60 TRUE Stories of Real Monsters | Bigfoot, Werewolves, Aliens and More - Darkness Prevails
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Channel: Darkness Prevails
Views: 533,517
Rating: 4.7797856 out of 5
Keywords: weird animals, strange creature, real monster, sea creatures, sea animals, strange animals, cryptids, werewolf sighting, chupacabra sighting, bigfoot sighting, skinwalker sighting, real werewolf, real chupacabra, real bigfoot, darkness prevails, dark web, skinwalker, krampus, paranormal stories, monster stories, wendigo, scary monster, goatman, creepypasta, craigslist, horror story, alien stories, mothman, haunted, witches, succubus, swamp dweller, clancypasta, are ghosts real
Id: v_3SJfAoPxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 315min 21sec (18921 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2016
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