60 Greatest Ever Irish Rebel Songs | Over 3 Hours

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[Music] [Music] three for the fentanyl tyrants stricken in their blue but they met him face to face with the courage of their race and they went with souls undaunted do they do god save [Applause] climb they up the rugged stair rang their voices out in prayer they're with england's fatal corn around them cats close beside the gallows three kissed like brothers lovingly through to home and faith and freedom to the last gods say violence to the heroes god save islands say they are whether on the scaffold high or the battlefield [Music] [Music] is we fall [Music] there's a uniform that's hanging in what's known as father's realm i ain't a farm so simple and styli [Music] it has no fancy bit of gold no hat but feathered blonde me mother has preserved it all the while one day she made lose your vine for years in memory of your father john she said and as i put the sunburn out she was smiling through the tears she pissed the white break from her on me [Music] [Music] [Music] uniform was worn by my father years ago when he wreaks me mother song stat on the run causing a farm he bore and that little church below but in farmack he passed the pear as one and after truce and treaty at the parting of the way [Music] zombies [Music] [Music] m [Music] on belfast streets i've heard it said they're shooting little children dead taking life hardly begun [Music] we won't be kept down easy we will not be slow we won't be kept down easy young carol and 12 years of age shut down by princeton bloody rich [Music] [Music] [Music] girl [Music] they tried to make us store their life by using every type of crime but freedom won't be terrorized nor freedom struggled through the be line down easy we will not be slow we won't be kept down easy [Music] they tried to drag us from our streets [Music] [Music] is [Music] he won't be kept down [Music] hello [Music] [Music] it was down and i cleaned one easter morn to a city pharaoh died there armed lines of marching band and squadrons passed [Music] swell rang out in the foggy jew right proudly high over dublin sky they hung out the flag of war it was better to die beneath an irish sky and at silver a server and from the plains of ryan strongman came [Music] wild kiss gold that small nations might be free but our lonely graves are by silva's waves for the fringe of the great lord's sea [Music] but the bravest fell and the wreck wind bell rang mourn fully and clear for those who died at easter tide in the springtime [Music] my heart with grief was sore i parted [Music] when you fell in the [Music] dude [Music] ireland is a very funny place sir it's strange and a troubled land and the irish are a bloody funny racer every girl's in the coming month every doggie has a tri-colored ribbon tied firmly to his tail and it wouldn't be surprising if there'd be another reason said the month from the daily mail every bird upon my word of singing and trouble i'm a rebel every hand in jet is laying hand grenades over their surf i declare sir and every in the honda wouldn't be surprising that there'd be another rise and set them on from the daily mail well the other day i ventured down the closer and they spied in old boring such as quarter freight and busy ganders are sir dressed in orange white and green they march to the german goose step and they whistle run you well on them shaking in my shoes as i'm sitting there then you said the month from the daily mail every bird upon my word is singing trouble i'm a rebel every hand in jade is laying on grenades over there sir i declare [Music] and it wouldn't be surprising if there'd be another rise and set them on from the daily mail well the whole place is seen with sedition it's shin fin through and through all the paris they are joining louisville units on the password champion too every doggie has a tri-color driven tied firmly to his tail and it wouldn't be surprising that there'd be another reason said the month from the daily mail every bird upon my word is singing trouble i'm a rebel every hand in jail is laying hand grenades over there sir i declare sir and every in the farmyard stock close a triumph or the gill and it wouldn't be surprising if there'd be another rise and set them on from the daily mail every bird upon my word of singing trouble i'm a rubble every hand in jade is laying on grenades over there sir plenty clear sir and every in the farmyard stock was a triumph for the gill and it wouldn't be surprising if there'd be another rise and set them on from the daily mail [Music] since the british crossed over our seas [Music] is on a sunday afternoon from delhi the people they marched through the streets 13 died that day for freedom 13 died for peace for the people they keep marching on and you'll hear them sing this song take the british soldiers out of ireland and don't let them linger on foreign [Music] is [Music] when you walk through the streets of our [Music] cities [Music] [Music] parties [Music] these words when you walk through the streets of our [Music] cities of our then you city through [Music] twenty men from darlingtown on the mountainside fearless of the saxon frown twenty brothers through and right blood flows in the city [Music] [Music] fly the city brother stride join us on the mountain side where we penguins power to fight twenty men from dublin town [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] every night around the fire brimming glasses we toss down to our captain michael dwyer slanted michael brave and true then their rings join us on the mountain site [Music] town do i bring from is [Applause] [Music] mr stuff here owns a mark swing your beavers aloft and your three rows and cheers [Music] we will cross all the fourth men and bargain march or the heat with both [Music] from downtrodden glory autumn mountains [Laughter] [Music] as we gathered in the chapel here in old kilmain and jail i think about the past few weeks will they say we failed from our school days they have told us we must yearn for liberty but all i want in this dark place is to have you here with me oh grace just holds me in your arms and let this moment linger they'll take me out of dawn and i will die with all my love i place this wedding ring upon your finger there won't be time to share our love for we must say goodbye i know it's hard for you my love to ever understand the love i bear for these