60 Days In: Flood in the South Annex - Full Episode (S3, E6) | A&E

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(shouting) as well. - [Too Tall] You a hoe [beep] (haunting dubstep music) - It's like high school all over. - Dashaun, I don't believe everything he tells me. I see us having a good talk in the near future about setting that boundary. - I thought I would have trouble sleeping, but I didn't think it would be this extreme. The cell, it's gross. It smells gross. It's [beep] up in there. - Rico, he's my cellmate. I respect the heck out of him. He's like yo, I got your back, you know what I'm saying. Ain't gon' let nothing happen to you in here. - When you meet someone that was in the Marine Corps, you're brothers. He has no problem telling one of these Bloods go [beep] yourself. - [Jessica] Michelle wasn't rowdy like the other inmates. When I knew she was with us. I wrote on a piece of paper, let me know if you can identify with this. (suspenseful electronic music) (upbeat hip hop music) (suspenseful electronic music) I pushed the paper to her, and I said to her, let me know if you can identify with this. - You know, I was like, yep. (laughing) I felt like I had an ally. I felt like we both knew why we were there. We weren't criminals. - We share the same frustrations. The drugs, the people, the corrections officers, (shouting) the living standards, it's horrible. It will turn your strength into like weakness instantly. (suspenseful electronic music) I'm glad I have Michelle to go to because everything is becoming overwhelming. (downtempo dubstep music) - I'm in hell for 24/7. It was just a big culture shock really, just going in here. I don't wanna say I'm scared, but I am like, in defensive mode. - You know who I am? [beep] [beep] - [Calvin] I'm adjusting well, though. I think everybody in the dorm kinda like me, too. - [Officer] Y'all done missed two, Calvin. - Nope. - Inmates here at the Fulton County Jail have access to tablets. Tablets cost them about $20 a month. - They sell tablets. Where you can like make a phone call, listen to music and stuff like that. (suspenseful electronic music) Too Tall approached me. He asked me what I'd want for a phone call. I was just like whatever you can look out for me on. I said, you know if you can give me some noodles, snacks, chips, whatever, it's no big deal. - People don't play games with you. You fall into it. It's going to be a weekly routine. - People be like, well, he's weak, and I'm gonna take his [beep]. - I don't really like letting people use my tablet because I like to talk on the phone to my wife, but, it could be next that they want to mess with. - They smell fear on you. (suspenseful electronic music) (coins ringing) (jingling) - You can't avoid Dashaun, but I'm just getting annoyed. I let this place get to me a lot more than I thought I would. It's been tough. I miss home a lot. - [Automated Operator] You may start the conversation now. (suspenseful electronic music) (laughing) - You know life on the outside doesn't stop because you're inside. You know I ask myself every day, why did I choose to hang out with all of these people when I have the most amazing people at home. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. - [Automated Operator] You have one minute left. (suspenseful electronic music) - My strategy was I just wanted to go in there, get to know everybody as quickly as possible without putting myself out there to make myself vulnerable, and it's been going exactly, better than how I would have planned. They call me White Mike. That's pretty cool. I'm the first one picked on the team. [beep] Some of them guys are ballers. They ball pretty good. They're like, ah, I got White Mike. Dang, all right. [beep] Too Tall is a pod boss in here, so he carries a lot of weight and playing basketball is kind of a ritual for him and his crew, so it's a good way for me to bond even more with these guys and gain their trust. The games are intense. It's street rules. You don't call your own fouls, you just gotta hold your own. (dramatic electronic music) (shouting) My own teammate ended up going up for a rebound, and I was underneath him. He came down with the elbow. I've been hit in the face a whole bunch of times, and I can tell when your skin separates. I could feel that it was open. The blood was pouring down my face. (suspenseful electronic music) - Rico, he definitely like a father. He definitely was teaching me the rules of jail because he said he was in jail 20, 25 years. - Donny is getting too close to Delrico and that concerns me because Delrico can pose a threat to his safety. - You can't have the privacy - It's like the camera catches the whole nine yards, you know what I'm saying, it's crazy. [beep] [beep] (dramatic electronic music) [beep] right here when I'm sleping. (laid back hip hop music) (buzzing) - [Guard] One, two, three! (buzzing) (suspenseful electronic music) - Inmates, come out and put your backs on the wall. Everyone put your backs on the wall. - [Don] We looked at each other and was like yeah, they definitely here watching us. - So we're in our cell during lockdown, and they just took us out, set us out there, and I asked, what was going on, he said jail business. - We have told them they cannot tamper with the security devices. It causes a security breach that we cannot tolerate here. - We're basically inmates, so I can't be like nah, nah, we shouldn't do that. - [Officer] Everybody should be searched coming this way. - [Interviewer] Why are we all in here today? What's going on right now? - They doing a shakedown. They shaking the dorm down. Looking for knives and just stuff we wasn't supposed to have in the dorms. (suspenseful electronic music) - The assumption is when they tamper with the security device, they're disabling the security device and that the missing and dangerous items can be distributed throughout the housing unit. It presents a danger not only to