'm looking for this to pop back up over the half dollar i got in at 42 which is a little maybe aggressive i stopped out for right now new order is going to be to try to catch a bounce off of three dollars because it's weaker you can see it's just selling off but if it flushes down towards okay 25 is the halt level 20 is the hot level i'm back in at 28. added at 28 there looking for this to pop back up now to 45.55 there's a 20 000 share seller at the half dollar it's not great i sold 33. the low is 26. and still on the buy button to keep doing dips i mean we're at least getting 10 pops off the low so there's some opportunity there halt level going down is it 16. i would rather be trading something that's a little bit stronger though um imrn was halted going up but on pretty light volume only 300 000 shares in contrast this has 8 million 8 million shares so a lot more volume first one minute candle to make a new high would be over 50. i'll take along there 50 2 000 shares i could see the sellers there 50 needs to break that level there it goes 55 56 is it going to break 60 64. that's not bad still holding 1400 shares sold the rest at 40 took the loss on that 1400 shares i'm still watching more off of three the low of this last pullback this is a bear flag was 25 so as it flushes down i can look to buy that dip off of support hey kevin yeah e-man halted going up i can put that level 2 up and watch it resumption on imrn should be it's a 10 minute long haul so it should be in a few minutes the float is higher on e-man which is why i was initially not sure it would be an easy one to trade so this is where i'm sitting right now fourteen thousand one hundred eighty four dollars majority of the profit on chnr uh kind of break even on ctib and gnus small loss on gnus ctib the low down here is 580. this ctib is sort of a another bear flag set up but it has the 200 moving average support on the five minute so i might watch this to try to catch a bounce on it we'll see if it flushes down imran resumption is about a minute away but it's very light on volume right now so we need to see more volume come into that layout volume if it's pre-market and on the gap scanner and it has news is going to be different than a stock that you know it's 9 9 52 10 a.m or whatever it is and doesn't have news so imrn it's a bounce off of the you know low so there's a technical setup there but it's just one that i'm always a little more cautious on test tess daily breakout setup starting to curl up has room back up towards the 200 which is 873. imrn resumed up there at 11 the highs 11 16. dropping down a little bit wow imrn look at that up to 12. no traits on it for me not yet from 7 to 12 that's pretty incredible that's amazing that is strong i mean that is some serious momentum i have a little bit of fomo 12 a 16 000 share seller there at 12. so you know it could be someone taking profit it could be someone trying to go short but what's the high 12 24 so generally on something like this i would say all right well let's you know let's watch the high if it breaks to that level then it's it's interesting so right now it's dipping down the v wap is at 10.50 so 10.50 is the support level i see chnr curling up off the low a little bit but it's not set up yet for me imrn now has over 700 000 shares of volume it's still light but that's a little bit better just be careful that seller at 12. foreign so imrn is holding this level my order's at 12 26. i'm taking a starter there on imrn at 11 1161. i want to see it break 12. so i'm gonna put my hand at the buy button for the breakthrough 12 had it at 12 right there and took my profit exactly where i wanted right at the as it came up to that 24 spot now let it pull back and then the next trade can be a dip entry as long as it holds 12 dollar support new order is 12.50 added looking for that break there 12 46 is my average it's a little high the high a day is 1280. 1.2 million shares of volume now it's up 82 percent is it going to hold 1250 no is it going to bounce off 12. i'm back in there at 93 1193 trying to buy that dip just to try to catch a pop back up towards 12.50 over 1250 would be a ad for me so watching 12.50 i want to see 12 25 break right now we're consolidating a one-minute pullback underneath uh the high there's 12 16. nice on ctib there's 12 40. we want to see that first one minute candle make a new high which would be a break of 1266 and then the target would be 13. so hands on the buy button on imrn i need to see it rip through that 1225 level i sold it 80 took the loss on it i was in at 93. so 7 cent loss now it's bouncing off the v web i'm not sure if i'm going to take another trade down here i'll just watch it for a second it's kind of a bummer so there's down to 11. i might have been able to take a dip there off of 11. so it's only 10 a.m ctib is curling up a little bit a couple trades on imrn imrn down here i'm long at 74 because i think it's going to do a false halt i'm looking for the pop there's 11 three i wanna see eleven forty eleven fifty the half dollar so watch over eleven twenty five on imrn hands on the buy button watching added at eleven thirty looking for eleven fifty so my cost basis is is 1090 because i bought that dip so we got a false halt i bought the dip and i'd like to see a break over 10 11.50 got 34. i sold for now i'm gonna switch gears and focus on ctib another false halt on imrn could be another entry i'll put an order at 84 but it might halt going down and just keep my hand on that buy button and watch 82 is the order if it halt's going down then i can buy yeah so it halted going down so i'll buy look coming out of the hall for the next trade high on ctib was 720. so this is starting to set up a break of ewap setup so 720 is a is where i'm going to look to add on this hands on the buy button watching this dip i'm in at 7 on ctib adding over 720 looking for the break of 740 adding 750 looking for this to squeeze up towards eight dollars over 75 added again now i'm looking for a squeeze to eight so watch this up for a move to eight dollars hands on the buy button to add over 75. this right now is a little micro pullback after this breakout high of that candle is 82 added at 82. looking for this rip through eight dollars there's eight on the ask i'm holding 17 000 shares of this i'm looking for it to break eight hands on the buy button to add for eight just added at 95 for the break of eight holding watching looking for dips to add the break of ewap has been so strong for us lately it's just been such a powerful setup still holding my cost basis is 7.39 i'm holding small size now i'm looking for a dip to add just add it at 56 to catch the dip off the half dollar for the pop back up to eight over eight is another add new orders at eight watching over eight watching