brave men and my love for ireland when porridge called me to his side down in the gpo i had to leave my own sick bed to him i had to go oh grace just hold me in your arms and let this moment linger they'll take me out of dawn and i will die with all my love i'll place this wedding ring upon your finger there won't be time to share our love for we must say goodbye now the doll is breaking my heart is breaking too on this may mourn as i walk out my thoughts will be of you i might write some words upon the wall so everyone will know i loved so much that i could see his blood upon the rose oh grace just hold me in your arms i'm left this moment linger they'll take me out and dawn and i will die with all my love i'll place this wedding ring upon your finger there won't be time to share our love for we must say goodbye there won't be time to share our love for we must say goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not knowing what was his crime just what he was guilty of that one of them could say with hating off something in time he said goodbye and remember we shall overcome [Music] free the people of their [Music] she tries very hard to explain you know your daddy never did a thing that wasn't right so soon he's bound to be whole again he is a good man and he shall overcome free the people [Music] the right to be born [Music] people and we shall overcome free the people the damn life see the light of day [Music] there's an uneasy breeze rustling the leaves in the bushes of tyrone mournful waves and galway bay are whimpering in restless tones another cast sky still echoes the cry a cry that never can cease cause ireland and flee will never be at peace prep brian slim the dane and just to sell our rain and rushing never cried the grass grew green but never has been seen since john bull trampled [Music] and people hang around with their feet off the ground and the children are paid to keep the peace but ireland and and so passed on the cure and peace carried on from those that were gone and we were partly pure but a half heart again [Music] remember brave south from carion in martyrs blood he died and hanlon by his side he bravely gave his life to keep the flame alive yes men may come and men may run but this is a cause that won't cease cause ireland on three will never be at peace only when she's free will i will never be [Music] oh the empire is finished now foreign land is turning four seas 200 miles from donegal there's a place called rocco and the groping hands of whitehall [Music] the same resistance like you did in many lands the way the signals rise above your eyes and the waters crush your shells and the natural gas will burn your ass and blow you all the hell this rock is part of ireland all is written in folklore when finn then he tossed the pebble across the seas wherever did it fall for the side became the isle of man of the pebbles caller oregon [Music] you'll meet the same resistance like you did in many lands where your signals rise above your and the eyes crush your shells and the natural gas will burn your ass and blow you all to hell overseas will not be silent while you return your rules the waves and remember that the irish will no longer be your slaves and remember that pretend you're well she rules the waves no more so keep your hands of ruggle it's irish to the car oh you'll meet the same resistance like you did in many lands may the seagulls rise above your eyes and the waters crush your shells and the natural gas will burn your ass and blow you all the hell or a gun recall you'll never fall far brethren's greedy hands but you'll meet the same resistance like you did in many lands may the seagulls rise above your eyes by the waters crush your shells and the natural gas will run your ass and blow you out [Music] oh then tell me sean o'farrell tell me why you hurry so poison hush and listen and his cheeks were all a glow i either are this from the captain that you're ready quick and soon all your pikes must be together by the rising of the moon by the rising [Music] is to be in the old spot by the river right well known to you and me one more word for signal token whistle up the march in tune with your pike upon your shoulder by [Music] well fought for pearl ireland and fold better was their fit oh what glorious pride and sorrow fills the name of 98 yet thank god and still our beating hearts and man who's burning [Music] horizon of the moon [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] as i was claiming then to bed my pearl brony side i looked it up the window when the army had arrived the house was soon surrounded they bothered the front door and i knew they'd come to take away the lettermaker on a spin and a scream flying risen awful then you've got to spread a warning when the army they come in she opened up the wendy on she clumbered in a spade sooner ben was rattling forth to call the neighbors out she then tucked a whistle on chablis way like hell and soon we heard the echo was the neighbor's blurs well and it was screamed buying risen awful then you've got to spread a warning when the army they come in a soldier came right up the stairs rifle and his hand she kicked him with her button boots and along the hall she run then up and stepped another one some medals for the one but all he got right up the globe was a lettermaker on his ben [Music] they are missing retreated they knew they'd overstead that wasn't made of silver it was only made of ten but once again it sit the street the lettermaker on his van and it was screaming shirt risen awful then you've got to spread a warning when the army they come in their war has had its weapons since men began to fade and everyone has different ways to try and show their might the army has tried everything to cover up its sins and now the plastic bullets field their trend plastic pens and it will scream buying [Music] go home count friends and go to bed sleep as best you can but if trouble comes along get out and lend a hunt to all your fair young ladies if trouble does begin get out into your backyard love and rattle away at your ben and it was screaming risen awful then you've got to spread a warning when the army they come in and it was screamed shirt risen awful then you've got to spread a warning when the army they come in this is a little song that was written in 1937 and it concerns the first military operation in which i took part which was the loading of cans of petrol