6 Years of Nomad Life: Solo Woman's Budget-Friendly Trailer Living

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hi everyone welcome back to my next video today we're meeting a new friend jersey hi hello bob and uh you all have been on the on the road for quite a while now have you yeah almost six years six years is a long time yeah that's good and so how did you get started on traveling on the road my kids grew up and didn't need me anymore that that has a big impact on our lives and so you decided to uh to just hit the road yeah i've always been a camper and we've always just traveled all over the place i left jersey in 99 it's like a gypsy and we've just lived all over the country and now i can do it full-time yeah i i l that's a great thing for me so you have a pretty large family seven kids and 14 grandkids that's pretty large and they're all over the country so i get to see our country yeah and so i've known actually uh quite a few grandparents who uh struggled with leaving family has that been an issue for you oh always it's yeah i miss my family that was my job i was a mother for 44 years now and i miss taking care of people right it's just kind of well i think women in particular but i think yeah like that job is over and like i'm not a mother anymore i'm still mommy but i'm no longer a mother right now yeah i need something to take care of besides my pets right yeah i understand that totally uh but has it so how have you resolved that are you uh how are you what are you doing with the uh that need to be with your kids um i kind of travel around when like friends have needed me i had a friend who had a brainstorm stroke so i went and took care of her i had another friend out in maryland who needed foot surgery so i went and took care of her i went to my sons and helped them with their kids because when the pandemic hit the kids had to be homeschooled so i went and helped them last summer that's when i bought my trailer in august and my son helped me do part of the build and then i was a caregiver when i was staying with my friend in who had the stroke i started working alongside hospice doing end-of-life care oh really that was that was interesting yeah wonderful service so it's needed it's really needed especially the people get to stay home and be with their loved ones right and uh as we the baby boomers age it's going to become a huge field yeah a huge demand uh so so you've been traveling quite a lot seeing your friends yeah and you do that with your family so you stay in touch with your grandkids yep good you're all grown up me one just got his permit the other day make me feel old yes any any great great cancer oh no shh don't talk about that they can but not yet good uh so you were before you bought the trailer were you just in the suv no i left in my f-150 i built the back out and then i traded that in for this which i kicked myself because this is no parent it's a five-speed manual and i had a pop-up which i flipped i flipped a few of them really quickly and then i had a vintage trailer i was up in wyoming as a work camper and then that got some snow damage when i lived up in uray for a little bit we had a really bad winter and i got another pop-up sold that and was able to buy this and i always wanted another cargo i had one before and thought like 20 some years ago i'm like doesn't make great camper yeah i get to build it out the way i want and never had the opportunity so i'm like i'm gonna do it again and so i found this one with a seamless exterior which i really liked that is a really yeah it doesn't look like your typical work camp york trailer right yeah no i'm a big big big fan of cargo trailers i think they're one of the best rigs they're so well made it's it's gonna be trouble for you and this one has like a lifetime warranty on like the floor and stuff and there's a whole list of stuff that they cover so i'm like that was a plus that's really exceptional and i wanted to do it all green but everything with the pandemic was back ordered so i like won everything toxic free but that didn't work out so and that's working out for you the trailer you see i love it i mean i wake up in the morning and i look towards my kitchen think this is plenty of room this is all i need you know i would love to have a normal shower inside but this is it it's me the two dogs and a cat and it's just perfect and it tows great i love it yeah and the hummer is i don't really know anything about hummers is it enough vehicle to tow it yeah i mean she does struggle on the mountains i think everything does yeah trailer and then without you know i had an oil leak and then i have these sensor issues so i think once those get fixed maybe she'll have a little more power right so are you on social media anywhere that people can follow you yeah i'm on facebook um jersey open shaw instagram feed my vegan underscore rver and i do have a a new youtube channel um jersey or nomads okay would it be all right if we took a look around come on let's do that so boy you've it's a beautiful home you've created no thank you bob and that's it it's my home right it's full time for a long time and that's what i wanted that feel of it not being a an rv i wanted it to feel like home right because i'm a mom and i have to have like the stuff they gave me and all their pictures right right and so you and your son did it and my son and i did most of this and then thanksgiving my daughter and i put this window in and it's a little crooked but it works that's all it counts and boy you've got a nice breeze going through here that's really going to keep you comfortable when it's warm yep and so this is your kitchen yep i have a little butane stove i tried to keep things light in here because of the truck that i tow with right so i went to paint instead of propane and i have my berkey which everybody needs a berkey yeah you can get water anywhere and know you're gonna be okay that's right yeah yeah that's a nice uh nice kitchen so this is my dishwashing setup yeah i really enjoy cooking i'm sure i do i love to cook and bake which eventually i'll get when i get a bigger tow vehicle um an rv oven cooktop right so this is your sink this is my sink for now eventually i'm gonna get a bigger one an rv one and sink it into the countertop yeah but that works yeah it does work you know i wash my hands here too yeah very very nice really really nice and these were cheap cabinets home depot you know 50 a piece the bottom ones i got free off of facebook marketplace wow just and people don't realize that they can just go and get home cabinets and drop them in a cargo trailer exactly even the countertops were like twenty dollars for six foot section it's it's doable and you don't have to spend a lot of money to do it right i really like your roofing i went with the tin i used um black