$6,000,000 Wedding In Lake Como

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what's up guys and welcome to Italy we are in the beautiful Lake [Music] Como so I'm going to be in Lake Co for the next week not only will I be getting fully stuck into the Italian way of life culture Cuisine all of that but I'll be here for a very very spectacular 3-day wedding which I've been invited to very kindly from a friend a friend a friend a friend so sit tight for that that is going to be absolutely mindblowing are we ready to R up your Bugatti oh yeah I love this remote the best thing about this remote is that it doesn't work yeah there we go so anyway yeah this is a hybrid can you believe that it's a hybrid with an extremely dated interior but it is actually quite smooth hopefully no one one that knows me is going to see this [Music] car can you see the Santa Claus it's not Christmas yet about 3 months too early one Earth is going on anyway we stopped off at a place which is literally 10 minutes away from us V so we've come to have a little walk around and have a very quaint [Music] coffee you're on you're on your duty friend you take a girl any on holiday you have to be prepared to take we have a professional cameraman [Music] here like Como chilling about to have a delicious coffee probably some cake cuz my diet is going straight out of the window this week we're getting stuck in Pizza Pasta carbon carbonara spaghetti Gelato Little afternoon snack that involves no food but lots of CA cff cappuccino for the man some sparkling water some guy over there's got a cigar and a glass of wine maybe I should do that later you know what's surprising it feels like the middle of summer but we are literally right at the end of September borderline going into October it's absolutely it's not absolutely boiling but it's still pretty hot we were lucky this week cuz all last week it rained every day and this week is sunny every day so we are very very lucky don't know how that wedding would have turned out if it was pouring down with rain [Music] by the way guys this Villa is spread over four floors can you believe that we have the basement with the car garage then we have the minus one which is actually a gin the plan is to have a workout here tomorrow morning this is a very spicy little device also have a sauna and a very large towel have some dumbbells under there exercise balls we have a lift as well that's an elevator wow so uncomfortable I just go in some thirst shorts problem is I've got more jacked wow so the shirt feels tighter than usual why is there no mirror in this living room don't have a clue what I look like but I would say look like an absolute G AKA James Bond a need a little uh tissue for when I sneeze this evening there we go this fit me perfectly a year ago I guess I'm kind of Meandering out of my shredded State and into a bit more of a bulk been eating a lot the past few weeks usually happens after summer what should I tell everyone that I do tonight CU everyone's going to ask me oh what do you do for a living H secret agent movie star breast surgeon just be an actor actor famous Greek actor with a British accent yeah look at you handsome look at me all the Brazilian girls are going to talk to [Music] me your face H nice entrance for you guys like some off a film AR with my my rol cou how are you wow [Music] dop we got the first snack this one will get me very full beef T so I would honestly say I've not been to anything like this before it's pretty impressive right by the lake we've got two ladies in crazy dresses playing the violin everybody looks very smart well dressed unfortunately I would imagine a lot of them don't speak English but we'll see the bride and the groom are [Music] arriving I'm not a drink this is my birthday you believe that I had a drop for alcohol for 1 and a half months cheers to the gang first minute you got a fly in yours so that's good look what is that remove ite remove [Music] it [Music] Mikey what's up serving the dessert it's a very very healthy array of desserts [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Applause] [Music] w w it's like a nice bath I'll wake you up good morning from KO it another beautiful day yesterday was very extravagant very luxurious very different but it was good filled myself to the room with food dance the night away oh and then we have the main event today which is going to be the wedding but I think this morning we're just going to chill I'm going to have a little workout downstairs in the gym do what I can with the very limited equipment have a quick snack and then get ready to do it all again so I'm going to try my best to do some sort of workout this limited equipment this contraption from techno gym some curs oh my God fly pull down stop it yo oh got a got bit row again come on this one just bre how would the hell does this work leg extension we could do the extension pull down fly curl I'm I'm out of here yeah I'm out of here extension hold out go yeah so we have breakfast Champions managed to get some salmon yesterday so I'm having some salmon which I cooked a little bit over the top we have a McDonald's salad shout out to Rob who ordered the McDonald's I was thought you know what let's try and get something reasonably healthy looks pretty weird I'm not going to lie and then I have my ag1 the sachet I take with me every single place that I go to when I'm traveling