gasoline to you on lollies to be taken to the border to burn customs huts on both sides of the border with a great impartiality well the occasion was the coronation of george vi the large american and whence as follows oh it was on june 1928 in 1937 that a fire was lit without any great and the flames leapt up to heaven our king and queen came sailing down the lock in the best of order and we welcomed them to belfast's home with a bonfire on the border all day queen put a muffler around her neck consisted by her we men oh the king walked up and down the deck surrounded by his g-men when he asked what is that fire i see the reply was there an odds are sure it started united in loyalty with a bonfire on the border some said the flames was ulster's own and more that there were extraneous a county down man swore that they lit alone the combustion being spontaneous a man who loves the king and queen and who stands for leonardo he said the flames was orange white and green and the bonfire on the border while we honor in song and story the memory of pearson mcbride whose names are loomed in glory by mothers who long house and sky [Music] the red white and blue on the 28th day of november the times left the town of muthroom they were seated into costly tenders [Music] they fought me the green flag [Music] we were eagerly [Music] from the lorries brought tidings that the boys have killed michael had won so here's to the boys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we gathered oh them how many more must i now how many must we lose until the island people their own destiny confused from to bobby's son's mp who was given 30 000 votes while in captivity he was a poet i'm the soldier he died religiously and we've given 30 000 votes while in captivity [Music] thomas i see everything in 1970 the lord mayor of court maxwe died for his freedom to obtain everyone of all our dead dive or gradually and young bobby sons from twitter the people's own mp he was a poet of the soldier he died and we give him 30 000 votes while in captivity [Music] oh mark will hear the like sweet notes [Music] before he went on hunger strike young bobby did compose the rhythm of time the weeping winds on [Music] [Music] 30 000 votes while in captivity [Music] forever we'll remember him [Music] might be united once again tomorrow is to organize and build the movement strong with mullet box and arm the lines summon music on with song he wasn't powered on the soldier he died to sleep and we gave steve and we give him 30 000 votes while in captivity [Music] [Applause] [Music] you may sing and speak about easter week and the heroes of 98 of feminine men who roam the clan in victory our defeat their names in history's page is porn their memory will endure not a song was song of our darling songs in the valley of melaka there was welsh and lions and dogs and boys they were young and in their prime they wandered to a lonely glen where the black and [Music] on them by side they fought and died in the valley [Music] but it was not long till lions came on saying time is not mine not yours but at last was late and they met their fate in the valley of [Music] the summer sun is sinking now behind the field and leave the pale pale moon is rising far far out beyond truly the dismal stars and clouds [Music] cried when [Music] of [Music] every single night and the da would come on tight we divide the neighbors outside with this poor us come out shuffle like your towns come out and fight me like your man show your wife how you wonder [Music] persecuted oh where are the snares and years that you literally let us hear when our heroes of 16 were executed i melt your black and tongues come out to fight me like a man show you why you feel [Music] be two like the zulu they had spears and bow and arrows oh hell bravely you face to one you're sixteen killed the horner and you're for eight and down dominated still tomorrow come out your black and thumbs come out [Music] now the time is coming fast i take them days off here when each jingle is shining and heal their only for us and if there'll be a need then our kids will say god's spirit reverse stephen deals coming [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when i heard the battle cry from the mountains overhead i looked up to the skies saw an irish sort of luddy he looked at me right fearlessly and said will you stand in the band like a true irishman will you go and fight the forces of the crown will you march for the whole deal to an irish battlefield for tonight won't you take me to your captain to be my pride and joy party march with you today my brother fell at corgan my son i will march with o'neill to an irish battlefield or tonight we go to the free old western [Music] town [Music] will you stand in the van like a true irishman will you go and fight the forces of the crown will you march with all kneel to an irish battlefield for tonight as we march back from the field in the shadow of the evening with our banners flying low to the memory of the dead we returned unto our homes but without our soldier laddie and i never will forget those words he said [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i pray you [Laughter] is the priest at home and may he be seen i would speak [Music] disease is speaking with father green but you must wait till i go and see if the holy father alone may be the youth has entered an lord [Music] [Music] so dark [Music] his [Music] he strikes [Music] [Music] since last easter day and at mass time once i went to play [Music] i passed the church one day in haste and forgot to pray for my mother's rest at the siege of ross did my father fall and the glory my loving brothers [Music] i bear no hate against living things but i love my country above all kings so father bless me and let me go to die if god has ordained it so [Music] [Music] surprised [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] instead of a blessing he breathed [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hour is your time [Music] if he isn't short we hold his may all house swing at geneva barracks that the young man died and the passage they [Music] and a tear for the [Music] ball [Music] [Music] the one [Music] but we're together now who cares south main comrades all dublin belfast and donkey goblin on the one road swinging along singing a soldier's song tinker taylor every mother's son rich man per man shouldering his gun butcher baker every