i want to see 88.89 there's 73 i want to see 77 78 80. sold for now 14 000 profit on ctib right there so that puts me up 34 000 on the day we've got 12 million shares of volume on this high is 8.24 bouncing down here off seven could be a dip trade the v wap is right around seven twenty six i missed the bounce that would have been nice i should have i i just was too slow but if i punched that down there at seven you know that that could have been a nice 40 cent pop off the low the scalability when you've got this amount of volume is that you can trade with larger share size in slow markets it's you can't really trade with 10 15 20 000 shares as easily chnr high of that last candle was four i'm long seeing chnr there at 85 only 3 000 shares to start it's coming up to the v web but it's not quite there yet i'm in at 85 only 3 000 shares you know again if this breaks over four i could add another three thousand shares then i'll be up to six thousand just up added there so got myself to 9 000 shares added 6 000 on that break false false break kind of hard drop there i don't like to see that whip i could have added but i didn't i'm still holding it 95 i'm holding 4 000 shares so watching here uh let's see if it gets back over four watching no i had to sell that's kind of disappointing that it dropped like that so that was a small loss i can look to do a dip trade potentially but it's okay so that was a harsh rejection there a candle with a high of 413 and a low of 355. ctib is also projecting the v web so this might be a good time to lock up some profit i mean it's 10 a.m the last few days the majority of the profit i've made has been excuse me between 10 10 30. ctib i'm long ctib right here at 591 i'm trying to catch this bounce this is right now down to the v web over six is an ad watch watch the break of six hands on the buy button on ctib i'm trying to catch this bounce off of view app watching just added right there for the pop through six now looking for this to rip up through six six fifteen six twenty there's six twenty three i'm in uh 591. i sold at 6 20 and 6 10. new order will be to buy the next dip 585 is the little kind of low here but this is a bounce off of support it's not quite the 200 but it's a bounce off the support level so watching for an entry it's double bottom just add it no fill bummer nope no fill sometimes that's the way it goes it's a 200 on the five minute that i was kind of looking at and this sort of support level down here so that's why i felt confident jumping in there chnr keep this one on watch i'm long chnr here i'm trying to buy for this to break over 25 for the rip through the v-wap just added it at 13 on chnr my back of my target on this is a squeeze to the half dollar so i want to see this squeeze up to 450 i'm going to put an order at 450 to add just added at 37 on chnr took some profit just under the half dollar new order would be to buy a dip this is the break of ewap setup watching just added at 26 looking for the break over 50. so this is a micro pullback right now under 450 the half dollar just added at 45 for the break through the half dollar so looking for this to squeeze up to 40 up to 55.65 over 60 is an ad watch here 55 for it added at 55. looking for this to squeeze up to 65.75 back of my potential would be a test of five dollars 75 is an ad hands on the buy button watching 75 watching added right there 64. trying to ride this momentum here up to 75 85.95 the problem with adding up here is my cost basis moves up quite a bit i took my profit off the table at 66. it feels like there's resistance here and i'm going to put a new order at 70. hands on the buy button see if i was still holding that would have put me right back to break even right here on this drop so it was the right thing to take some profit off the table there's a 45 000 share seller at 45. the open today's open was right around 480 so we kind of tapped almost that price i was hoping this would break through the half dollar or the 75 spot but it broke through v-web which is a good setup now it's going to come back and retest it so bounces off 418 would be valid again you guys have to realize day trading is risky day trading these stocks move very very quickly if you're on the wrong side of them it can be bad so watch this here high is 88 i didn't buy on that dip off the v web i wish i'd had the high there 88 i'm going to let this pull back trying to position for the next trade in at 55 i just bought that dip just added it 75 and now i'm gonna look for the break over five dollars watch for the break over five i want to see 88.89 added at 90 right there nice and i sold at 5 18 and 509 high is 519. so i'm all out now the high a day is 5.50 of regular trading hours and then pre-market high was 593. so this is that break of ewap setup this is a little bit of a pullback here so often these stocks will struggle around half dollars in whole dollars yeah just but youtube can lag anywhere from a minute to 90 seconds so by the time you even hear i'm saying i'm in and out i'm i mean the trade some of these trades are so fast the break of the half dollar you cannot and should not try to blindly follow me or anyone else you can learn and that's what you should do but you shouldn't just blindly follow we've got 16 million shares of volume on chnr we've got 15 million on ctib i'm sitting right now up uh 49 490 break a v strong setups for both ctib and chnr so i was up only 14 000 a little while ago and as i said between 10 and 10 30 11 has been when i've been doing really well so high of this last candle is 519 right now i'm just gonna watch this for a second the only i mean the biggest difference between right now and six months ago is that today we have two stocks that are up more than 200 percent i mean we are seeing left and right huge movers imr ends up 50. he man's up 117 watching um chnr here so that was the first candle to make a new high i kind of missed it i got distracted for a second so let's let it pull back the low that candle was 450 it's not really i mean it's it's early if it broke here it would be a little early i it's not that i wouldn't consider a small trade on it but i couldn't take high risk on it so you can see that quick break out there so could you have traded that absolutely but risk is higher so the new high is 30. so i would just move my order up to 550. so i got a starter at 20 520 with a stop at five just added right there looking for the break over 550. there's 550 now looking for 565 hands on the buy button to add over 560. watching adding right there 560 looking for the squeeze up towards a halt i was in with 18 000 shares i'm still holding 5 000. holding 3800 holding 1900 sold the rest of 55. we'll look for the highest candle 68. i want to see it hold uh five dollars i mean the this is a