get all of that deliciousness down me AG I'm sure you guys have already heard of it 75 vitamins minerals and Whole Food Source ingredients all in one little sachche you can get one big uh sachche as well but I take these everywhere I go when I travel because let's be honest when I do travel nutrition isn't exactly on point certainly lacking and of course when I'm in places like Italy where uh a lot of carbs not a great amount of vegetables they really come in handy not only for supporting my immune system but also for helping reduce bloating and supporting a healthy gut microbiome and they've also managed to make it taste pretty damn good it doesn't feel like you're drinking a glass of raw soil I highly recommend that you guys give it a try and if you use my exclusive Link in the description you can get five ag1 travel packs and onee supply of vitamin D3 plus K2 with your first [Music] purchase one more can I say I'm looking like an absolute G shout out to good luck bespoke for sort me out with this custom piece Blazer the shirt with the absolutely wild collar don't see that very often trousers as well shoes are from somewhere else so today is the wedding day and we are at a stunning location once again this is Villa B Billy Billy ba yeah Villa balbiano B Villa balbiano I was right all along come and look at this are you're looking all right I guess H you look that okay you where's the dress from no I [Music] made [Music] is that India Jones see guys over there setting up fireworks for another absolutely explosive display we are currently just waiting for all the guests to arrive we're almost there we were actually the first people here which was pretty ridiculous but we were we're going to watch them get married then uh then the real fun starts the proposal my proposal absolutely not no it's when the food and the drinks and the DJ comes [Music] out pretty [Music] [Music] hot [Applause] [Music] this is lit there literally flowers everywhere they're all fake the real flowers this is pretty impressive I'm not going to lie very very elegant so thought so far it's um well I think in terms of the whole com wedding experience doesn't really get better than this it's actually like so ridiculous that it doesn't even seem real like doesn't seem real life because everything is like to perfect famous Brazilian DJ called a lock is going to be playing very soon he's probably being flown out from somewhere this very special occasion so looking forward to that let's carry on when business is everything lady takes care of you this is the party room you left your fabulous hat behind oh God damn it completely forgot about my hat we've now moved back to the place where the original ceremony was which has been transformed into a flowery little Haven there a Lo of women with feathers that are hiding the cake sorry excuse me sorry we're just eagerly waiting to see the cake nice job Mike blocking everybody well when you built this wide it's pretty inevitable really he got the hat back and everybody disliked it I am the only guy here wearing a hat standing out so what you need to do Stand Out wear a fruity little collar like this and a hat so cake tting a thick amount of icing my stomach has taken some punishing over the past two days very good perfect [Music] thanks good morning everybody it is another wonderful day in Ko the wedding yesterday was absolutely unbelievable literally just couldn't believe how good it was extraordinary that's for sure managed not to drink which was good I think I only had about one glass of champagne so I'm feeling fresh fresh is I did not manage to stay away from all the delicious food so uh we need to burn away some calories I've had a look around kmo for gyms of course it's not the biggest place so there isn't the greatest selection of gyms to choose from but this one seems to be pretty cool it is what was about a 15-minute Drive called Penta fit so uh let's get a much needed session in me Andi is Mike me Andi is Miguel migelo so this gym is surprisingly decent for a small town smallish town it's very techy absolutely full to the brim with techno gym but I'm happy that small gym in the Villa was not doing it for me if I'm being honest so today I'll probably do like a full upper body session realistically I think this week There's not going to be a huge amount of training which is fine because I'm going to class this as a de lo week where I'll just reduce the overall volume so I'll probably do about three sessions in this week allow my body to recover and recharge a little bit and then when we get back into usual routine we can start fresh and go hard for another five or six weeks before we need the next D [Music] Lo so that is the session completed it's unbelievable how much stronger I feel after all those calories and having a rest day full body upper body I didn't do any lower body the reason behind that is not cuz I'm a little wimp it's actually because I got some trousers to fit into later on and wherever I train legs everything is just so so tight I can't even sit down properly without something splitting so uh going to go back to the Villa now get some quick to eat and then head out [Music] again so we have just stopped off in cobio chob chobo chobo cuz we'll be going on a boat shortly but of course we need to fill up before we get onto the vessel B myself two plates cuz I'm a big hungry man who needs some protein fet steak