man in line together [Music] swinging light is dark as just before the dawn from descends ireland is reborn so will all united irishmen see our lamboration once again we're on the one road sharing the one lord we're on the road [Music] dublin belfast conk and donny goldberg [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] to see out from the sweet town of derry for australia bound if we didn't lodge around the marks of our feathers we carry in the rusty iron chains we cried for our winds our goodwin we left in sorrow as the mainsails unfold our curses heard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the sunburn cruel as we dished out figaro donald connor was down with the fever 60 rebels today bound for botany bay how many will reach their receiver i wish i was [Music] swell a ship danced like a moth in their firefly white horses rolled high as the devil passed by taking souls to hide by twilight five weeks out to sea we're now 43 we bury our comrades each morning in our own slime we were lost in the time endless dead without dawning [Music] i wish i was [Music] for the claim it is wrong the gun makes the law no marks or cursor for bravery twenty years have passed by i've ended me bond my comrades a close walk behind me i revel i came oh i'm still the same on a cold winter's night you will find me [Music] i wish i was [Music] was back [Music] oh [Music] i wish i was back home there is sorrow in my heart [Music] [Music] oh how glorious was your feel oh me old hold on when you made a saxon reel oh me old hold gun when the lancers trimming neat came charging down o'connell street [Music] shall i never see you no more oh me old hold on there's glorious hopes that we could have settled ireland free now you're part of far from me oh [Music] determined band i will surely take my stand for the freedom of our land [Music] in mount joy jail [Applause] one monday morning high the gallows tree kevin barry gave his young lives for the cause of liberty just of 18 summers and there's no one can deny as he was to death and mourning he proudly before he faced the high man in his dreams [Music] just because [Music] tell the names of his brave comrades [Music] [Music] [Music] calmly standing as he made his [Music] his last hearted mother who said grief no one could turn for the cause he proudly cherished [Music] this [Music] smiling not all [Music] our love [Music] [Applause] your brutal loss maybe but they'll not break a spirit down [Music] they will not fly [Music] [Applause] [Music] they live [Music] [Music] don't think that you have won we will never be defeated [Music] in those dreamy heads blockages [Music] soldiers and to free their native land they stood beside their leader the gallons [Music] memory of [Music] we will never be defeated [Music] [Music] streets [Music] their is will be remembered as history [Music] faster faster down [Music] [Music] joe [Music] they gave their lives for freedom the time is [Music] [Music] is [Music] defeated [Music] you are the last to die with your [Music] your souls cry out remember our deaths were not [Music] once again [Music] don't think that you have one we will never be defeated [Music] [Music] the town there were men from dublin and from germany and their leader was eliminated [Music] they score in the danger they might face their fate [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] northern sky fallen by his size he's gone to giant the gallons fans upper lockets here sands home under the mud [Applause] oh armed cars and tanks and guns came to take away our sun every man will stand behind the moon behind the water through the little streets of belfast in the dark of early morn but his soldiers came roared and reckoned little homes were scorned beatles of the crying children dragon fathers from their beds feeding sons while helpless smolders watch the blood throw from their heads armored cars and tanks and guns it's came to take away our sons everyone else stand behind the man behind the wire not for them a judge or jury nor indeed a crime at hall he and irish means they're guilty so we're guilty one and all drowned the world the truth when echo cromwell's men are here again kingdom's name again is sully then the eyes of promised fame armored cars and tanks and guns came to take away our sons but every man will stand behind the men behind the wire proudly stand behind your banner firmly stand behind your men we will have them free to help us build a nation once again on the people stepped together proudly firmly on your way never feared or never falter till the boys come home to stay armored cars and banks and bums came to take away our guns came to take away our songs every man will stand behind the men behind the wire in dublin town they sing of a bravely glow woman of her troubles and her times in cruel kilmainham jail all the way from butterfield lane i'm devlin was her name a friend to robert emmett she served his cause in vain lol liffey keep on flowing [Music] a bribe could sway on devlin's purpose three years of living hell in solitary shame how brave emmett met his fate on the scaffold of his tyrant and saved her family's passing like pearl lilies in the storm lol lie alone cliffy keep on flowing low [Music] in 1851 devlin made her maker but our stories with us still as a lesson to the wise not poverty or fear could kill the hearts of freedom and devlin was the servant to the spirit keep on flowing [Music] keep on flowing [Music] alone keep on flowing [Music] had gathered outside of humanland with their heads all on cover they now bombed [Music] is life for his country about to lay down he went to his death like a true song of iron the fire party [Music] egregious in the order [Music] ungone [Music] [Music] god's [Applause] with [Music] is [Music] since the irish rebellion when the guns of brits onion they lovely to speak when and the blood from their bodies [Music] [Applause] come with me and i'll take you to the land of my father's where wild heather mountains look out to the sea you will find hearts as kind as the soft winds of summer and a warm welcome waiting for you and for me in that land of song and story in that land where legends dwell in [Music] where our heroes have battled for freedom and honor and lonely and right where the birds sing the phrases of men who were gallows the first thing the fray and the last to take light in of song and story in that land where legends dwell in that land