60+ Year Old Edible Insects Vs Microscope

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hey everyone today we're gonna be opening up these cans of edible insects the grasshoppers and the caterpillars are from the 1950s and the resi french-fried butterflies are from the early 1960s around 1964 to be exact so we're gonna open these up see what they look like after all these years put them underneath a microscope and possibly taste them I have tasted those ricci grasshoppers from the 50s before and they tasted fine they tasted like potato chips with all the frying and seasoning on them so let's get down to this like always first we got to take a quick look at each can reisi brand fried grasshoppers salt added product of Japan Japan started importing these or sending them to the u.s. back in the 40s through the 60s up next we have the resi french fried butterflies with wings there's your ingredients butterflies salt cottonseed oil and that right there is a dead giveaway that this is from the 60s and this sold for 53 cents de bois brand chocolate-covered caterpillars product of Japan ingredients caterpillar cottonseed oil cocoa sugar okay first up we're gonna open the caterpillars I always open it from the bottom because I want to keep the cans as a collector's item and if you open it from the bottom it looks sealed for display I want to put these onto plates and we can look at these things and inspect them once I open them up okay there's a small piece there let out some air okay so this is like a coating right to keep them safe right yeah it's got to be to keep them safe I didn't even realize they were gonna be individually packaged like that that is pretty interesting now what is this material that looks like tinsel or something you put on a tree for Christmastime so let's put them out here we will take a look at them in a minute so it looks like nothing ever got into this can it's perfectly sealed chocolates probably rancid but we'll get to that next can we're gonna open up these I did give these a taste test in the past when I opened up a separate can of these let's go there was no pressure inside the can ah yuck okay so you should definitely check out the video I made of these in the past I actually taste tested them because they looked perfect these do not look perfect at all when I first opened this up I thought those are like little maggots right those actually might be maggots like they somehow got in there and died I don't know what that is when I open these up a while back they smelled good and they look perfect these ones here that look kind of rotten and I don't know what those white things are let's dump them out that doesn't even smell good last time I opened it up it actually smelled decent that'll be interesting to look at that one under the microscope that one actually looks really gross okay so now we're gonna open up the french fried butterflies what are the butterflies gonna look like that was a pretty big mess let out a lot of air and these ones look like absolute crap - now you look closely you can actually see some of their eyes it looks all mushy and rotten smell like fish food [Music] and they're soft okay that one there inside the cans covered in nasty grease so I'm gonna have to let this soak for a while okay let's get a look at these chocolate-covered caterpillars it's kind of soft let's give it a smell chocolate actually smells good milk chocolate but it is super super dried out like when I opened up the chocolate-covered ants all that is nasty look at the texture of that thing got all those little holes all over it something was nying through it and there's the caterpillar definitely gonna take a look at that guy under the microscope [Music] if you take a look at the surface of that you see how those little holes all over that I want to take a look at that under the microscope like up close these little holes I want to see exactly what's going on with that so I'm gonna keep that one intact no need to open up the rest of these put them off to the side I'll probably keep them in a sandwich bag or whatever in case in the future I ever find a better microscope or some experiment I could do with them next here we have butterflies right that one there yeah you can really see the faces on these things not really much I can show you here we got to look at them under the microscope after now this here is nasty last time I open these up it didn't have all that nasty white stuff all over it yeah these when these turned out disgusting this time yuck so this is what I'm gonna be taking my sample on I can put a little few pieces on there of each one I've got a whole pack of these things we're not gonna be using slides because these things are too thick to put onto a slide I guess we could probably put the oil on a slide but you're really not gonna see much in the oil [Music] you okay so I just smushed a bunch of these insects into these so we can look at em under microscope to get my fingerprints off I'm gonna wipe these down with a lens cleaner first so we have here some of the butterflies that we can look at under the microscope now here we have the grasshopper and I got a whole bunch of that nasty stuff in there that actually came out of them that's like their insides in their last meal you could say that's not maggots somehow they all fell apart over the years these were not preserved as well as the can I actually ate from now back here this is one of the caterpillars as you see I smooshed it in there so we could get a look at it now this here is a piece of chocolate member how I said I wanted to look at that by smashing it down a bunch of those figures actually stayed intact so we don't have to put the big chunk of chocolate under the microscope without any protection from the lens now we're looking at under the microscope part of the grasshopper I'm just gonna show you a little bit of this because we can't really do much with a typical microscope and the reason is because a typical microscope shines a light through the thing this stuff is too dense to get a good picture and there's too many 3d obstacles to get anything good so this is a situation we can't use the traditional microscope to look at it so we're gonna be using this this is not a microscope this is technically a digital magnifying glass even though it says microscope this is not the definition of a microscope so this thing here has LED lights and it only goes up to 100 times zoom we rather than the microscope that can go up to 2500 so first I'm gonna go ahead and remove the lens cap that keeps dust out of it now this will give us a really good picture I'm just gonna show you guys the screen because this thing only records at I think 360 pixels which is garbage quality if I was to actually show you that these are now rendered pretty much useless we're not gonna use these we're just gonna put the actual insect under this thing so we don't have any kind of glare because with the traditional microscope it has light going up through the bottom so there's no glare now on this thing it adds glare coming off of this so it ruins it and where we go we're actually gonna put a whole piece of chocolate underneath the thing chocolates not supposed to have those little holes little craters everywhere brown spots something really happened to this chocolate it's all stale although it does pretty much smell the same the smell still smells fresh but chocolate is all dried out and rot and it's flip this thing over same situation in the bottom there's a whole bunch of little holes all over it now we're gonna smash this thing open and get the caterpillar out of it we'll take a look at that and here we go we got the caterpillar on there now yeah that's a caterpillar I don't know where that went was just a cake a look at the inside the inside of it wow this thing is so in-depth you can even see my fingerprint on that hey there's the inside of it look at that that must have been two things last meal all those little things in there and caterpillars eat plants those are probably pieces of plant inside of its stomach that I just ripped open okay next the butterflies these are pretty gross so I have to cleanness aha look how slimy that thing looks it looks really slimy on the camera oh we can get a look at its eyes I just ripped it in half by accident those are its eyes right there that's its eye in the bottom left this thing is so soft you see I just ripped it open with the tweezers it's like completely Hollow there's nothing in it because they baked it okay let's get one of these guys onto the microscope now this is a grasshopper you clearly see its wing all those things there I actually thought those were maggots at the beginning of the video they're not that's like it's insides it's like somehow they all got shooken up yeah that's it guts and stuff that's its face at that's I can't really make it out I'm now crushing it yeah just ripped it open you could see more of that stuff coming out of it this is some weird stuff let's rise this up a little bit get a different picture now yeah it's all we're really gonna see now I'm gonna clean this up I'm actually gonna keep these things there I know that seems weird but in the future someone might want to look at these things I'm just gonna put them in mason jars and preserve them they're already in oil so they're not really gonna fall apart anymore because someone might want to look at those in the future because through a Hootie call it selective breeding even in the nature that happens to an extent these might be different from the 50s and some one in the future might want to take a look at this stuff so for this use a digital microscope or magnifying glass whatever you want to call this works better than the traditional one we hooked a digital camera up to thanks for watching
Channel: New England Wildlife & More
Views: 239,490
Rating: 4.8928733 out of 5
Id: -_u7XsrDdH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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