chinese stock but again i wish it had a news catalyst huge seller there at 75. there's a huge seller there i don't know if it's someone taking profit or trying to go short but big seller at 75. okay so is it going to hold 50 the half dollar i'm long right here i'm long at 38 i'm trying to buy this dip for a pop i'm only at 4 000 shares i fumbled my order now that i'm in at 38 if it breaks over 75 i can put my order at 75 to add so i'm gonna watch that seller and see whether or not it gets bought up hands on the buy button added at 70. just added right there for the breakthrough that seller and took profit at 92 now i'm going to put a new order at six dollars watching six hands on the buy button adding right here for the break over six there's six on the mask heavy sellers at six it's stacked at six so let's let it pull back for a second and then come back up for a second attempt order's gonna be at six to add watching watching adding right there for the breakthrough six dollars back of mine target 615 620 so you can see that's again kind of false breakout hands on the buy button off of 550 for half dollar break or for half dollar support watching down here to do a dip trade added 42 for a dip trade for a pop back up to 75 so watch this here there's 50 55 60. uh my cost basis is 59. i'm gonna watch to do another dip so now we're forming a five minute setup it's this is broken down on the one minute so at this point it's just a five minute setup 21 million shares of volume is it gonna hold support at five dollars the whole dollar watching i mean i just bought that dip looking for that to pop back up to 33 34 i'm in at 15. i didn't get a great entry um it's kind of hesitating needs to break over 35. i sold for now new orders to buy the dip watching orders at 5.07 22 million shares of volume this one has short sale restriction i'm concerned uh i want to catch a bounce but i don't want to be too early so i'll take a starter there 89 looking for the pop back over five hands on the buy button through five added right there there's 502 509 sold took my profit so 89 to 503 you know that's 14 15 cents every time i do that with 10 000 shares it's a thousand bucks and then some of them end up being you know three or four thousand dollar winners the v app is down in the 60s hands on the buy button down here watching the flush for a bounce off ewap i'm not ready yet i'm waiting for it to tap that that spot so 65 465 is where i'm watching because that's kind of right around the view app 57 so you know in that case it looks like i might have missed the bottom there so i was in that case i missed the dip and it went without me right that just bounced 40 cents off the low they're gonna bounce you're either gonna be in it or you won't and in that case i wasn't in it i was looking for a better entry a better price it didn't come down to my entry and so i missed the opportunity if i was a little more aggressive i might have taken a starter earlier but if i had taken a starter earlier my stop would have been farther away and then the risk there would have been the loss could have been bigger so i didn't want to take that risk there and so i held for a second held out for a second so as of right now sitting up sixty two thousand forty thousand on chnr on this breakthrough view app i was previously up about fourteen thousand on the day then i had seventeen thousand on the ctib break of v app trade and then i made some money on the dip chnr made about i don't know 25 000 on this break of v web here as it's pulling back i'm gonna look to buy dips and try to keep adding some profit to it i don't think that today is going to be a 100 000 day but i think that i can continue to trade aggressively i mean in order for this to be a hundred thousand dollar day this would have to break through six and rip up to seven or eight so if it does that then maybe but if it's if that was the high right there and it just consolidates in this area i'm only gonna be able to add a few more thousand dollars this is right now a little bit of a bear flag consolidating in this area but i still like it i'm just gonna watch for my entry watching for a bounce off of the half dollar down here there's a 20 000 share seller some people on the ask we have short sale restriction on this stock so people are going to be shorting on the ask 61 is the v wap we still have three and a half minutes left on this current five minute candle 24 million shares of volume i want to catch a bounce closer to the half dollar here watching i'm long at 63. i'm trying to catch this bounce back up to five hands on the buy button added right there seventy five i'm looking for the break of eighty five ninety so we've got 70 on the ass they're 74 they're 78 i want to see 85. there's 80. thank you guys for hitting that thumbs up button i'm all out for now i sold it 80 and um 70 and 65 as it did back down and still on the buy button for dip trades the low of that candle was 55 watching down here in at 49 2000 shares got a partial fill sold at 50. so only 20 bucks on that trade still watching dip trades nice on cldx look at that breakthrough view app yeah so it is below the v which is not id evk my goodness look at uh that super closely at this one evk oh the volume is very very light and i don't see news on it so that's two problems uh it is a chinese stock so it follows that china sympathy but at this time of day i'm going to be cautious on something like that so the low down here is 30 on chnr i'm going to look for dip trades on it the delay on youtube is between a minute and a minute and 30 seconds the delay in our chat room is usually between one and two seconds depending on where you're logging from it can be higher but it's almost no delay so this is i'm in there 50 just to catch a little pop first one minute candle to make a new high there's 63 64. i only took 2 000 shares just added a 62. just want to catch a pop on this back up to maybe 4.75 i stopped out so took the loss on that 400 bucks probably the low of day is third the low this pullback is 30. clancy if you log into the support room we can troubleshoot that with you so cldx chnr dip down there and watch to see if i can catch bounces off of four cldx 5 million shares of volume resumption in about a minute so chnr i kind of missed that first dip off of four but i'm going to try to catch the next one so watching down here for bounce off four i'm long at 406 on chnr so stops at four and looking for this to pop back up to 425 just added right there looking for 4 25 then 4 30. so now i'm in it 411 over 425 could be another ad watching watching no stopped out at 4 11 break even back in at 99 looking for the pop back up to 410 i'm trying to just keep catching um the dips on it sold at 403 cldx the high was 9.50 i'm not sure where i want to get in this um i'll put an order at 950 but i'm just going to watch it for a second it's very choppy in that one minute candle so 950 it's the spot that i'd want to see break high was 9.50 so watching cldx i'm gonna take a starter long down there at 908 it's kind of holding support over 950 is an ad hands on the buy button if it breaks 950 then my target would be 10. watching added right there for the break of 940. i want to see this rip up to 950 the half dollar and then through that level so watch 945 there's 941 43 44 43 huh it's having a little resistance here well i am back out of that uh with a small profit the new order will be at 9.50 it kind of double topped at that level uh high was half dollar so caught the sort of dip on that the first one minute candle to make a new high is probably going to be a stronger setup so keep watching stop is around nine dollars if it broke nine i'd be a little cautious except maybe for a dip trade so starter there since it's holding nine at 905 watching over 9 20. 