enshrined with glory in that cloud that landed [Music] you can roam the sweet meadows when the flowers are all blooming and fish the bright waters forgetting all your cares you can sing with the light [Music] where legends [Music] and your mind is uneasy the struggle with life it is taking its toll come with me to the green land of love to a legend there's rest for the body and peace [Music] that land that land i love so well in that land of sun and story in that land where legends dwell [Music] in glory in that land [Applause] [Music] what did i have said the fine old woman what did i have this proud old woman they'd say i had four green fields each one was a jewel but strangers came and tried to take them from me i had fine strong sons they fought to save my jewels they fought and died and that was my grief said she [Music] long time ago long time ago this proud old woman did say there was warren [Music] my children starve by mountain valley and sea their wailing cries they shook the very heavens and my four green fields ran red with their blood [Music] [Applause] [Music] said the fine old woman what have i now this proud old woman they'd say i have four green fields one of them's in bondage in strangers hands they try to take it from me but my sons have sons as brave as were their fathers and my four green fields will bloom once again said she yes my four green fields [Music] ah ten years before i saw the light of morning a comradeship of heroes was laid from every corner of the world came sailing the fifth international brigade they came to stand beside the spanish people to try and stem the rising fastest tide franco's allies were the powerful and wealthy frank ryan's men came from the other side even the olives were bleeding as the bible formed the dreaded thundered on truth and love against the force of evil followerhood against the fascist [Music] [Music] was a church of ireland pastor from killarney across the purines he came from there he came a brave young christian brother and said they say they fought and died in spain tommy woods 817 died in cordoba with the fiona he learned to hold his bun from dublin to the via del rio where they fought and died beneath the blazing sun [Music] fever [Music] let us all remember them tonight and the irishmen heard the call of frenkel [Music] giant hitler and mussolini too propaganda from the pulpit and newspapers that old duffy to enlist his crew then the word came from a new support the nazis the manifold failed again when the bishops blessed the blue shirts and done leery [Music] and they sailed beneath the swastika to spain [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] peter daley charlie reagan and hugh bonner so many died a con but name a few danny boyle blazer brown and charlie donnelly lim thomason and jim striny from the strand jack nolte tommy parton and frank conroy jim foley tony fox and dick o'neill fever the keeper [Applause] no passer on the plants that made them [Music] [Applause] let us all remember them tonight [Music] regatta [Music] i sing no song [Music] irish hills in the golden days of old but diaries i ran for our own dear lads the loyal [Music] the soldiers of twenty two [Music] again and the pride of all was the first to fall the glory of our fighting man in the destiny [Music] [Music] [Music] lynch on the mountains i fell a victim to [Music] is boyle and quinn from the north came down to stand with the fifth fulfilled and we'll sing the [Music] rush of war and some by the treacherous blow like the martyrs born in dublin town and their comrades [Music] square and by lonely roadside without fear they died and we speak with pride of the martyrs i am a proud young irishman john mitchell is my name when first i joined my countrymen from yuri town i came i labored hard both day and night to free my nerve land for which i was transported to van diemen's land when first i joined my countryman it was in 42 on just what happened after that i will quickly tell to you i rest the standard of repeal and i gloried in the deed and i swore to heaven nightmare with the wrestling till our land would be free farewell my garland comrades it grieves my heart full sore to think that i must part from you perhaps forever more the love i bear my net of land i know no other crime [Music] that is the reason i must go onto our foreign as i lay in strong iron's blind before my driving day [Music] my loving wife came to myself on this to me to say oh john dear john cheer up your heart undumped did always be for it's better to die for ireland's rights and live in slavery i was blessed on board a conflict ship without the least delay for [Music] was bermudez i'll never forget the day and as i stood upon the deck to take a fur will [Music] [Music] you are jude sweet bell fast unlikewise dublin too unto my young on tender babes alas what will they do but there's one request i ask you when you're liberty again [Music] chance [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with [Music] [Music] [Music] from [Music] i wonder if gone [Music] [Music] in the sun [Music] i'm [Music] oh father why are you so sad on this bright easter horn my irish men are proud and glad of the land where they were born or some i see in mary's view of afar of this day when i was just a lot like you i joined the ira where are the lads it stood with me when history was made [Music] was made by one and all [Music] and [Music] who stood with me when history was made [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] i long to see the boys [Music] from east to west from north to south they tried to hunt the column out but the towns were forced to go without the boys of barbie's column and armored cars they came to stay and wiped the irvi's cowards away but oh the lovely holiday was stopped by barbie's column oh but isn't it great to see the top [Music] george might have some whitey tricks and how the volunteers to fix get all his black and fans go sick when they think of barbie's column this prisons come and bread and black no tanks or war equipment like yet or the sea they never get back have caught by barley's column oh but isn't it great to see that tommy's not the right the black [Music] along the lonely road they wind armed and front and arm behind we're sorry but that bridge was mine set the lads of barbie's column they stopped to rest just for the spell some hand grenades upon them fell you shut them out among yourselves said