cockeral AKA chicken looks very similar to chicken and uh yeah can't complain it's a nice uh nice change from the pizza and the pasta that we've been having recently so fill ourselves up and we'll get on the boat show me the inside oh nice some what the hell is they love doing it red raw here someone has to get pizza someone also needs to give me a slice I'm not sharing hang what is that tuna yeah it's not really Italian is it I woulded to ask for a pizza with that pineapple but I actually like it I don't want to do this oh yes Columbo Columbo Columbo you say the Columbo is is uh fromo yeah Minaj Minaj now it's just just two boats like this on the world really very famous super indas 24 r r it's the life this the life I would imagine today we're going to go to a few uh different spots if you wanted to go there by car which we could have done it would have taken a long time I think in the olden days everybody just got around by boat if you wanted to go to another town you could very easily just go over there by boat instead of driving for 1 hour fat belly out every day we're losing definition but I don't care thing is in Italy when need to dress and smart you have to be shredded doesn't matter BBY BBY BBY full of pasta pizza full of P Pizza full of P pza first person to own that was Johnny Versace Mr Versace himself good taste you think good day for a proposal yeah great D that's actually a great idea did you bring the onion rings oh yeah these are coming back in stock in a few weeks time though so in November the Navy and the white will be back we also have a black one and a couple other new drops which nobody has seen before first.com [Music] so we are in N so cool spot for tourists cuz we have a waterfall behind us a cute little Bridge we also have a the local tanning spot I'm I'm a fan of a symmetrical house and that is a very symmetrical house yeah the true story of the Gucci she's crazy yes how much do you think that's worth 40 million 40 million buy it if you want to buy it I don't think it's for sale darn darn it I had to spare 40 mil I can't come to Lake comoo and not go in the lake why go yeah pretty awkward if I wasn't there he is so fresh it's cold you know how it's normally like salty in the sea it's not salty no it's like fresh water salt water you just get salty yes here know it's like I've literally just had a shower I feel like I just I could drink that water yeah apparently this is where Star Wars was filmed in CA Royale Roy James CA Royale 35 mil why are all the windows boarded yeah it's closed oh it's okay just vacation okay 2 3 weeks per year crap that is crazy pull up to the Bellagio in style think we're going to get a quick coffee be quick 15 minutes yes please this place is so busy I guess this is where a lot of tourists come for the day on the big [Music] faeries it's what it's about I think the main thing to do here is walk around people watch eat ice cream and drink coffee just take it all in watch Life go by why don't you spill all of [Music] [Music] it well I'll tell you what folks I 100% recommend that even if you're on a bit of a budget just go get a cheaper bro doesn't have to be one of the fancy wooden ones but that is by far the best way to see com and it really gives you uh a real sense of how ginormous the lake is it just keeps going on and on and on on it's huge he did it he parl parked I did it I'm absolutely drenched in sweat time that was easy I actually did that uh with my eyes closed so guys we are here for the third and final party celebrations the DOI and Gabbana event oh let me just get out and show you the full outfit because it's another absolute [Music] Banger came to steal the show we are actually at the same place we came on the first night but quite obviously it's day daytime so it will be uh very different vibe I wonder how everyone is feeling today must have gone on quite late last night I can't believe a lock turned up I'm genuinely so curious to know how much he would have charged us to show for that event I'm thinking around $150,000 he's usually used to playing in front of tens of thousands of people yet last night he was in this very small private party it was very cool obviously he's a Brazilian DJ so one Brazilians go Absolut Wild Michael you were supposed to bring your hat what everybody's wearing a hat now I do it differently though when everyone wears a hat I don't wear a hat when nobody wears a hat I wear a [Music] hat yeah on the first night this was all closed up I had no idea it went on for this long do some decent sprints on this patch of grass we'll do a food tour in a bit the looking good DJ mik such a cool idea having their own pizza oven at the event very good B he came to get more pizza and I'm going to film that yeah I'm really getting a brand new appreciation for Italian food I mean I obviously love pizza but lasagna wow forgot how good that was the pasture as well it's a very dangerous place this is like a this is a week off from dieting any damage that will be done can be undone when I come back to [Music] the so we are back at the cassa after yet again another spectacular event honestly I feel like I've been absolutely spoiled the past three events I don't know how you can top that it was the absolute epitome of luxury I felt like they were like putting on a show for us all so we were all very fortunate to be there and to experienced that and being my first experience