9.25 for an ad i'm looking for the first candle to make a new high so the closer i can get into a whole dollar the tighter my stop so watch over 9 20. this one's a more volatile one because the price is a little higher hard stop at nine stopped out 863 is the v-wap hmm all right so cldx i'll keep an eye on it's above the v web it's obviously strong chnr seems to be going a little bit lower clx cldx i mean it might end up breaking here but it's a little premature so i wouldn't be able to take really big share size on it i would have to go a little bit more conservatively could be a bye another stop getting the scanners ripping up this one just went ppsi from a dollar to a dollar 30. i'm not trading that yet cldx back in looking for the break through the half dollar new orders at 10. hi watching to add added right there 74. looking for the squeeze up to 10 on cldx there's 75 78 84 85 i'm out at 80 uh 81 right now and 82. i'm gonna let it dip this is a premature five-minute breakout it's a one-minute breakout that failed on the first try and then the second try worked so it's a little bit riskier when they first struggle but the new high on this is 85. so orders at 10 dollars yesterday's high was 10 16 in regular trading hours so that's the level that really needs to break watching it's gotta hold the half dollar so that's a high volume red candle at the top a little bit of a warning sign to be cautious that means dip trade entries are going to be more important than breakouts watching down here i'm long 56 i'm taking a starter off the half dollar and i'm going to put an order at 10 to add watching over 85 to add watching there's 77 i want to see 78 still holding just looking for that break over 80. adding right there for the breakthrough 80. we've got 78 there's 80. taking profit it didn't immediately break to 10 new orders at 10 to add i'm in at 64. so my cost basis has moved up a little bit from my entry again this one's doing some sort of premature breakouts the high is 88 so my order will be at 10 a break of 88 would be my next entry chnr i'll keep half an eye on that one i see it curling up a little bit just added it 45 to bring down my cost basis so i can catch the pop back up and i'm back out at 50 let's see what was that 52 break even oh my gosh imrn wow so the high day is 1280. 12 56 is the halt level right now no you can't mirror trade me you shouldn't try to it's you really can't mirror trade a day trader day trading is way too fast you need to understand the entry points cldx bouncing off of four so double top there on imrn at 56. orders at 56 to add watching added right there on imrn and looking for this to break through 56 and then squeeze up to 1286 which is the halt level hands on the buy button watching i want to see 1286 13. back of my target is a break of 13. watching this pullback hands on the buy button to add watching we've got 50 47 on the ask watch it come back up through 67. well stopped out at 20 and probably took a small loss on that so it rejected this ended up being a double top now sometimes but buying into a double top is risky but in this market we've seen this type of setup result in a break as it squeezes through the high so right now we've got the double top and this will be perhaps the cup and then the handle formation right here the high is 1280 so i'll keep 1280 in my kind of mine back in my mind maybe i'll just put an order at 13 so it's ready to go cldx has pulled back a little bit so how did you guys do today oh my god i am rn oh i didn't buy that dip i i i thought it needed more time to form the hair so this actually broke through the double top the high is now 1326. ah man that's discouraging so the high now is 26 halt level's 34. i have to wait for a pullback so high is 33. we'll see whether or not this can hold the the whole dollar of 13. watching so we've got a high there of 33. i have a starter there at 98 on that dip 12.98 i'll try to catch this pop coming back up over 13 to 13 10 13 15. 87 on the bid i'm in at 98 there's 20 over 25 for the first one minute candle to make a new high would be an ad watching i added right there 20 now i'm looking for this to squeeze up through there we go half dollar i'm happy with that there's a seller at the half dollar and i'm selling new order is going to be at 50 if it can pull back and then come back up to that level watching just added there at 50 for the break through the half dollar there's 60 70 78 and i'm taking profit because it's so extended now i have to wait for the next dip 5.4 million shares of volume this is up 98 percent high is 84. halt levels moved up to 14 over 84 i'm long here but only 500 shares i got a partial fill target would be a cell over 14 is it going to break 14 there's 96 on the ask halt levels 14 23. i'm still holding 500 shares so this is a pullback 1386 on the ask i'm going to put my order maybe to do a dip trade off of the half dollar so i can get in long for the break over 14. i want to give it a second to dip there's 69. it's dipping here okay let it sell for a second 65 on the bid 61. starter long i just bought right there on that dip tried to get filled at 56. i actually filled a little high added at 98 just now looking for this to break over 14. and 14 50. this is a one minute micro pullback so we're looking for the break of 14 right there added and 1440 right away that's 40 cents a profit from the breakout i'm in at 1384 average so this stock is at high a day i just sold the rest of it for right now the new high is uh 40. so i'll let it pull back for a second 1440. i'll put a new order at 14.50 if it breaks that level then i would start thinking about 15. let's let it try to bounce off of 14. just watch for a second yeah so i missed that trade it went without me high is 14.80 nice job guys for those