paint i wiped it on and then wiped it off and then i waxed it very nice really really it's attractive it's distinctive catches your eye and they'll sew on back as your bed and your couch yep this is where i keep my clothes one of those chest things with yeah storage yeah that's what it is and a little heater that's a little electric heater yeah when i'm you know on shore power i i like this because it doesn't create moisture right i've always used these in my trailers for years right and so you're at your at family and friends quite a bit and you just plug in yeah an extension once in a while you know when i'm on the road i'll go to a campground just to have that yeah you know that home feeling of plugging everything in and get to watch tv and take a hot shower right and you're using your uh jackery for solar yes um i had to when i got this i didn't realize after all the videos i watched that i needed two panels so i only ordered one and it's only 100 watts and so eventually i'll get another panel so because i have to make sure it's charged every day i only really run my fridge on it yeah and the fridge is a pretty good draw yeah when it was cold out though i got four four and a half days out of it but now it's getting hotter right it's it'll shut off about two days right yeah so you got to have that solar coming in yep and this is the 500 the jackery now it's a thousand well that's a thousand yeah it was pretty big yeah that's a big one and you can charge probably two or three panels on that yeah so yeah the more the better when i get a bigger tow vehicle i'm going to get solar on the roof so i have to worry about anything right that's really the way to go and so this is just uh a nice oh this is just a wall a barrier yeah this was a you know a room divider and it came in three sections and i had to use the that one because the little one here fell between the back door and the bed where the cat would go back there on a travel day he knows when i'm packing up and he hides but this hides my my potty and my cat box all right and i hang some clothes here right right so that's how you are uh you're using a bucket then no i have a porta potty porta potty yep and um if i don't use that because if i can't dump and i just use the cat box now i use the bag and put them kitty litter in it right which i mean it's no big deal don't overthink it yeah yeah yeah just don't overthink it yeah and showering how are you showering i have one of those portable ones with the they're 12 volt oh right and yeah a shower tent nope i just have a bucket i squat in or stand up in here and shower or go to truck stops right yes now there's nothing beats the truck stops power lugs is my number one yeah they they're they're huge and clean and clean and they're yeah they are huge and they're not hounding you over time oh my goodness it's an amazing experience i got my first free one when i left lake havasu a couple weeks ago yeah i went to pages just go thank you yeah so yeah and uh you it's so nice in here the paneling moving everything is just really finished looking big comfortable bed yep and the cat's hiding under here yeah yeah there she is let's get in yeah and storage under the bed i'm assuming yeah you really don't have much you are i'm a minimalist everything i own in the world is in here in my truck and most of what's in my truck is a big trunk that has christmas stuff in it oh really i just love christmas i had a christmas tree in here when i was at my son's house this past holiday right but i still feel like i have too much oh yeah but yeah but after six years you've really gotten it down and seven kids and you know this these are all of them right here right right so i don't know where i'm putting the 14 grandkids pictures i have to figure that out start all over that's nice and so are you going to keep doing this uh yeah i don't see myself ever stopping it's there's no reason to i i get that itch to keep moving like i've been here almost three weeks and i just need to go i do want places to see and people to see yes i understand that completely and i've been the best people i've never been out this way to court site in that area and i've met the best people and they'll be lifelong friends absolutely all like-minded like us so predominantly you're uh in the east um well from colorado to jersey down to texas that area with this farm going up to me and that's where i was born and i'd love to go back there and just see the fall colors through new england so i have a couple other girls that have never been there so we're going to caravan this this october oh yeah that'd be great i love new england in the fall yeah so you have an alpa cool fridge yeah i love it except i bought the one that's just the refrigerator or freezer it's not both and i wish now i had got the one that's both okay so tell us again your social media um on facebook it's jersey open shaw and instagram feed my vegan underscore rver and i have a new youtube channel uh jersey and our nomads well jersey thank you so much for sharing your home and your your life with us i really really appreciate it well thank you bob for coming it's uh it's obviously it works for you after six years yeah it does and you know i'm still a work in progress there's still things i you know want to put an awning on and stuff like that right yeah if i could help just one person out there realize that they can do this that's you know it'll work so that's your message yeah basically you can do this you don't have to spend a lot of money just to make it look homey if you don't want to live in your vehicle you want something just a little bit bigger this is it right and you can build it out your own way exactly that's the i think the best part of a cargo trailer yeah just a big empty box that's right make anything you want the home of your dreams that's right very very good you're proud of it too yes right that's the the best part okay well thank you so much jersey i appreciate it thank you bob so folks i know you've got some inspiration out of this if you did like us on youtube subscribe to the channel hit that thumbs up and we'll talk to you later bye now [Music]
Channel: CheapRVliving
Views: 218,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: car, van, RV, Full-time, nomad, camper, camp, boondock, travel, caravan, tiny, house, RTR, Bob Wells, Nomadland, CheapRVLiving, Cheap RV Living, vanlife, van life, how to live in a van, van dwelling, van tour, van conversion, living in a van, camper van, van build, diy van build, sprinter van, van living, #vanlife, van dweller, campervan, vandwelling, diy camper van, RV Life, Living in an RV, Class B, Class C, Truck Living, Living in a car, boondocking, Living in a RV
Id: 0dur52dtAIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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