the lads from barry's column over doesn't look great to see the sneakers on the right sea the tummy's oh but isn't it great to see the tummies on the ric the blocking's gone and the sticker's free away from barbie's column [Music] the irish volunteers [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the [Music] who fears to speak a beast a week that we call famed renowned when the poison green they went out to fight the forces of the crown with mazar's bold and hearts of gold the red count as in green and high above the gpo the rebel flag was seen then came ten thousand khaki colts a rebel boys to kill before they reached o'connell street of fight they got a fill they machine guns and artillery and cannon in galore for it wasn't our fault that anyone but bike to england shore for six long days we held them off at odds of ten to one and through our lines they could not pass for all of their heavy guns and deadly poison gas they used to try and crush in feign and burdened our irish like the germans did louvain the anglo-saxons make great contributions to culture not they shut our leaders in a jail without a trial they say they murdered women and children who in their cellars lay they dug their grave with good and spayed to hide them from our view because they could nade or kill now catch the rebels so bold and true because we will love old ireland and shall why life remain and we will say godspeed a day the rebels will rise again the wiry slaves and english names may try you too to save remember those who died for you and likewise james kennedy's grave [Music] when boyhood's fire was in my blood i read of ancient three men for grace and rome who bravely stood three hundred men and three men and then i prayed i yet might see [Music] once again a nation once again and our landlord will be a nation once again and from that time through [Music] it seemed to watch [Music] one nation once again our nation once again and along our province be a nation walls again vain or lowly for freedom comes from god's right hand and needs a godly train and righteous men must make our land a nation once [Music] a nation who wants again one nation once again a nation once again and our landlord has been nation who wants again i'll sing you a song of a terrible wrong when the flags they a young man lay dead he'd been riddled with lead and he died on the streets of belfast all the radio said there's another shotgun [Music] it happened one day when the bold ira went out to fight for their land with an old thompson gun put the troops on the run and return and go home was their plan all the radios said there's another shot dead he died with a gun in his hand they didn't say why believe he had to die he died at the iron land when returning to gunk billy met british huns and when the fighting began his position was dire the gun wouldn't fire so he died with that old thompson gun [Music] although he laid dead he was kicked on the head by the her they dragged him around they still fear him yet we can never forget how bravely reached his ground the radio said there's another shot dead and he died with a gun in his hand they didn't say why believe had to if you think he was right come join in the fight and help the free bell fast for the blood that he shed at the low he lies dead and our heart his memory will last oh the radio said there's another shot there and he died with a gun in his hand they didn't say why i believe he had to die he died [Music] when apples still grow in november when blossoms still bloom on each tree when leaves are still green in december it's then that our land will be free [Music] i've wandered her hills and her valleys i'm still through my sorrow i see a land that has never known freedom and only her rivers run free i drink to the death of her manhood to those men who would rather have died than to live in the cold chains of bondage to bring back their rights were denied but where are you now when we need you what burns where the flame used to be are you gone like the snow of last winter i'd still only our rivers run free how sweet is life but we're crying how mellow the wine but we're dry how fragrant the rose but it's dying how gentle the wind but its size what good is in mute when it's aging what joys are an eyes that can't see when the sorrow and sunshine and flowers and only our rivers run free only her rivers run [Music] free in ireland many years ago or so the legend says send patrick rome hills and lands driver snakes away but now we have another saint that's bad news for the crown his name is one shot putty and it's prince that he will hound brits are getting married [Music] [Music] it is then that you will hear the crack and the brits know who's to flame the brits are getting worried they've all gone and looked around one shot honey season they know they're going down so the next time that you see the brits where their faces fall upright [Music] [Music] and when it comes to celebrate saint patrick's day cheer remember one shot putty and a gallon i alright the brits are again worried they've all got a third round left one shot by these [Music] [Music] [Music] as the sun was setting for the bright may meadows [Music] with a warning cry arm arm he cried for i've come to lead you for our lungs freedom we fight or die [Music] he let us on against [Music] [Music] the boys of wexford showed bucky's regiment how men could fight look out for hirelings king george of england search every kingdom where breeds a slave far father murphy from the county wax farm sweeps over the land like a mighty wave at flinger [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] god brave father murphy and open heaven to all your men for the cause that call you may call tomorrow and another fight for the greens [Music] in bolden's town's your [Music] are the ruined walls there when the storm sweeps down from the plains of kildare once i lay on that sod it lies over wolfton and i thought how he perished in prison alone his friends unavenged and his country unfreed o bitter i thought is the patriots need for in the heart of a woman combined with a hero with life and a governing mind a martyr for ireland his grave has no stone [Music] i was [Music] and they carried no stone [Music] there were students and peasants the wise [Music] [Music] who taught me [Music] but the old man who saw was morning there [Music] [Music] [Music] is to the cause [Music] there is [Music] till ireland [Music] my