that that got it i'm up about 13 000 on imrn so i've got some profit but i'm not like not crushing it high is 1480. new orders at 15 but i'm going to watch dip trades this is not a one minute setup right now this is just a like quick breakout momentum type of thing so i'm in there at 80 looking for this to squeeze up to 90. added right there at 15 there's a seller i'm looking for it to rip through that level halt level is 15 15. so i'm trying to buy up for the break there we go so we got a nice break there i'm in at 14.91 still holding small size taking more profit there and i'm out i don't really want to hold into halt halts at the moment so that puts me up now 80 000 on the day with the high of 15.35 1542 so it's going a little more without me 15 50 15 58 15 60. uh have to wait for a dip this is so extended from the flat top was 1280 and now it's up to 1560. you know these are ones where in hindsight i'm like man i should have just held my initial position but you never know when you'll get a dip just like that that's a i mean that's a dip there from 1550 down to 14. watch i'm going to try to do a bounce off of 14 watch around 14 so now we're getting that flush that pullback the v or sorry the nine moving average is at 14. this is an expensive stock so i have to be really careful because i could lose a dollar a share on it like that if i did that with 10 000 shares i'm down 10 grand so i just took a starter there long i'm looking for this to bounce back up i'm trying to catch that pop looking for back over fourteen fifty fourteen thirty fourteen thirty six fourteen forty i wanna see fourteen fifty the half dollar so we're catching a little bounce off the low here which is good you can see that the momentum has kind of shifted to the buy side here for a moment there's 50 there's 47 47 48 48 i really wanted to see it break the half dollar come on is it gonna break there we go all right so oh but my order did not fill so all right i'm out so a little dip trade there low this last candle was 71 so now could watch another dip off the half dollar 13.50 just have to be careful hey okay slow down slow down easy vwap is at 12 44. i would look to buy dips stop so i would say this might be i mean this is the beginning of a five minute setup the pullback here on the one minute is too steep in order for me to feel like i can take a really good one minute trade so we've kind of seen momentum switch a little bit from stock to stock today we had ctib a couple little windows we had chnr a couple little windows we had cldx and imrn so a couple little opportunities on each one uh i did the best on chnr which was our second i think our first leading gapper today so that was that was the one that i did the best on uh ctib 17000 imrn 16 000 cldx 6400 and gnus i'm down 700 on so that's where i'm sitting at the moment um you know and it's coming up to 11 so i don't really feel a strong desire to you know push my luck too much i mean it's been a really amazing week it's absolutely incredible you know so it's kind of like maybe just say this is a good spot to call it a day you know the thing that's that definitely is hard for me is that when i see stocks after i've called it a day that end up like ripping if i saw imrn ripped like 17 or 18 i would feel i would feel fomo you know i'd feel like ev i would just feel like man you have a limited opportunity when the market is is hot and to just voluntarily choose to stop is um you know it feels like oh man i could have i should have kept going so i was talking about growing up in vermont with you know sugaring maple making maple syrup in the spring and you know if you were you know you have a very short window so it's like if you're not working 24 hours a day or having you know your kids or friends or whatever help you so you can be in production 24 hours a day you're just leaving all that opportunity on the table right so you know there's that feeling that i think a lot of folks have who are sugaring of trying to you know capitalize as much as possible on that window because when it's closed it's closed you have to wait for a whole nother year and it's kind of a bummer that that's the way it is but it's like that with trading too when the market's hot you have a period where it's really hot and you can make a lot of money and then you can have a period of four months five months or even six months where it's slow and you might struggle to you know hardly really make anything meaningful in profit so you know to feel like man i didn't put in i didn't really give it my all when the market was hot um is can can be frustrating for me so like with imrn i don't know i mean this is a five minute pattern that's starting to form i like the look of it the low down here is 13.50 the high up here is 1560. it's got some range so there might be something more there but i'm going to keep an eye on it for a second all right but at the same time we do have uh warrior we do have summer school today so we're gonna have to we will have to switch gears um in a few minutes probably at least for that all right so let's see i have two accounts i have a retirement account and then i have a just a traditional margin account but you know it is close to 11 so we're kind of coming to the end of the really usually the period of the morning where the market is the hottest dip trades can certainly still be valid but if volume starts to decline then it's going to be just a little bit more difficult in general all right so um why don't we do our why don't we do our recap i'll just transition right into the recap here so live watch list live trading into the recap and so two things happened today that was it was pretty cool one this was my um uh let's see uh let me go back here to overview so today uh well so let me put my p l up here so today i'm going to finish the morning at um let's see 81 696 dollars and 50 cents which is crazy i mean it really is incredible but it speaks to the volatility that we're seeing in the market right now so you know how was i able to make that much money this morning well let's look at these stocks and then we'll kind of break it down all right so i'm going to go like this like this and i'll just stretch this here so i'm not displaying real-time market data all right so uh so these were the four stocks i traded today uh let's see currently we'll go through each one of them so currently chnr is up 249 percent ctib is a 120 percent imrn is up 90 cldx is actually now down 2 percent um let me see what that what happened on that chart so cldx okay so that was a continuation set up we took the break of v um and then it actually came back down so that was more of a continuation from previous day and gnus is the one that i'm read on and that one's up 14 so the very fact that this morning we had two stocks