in Como I think that's just massively added to the trip of course if I'd come here on my own explored it would have been very good but that just added a little bit of extra to it so big thank you to the Newly Weds I wish them the very best long to the Future for themselves and their family and uh yeah who knows when it's going to be my tip next guess you guys will just have to wait and find out from all the time they fantastic Canada pleasure cheers take care finally finally someone has recognized me God it was hurting my ego then but this is out of all the places I've been to the least amount of people ever have corrupted me I don't know what the fitness culture is like in Italy to be honest and I think a lot of them don't understand what the hell I'm talking about so don't know how well they speak English we have been coming here a few times if you want legit legit ice cream gelato this is the this spot Gila love we'll be coming here later won we yeah the uh 630 Mike thirst and flexing show so everyone who's watching here will witness me wearing my tighty whes covered in oil doing a 45 minute posing routine okay and whilst I do it he's going to play the violin so guys this is the central com I definitely recommend coming here and have a little stroll walk around there's a lot of restaurants a lot of shops to go to and just more things to see more coffee to drink and more ice cream to consume God that's so fresh we are literally right next to the ales so that'll be hopefully not taken from the lake but taken from a little bit higher up where there's no boat pollution anyway we'll find out how clean that water is tomorrow morning by the state of my stool this place looks good actually we walked around for 30 or 40 minutes hey guys the reviews on Google were pretty damn High 2,692 fstar rating or four to five [Music] star that was a lot of walking I think I deserve two pizzas too much choice is the problem what are you about to do have my appetizer extra cheese oh interestingly enough do you think that when they serve the pizza they should cut it for you or you should cut it yourself excuse me here I am vlogging and you're just creating absolute Carnage let's oh it's soft that's always a good sign what did you get uh thei cra calab calaba wow intense flavors very soft very gooey a yes for me we came to another restaurant cuz robbed in one pizza cuz he had pizza for lunch and I should probably have some protein so I'm going to have steak back once again hello you good you might not recognize me cuz I've put on about 5 kilos we got recommended this place from a local when a local recommend it that's usually a good sign l s busy tonight Friday night Friday night on the send Friday night on S well steak didn't go to plant so went for carbonara instead it's funny because I don't think I've ever ordered carbonara before it's like not up there on the top 5 10 or even 15 of things I would usually go for at a restaurant but when in Italy and this carbonara is absolutely outrageous they are definitely doing it justice and living up to the Italian cuisine hype let's not get that on my shirt cheesy bacony creamy goodness so good that's what I probably should have had sour with potatoes yeah look at this button it's under immense pressure right now it's not my chest it's my belly more [Music] P it was an extremely difficult choice but always had to go with the pistachio that's OG flavor I went for a buffalo milk first time trying a buffalo milk didn't look exciting but boy I understand why it's popular proper creamy Little D up 660 thank you thank you why' you get two scoops more what kind of pathetic behavior is that oh my God that is up there with that's up there with one of my top five flavors ever big sh whoa don't do that to me guys look at the moon when that came over the mountain it was an absolute mad one so in other news the Vlog is coming to an end unfortunately but what an action-packed few days that was probably the best way I could have possibly seen Como I highly recommend it probably not the place to come with little ads definitely come with your partner or your family it's very chill it's very calm very peaceful but very very worth it and if you're thinking about getting married this is definitely a good spot to get married you don't have to have a couple million spare to invest in a nice wedding ceremony here you can sure you can do it much cheaper but yeah if you got loads of money to spend then just go all out cuz it's sick so uh yeah guess I'll see you in the next one don't know where I'm going to be heading off to Milan tomorrow more fun times more fun food and yeah we'll be back in goodby very soon adios cow
Channel: Mike Thurston
Views: 687,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: workout, holiday, travel, fitness, build muscle, stretching, lifestyle, nightlife, bodybuilding, fat loss, beach club, party, billionaire, wealth, make money, millionaire, real estate, money, dubai, six pack, bodybuilder, back workout, chest, abs, core, lose weight, grow, bulk, cut, shredded, shoulders, arms, lats, glutes, biceps, triceps, olympia, arnold, transformation, delts, home workout, macros, supplements, protein, sauna, HIIT, ice bath, italy, luxury, married, belaggio, milan, pizza, pasta, gelato, things to do como
Id: Lu0q58ndCq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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