other inmates, but it presents a danger to my staff and especially to the participants in this program. So we have to search each and every cell. - It's the wrong dorm if you're looking for something. I told you ain't nothing in there but a damn toy. (suspenseful electronic music) - Any individual that's caught tampering with a security device is in violation of a jail rule, and they have to pay the consequences. (shouting) [beep] (shouting) (laughing) - I can't even put it into words right now, just craziness. Loud craziness. (shouting) These people are [beep] crazy. - I'm gonna say whatever the [beep] I want today! - [Jessica] I heard what she was going through. They the rowdiest room in the pod. They were up all night, rapping, singing. - Shut the [beep] up, bitch! - [Jessica] We see what it's like on the other side, and it's horrible. - It's hard to sleep anyway because of the schedule. They lock in us at nine. You fall asleep, but you gotta get right back up. Because count is at 11, and then you gotta come downstairs for breakfast at 2:00 a.m., then you gotta get back up at 7 for count. Our sleep schedule was already choppy, and then when we do have time to sleep, we can't because they wanna have club all night. - I'm outta my mind. - I don't know. I'm just confused, stressed. I feel tired. I feel sick. I feel weak. I just want to sleep for two days straight, and honestly, I'll do anything at this point. I'm really mentally crazy right now. (suspenseful electronic music) - [Officer] Tower, 506 open 506. - When I got to my room, my cellmate that I had just met. This is a hard guy. He was like, man, I missed you. I was like wow, this kid, I don't even know you. If I'm getting this kind of respect and love from him, what am I going to get from everybody else? I had probably 10 guys come up to my door. You know everybody was joking about, hey man, look, you know, you got your jail scar. I feel that I've stuck to my original plan, build a relationship, build that level of trust with as many people as possible. Now I can easily find out what goes on in this place. (downtempo dubstep music) (ominous electronic music) - We didn't find any evidence of contraband in the pod, but when we moved the inmates back, we're going to put Delrico on up to two weeks in lockdown for tampering with security devices. - I get back to my cell. My bed's flipped. Rico's bed is flipped. (suspenseful electronic music) We probably shouldn't have done it. You know what I mean. He blocked the cameras. I think that's probably why they took him out of there. After he left, I was mad because he was kind of like a father figure to me. I don't know if I can count on another inmate like I could count on Delrico, man. I knew Rico had my back. (laid back hip hop music) (shouting) - [Officer] Line up for trays, ladies. (suspenseful electronic music) - This past week has been easier because I feel like I can stand up for myself. - We all are Christians, so when you have that faith in God, and you know that everything's working out, you get strength from him. Singing and praising him gives me strength, so that's what we all do. So I think in that moment, Mauri and I bonded. It was like, okay, I get you now. (clapping) - In here, you've got to let people know that it's a respect thing. You respect me, I respect you, and we just keep it moving. (rhythmic stomping and clapping) (rapping and shouting) - I'm just going to keep focus on what I'm in here for because I want to be able to make a difference to somebody. (shouting loudly) (suspenseful electronic music) - Food in here is money. It's commissary, you know what I'm saying. So over something so tiny can really get you hurt. - They create their own little games, a soup for this, or packages of this for that. If you don't pay it, at the end of the day, or month, or week, or whatever that might be, gentlemen, that's your ass. (shouting) - He was begging me to make a trade for food, and I didn't really care because I usually don't eat my sandwiches anyway. So we made the deal. - Food is money. You know what I'm sayin', you gotta charge that [beep] to the game. It's life. (suspenseful electronic music) - My husband was a former inmate. Ruben was incarcerated for almost 11 years. I met him on an inmate pen-pal site, and I get it now. So I need to talk to him at least once a day. - [Automated Operator] Hello, this is a free call from - [Jessica] Jessica. - [Ruben] Hello. - Hello. - [Ruben] Your daughter is in here driving me crazy about a dress. - [Jessica] Okay. - [Carlie] Hi, Momma. - Hi. [Ruben] No Carlie, listen to mama. (Carlie sobbing) - I know that Carlie is in good hands. My mom's there, my sister's there, my husband, but it was depressing me that she was needing me. I feel Ruben at times isn't there for me. And it's frustrating. (suspenseful electronic music) (shouting) (shouting) - I let him use the whole charge. I was a little upset about him being considerate. - [Officer] Tower, open all the doors. Too Tall, I told him, you know, I need my tablet. That's what I use over night. I read my Bible. I write a lot, so yeah, I just need my tablet to survive. (laid back hip hop music) (shouting) - Since I've been in here, the CO side of me just been screaming on the inside. There's like so much wrong that could easily be fixed if somebody was honest and pointed it out. So I decided to start writing what I was seeing You have officers here, I don't know if they're overworked or under-motivated ...that's what you want me to do! Somebody needs to redirect all these officers here. - [Inmate] She's like Cruella de Ville. ♪ Cruella - [Mauri] I know I'm taking a huge risk writing down what I observe. That's why I'm writing in when nobody's awake. - I would not write things down because if my staff come in and search your cell, they don't know anything about you, and they find, whoa, she's just writing down everything we did today, or if another inmate see you, they're