name is [Music] i am 81 years old [Music] i left my boy who days behind to search for fame and gold i left my home in trolley town in my 22nd year [Music] i would dig the gold on ingle [Music] and i'd make my fortune [Music] here [Music] [Music] no friendly glands to cheer my heart no man to take my hand [Music] no easy gold only rain and cold in this gold forsaken land go down the trench proud irishman for you are strong and big [Music] take [Applause] spit on your hands and deep tear of the gold [Music] fading light [Music] in the nearest pope you will spend your sob [Music] and you'll hate and love and fight [Music] a sweet one from [Music] [Music] like virgin snow [Music] i've ate my food in small sheep beans i've drunk the porter black a dirty bed where i lay my head my bones are getting [Music] blackheads [Music] is death will call me home [Music] and he'll take me by the hand [Music] lay my body down in this god forsaken land his great coal of tandem were clean and stainless then a banner flashed beneath the sun unto the marching [Music] is [Music] in their eyes to lay to [Music] [Music] is blue eyes tonight [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he goes [Music] fearless [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he goes [Applause] [Music] today when all beside a vigil keep the west's asleep the west asleep alas and well may air and weep when conor flies and slumber deep their lake and plains smile fair and free rocks their guardian chivalry sing all that man then liberty from crashing wind and lashing sea for often in o'connor's van to triumph dashed each conor clan and fleet as dear the normans run through course leave past and i drawn and later time saw deeds as brave and glory guards glenn records graves and if when all a vigil keep the west's asleep the west's sleep alas and well may air and weave that color close [Music] oh [Music] [Music] take me [Music] where one silence [Music] at last to me [Applause] beneath an irish sky [Music] my name is [Music] i saw my people suffering and swore to break their chains i the fly in england prepare to fight or die far away from me [Music] see [Music] take me home to me [Music] beneath an irish sky [Music] of my country [Music] [Applause] [Music] i pray [Music] take me home [Music] [Music] oh [Music] tanks and guns came to take away our sun every man will stand behind the men behind the wire through the little streets of belfast in the dark of early morn british soldiers came lord and wrecking little homes were scorned beatles of the crying children dragon fathers from their beds feeding sons while helpless smugglers twice the blood throw from their heads armored cars and tanks and guns has came to take away our sons everyone will stand behind the man behind the wire not for them a judge or jury nor indeed a crime at hall the means they're guilty so we're guilty one and all around the world the truth will echo cromwell's men are here again england's name again is sullied in the eyes of promised femmes once upon a time there was irish ways and irish laws fooling villages of irish blood waking to the morning waking to the morning then the vikings came around turned us up and turned us down started building boats and towns they tried to change our living tried to change our living crumble and his soldiers came started centuries of shame but they could not make us turn we are a river flowing [Music] again again soldiers came burned our houses stole our grave shot the farmers in their fields working for living working for living [Music] [Applause] the secret of the water sound has kept the spirit the smuggle carries on i wonder will i live so long to see the gates been opened up to a people under freedom our people under freedom [Music] once upon a time there was irish ways and diaries laws villages of irish blood awakened to the martin awakened to the morning oh me name is joe mcdonald from belfast town i can that city i will never see again [Music] far in the town of belfast i spent many heartbeaters i love the town and those many will [Music] foreign [Music] i found myself inside [Music] when i think of all the deeds that you have done [Music] you have plundered many nations to fight up terror to my mind through those many months and terms in the mid stone on the cash [Music] i thought about my land throughout those why my country was divided why i was now in jail in prison without [Music] i am [Music] i shook all freedom's hand right or wrong i tried to free my lungs when i think of all the deeds [Music] [Music] is [Music] and cold october's morning trapped in a lion's i found myself in prison once again i was committed to the hits blocks for 14 years or more on the blanket the conditions they were poor then on earth to be that no one gave [Music] if only people could wondered [Music] [Music] when i think of all the deeds that you have done you are stronger many nations get divided [Music] oh may god shine on your bobby's size for the courage you have shown may your glory on your name be widely known [Music] [Music] [Music] to god my life is not invisible oh but sad and bitter was the year of 1981 when they think that we are lost enough [Music] it was down by the glenn's side i met an old woman a plucking young nettles narcy was coming i listened a while to the song she was humming glorious tis 50 long years since i saw the moon beaming on strong manly forms and on eyes with hope lemon i see them again sure through all my daydreamin glorious [Music] some died by the glenn's side some died with the stranger and wise men have told us their cause was a failure but they stood by old ireland [Music] i passed on my way god be praise that i matter be life long or short i shall never forget her we may have great men but we'll never have better glory oh glorious [Music] [Music] it's a lot of damage to key to you and me where they think we belong hey hide behind steel and bullet blue class machine [Music] in the morning [Music] [Music] vincenti and hundley and pierce and their time they came for belle tummy haze bobby sands and some of his friends in boston chicago saint on san diego [Music] they come in the morning show tears [Music] this cid branchman and farmers and spies do their job just as well and behind the demand to tap phones roll down computers [Music] so come [Music] and sisters on will to fight on they say you can get used to this war that doesn't mean that this war isn't on the