60 HP Makino Cuts 150 Pound Titanium Aero Part With Kennametal 65 Insert Beast Cutter

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hey what's up everywhere this is tight detectors of CNC the Makino hey 81 and X and today we're gonna machine some serious titanium chip [Music] so the pre-op is finished we have now faced this surface profile this was nice and perpendicular for their 25,000 chamfer and they're all going to use the same exact setup or simply going to apart engage it lock it down and then we start roughing some titanium okay so we have a nice flat surface is perpendicular to the sides when we establish the previous off we simply made the top surface RZ surface you can actually switch up so instead of the front surface we're gonna make the z0 the jaw okay so I'm gonna take out the material we're gonna probe the jobs we established in the term let's do I'm actually programming this in master cam right so check out everything gray is actually the rota s Chuck from shunk that you see up on the tombstone and when you see it on the tombstone its up like this one thing we got to imagine I haven't actually put the material on it yet I just placed apart and I actually have the bottom surface right here at this surface 50 thousandths above the bottom of the jaw where I'm going to put my Z and 0 so Z 0 is gonna be right there on that surface and then I have a 50 thousandths gap which is 50,000 sub-material that I'm actually gonna cut off on the second operation okay so we got pre-op now we got first operation this is going to do the majority of work and then we have the second operation that's gonna actually do the bottom and the inside okay [Music] all right so now that the probe is in position I'm going to go into my MDI program list I'm gonna bring up the pqi easy settings ze surface and insert that and I'm gonna go run my program just have to see all right so first tool we're gonna use is this canon metal or inch diameter dodeca shell mil so now we flip the material and we have 300,000 want to take off the back end I'm gonna take 70,000 passes four times leaving 20,000 on the surface or clean up later let's make it after so check this out so here's my tool path I'm gonna hit play right here and see exactly what it's doing now this is a big tool so I got some big nips in here because I wanted to move in and gradually come into the titanium sometimes you guys here we talk about walking down the beach into the water slowly you get run down the beach into the water but it's still not gonna be as much as jumping off a dock and plunging at a ninety degree right into that material so go in to the material get after it cut some chips and there's the toolpath alright so one thing about these cutters they don't really recommend that you actually step up too much I'm actually stepping up because I want to test the tool but I also know that I'm gonna come through with a Harvey three end mill and take smaller steps before I surf this the whole thing perfectly so there's the tool path check this out this is important my tool path is actually lower than my jaws and yet when you look at it you can see that the tool pack doesn't hit the jaws it doesn't go through the jaws it actually is a bug here and stops here okay and that's something really cool with the with master cam so when I come into parameters and I come into like tool type and I come into geometry this is where I do it right here of Boyte geometry so what I did was I actually told master cam hey here's these jaws and avoid these jaws and then on wall stock I put a half an inch and then on floor stock I put one so it basically takes the 3 inch tool and it keeps it away from the shelf jaws on the Chuck by a half an inch and then the point 104 floor stock is right here cool right and on our aerospace Academy we're going to teach you how to do all of it it's gonna be amazing okay so let's go cut some chips a time for tool to the Harvey ultra hate axe we're gonna paint some titanium [Laughter] [Laughter] alright so we just finished kind of like phase two of the masini I say phase 2 because it is a three dogs suck and therefore I'm dropping all the way down hitting the first side phase one went all the way down five inches deep hitting the second side then hitting the bottom and then I'm gonna raise up walk all the way around the part okay so the cool thing is you can actually see the part starting to take shape now okay so you got this side up the other side so now it's kind of like a triangle and then it's gonna get the bottom cut and then sort of pulp on this AAT 1nx pepino is a beast and it's awesome the flood coolant and the chip evacuation is not seemingly insane you literally have coolant coming from all directions what I burned it off because of building that we wouldn't be able to see anything and that's why you see some shipbuilder I simply turned off the showers and most of the coolant and I'm holy running through the spindle coolant which is not enough cooler to actually get the chips away all right Oh [Music] one thing that I'll mention about the Kenda mental Harvey ultratex is that after two hours straight cutting the inserts look great and that's the first sign each answer has 8 cutting surfaces so this pool is blowing my mind check this out this is a 1-2-3 block right here so this is three inches I just want to show you the scale so you see how much titanium who's actually rough saw so it's a three inch diameter tool and then look at the one two three block to a old ball park right it's a piece of a park crazy [Music] [Music] all managed to get out it is absolutely beautiful so we started out with 150 pounds 15 inch diameter hunk of 60 l4b titanium based off 300 thousand it was running the kena metal Harvey or 4 8 X took some big cuts you can see the cut pattern big cuts throughout - Koppel a lot of material and now the part is starting to take shape and this part is going to be stomach and now that the majority of material is gone using a big tool we're gonna go to a little bit smaller tool alright so I'm gonna go to a three quarter inch RV 3ml this is the king of all end mills for roughing titanium says Chloe because it won the bowling challenge you're gonna take that tool we're just gonna multi axis and we're just going to profile and step all the way up it you just see the part just emerged from there titanium all right so we'll make that another video I'll probably post it later this week and people look out for it this is gonna be insane I'm gonna show you the whole process behind it all right you guys have a subscribe please hit that subscribe button if you like this video hit the like button and I will see you on the next video you
Channel: TITANS of CNC: Academy
Views: 3,807,150
Rating: 4.6053967 out of 5
Keywords: titans of cnc, cnc machine, academy, manufacturing, machining, tutorial, cad, cam, cnc, kennametal, haas, dmg mori, autodesk, fusion 360, nyc cnc, solidworks, mastercam, engineer, engineering, machinist, titans, titan, titanium, manufacturer, diy, dmg, master cam, makino, mill, milling, horizontal mill, horizontal milling machine, schunk, schunk vero-s, workholding, beast cutter, how to
Id: cmYTAe-OrGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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