gonna equate that with snitching. - [Mauri] I'm making sure to hid it in a good place. (suspenseful electronic music) - I was kinda relieved - Too Tall, he's got this mentality like he's trying to play you, like he's trying to get one over on you. The word in here is finesse. And he definitely, he finesses a lot of people. Again you know, like I said (shouting) - I'm starting to feel my patience slipping. I wasn't going to be tunked out by Daushaun in front of everybody. If I didn't react a certain way, I was setting myself up to look weak in front of the whole pod. - If you don't have a backbone, your [beep] is probably going to be taken from you. It's hell on earth here. (suspenseful electronic music) (dripping) - It was really nasty because I knew it came from a toilet. - Ewww. When I saw people walking through the toilet water, I was like, oh, bacteria is real, e. Coli is real. - We was hitting the buzzer like, yo, it's flooding in here, and they was like okay, we can't help you right now. - They treat us like animals. - The officers have no presence. They don't know what's going on, and if they do know what's going on, they don't care. (suspenseful electronic music) - I'm so angry right now. It was just water everywhere like we were in a sewer. (laid back glitch hop music) (making horn noises) (giggling) - Everybody that is locked up is dealing with a certain amount of stress, so everybody has something that they do, maybe to relieve stress. - People do whatever they can just to pass the time. Some people read. I'm lucky that I read. (shouting) (making trombone noises) - So my cellmate James' thing was to play mock trombone with his lips. (imitating trombone cheerfully) (imitating trombone playing "charge") (laughing) (imitating trombone festively) (laughing) The guard immediately walks up and scoots me and him into the cell. - [Officer] Whenever y'all ready, gentlemen, whenever y'all ready. - I did nothing. To punish somebody that is completely innocent of whatever issue they have, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. (suspenseful electronic music) - The whole thing is just nerve wracking. I'm just ready to go. - The inmates have to clean it up. These officers here don't look like they get their hands dirty at all. (dripping) - Initially I was thinking it came from I-pod, but then a trustee said it came from another pod. There was inmate that stuck a blanket in the toilet and just kept flushing it, flushing it, and flushing it. It smells like sewage. It's disgusting. I'm just right here. (suspenseful electronic music) (laid back hip hop music) - After everybody's in the pod and we're locked in there, somebody else yells something. The second officer says what did you say? I'm like you know that wasn't me. And she just looked at me and walked away, like she wanted it to be me almost. (playing mock trombone cheerfully) Fulton County Jail, 80% African American. With the guard population, more like 98%, so I may be feeling a little bit of racism, which I didn't count on. It's very possible I was targeted because I was white because I'll tell you this, I've seen other guys, gang members, walk right up to the guards and say "f" you right to their face. I've seen them tap their belts where their friggin' tasers are, and not one has been locked down. It's their culture, you know what I'm saying. I feel like I'm just visiting their world. (playing mock trombone mournfully) (giggling) - [beep] happens. Literally (laughs). - This is a raggedy ass, jail, America. Do you see this [beep]? [beep] water. - They keep pushing the water into the drains and putting down blankets. This is sewer water, and then they'll take the blankets and wash them and give them to us to lay on under. Yeah. (laughing) - [Inmate] This [beep] is ridiculous. - [Jessica] The blankets are still on the floor. - That's just soaking until I come back with a mop. - [Inmate] Thank you. - Behind our door is a toilet water blanket. Upstairs is toilet water blankets, and it's okay. (suspenseful electronic music) - These are flip flops. There's no traction here. People were slipping everywhere. That's a major hazard. So we were told hold on to the wall or hold each other. (laughing) How about get another trustee in here to clean this up so that we don't fall or hurt ourselves? How about some bleach on this stuff, so that nothing is airborne. It could potentially be some harm to someone. How about they get the COs to come and help us because they've been nowhere during this whole nightmare. It's like they don't care at all. (suspenseful electronic music) (suspenseful electronic music) It's the living standards, and then the flood. - I believe that Calvin might be in the program. - He was like I'm on a Federal ho, when he said that I was like, I was scared to ask him because I knew if I asked him, and it was wrong, it could be trouble. - [Matt] Even if I knew for sure, I wasn't going to say anything out loud and just silently acknowledge that we're possibly in the same situation. - He didn't say nothing. One guy was like, you better keep your eye open, look out for him because he's crazy. He looked like the Unabomber. - [Inmate] You'll just make yourself an easy target now. - What happen was Too Tall, everybody sits up, everybody's waiting for the situation to explode. (suspenseful electronic music) (inspiring orchestral music)
Channel: A&E
Views: 480,889
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a+e, the first 48, crime, true crime, crime investigation, solving crime, police, detectives, attorneys, police procedure, cold case, first 48, live PD, 60 days in, swat, swat team, narcotics, jail, prison, 60 Days In, AE 60 Days In, Fulton County Jail, vulnerable positions, south annex, cellmates, s3e6, s3e6 60 days in, 60 days in ae full episode, full episode, ae full episodes
Id: SnfIYdRowL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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