fish need to see to survive just like your comrades the issue and the dead squads can only get through to them if mercy can get through to you don't sign for love if they come in the morning [Music] the love and they come in the morning old time to show tears off of beers in the morning no time for goodbye no time to ask why and the sound of the sirens to cry of the morning [Music] morning [Applause] [Music] i i joined the fly in column in 19 and 16. in cork which young [Music] and sentence for [Music] [Music] we went across [Music] [Music] sean hogan and andre [Music] that kept the flag flying high farewell to tipo rari said the galty mountain boys [Laughter] we tracked the dublin mountains we were elbows on the rocks [Music] [Music] will mountains that of time sheltered me the men who fought for their liberty and who died [Music] mountain bike [Music] the bark of a dog breaks the silence like a bitter last hurrah under raven spreads its wings for flight over fields near bella block with a rifle still clasped to his breast but hanging below his head a black august day in the county car michael collins is dead hang out your brightest colors his memory now recall oh each one once apart and no one wants it all working over in london when he joined the irv swore to use most deadly force his native land to free his squad is ready and willing to is a love for his ruthless charm the laughing boy smiles at the castle it's a smile to call his alarm hang out your brightest colors his memory now recall oh which one wants a partner no one wants it all a british intelligence agent is working from a dublin room michael collins adds a name to a list that will take me to the tomb a spy slowly rises from his chair walks across the floor a man with a parabellum is knocking off the door hang out your brightest colors his memory now recall oh each one wants a part of them no one wants it all [Music] rethorn and lantern london who will take the blame the treaty lies before him michael collins odds his name there's a darker time upon the land who will an be hero in an armored car on an irish country road hang out your brightest colors is memory now recall for each one wants a part of him no one wants it all the bark of a dog breaks his silence [Music] nearby the block [Music] a cold may mourn was breaking over dublin's weary town sixteen brave men have fallen to the rifles of the crown because they loved their country and served in night and day but before they faced the rifles this is what the boys did say take away the bloodstained bunnies from all finally [Music] we have held her in her struggle [Music] [Music] with clark and clunky mcmullen potts hungry pierce [Music] and the last of all [Music] from [Music] and [Music] [Music] take away the bloodstained [Music] now [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] in ireland's fight for freedom boys the north has played her part and though her day has not yet come we never yet lost heart we'll keep the fight until the end we know we cannot fail [Applause] [Music] it cannot be denied the jail won't break their spirits down they just as soon have died pouring in those and hates our fearless northern gale and that's another reason why they keep our lives in crumbling jail [Music] did not die in vain he was on the northern why today they keep our lives in crumbling jail so join the fight you volunteers it cannot be denied the jail won't break their spirits down they just as soon have died or england nose and things [Music] [Music] but for his nade of land tom williams died on scaffold high his name shall never fail and there's the reason why today they keep our lives in chrome and jail so join the fight you volunteers it cannot be denied the jail won't break their spirits down they just as soon have died pouring the nose and anger and hates are fearless northern gale and that's another reason why they keep our lives [Music] [Applause] [Music] who fears to speak of 98 who blushes at the name when cowards mark the patriots fate who hangs his hand for shame he's all the name i'll have a slave who slights his country thus but a true man like you man will we drink the memory of the brave the faithful [Music] [Music] but still lives under the fame of those who died all true men like you men remand for them with [Music] some under the shores of distant lands their weary hearts have laid and by the strangers heedless hands their lonely graves were made but though their clay be far away beyond the atlantic fall in true men like you men still at home [Music] they rose in dark and evil days to ride their native land they kindled healed a living glaze that nothing shall withstand alas that might can vanquish right they fell [Music] plenty here today then here's their memory may it be for us a guiding light to cheer our strife on liberty and teach us to unite through good and they'll be iron and still follow sad as there's your fate and true men be you men like those [Music] oh listen to the sign [Music] the struggle for our rights is just beginning so come on and join the fight do far too long we've bent our heads down in submission too long we've let the tyrant off his way the warning goes beware there isn't deep the wrath will sweep and justices away so listen to the sound of march and feed me boys and listen to the cries that render her democracy has hung her head in mourning [Music] her sister's truth and justice both have fled so listen to the sound of march and feed me boys and listen to the cries that remember the struggle for our rights has just begun and come on and join the fight under your shirt come gather round the cause the day is dawning the first being praise of hope you now can see rejoice the long dull night will soon be over we'll burst our chins and stand upright and free so listen to the sound of march and feed me boys and listen to the cries that rend render the struggle for our rights has just begun and come on and join the fight
Channel: Music Of Ireland - Ceol traidisiúnta na hÉireann
Views: 641,007
Rating: 4.7398248 out of 5
Keywords: Music Of Ireland, Irish Rebel, Irish Pub, St Patricks Day, Irish Freedom, Easter Rising, Easter Sunday, 1916, 1916 Easter Rising, Wolfe Tones, Sinn Fein, War Of Independence, Viva La Quinta Brigada
Id: 8az5jXmDFrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 19sec (11719 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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