gapping up over 100 percent and two others that were right at 100 is definitely indicative of a very hot market so if i put this for nine uh we'll do 9 25 a.m before the bell rang chnr already had 1.4 million shares of volume ctib had 1.5 million shares of volume pre-market all right that's pre-market kbsf had 2.7 e-man had 8.4 and then hertz was up today with 25 million shares but i didn't end up trading hertz um not because i don't like the idea of of trading hurts really but there were just better stocks to trade today i had traded hertz in uh previous days but today i didn't i didn't trade it so today is kind of exciting in two ways number one um it is my my biggest green day ever was on uh wednesday my second biggest green day ever was on tuesday my third biggest green day is today and my fourth biggest green day was yesterday the fifth biggest green day was in may and the sixth biggest green day was right here in may so this has been the hottest hot streak that i've had in my in my whole career i mean the market has been just absolutely phenomenal uh it's a it's a reflection of everything that's happening in the market right now the overall market being totally crazy and it's been a little bit cyclical where or i don't know if that's the right word but uh early in march well really starting honestly in like december we started seeing a lot of stocks popping up with um coven 19 catalyst was this awx so another stock popping up here is i don't know if this is a chinese stock but um i can just check the info on it awx so a lot of chinese stocks that have been hitting our scanners today um it doesn't look this one's chinese so i don't know but in any case i'm just going to mute the scanners for now so i'm not distracted by them so we're definitely seeing stocks left and right squeezing up and i probably only traded a handful of them today i didn't trade what was it ev evk i didn't trade this one um i didn't trade the initial move on imrn right through here i bought or maybe i took a small trade up here but but most of my profit was in this area uh and so there are a bunch of stocks that hit the scanners today this if we went through all of this that i just left alone for the most part i want to be focused today on china stocks since that's been what's really hot and the leading gap of this morning chnr gapping up 423 it's concerning to see stocks gapping up this much and did not see a news catalyst in my news feed but at the same time this is momentum and i don't want to you know i don't want to say it's not technical breakout because it is and it could be that early i don't know early short sellers who are like oh this is gapping up pre-market with no news i'm gonna short it you know they get squeezed out they have to cover and then you get a short squeeze and we're in a market right now where momentum traders are just kind of jumping on everything that moves and you do have to be careful about that and i was a little selective today focusing primarily on chinese stocks with a couple of exceptions and you know the bulk of the profit was on well chnr and ctib which were our two leading gappers i will also say that today is exciting because today in net profit will be the day that i crossed over 2 million dollars in profit since i started my small account challenge with 583 dollars on january 1st 2017. so from january 1st 2017 i start with 583 in my account i know that's kind of a outrageous thing to think about it took me two and a half years to turn the 583 into um a million bucks so last may i crossed over the one million dollar mark and this is um this is what the equity curve looked like and this is actually the independent accountants report of my of my trading my broker statements from january 2017 starting with 600 bucks average monthly return was 147 because i would take profit out of the account so i did i would consist consistently take profit out of the account uh withdrawals were 300 000 first year 480 the second year and 50 000 going into the beginning of 2019. so that was 1 million 70 000 with an average monthly return of 36 000 and that was as of may 2019 so here just over a year later i've gone from a million to two million in this last year i have had some really big losses you know you see this biggest loss here of 19 000 i actually had a 10 000 loss or something like that earlier this week um my profit loss ratio has kind of gone down a little bit because of some of those big losers so i'm about one to one in my profit loss ratio but my accuracy is 68 and for the most part my trades are short i'm getting in for quick breakouts and as you guys saw today uh when we have those quick breakouts and they work you know the resolution is um is almost instantaneous if you're buying a dip right off support it the the entry is almost dialed into the penny and so it either works right away or doesn't work now i want to again remind everyone and disclose the fact that you shouldn't interpret my results by any means to be typical this is probably far outside typical there's traders out there that make a lot of money uh but when i started my 583 small account challenge i already i was already a profitable trader you know it's not like i started from 500 not knowing anything about the market and then turned it into a million bucks in two and a half years i was a skilled trader and it still took me two and a half years so it's now taken me three and a half years uh almost exactly three and a half years to turn 583 in january to 2 million by the end of june here you know i know there's traders out there that have turned small amounts of money into more faster but this was this was the best that i could do so as sometimes people will say um you know what what is the what is the typical expectation for a day trader you know what what should i expect and the fact is it's really hard to know the true answer to that uh we have in our disclaimer and this is a summary of it there's a complete disclaimer on our website we cite a couple of studies one in 2014 published by the university of california that studied 3.7 billion trades from the taiwan stock exchange between 1992 and 2006. and they found that only uh 9.81 of day trading volume was generated by predictably profitable day traders and that predictably profitable day traders are less than three percent of all traders on the market so predictably profitable traders generate more volume than average traders which makes sense if you're profitable you've got a bigger account and you'll generate more volume in 2005 an article published in the journal of applied finance by professors at the university of oxford and the university of university college dublin found that of 1100 brokerage accounts day trade in the u.s market between the short window of march 8 2000 and june 13 2000 only 50 percent were profitable with an average profit of 16 thousand now that's like a three month period so that's such a very small number of accounts in 2003 another article here uh university of texas found that out of 334 brokerage accounts day trading us markets between february 1998 and october 1999 only 35 were profitable and only 14 generate profits in excess of 10 000 and that was during still the dot-com bubble so i think all of this is to say that um we don't know what the average percentage of success is as a day trader brokers would actually have to um i mean brokers could probably reveal those metrics for for their clients but they they don't they don't and so short of them doing that it's really kind of a shot in the dark at what the success rate is but i think you have to assume that if you're thinking about being a trader you're looking at doing something where potentially nine out of 10 people will fail maybe even more and success is not guaranteed most will will struggle and most will fail now for me uh one of the things that was the turning point each day was focusing on the stocks that i thought had the potential to be the biggest percentage movers so big percentage movers um you know are certainly what we see here and so i have a system each day where i look at i run a gap scanner so this scanner is really simple um you know the settings of this are not really all that proprietary it's any stock between above 50 cents that's gapping up or down more than five percent and i could take that away that's all so i'm basically looking for anything gapping up or down more than 50 cents now i take out the 50 the stocks below 50 cents because this junky stuff i'm not gonna trade it i really don't care about it but even if you didn't have that that'd be fine so this is what the gap scanner looked like this morning um uh and so very clearly in the entire u.s market the entire u.s market of thousands of stocks etfs everything else our leading gap in the entire market was chnr gapping up 423 percent a float of 9.45 million shares with 1.4 million shares of pre-market volume it's a chinese stock now china stocks have been really popular in the last couple weeks so this is an easy way for me to find the needle in the haystack now even though it's already up 423 what we sort of find in the market is that um these leading gappers become the obvious targets they're obvious for short sellers who look at them and think man this stock is so extended it's going to drop especially given the fact that there's no specific headline so you're going to have people that start shorting it early right now if it ends up ripping they might get squeezed out when someone gets squeezed out they have to buy to cover when people start seeing it spiking up they often will jump in and we have another set of scanners that search the market for stocks that are spiking up right now and what do we look for we look for the percentage change from the close and we look for high relative volume in the last five minutes if the relative volume on the day and the last five minutes is high that tells us that you know retail traders all around the world and the us market is not not just for u.s residents i mean we have international traders you guys give me a shout out those of you who are international uh i know i i'm sure i could probably pull some google analytics of uh how many international traders we have for international visitors on our website but traders from all around the world so el salvador hungary canada canada um uk romania greece melbourne italy nice brazil costa rica purvita um netherlands uh australia netherlands miami all right canada australia bolivia mexico florida singapore india i laughed at canada because it feels like um that's like so close like that's not really like international um i'm going on internet guys i'm going on an international trip yeah going to toronto no big deal it's like not really international but you know um that's okay so spain brazil so you know we've got um as you can see people logging in from all around the world one of the things i love about trading is that the market connects us so regardless of your politics your religion for the most part we leave all of that at the door and we trade the markets together so um you know it's it's nice that we have this really kind of pretty close-knit community of active traders so anyways so as i said u.s market not just for u.s residents these two stocks leading gap are for the entire u.s market and so they become targets for for active traders because as an active trader what are we looking for as an active trader we're looking for volatility whether you go long or you go short volatility creates opportunity this is volatility now right now it's coming back down it's at a time of day where a lot of traders kind of start to take their money and walk they leave i usually don't trade past noon time so you'll see even in the overall market on almost every day we have declining volume as we get away from the open so this is the open and then volume declines now yesterday the market was dropping big so uh maybe back here is sort of a better indicator but and then we had news on this day here but again again generally see declining volume as the day goes on so chnr you know you guys were watching the trades i don't need to recap the whole thing for you but a nice pre-market breakout squeeze up pull back uh nice pop here up to a high of 550 reversed drop down and i made the bulk of my profit right there on the breakthrough view app this broke v web at four and squeezed up to what was this a high of like six dollars so 50 squeeze my biggest share size today i think was 18 000 shares i have my share size set i've i can set a restriction on it and i have it set at 20 000 shares and i didn't get the error message that i was exceeding my mac share size so i think 18 000 was my biggest position but i did take a couple of uh 15 and 17 18 000 share trades for 50 cents that's 7 000 or for 80 cents a dollar that's 15 16 000. so i had a couple really nice trades on one beautiful trade on ctib with 17 000 shares that you guys probably recall that was the break of v-web where was it um it was right here it was it was this one it was this one so getting long as this was curling up here and then the pop all the way up to eight almost a dollar a share on that i mean it was really amazing imrn this one was a continuation stock from the move uh earlier in the week i'm usually a little cautious it's not a chinese company it's australian i'm usually a little cautious about these kind of you know bounces off the low but in this case it ended up being pretty strong and again i think you just have to recognize that we're in a market that's uh irrationally has been irrationally weak and uh has then flipped the switch and gone irrationally strong and it's it's kind of crazy it really is but um you know things things are definitely um moving quickly so i would also remind you that the you of today if you're a beginner trader number one you should not be trading with real money you should be trading in a simulator prove you can be profitable in simulator before trading with real money that's number one number two do not blindly follow me or anyone else on trades you can if you're trading the same stock as me well that's probably because it's one of the leading gappers in the entire market so that's not surprising but i don't want you blindly following me i my setup of trade my strategy of trading is primarily momentum and to buy breakouts so if i buy a breakout price you know a set up like this for instance for the break over 11 the break of ewep this is this is such a well-respected technical level that traders all around the world are going to have their eye on it and ultimately um you know the more people you have watching a stock the higher the relative volume the better the resolution will be when it breaks traditional well-respected levels the v web flat top breakout ebola flag etc etc etc so i want you to get to a place where as maybe as a result of watching me or going to the classes etc you know watching the recaps that you learn to understand what constitutes a good quality stock a good quality daily chart a good quality intraday pattern and then a low risk entry all of that is part of building the foundation of being a strong trader and if you try to skip steps you try to mirror trade you try to just take a shortcut you try to not you try to trade with real money before you've really proven profitability you're basically building you're you're trying to build a house on on a weak foundation you know what's going to end up happening you're going to take it all apart and do it again for some of the work that i do on on my older cars i've had some times where i kind of tried to you know rush something and not you know not heat wrap a wire or um not not fully you know do it the right way and and then next thing you know i'm having to take everything apart and start over or the one part you know that that i was putting in ends up breaking and now i've gotta go order a new one and wait three or four days before i can even have a second shot at it and it feels so frustrating so you know fail uh fail to plan plan to fail measure twice cut once with trading survive to thrive and practice in the simulator until you can prove profitability and then once you prove profitability then all right okay you know test it out with real money but i just again i have to say it because i know some of you guys inevitably will think oh ross is making money i'll just follow him and that's not a path to success and it's also honestly not even very practical look at this uh imrn here so imrn uh bouncing down here so i'm gonna take along there at 73. so a stock like this bouncing off the off of the halt level i would look for this to pop back up over 12. so something like this is a quick long for the pop over 12 typically i would add here but right now i just want to see it break 12. there's 12 on the ask there's 12. so if you think you can just mirror trade me and blindly follow me on this type of trade there's twelve dollars and uh i'm out uh where did i get filled i don't know but um let's see i got phil that oh man well that's whatever that's fine i still made 200 bucks on it so i don't know the thing is when i don't can't see my position it definitely screws me up so you know but a trade like that that's happening so fast that if you see it in real time okay you can take the trade you see you see what's happening you know what you're doing but if you're just blindly following my entry is 73 next thing you know you're in at 12. that risk is completely different than an entry at 73. so being a day trader it's like starting your own business and you have to think risk first all right so um anyways i'm not gonna go through all the trades because we pretty much i live traded everything so enjoy this um youtube video eighty-one thousand eight hundred ninety-one dollars and fifty cents of profit which makes it my uh third best day of my career and the day i'm crossing over two million bucks so my statement now i gotta stay over two million so that means i cannot give back um you know if i give back profit through the rest of june and i close my account statement back below that that mark then it's gonna be a problem so right now i'm um well i'm fifty thousand dollars just about above that level so i've i blew through it but you know i gotta stay above it all right you guys so um i hope you all have a awesome weekend study up watch this video three or four times if you have to uh go back and watch these charts dial them in on the one minute the five minute print out the charts and you know get ready monday morning will be here before you know it the weekend is the um my least favorite time of the week because i just i love trading i want to be here i wish the market was open seven days a week and you know i guess if i traded futures or 4x i could probably squeeze another day or two in but um for right now i'm okay with this so that's it for me uh again i'm gonna put my disclaimer up for those on youtube uh it's important for you to read that and understand it you can visit the website to read the full disclaimer but you know i want you to know and hear from me day trading is not easy day trading is hard it takes a long time to get to where i'm at some of you have a chance of becoming successful traders but uh gen the ones of course especially watching on youtube and facebook but don't think you're gonna you know get rich overnight it's not gonna happen i've been trading for almost 10 years and i just had the three best days of my career so it took me 10 years almost almost 10 years to get to this spot right now not quite but almost 10 years all right you guys so again um thank you for tuning in warrior pro students let's jump over to the warrior pro classroom we've got a couple hours so we're going to continue with our summer school program
Channel: Warrior Trading
Views: 81,840
Rating: 4.9346471 out of 5
Keywords: day trading, day trading strategies, trading strategies, how to day trade, beginner trading strategies, momentum day trading, stocks, trading, how to trade, stock trading, penny stocks, pdt rule, shares, float, volume, candles, profits, Wall St, finance, brokers, Ross Cameron, warrior trading, day trade warrior
Id: N057lnyFXfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 22sec (8182 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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